2,445 research outputs found

    Multi-speckle diffusing wave spectroscopy with a single mode detection scheme

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    We present a detection scheme for diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) based on a two cell geometry that allows efficient ensemble averaging. This is achieved by putting a fast rotating diffuser in the optical path between laser and sample. We show that the recorded (multi-speckle) correlation echoes provide an ensemble averaged signal that does not require additional time averaging. We find the performance of our experimental scheme comparable or even superior to camera based multi-speckle techniques that rely on direct spatial averaging. Furthermore, combined with traditional two-cell DWS, the full intensity autocorrelation function can be measured with a single experimental setup covering more than 10 decades in correlation time.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and molecular hydrogen in oxygen-rich planetary nebulae: the case of NGC6720

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    Evolved stars are primary sources for the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and dust grains. Their circumstellar chemistry is usually designated as either oxygen-rich or carbon-rich, although dual-dust chemistry objects, whose infrared spectra reveal both silicate- and carbon-dust features, are also known. The exact origin and nature of this dual-dust chemistry is not yet understood. Spitzer-IRS mid-infrared spectroscopic imaging of the nearby, oxygen-rich planetary nebula NGC6720 reveals the presence of the 11.3 micron aromatic (PAH) emission band. It is attributed to emission from neutral PAHs, since no band is observed in the 7 to 8 micron range. The spatial distribution of PAHs is found to closely follow that of the warm clumpy molecular hydrogen emission. Emission from both neutral PAHs and warm H2 is likely to arise from photo-dissociation regions associated with dense knots that are located within the main ring. The presence of PAHs together with the previously derived high abundance of free carbon (relative to CO) suggest that the local conditions in an oxygen-rich environment can also become conducive to in-situ formation of large carbonaceous molecules, such as PAHs, via a bottom-up chemical pathway. In this scenario, the same stellar source can enrich the interstellar medium with both oxygen-rich dust and large carbonaceous molecules.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 5 page

    Monitoring spatially heterogeneous dynamics in a drying colloidal thin film

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    We report on a new type of experiment that enables us to monitor spatially and temporally heterogeneous dynamic properties in complex fluids. Our approach is based on the analysis of near-field speckles produced by light diffusely reflected from the superficial volume of a strongly scattering medium. By periodic modulation of an incident speckle beam we obtain pixel-wise ensemble averages of the structure function coefficient, a measure of the dynamic activity. To illustrate the application of our approach we follow the different stages in the drying process of a colloidal thin film. We show that we can access ensemble averaged dynamic properties on length scales as small as ten micrometers over the full field of view.Comment: To appear in Soft Material

    Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulations of Anisotropic Colloids

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    We put forward a simple procedure for extracting dynamical information from Monte Carlo simulations, by appropriate matching of the short-time diffusion tensor with its infinite-dilution limit counterpart, which is supposed to be known. This approach --discarding hydrodynamics interactions-- first allows us to improve the efficiency of previous Dynamic Monte Carlo algorithms for spherical Brownian particles. In a second step, we address the case of anisotropic colloids with orientational degrees of freedom. As an illustration, we present a detailed study of the dynamics of thin platelets, with emphasis on long-time diffusion and orientational correlations.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Aging of rotational diffusion in colloidal gels and glasses

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    We study the rotational diffusion of aging Laponite suspensions for a wide range of concentrations using depolarized dynamic light scattering. The measured orientational correlation functions undergo an ergodic to non-ergodic transition that is characterized by a concentration-dependent ergodicity-breaking time. We find that the relaxation times associated with rotational degree of freedom as a function of waiting time, when scaled with their ergodicity-breaking time, collapse on two distinct master curves. These master curves are similar to those previously found for the translational dynamics; The two different classes of behavior were attributed to colloidal gels and glasses. Therefore, the aging dynamics of rotational degree of freedom provides another signature of the distinct dynamical behavior of colloidal gels and glasses.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Multiangle static and dynamic light scattering in the intermediate scattering angle range

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    We describe a light scattering apparatus based on a novel optical scheme covering the scattering angle range 0.5\dg \le \theta \le 25\dg, an intermediate regime at the frontier between wide angle and small angle setups that is difficult to access by existing instruments. Our apparatus uses standard, readily available optomechanical components. Thanks to the use of a charge-coupled device detector, both static and dynamic light scattering can be performed simultaneously at several scattering angles. We demonstrate the capabilities of our apparatus by measuring the scattering profile of a variety of samples and the Brownian dynamics of a dilute colloidal suspension

