1,502 research outputs found


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    If scholarship devoted to the influence of emblematics on Cervantes is a relatively new field, the same cannot be said for Shakespeare. The study of the debt owed by Shakespeare to emblem books began in earnest over a century ago with the publication of Henry Green's pioneering Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers: An Exposition of their Similarities of Thought and Expression. Preceded by a View of Emblem-Literature Down to A.D. 1616 (London: Trübner and Co., 1870). One constant in the approach of Shakespeare critics in their handling of possible emblematic influence is to urge caution and prudence when considering emblem literature as a possible source or influence on Shakespeare.Si la investigación dedicada a la influencia de la emblemática en Cervantes es un campo relativamente nuevo, no podemos decir lo mismo en relación a Shakespeare. El estudio de las deudas del dramaturgo con los libros de emblemas se remonta a más o menos un siglo, con la publicación del estudio pionero de Henry Green, Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers: An Exposition of their Similarities of Thought and Expression. Preceded by a View of Emblem-Literature Down to A.D. 1616 (Londres: Trübner and Co., 1870). Una constante del acercamiento de la crítica a este asunto siempre ha sido recomendar la mayor cautela y prudencia en la consideración de la literatura emblemática como fuente o influencia posible sobre los textos de Shakespeare


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    Si la intución de vincular a Shakespeare con el mundo de los emblemas fue rastreada por la crítica anglosajona desde antiguo, dando lugar a estudios extensos y minuciosos, no ha sido así con la obra de Cervantes. De hecho, no podemos hablar en rigor de unos primeros —y aún tímidos— análisis de este enlace hasta principios de los años ochenta del siglo pasado, y habrá que esperar a que acabe prácticamente el siglo para contar con una mínima bibliografía dedicada. Sin duda, la multiplicación de estudios coincide con el nuevo interés que gana en nuestro país la literatura de emblemas a impulsos de la Sociedad Española de Emblemática, de sus congresos y las publicaciones de sus miembros. Pero hay que destacar que, aún así, y hasta hoy, la figura de Cervantes se presenta escurridiza para la consolidación de esta bibliografía

    PIXE x-rays: from Z=4 to Z=92

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    Smart orchard sprayer to adjust pesticide dose to canopy characteristics

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    Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) is one of the most endemic diseases that affect apple production worldwide. An accurate management of Plant Protection Products (PPP) together with the use of the latest technologies is one of the objectives of the EU Horizon 2020 OPTIMA project, as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) system. Optimal dose adjustment of PPP in orchards requires an accurate identification of canopy characteristics and a precise sprayer adjustment to distribute the adequate amount of active ingredient and liquid proportionally to the canopy variations. Furthermore, the possibility to use available tools and knowledge to consider the potential variability inside the parcel will lead into a reduction of the amount of PPP, which is a shared objective with the EU Farm to Fork strategy. Within the OPTIMA project a smart orchard sprayer has been developed. The system incorporates 6 ultrasonic sensors (three per side) for canopy characterization. A dedicated program developed using python allows the system to calculate canopy width and canopy density along the row. This information, together with the georeferenced location of the sprayer and the actual forward speed is used to activate the six-solenoid proportional motor-valves controlling the six different spray sections. Information about working pressure and consequently the nozzle flow rate is recorded every 1 s in order to generate the actual application map. The system is based on the adaptation of the Tree Row Volume (TRV) method established by European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO, 2021) with additional information concerning canopy density. The system is linked with development of EDS (Early Detection System) and DSS (Decision Support System) within the OPTIMA project and the aim at the end of the project will be to link all the three technological developments to achieve a holistic smart sprayer.Postprint (published version

    Smart orchard sprayer to adjust pesticide dose to canopy characteristics

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    Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) is one of the most endemic diseases that affect apple production worldwide. An accurate management of Plant Protection Products (PPP) together with the use of the latest technologies is one of the objectives of the EU Horizon 2020 OPTIMA project, as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) system. Optimal dose adjustment of PPP in orchards requires an accurate identification of canopy characteristics and a precise sprayer adjustment to distribute the adequate amount of active ingredient and liquid proportionally to the canopy variations. Furthermore, the possibility to use available tools and knowledge to consider the potential variability inside the parcel will lead into a reduction of the amount of PPP, which is a shared objective with the EU Farm to Fork strategy. Within the OPTIMA project a smart orchard sprayer has been developed. The system incorporates 6 ultrasonic sensors (three per side) for canopy characterization. A dedicated program developed using python allows the system to calculate canopy width and canopy density along the row. This information, together with the georeferenced location of the sprayer and the actual forward speed is used to activate the six-solenoid proportional motor-valves controlling the six different spray sections. Information about working pressure and consequently the nozzle flow rate is recorded every 1 s in order to generate the actual application map. The system is based on the adaptation of the Tree Row Volume (TRV) method established by European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO, 2021) with additional information concerning canopy density. The system is linked with development of EDS (Early Detection System) and DSS (Decision Support System) within the OPTIMA project and the aim at the end of the project will be to link all the three technological developments to achieve a holistic smart sprayer.PROJECTE HORIZON 2020-OPTIMAPostprint (published version

    Emergence of Zipf's Law in the Evolution of Communication

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    Zipf's law seems to be ubiquitous in human languages and appears to be a universal property of complex communicating systems. Following the early proposal made by Zipf concerning the presence of a tension between the efforts of speaker and hearer in a communication system, we introduce evolution by means of a variational approach to the problem based on Kullback's Minimum Discrimination of Information Principle. Therefore, using a formalism fully embedded in the framework of information theory, we demonstrate that Zipf's law is the only expected outcome of an evolving, communicative system under a rigorous definition of the communicative tension described by Zipf.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The irreducible unitary representations of the extended Poincare group in (1+1) dimensions

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    We prove that the extended Poincare group in (1+1) dimensions is non-nilpotent solvable exponential, and therefore that it belongs to type I. We determine its first and second cohomology groups in order to work out a classification of the two-dimensional relativistic elementary systems. Moreover, all irreducible unitary representations of the extended Poincare group are constructed by the orbit method. The most physically interesting class of irreducible representations corresponds to the anomaly-free relativistic particle in (1+1) dimensions, which cannot be fully quantized. However, we show that the corresponding coadjoint orbit of the extended Poincare group determines a covariant maximal polynomial quantization by unbounded operators, which is enough to ensure that the associated quantum dynamical problem can be consistently solved, thus providing a physical interpretation for this particular class of representations.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex 4, letter paper; Revised version of paper published in J. Math. Phys. 45, 1156 (2004
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