1,423 research outputs found

    Extra??o de dados e monitoramento de eventos na rede Intra-Chip Brnoc

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    With the continuous increase in transistor density in integrated circuits, circuits with greater complexity become possible, such as System on Chip (SoC). multiple microprocessors, on-chip systems with multiple processors arise Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC). In MPSoCs, buses become a limitation, which brings us Networkon Chip intra-chip networks (NoC). The Broadcast Network on Chip (BrNoC) (WACHTER et al., 2017) is a NoC network that, being a recent one, does not yet have a specially developed debugging tool. In this work, the objective was to implement a graphical interface for monitoring events in simulations of the BrNoC network, in order to contribute to the study of intra-chip networks with Broadcast support. Among the activities carried out in the development of the work are: the instrumentation of the code in the Hardware description layer with mechanisms for extracting data and capturing events; the definition of a communication standard between the tool layers; and the availability of a graphical interface for analyzing the information collected. As a result of the proposed implementation, it can be observed that, despite its simplicity, it ends up being robust, as it does not ignore any signal and operates, regardless of the state of the router?s state machines, collecting the signals that have changed values, thus allowing , monitor the entire state of the networkanditsrouters. Regardingsimulationperformance,itisobservedthatthereisanaverage increase in simulation time between 22.6% and 34.1%.Com o aumento cont?nuo da densidade de transistores nos circuitos integrados, circuitos com maiorcomplexidadesetornamposs?veis,taiscomoosSystemonChip(SistemaemChip)(SoC). Com o crescimento da exig?ncia por dispositivos mais complexos e o avan?o da fabrica??o de chips com m?ltiplos microprocessadores, surgem os sistemas em chip com m?ltiplos proces- sadores Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (Sistema Multiprocessado em Chip) (MPSoC). Nos MPSoCs, os barramentos se tornam uma limita??o, o que nos tr?s as redes intra-chip Network on Chip (Rede Intra-chip) (NoC). A Broadcast Network on Chip (Rede de Broadcast Intra-chip) (BrNoC) (WACHTER et al., 2017) ? uma rede NoC que, por ser um recente, ainda n?o conta com uma ferramenta de depura??o especialmente desenvolvida. Neste trabalho o objetivo foi a implementa??o de uma interface gr?fica para o acompanhamento de eventos em simula??es da rede BrNoC a fim de contribuir para o estudo de redes intra-chip com suporte a broadcast. Entre as atividades realizadas no desenvolvimento do trabalho est?o: a instrumentaliza??o do c?digo na camada de descri??o Hardware com mecanismos de extra??o dos dados e de captura deeventos; adefini??o deumpadr?odecomunica??o entreascamadasdaferramenta; ea dispo- nibilidadedeumainterfacegr?ficaparaan?lisesdasinforma??escoletadas. Comoresultadosda implementa??oproposta,pode-seobservarque,apesardasimplicidade,elaacabasendorobusta, por n?o ignorar nenhum sinal e operar, independentemente, do estado das m?quinas de estado do roteador, coletando os sinais que tiverem valores alterados, permitindo assim, acompanhar todo o estado da rede e seus roteadores. Em rela??o ao desempenho da simula??o, observa-se que houve um aumento m?dio no tempo de simula??o entre 22.6% e 34.1%

    Plataforma online de consulta de aditivos alimentares

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    Desde sempre que o ser humano procurou formas de melhorar a producão e o tratamento dos alimentos que consome. A utilização de aditivos alimentares e uma forma de tornar mais e cientes estes processos, mas também de fornecer aos produtos características que os tornem mais apetecíveis para os consumidores. Não obstante, existe uma desinformação generalizada que leva a controvérsias relacionadas com a segurança dos aditivos artificiais para a saúde humana. E importante o desenvolvimento de soluções que permitam educar a população sobre a adição destas substâncias aos produtos alimentares e consciencializar para os potenciais riscos associados. Têm existido esforços neste sentido, com a construção de várias plataformas que agregam a informação mais relevante. Contudo, nenhuma delas se revela completa o suficiente e suportada por fontes fidedignas. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de uma solução que incorpore a informação que consta na legislação europeia e ofereça alternativas naturais aos aditivos sintéticos. O trabalho foi realizado ao abrigo do projeto DeCodE e decorreu em colaboração com o Centro de Investigação de Montanha, pelo que a maioria dos requisitos já se encontravam definidos à partida. Com isto em mente, adotou-se uma arquitetura orientada a serviçoos, seguindo o modelo cliente-servidor. Da implementação do sistema resultou uma base de dados com informação normalizada e um servidor que disponibiliza uma API RESTful, assim como uma aplicação web moderna e ferramentas de data scraping.Humans have always been looking for ways to improve the production and treatment of the food they eat. The use of food additives is a way to make these processes more e cient, but also to provide products with features that make them more attractive to consumers. Nevertheless, there is a generalized misinformation that leads to controversies regarding the safety of arti cial additives for human health. It is important to develop solutions to educate the population about the substances added to food and to raise awareness of the potential associated risks. E orts have been made in this regard, with several platforms that aggregate the most relevant information about food additives. However, none of them is complete enough and supported by reliable sources. The goal of this work was to develop a solution that incorporates the information contained in European legislation and o ers natural alternatives to synthetic additives. The work was done under the scope of the DeCodE project and was carried out in collaboration with the Mountain Research Center (CIMO), so most of the requirements were already de ned at the outset. With this in mind, a service-oriented architecture was adopted, following the client-server model. The implementation of the system resulted in a database with standardized information and a server that provides a RESTful API, as well as a modern web application and data scraping tools.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) e ao FEDER no âmbito do programa PT2020 pelo apoio financeiro ao CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2019). Este trabalho foi financiado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do Programa Operacional Regional Norte 2020, no âmbito do Projeto NORTE- 01-0145-FEDER-023289 (DeCodE) e projeto Mobilizador Norte-01-0247- FEDER-024479: ValorNatural

    Septoplasty with or without postoperative nasal packing? Prospective study

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    AbstractAnterior nasal packing is carried out in a number of nasal surgeries, especially in septoplasty. However, it is not an innocuous procedure and for this its benefit has been challenged.ObjectiveTo assess the need for anterior nasal packing and the quality of life of patients submitted to septoplasty.MethodPatients submitted to septoplasty with or without inferior turbinoplasty were randomized to receive or not anterior nasal packing postoperatively. We recorded and compared postoperative data (pain and bleeding). Quality of life was assessed before and after surgery. This is a randomized prospective study.ResultsWe had 73 patients (37 packed and 36 who did not receive a nasal packing) with a minimum follow-up of 3 months. Patients with nasal packing complained more of nasal pain and headache in the immediate postoperative period. Of these patients, 75.7% reported moderate/intense pain upon nasal packing removal. Bleeding was more frequent in those patients who did not receive a nasal packing, and only 1 patient required packing. All the patients enjoyed an improvement in quality of life.ConclusionSeptoplasty improves the quality of life of patients with septal deviation and nasal obstruction. Routine use of anterior nasal packing should be challenged for not presenting proven benefit

    Age and petrography and geochemistry features of subvolcanic outcrops from Cerro León Formation, east of the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz

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    Se presentan nuevos afloramientos de cuerpos subvolcánicos correlacionables con la Formación Cerro León en el sector oriental del Macizo del Deseado. Esta unidad aflora en dos sectores, en el bajo Leonardo y en el afloramiento Bahía Laura del Complejo Río Deseado. El primer sector presenta trece diques y un filón capa intruyendo a las sedimentitas pérmicas de la Formación La Golondrina y el segundo sector comprende tres diques que intruyen a rocas del basamento. Se trata de rocas de color gris a negro, frecuentemente alteradas, con textura microgranuda a porfírica, con fenocristales de plagioclasa, diópsido (En42 Fs11 Wo47) y en menor medida de hornblendas ricas en Mg (magnesio hastingsita), en una matriz holocristalina de textura intergranular. Son rocas subalcalinas de composiciones basalto-andesita y con afinidades calcoalcalinas. La edad Ar/Ar obtenida en una de estas muestras (180,1±1,5 Ma) representa la primer determinación realizada en esta unidad y es coherente con las relaciones estratigráficas observadas para esta formación. La comparación con rocas ígneas jurásicas de la provincia geológica Macizo del Deseado, favorece la vinculación temporal y genética con el evento volcánico-piroclástico del Jurásico medio a superior (Formación Bajo Pobre y Grupo Bahía Laura). Sin embargo, la diferencia en las edades Ar/Ar, sugieren una interrupción entre el evento subvolcánico (180 Ma) y el volcanismo Jurásico medio a superior (177 a 150 Ma). Se considera, preliminarmente, que los cuerpos subvolcánicos de la Formación Cerro León representarían las primeras evidencias magmáticas del rift jurásico en el Macizo del Deseado.New subvolcanic outcrops, correlated with the Cerro León Formation and located in the eastern Deseado Massif, are presented. This unit outcrops in two sectors, the Leonardo depression and the Bahía Laura outcrop of the Río Deseado Complex. In the first sector there are thirteen dikes and a sill intruding permian sedimentary rocks of the La Golondrina Formation and in the second sector, there are three dikes intruding the basement rocks. They are gray to black rocks, frequently altered, with microgranular to porphiritic texture, with plagioclase, diopside (En42 Fs11 Wo47) and Mg-rich hornblende (magnesio hastingsite) phenocrystals in a holocrystaline matrix with intergranular texture. They are subalkalic rocks, basalt-andesite in composition and with calc-alkaline affinities. The Ar/Ar age obtained from one of these rocks (180.1±1.5 Ma) represents the first determination on this unit and is coherent with the stratigraphic relationships observed in this formation. Comparison with jurassic igneous rocks from the Deseado Massif geological province, favor the temporal and genetic relationship with the middle to upper volcanic-pyroclastic event (Bajo Pobre Formation and Bahía Laura Group). Nevertheless, differences in Ar/Ar ages, suggest a gap between subvolcanic event (180 Ma) and the middle to upper Jurassic volcanism (177 a 150 Ma). It is proposed, preliminarily, that subvolcanic bodies from Cerro León Formation represent the first magmatic evidences of the Jurassic rift in the Deseado Massif.Fil: Guido, Diego Martin. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Recursos Minerales. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Recursos Minerales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Escayola, Monica Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: de Barrio, Raul Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Recursos Minerales. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Recursos Minerales; ArgentinaFil: Schalamuk, Bernardo Isidoro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Recursos Minerales. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Recursos Minerales; ArgentinaFil: Takashi Onoe, Artur. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Kaolin foliar application has a stimulatory effect on phenylpropanoid and flavonoid pathways in grape berries

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    The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpls.2016. 01150Drought, elevated air temperature, and high evaporative demand are increasingly frequent during summer in grape growing areas like the Mediterranean basin, limiting grapevine productivity and berry quality. The foliar exogenous application of kaolin, a radiation-reflecting inert mineral, has proven effective in mitigating the negative impacts of these abiotic stresses in grapevine and other fruit crops, however, little is known about its influence on the composition of the grape berry and on key molecular mechanisms and metabolic pathways notably important for grape berry quality parameters. Here, we performed a thorough molecular and biochemical analysis to assess how foliar application of kaolin influences major secondary metabolism pathways associated with berry quality-traits, leading to biosynthesis of phenolics and anthocyanins, with a focus on the phenylpropanoid, flavonoid (both flavonol- and anthocyanin-biosynthetic) and stilbenoid pathways. In grape berries from different ripening stages, targeted transcriptional analysis by qPCR revealed that several genes involved in these pathways—VvPAL1, VvC4H1, VvSTSs, VvCHS1, VvFLS1, VvDFR, and VvUFGT—were more expressed in response to the foliar kaolin treatment, particularly in the latter maturation phases. In agreement, enzymatic activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), flavonol synthase (FLS), and UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT) were about two-fold higher in mature or fully mature berries from kaolin-treated plants, suggesting regulation also at a transcriptional level. The expression of the glutathione S-transferase VvGST4, and of the tonoplast anthocyanin transporters VvMATE1 and VvABCC1 were also all significantly increased at véraison and in mature berries, thus, when anthocyanins start to accumulate in the vacuole, in agreement with previously observed higher total concentrations of phenolics and anthocyanins in berries from kaolin-treated plaThe work was supported by European Union Funds (FEDER/COMPETE-Operational Competitiveness Programme —INNOVINE—ref. 311775, Enoexcel—Norte—07-0124FEDER-000032 and INTERACT - NORTE-01-0145-FEDER000017 - Linha VitalityWine - ON 0013), and by Portuguese national funds (FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) under the project FCOMP-01-0124FEDER-022692. AC was supported by Enoexcel—Norte— 07-0124-FEDER-000032 and INTERACT - NORTE-010145-FEDER-000017.This work also benefited from the networking activities within the European funded COST ACTION FA1106 “QualityFruit.”info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physical activity after cardiac rehabilitation: Explicit and implicit attitudinal components and ambivalence