    Quantum limited particle sensing in optical tweezers

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    Particle sensing in optical tweezers systems provides information on the position, velocity and force of the specimen particles. The conventional quadrant detection scheme is applied ubiquitously in optical tweezers experiments to quantify these parameters. In this paper we show that quadrant detection is non-optimal for particle sensing in optical tweezers and propose an alternative optimal particle sensing scheme based on spatial homodyne detection. A formalism for particle sensing in terms of transverse spatial modes is developed and numerical simulations of the efficacy of both quadrant and spatial homodyne detection are shown. We demonstrate that an order of magnitude improvement in particle sensing sensitivity can be achieved using spatial homodyne over quadrant detection.Comment: Submitted to Biophys

    Differential Dynamic Microscopy to characterize Brownian motion and bacteria motility

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    We have developed a lab work module where we teach undergraduate students how to quantify the dynamics of a suspension of microscopic particles, measuring and analyzing the motion of those particles at the individual level or as a group. Differential Dynamic Microscopy (DDM) is a relatively recent technique that precisely does that and constitutes an alternative method to more classical techniques such as dynamics light scattering (DLS) or video particle tracking (VPT). DDM consists in imaging a particle dispersion with a standard light microscope and a camera. The image analysis requires the students to code and relies on digital Fourier transform to obtain the intermediate scattering function, an autocorrelation function that characterizes the dynamics of the dispersion. We first illustrate DDM on the textbook case of colloids where we measure the diffusion coefficient. Then we show that DDM is a pertinent tool to characterize biologic systems such as motile bacteria i.e.bacteria that can self propel, where we not only determine the diffusion coefficient but also the velocity and the fraction of motile bacteria. Finally, so that our paper can be used as a tutorial to the DDM technique, we have joined to this article movies of the colloidal and bacterial suspensions and the DDM algorithm in both Matlab and Python to analyze the movies

    Orientational relaxation in a discotic liquid crystal

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    We investigate orientational relaxation of a model discotic liquid crystal, consists of disc-like molecules, by molecular dynamics simulations along two isobars starting from the high temperature isotropic phase. The two isobars have been so chosen that (A) the phase sequence isotropic (I)-nematic (N)-columnar (C) appears upon cooling along one of them and (B) the sequence isotropic (I)-columnar (C) along the other. While the orientational relaxation in the isotropic phase near the I-N phase transition in system (A) shows a power law decay at short to intermediate times, such power law relaxation is not observed in the isotropic phase near the I-C phase boundary in system (B). In order to understand this difference (the existence or the absence of the power law decay), we calculated the the growth of the orientational pair distribution functions (OPDF) near the I-N phase boundary and also near the I-C phase boundary. We find that OPDF shows a marked growth in long range correlation as the I-N phase boundary is approached in the I-N-C system (A), but such a growth is absent in the I-C system, which appears to be consistent with the result that I-N phase transition in the former is weakly first order while the the I-C phase transition in the later is not weak. As the system settles into the nematic phase, the decay of the single-particle second-rank orientational OTCF follows a pattern that is similar to what is observed with calamitic liquid crystals and supercooled molecular liquids.Comment: 16 pages and 4 figure

    Binding branched and linear DNA structures: from isolated clusters to fully bonded gels

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    The proper design of DNA sequences allows for the formation of well defined supramolecular units with controlled interactions via a consecution of self-assembling processes. Here, we benefit from the controlled DNA self-assembly to experimentally realize particles with well defined valence, namely tetravalent nanostars (A) and bivalent chains (B). We specifically focus on the case in which A particles can only bind to B particles, via appropriately designed sticky-end sequences. Hence AA and BB bonds are not allowed. Such a binary mixture system reproduces with DNA-based particles the physics of poly-functional condensation, with an exquisite control over the bonding process, tuned by the ratio, r, between B and A units and by the temperature, T. We report dynamic light scattering experiments in a window of Ts ranging from 10{\deg}C to 55{\deg}C and an interval of r around the percolation transition to quantify the decay of the density correlation for the different cases. At low T, when all possible bonds are formed, the system behaves as a fully bonded network, as a percolating gel and as a cluster fluid depending on the selected r.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure