1,518 research outputs found

    A DHCP-based IP address autoconfiguration for MANETs

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are expected to become more and more important in the upcoming years, playing a significant role in 4G networks. In order to enable the deployment of IP services in such networks, IP address autoconfiguration mechanisms are required. Although the ad hoc topic has been a very intense research area, with a plethora of published papers about routing, there is a lack of proposals of address autoconfiguration with enough support from the technical community. This paper presents a mechanism suited for MANETs connected to the Internet, reusing existing and widely deployed address autoconfiguration protocols, such as DHCPv6 and Router Advertisements

    L'OMC i el lliure comerç: una relació difícil?

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    El abuso de posición de dominio en el Derecho comunitario: caso Google

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    El Derecho de la competencia ha tenido una especial preocupación acerca del abuso de posición dominante ya desde los albores de su existencia. Tal importancia temprana queda patente en el caso Standard Oil suscitado en Estados Unidos, aunque no resulta necesario remontarse tantos años para llegar a tal conclusión, constituyendo prueba de ello el reciente caso Google acaecido en el seno de la Unión Europea. El presente trabajo va a tratar de demostrar la complejidad inherente a esta figura anticompetitiva, analizando las herramientas que permiten determinar a las autoridades de competencia de la Unión los casos en que una empresa goza de dominancia en los mercados en los que actúa, así como los diversos métodos o prácticas utilizadas con mayor frecuencia por las empresas para abusar del dominio que ostentan, todo ello a través del análisis de algunos de los casos más importantes acaecidos en torno a esta figura en el territorio de la Unión.Departamento de Derecho Mercantil, Derecho del Trabajo e Internacional PrivadoGrado en Derech

    Proteccionismo y diferenciación de productos

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    This paper tries to measure the costs of a trade war between countries and/or blocks under product differentiation, and compare them with the outcomes when all tradeable products are homogeneous (Krugman, 1991 a). For this, I use a model of monopolistic competition (Krugman, 1980) in which the consumers have a preference for diversity and the economies of scale aren't determining factor. In developing the model, I take three different scenarios into account: decrease in the number of varieties, imposition of tariffs, and both at the same time.Este artículo intenta reflejar los costes de una guerra comercial entre países y/o bloques bajo diferenciación de productos. Una vez obtenidos, se proceden a comparar con los que tendrían lugar en un escenario donde todos los bienes comerciados son homógeneos (Krugman, 1991 a). Para obtener los costes del proteccionismo en un escenario de diferenciación de productos utilizo un modelo de competencia monopolística (Krugman, 1980), donde los consumidores tienen preferencia por la variedad y el aprovechamiento de las economías de escala no es un factor significativo. En el desarrollo del modelo, considero tres escenarios: reducción en el número de variedades importadas, imposición de aranceles y ambas políticas a la vez

    Análisis de la duración de las bajas laborales en España en 2017

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    El presente trabajo busca analizar de una manera detallada y desde diferentes puntos de vista y alternativas, las duraciones de las bajas por accidente de trabajo en España para el año 2017 a partir de la Estadística de Accidentes de Trabajo que elabora el Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. El trabajo se inicia con un análisis descriptivo de aquellos grupos de lesión considerados más importantes. Posteriormente se hace una regresión primero con las variables de un contenido más fisiológico y se añaden en una segunda regresión aquellas con una influencia más accesoria y que están relacionadas con el concepto de “riesgo moral”. De manera complementaria, se cualifica la clasificación inicial incrementando el número de lesiones hasta 629 tipos de lesión para ajustar más la estimación y evaluar como pasan a comportarse las variables. Por último y para una mejor comprensión, se hace un análisis de robustez para de forma más detallada analizar posibles interacciones interesantes, reflejando cambios importantes.Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico e Historia e Instituciones EconómicasGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    IPv6 Network Mobility

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    Network Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting has been used since before the days of the Internet as we know it today. Authentication asks the question, “Who or what are you?” Authorization asks, “What are you allowed to do?” And fi nally, accounting wants to know, “What did you do?” These fundamental security building blocks are being used in expanded ways today. The fi rst part of this two-part series focused on the overall concepts of AAA, the elements involved in AAA communications, and highlevel approaches to achieving specifi c AAA goals. It was published in IPJ Volume 10, No. 1[0]. This second part of the series discusses the protocols involved, specifi c applications of AAA, and considerations for the future of AAA

    Scalable QoS-aware Mobility for Future Mobile Operators

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    Telecom operators and Internet service providers are heading for a new shift in communications paradigms. The forthcoming convergence of cellular and wireless data networks is often manifested in an “all IP approach” in which all communications are based on an end-to-end IP protocol framework. The approach to network design becomes user and service-centered, so that continuous reachability of mobile users and sustained communication capabilities are default requirements for a prospective architecture. In this article, we describe a network architecture which is able to provide seamless communication mobility, triggered either by the user or by the network, across multiple technologies. The architecture allows for media independent handovers and supports optimized mobility and resource management functions. The main focus of the article is on major technical highlights of mobility and quality-of-service (QoS) management subsystems for converged networks.Publicad

    P2P Based Architecture for Global Home Agent Dynamic Discovery in IP Mobility

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    Mobility in packet networks has become a critical issue in the last years. Mobile IP and the Network Mobility Basic Support Protocol are the IETF proposals to provide mobility. However, both of them introduce performance limitations, due to the presence of an entity (Home Agent) in the communication path. Those problems have been tried to be solved in different ways. A family of solutions has been proposed in order to mitigate those problems by allowing mobile devices to use several geographically distributed Home Agents (thus making shorter the communication path). These techniques require a method to discover a close Home Agent, among those geographically distributed, to the mobile device. This paper proposes a peer-topeer based solution, called Peer-to-Peer Home Agent Network, in order to discover a close Home Agent. The proposed solution is simple, fully global, dynamic and it can be developed in IPv4 and IPv6.No publicad

    Securing route optimisation in NEMO

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    Third International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc,and Wireless Networks. 4-6 April 2005. Riva del Garda, Trentino, ItalyThe network mobility (NEMO) basic support protocol enables mobile networks to change their point of attachment to the Internet, while preserving established sessions of the nodes within the mobile network. When only a nonnested mobile network is considered, the so-called triangle routing is the main problem that should be faced. In mobile IPv6, the route optimisation mechanism solves this problem, and the return routability mechanism aims to limit the security concerns originated because of the route optimisation. Nowadays return routability is considered a weak solution (i.e., based on strong assumptions). In this article we explore different approaches to route optimisation in NEMO and we devise how to adapt some of the terminal mobility solutions to a NEMO environment, where, as we propose, a delegation of signalling rights from the mobile network node to the mobile router is necessary.Publicad