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    Objective: Physical activity is crucial in the treatment of cardiac disease. In addition to sociocognitive theories of behavior change, attitudinal ambivalence and nonconscious factors have also been demonstrated to predict physical activity. We propose an extension to the theory of planned behavior with a dual-systems approach including explicit and implicit attitudes, and different types of attitudinal ambivalence as moderators to predict the physical activity of patients after discharge from inpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Method: The sample comprised N = 111 cardiac patients who provided daily diary reports of intention, cognitive, affective, and implicit attitudes for 21 days after discharge (86% male, Mage = 62, SDage = 11, n = 2,017 days). Daily moderate–to-vigorous (MVPA) and light (LPA) physical activity were measured using accelerometers. Five types of ambivalence were calculated. Analyses included Bayesian multilevel modeling. Results: Patients with more positive affective attitudes and more positive implicit attitudes had a higher intention. Higher ambivalence weakened the affective attitudes-intention relationship. On days with more positive implicit attitudes than usual, intention was lower, but only when ambivalence was low. Patients with higher ambivalence engaged in less MVPA. On days with extremely low ambivalence, implicit attitudes were negatively associated with tomorrow’s MVPA. Patients with more positive affective attitudes engaged in more LPA, but only when their ambivalence was very low. On days with higher ambivalence than usual, the next day’s LPA was shorter. However, another type of ambivalence showed the opposite effect. Conclusions: The results emphasize the importance of affective and implicit attitudes and ambivalence for the physical activity of cardiac patients

    The role of daily adjustment disorder, depression and anxiety symptoms for the physical activity of cardiac patients

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    Abstract Background Physical activity (PA) is crucial in the treatment of cardiac disease. There is a high prevalence of stress-response and affective disorders among cardiac patients, which might be negatively associated with their PA. This study aimed at investigating daily differential associations of International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11 adjustment disorder, depression and anxiety symptoms with PA and sedentary behaviour (SB) during and right after inpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Methods The sample included N = 129 inpatients in cardiac rehabilitation, Mage = 62.2, s.d.age = 11.3, 84.5% male, n = 2845 days. Adjustment disorder, depression and anxiety symptoms were measured daily during the last 7 days of rehabilitation and for 3 weeks after discharge. Moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), light PA (LPA) and SB were measured with an accelerometer. Bayesian lagged multilevel regressions including all three symptoms to obtain their unique effects were conducted. Results On days with higher adjustment disorder symptoms than usual, patients engaged in less MVPA, and more SB. Patients with overall higher depression symptoms engaged in less MVPA, less LPA and more SB. On days with higher depression symptoms than usual, there was less MVPA and LPA, and more SB. Patients with higher anxiety symptoms engaged in more LPA and less SB. Conclusions Results highlight the necessity to screen for and treat adjustment disorder and depression symptoms during cardiac rehabilitation

    The role of daily adjustment disorder, depression and anxiety symptoms for the physical activity of cardiac patients

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    Background Physical activity (PA) is crucial in the treatment of cardiac disease. There is a high prevalence of stress-response and affective disorders among cardiac patients, which might be negatively associated with their PA. This study aimed at investigating daily differential associations of International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11 adjustment disorder, depression and anxiety symptoms with PA and sedentary behaviour (SB) during and right after inpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Methods The sample included N = 129 inpatients in cardiac rehabilitation, Mage_{age} = 62.2, s.d.age_{age} = 11.3, 84.5% male, n = 2845 days. Adjustment disorder, depression and anxiety symptoms were measured daily during the last 7 days of rehabilitation and for 3 weeks after discharge. Moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), light PA (LPA) and SB were measured with an accelerometer. Bayesian lagged multilevel regressions including all three symptoms to obtain their unique effects were conducted. Results On days with higher adjustment disorder symptoms than usual, patients engaged in less MVPA, and more SB. Patients with overall higher depression symptoms engaged in less MVPA, less LPA and more SB. On days with higher depression symptoms than usual, there was less MVPA and LPA, and more SB. Patients with higher anxiety symptoms engaged in more LPA and less SB. Conclusions Results highlight the necessity to screen for and treat adjustment disorder and depression symptoms during cardiac rehabilitation

    Validação de checklist para utilização em cirurgia cardíaca segura

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    Objetivo: Construir e validar um instrumento no formato checklist para utilização em cirurgia cardíaca segura.Método: Pesquisa metodológica realizada nas seguintes etapas: revisão da literatura; construção dos itens e validação de conteúdo por especialistas em duas etapas, a nível regional com 9 e nacional com 14 juízes. Para análise dos dados, aplicou-se a taxa de concordância por item construído.Resultados: A construção da versão 1 resultou em 49 itens, a versão 2 apresentou 46 itens, e a versão final 41 itens distribuídos em Sign in (1 a 27), Time out (28 a 32) e Sign out (33 a 41). Na versão final, todos os itens foram validados com concordância superior a 80%.Conclusão: O checklist foi construído e validado quanto ao conteúdo, composto por 41 itens,e poderá ser utilizado na área de cirurgia cardíaca para a implementação de assistência segura aos pacientes submetidos a esses procedimentos. Palavras-chave: Lista de checagem. Cirurgia torácica. Procedimentos cirúrgicos cardíacos. Segurança do paciente. Doenças cardiovasculares