1,346 research outputs found

    Softened Variable Angle Truss Model (RA-STM): Model Description and Refinement/Optimization Proposals

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    This article presents a recent softened truss model with variable angle, namely the refined RA-STM (Rotating-Angle Softened Truss Model), to model the behaviour of structural concrete plates under pure shear.  The equations of the model, as well as the solution procedure, are summarized. Some predictions from the RA-STM are also presented, discussed and compared with experimental results available in the literature. It is shown that the refined RA-STM still needs to be refined. In addition, the need to generalize the RA-STM for more general loading cases is also discussed as well as the need to optimize the solution procedure in order to facilitate its computational implementation


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    Preface Comprehension of the health-disease relationship and its consequences require that health professionals should continuously update their knowledge. Incorporation of procedures involving technologies in healthcare is highly desirable to increase scientific evidence about the effectiveness and practice of therapeutics. The use of these technologies should also be related to health promotion and quality of life improvement. Exchanging and sharing of scientific information to facilitate critical evaluation of techniques used clinically is essential. Some interventions available in healthcare are often not widely used. Although the Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM) practices are known to be ancient, some of them had only recently increased their acceptability as clinical procedures in many countries from the publication of the “Strategic Plan for Traditional Medicine 2002-2005” (published by the World Health Organization in 2002). Several interventions of the TCM are included among the Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines (TCAM). A shared point of the TCAM is the emphasis on friendly conduct in the development of the therapeutic relationship, and the integration of human beings with their environment and society. Following this concept, it is possible to suggest that the use of oscillating/vibratory platform that produces mechanical vibration, and can generate whole body vibration exercise (WBVE), as an additional complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). WBVE would be an alternative remedy to improve clinical and functional aspects, and to enhance physical capability. However, it is still timidly used by some health professionals. It is necessary to take caution in the exposition of a person, healthy or not, trained or not, to WBVE. Well-defined criteria must be followed, guided by prescription of insurance parameters in order to result in desirable physiological/clinical effects. Biomechanical parameters of the mechanical vibration must be considered, such as (i) frequency, (ii) peak-to-peak displacement, (iii) exposure time, (iv) rest time, and (v) position of the individual on the base of the platform must be well established. The holistic view of the processes involved in health-disease relationship, health promotion and quality of life improvement, are closely related. This raises guided approaches in TCAM and WBVE applied in various special populations seeking health promotion and improvement of physical fitness. Putting together all these considerations, “The First International Congress on Mechanical Vibrations and on Integrative and Complementary Practices”, held in 2016, at Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was an opportunity to meet the professionals who work with the implementation of these TCAM interventions, and with the investigations on these techniques. Considering all challenges associated with the organization of an International Congress, we decided to organize an international forum for debate about the proposed theme, and to publish the findings of the Congress in a special issue of the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines. This process will, hopefully, encourage further research, basic and applied, in the area, and thus enhance the scientific evidence, and the dissemination of knowledge about the benefits, and the care necessary for proper and safer use of TCAM. Mario Bernardo-Filho, PhD Guest Editor

    Benefits of Whole-Body Vibration with an Oscillating Platform for People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review

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    The objective of this work was to investigate the effects of whole-body vibration on people with multiple sclerosis (MS). PubMed, CINAHL and Scopus databases were systematically searched for studies on the use of whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise in people with MS. These searches were supplemented with material identified in the references and in the authors' personal files. A qualitative analysis was performed to summarize the findings. Five studies with a total of seventy-one subjects were identified. All of these studies had small numbers of subjects (3–25), and two of the studies had no control groups. Some investigations have shown significant improvements of the muscle strength, of the functional mobility, and of the timed get up and go test in patients with MS. The number of publications found in the databanks searched is small, and in general, they have limitations in the design of protocols with a weakness to the interpretation of the findings. However, the analysis of the findings in these studies permits to conclude that some papers indicate that WBV exercises could benefit patients with MS. In addition, we suggest further larger scale investigations with controlled parameters and well-designed protocols into the effects of WBV exercises in people with MS

    A eficiência dos depósitos compulsórios como instrumento de política monetária: análise para o caso brasileiro após o ano 2000.

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.Os instrumentos de política monetária são as ferramentas de operacionalização que conseguem afetar a base monetária. Os métodos clássicos utilizados pelos bancos centrais para este fim são: operações de mercado aberto, operações de redesconto e depósitos compulsórios. O presente trabalho buscou estudar um desses instrumentos, os depósitos compulsórios, pouco abordado no campo da política monetária, para checar sua eficiência como instrumentos de política monetária. A propagação da política monetária se dá, ao utilizar os instrumentos à disposição, através dos canais de transmissão. São eles: taxa de juros; taxa de câmbio; preço dos ativos; expectativas; e crédito. Este estudo foi realizado através de uma análise de regressão linear, que teve seu emprego para obter os resultados que corresponderam a uma baixa eficiência dos recolhimentos compulsórios, em relação aos seus custos e sua operacionalidade, na atuação como instrumento de política monetária por meio do canal de transmissão do crédito. Esta evidência empírica pode clarificar os desafios enfrentados pelo Banco Central do Brasil em alcançar os objetivos da política monetária de forma eficiente, sem acometer em demasia a atividade econômica do país

    Whole-Body Vibration Exercise as an Intervention to Improve Musculoskeletal Performance

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    The exposure of individuals to mechanical vibrations produced in vibrating platform can generate whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise. This modality of exercise represents a less tiring alternative to sport, which could benefit mechanical human behavior and prevent sports injuries and musculoskeletal disorders. The specificity of the human body, articulated and connected segments, requires to take into account the biomechanical parameters in protocols involving WBV exercise. Moreover, work time, rest time between the bouts in each session number of sessions, extension of the intervention, and week periodicity must be also well established. Responses to WBV exercise are observed at musculoskeletal, neurological, endocrinological and vascular levels. With respect to the musculoskeletal level, it is verified increase of muscle strength, endurance and power, improvement of the balance, increase of bone mineral density and the decrease of risk of falls. There are several tools to evaluate the responses of the body to WBV exercise. The aim of this chapter is to highlight the relevance of the WBV exercise as an intervention of the physical therapy for the better human optimization

    Anticipating New Treatments for Cystic Fibrosis: A Global Survey of Researchers

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    Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening disease that affects at least 100,000 people worldwide. It is caused by a defect in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene and presently, 360 CFTR-causing mutations have been identified. Since the discovery of the CFTR gene, the expectation of developing treatments that can substantially increase the quality of life or even cure cystic fibrosis patients is growing. Yet, it is still uncertain today which developing treatments will be successful against cystic fibrosis. This study addresses this gap by assessing the opinions of over 524 cystic fibrosis researchers who participated in a global web-based survey. For most respondents, CFTR modulator therapies are the most likely to succeed in treating cystic fibrosis in the next 15 years, especially through the use of CFTR modulator combinations. Most respondents also believe that fixing or replacing the CFTR gene will lead to a cure for cystic fibrosis within 15 years, with CRISPR-Cas9 being the most likely genetic tool for this purpose