525 research outputs found

    Eye gaze correlates of motor impairment in VR observation of motor actions

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    Introduction: This article is part of the Focus Theme of Methods of Information in Medicine on “Methodologies, Models and A lgorithms for Patients Rehabilitation”. Objective: Identify eye gaze correlates of motor impairment in a virtual reality motor observation task in a study with healthy participants and stroke patients. Methods: Participants consisted of a group of healthy subjects (N = 20) and a group of stroke survivors (N = 10). Both groups were required to observe a simple reach-and-grab and place-and-release task in a virtual environment. Additionally, healthy subjects were required to observe the task in a normal condition and a constrained movement condition. Eye movements were recorded during the observation task for later analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    GABA deficiency in NF1: a multimodal [11C]-Flumazenil and spectroscopy study

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    Objective: To provide a comprehensive investigation of the GABA system in patients with Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) that allows understanding the nature of the GABA imbalance in humans at pre- and post-synaptic levels. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we employed multimodal imaging and spectroscopy measures to investigate GABAA receptor binding, using [11C]- Flumazenil positron emission tomography (PET), and GABA concentration, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). 14 adult patients with NF1 and 13 matched controls were included in the study. MRS was performed in the occipital cortex and in a frontal region centered in the functionally localized frontal-eye fields. PET and MRS acquisitions were performed in the same day. Results: Patients with NF1 have reduced concentration of GABA+ in the occipital cortex (P = 0.004) and frontal-eye fields (P = 0.026). PET results showed decreased binding of GABAA receptors in patients in the parietooccipital cortex, midbrain and thalamus, which are not explained by decreased grey matter levels. Conclusions: Abnormalities in the GABA system in NF1 involve both GABA concentration and GABAA receptor density suggestive of neurodevelopmental synaptopathy with both pre- and post-synaptic involvement

    A análise de sensibilidade do Twitter numa instituição de ensino superior utilizando Power BI

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    Twitter, as a social network, acquires special importance in academic institutions, for example in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). This tool allows institutions to not only publicize their work and get feedback from the community about it, but also to keep in touch with their aluminum network and foster conversations between the academic community. In this work, a dashboard was created with the last 39 Tweets, related to this HEI, using the Power BI data visualization tool. From this analysis, we can assess users do not use Twitter do to debate ideas and collaborate, instead this platform is used mainly for topics related to academic leisure activities. This dashboard allows us to understand what is being said about this HEI on Twitter and how to improve the use of this communication platform.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The use and exploitation of data warehouses in decision making in e-commerces

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    Num mercado extremamente competitivo, onde diariamente são geradas quantidade enormes de informações sobre perfis de utilizadores e de consumo, a gestão desses dados permite que as empresas encontrem formas de melhorar a sua atratividade e diferenciação, sendo capazes de criar ofertas orientadas para as necessidades de consumo específicas. Os Data Warehouses armazenam e organizam essas informações e são os ambientes chave para que as empresas façam a gestão de todas informações valiosas de mercado. Esse artigo contextualiza a ciência de Business Inteligence e de Data Warehouse para verificar seu impacto e aplicação em e-commerce. Através deste estudo percebeu-se que a correta gestão de data warehouse permite o melhor usufruto dos dados gerados pelo comportamento de compra e perfis de utilizadores para entregar experiências mais ricas e direcionadas para necessidades específicas. Contudo, há o desafio de encontrar cada vez mais formas diferenciadas de usar essas informações para que as empresas se possam destacar no mercado.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extração de informação de ficheiros de log Utilizando programação Python e a ferramenta Tableau

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    Application servers generate daily log files with a significant part of their activity. This information is recorded sequentially over time but mixes various types of information. The absence of a standard for formatting the data record and the respective volume, make it difficult to extract the corresponding information. The lack of work, specifically in the treatment of SOA server log files, did not allow the comparisson with pre-existing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) or a set of best practices that could be followed. This work results in a description of the process that can serve as a guide for: definition of a logging structure; construction of a data extraction process; definition of a data structure to support the extracted information; definition of control metrics; definition of analysis and control processes for the extracted data.. Given the size of the files and the diversity of types of information that existed, it was necessary to use Python programming for data extraction and pre-treatment, Excel for data pre-treatment, Tableau for statistical treatment and presentation of results.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Key performance indicators in marketing

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    Atualmente, o volume de dados que as empresas produzem e têm acesso tem vindo a aumentar exponencialmente. Definir objetivos e utilizar KPIs são fundamentais para perceber quão próximas as empresas estão de atingir os seus objetivos. Na área de Marketing existem reduzidas propostas de KPIs para a avaliação de desempenho, dificultando a gestão de um departamento de Marketing. Consequentemente, é importante mostrar a importância da utilização de KPIs nesta área e propor KPIs que possam ser suficientemente genéricos. Assim, são objetivos deste artigo mostrar a necessidade do uso de KPIs em Marketing e propor e avaliar KPIs. Este trabalho pretende assim contribuir para a evolução deste tópico, ajudando a preencher uma lacuna que tem existido neste domínio.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between (social) IoT & Big Data

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    Os dispositivos Internet of Things (IoT) são primordialmente utilizados para conectar objetos físicos, enquanto as tecnologias sociais são responsáveis pela colaboração e interação social. A importância da Big Data não reside apenas na quantidade de dados que se possui, mas sim do que podemos fazer com eles. A criação do conceito de IoT permite estender a conectividade dos aparelhos digitais aos aparelhos físicos, que não estão ligados à Internet, e que usamos diariamente. Apesar da proximidade que estas duas áreas possuem, existem também características que as separam. Os objetivos do presente artigo concentram-se em apresentar Big Data e IoT, centrando depois atenções numa mais recente variação da IoT: Social IoT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O paradigma da privacidade: um panorama geral sobre privacidade em Business Analytics e Big Data

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    In this New Age where information has an indispensable value for companies and data mining technologies are growing in the area of Information Technology, privacy remains a sensitive issue in the approach to the exploitation of the large volume of data generated and processed by companies. The way data is collected, handled and destined is not yet clearly defined and has been the subject of constant debate by several areas of activity. This literature review gives an overview of privacy in the era of Business Analytics and Big Data in different timelines, the opportunities and challenges faced, aiming to broaden discussions on a subject that deserves extreme attention and aims to show that, despite measures for data protection have been created, there is still a need to discuss the subject among the different parties involved in the process to achieve a positive ideal for both users and companies.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Emissão de alvarás e pedidos de licenciamento de construção num município: criação de KPI e monitorização de desempenho

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    To determine the issuance of licenses versus building license requests that occurred in the last five years in a municipality, a dashboard was implemented and performance indicators were defined, thus presenting the Case Study - Emission of licenses versus building license requests, where the number of licenses emitted, i.e. the number of licenses produced, per year and municipality, as the time elapsed in the issuing of licenses versus the entry of building license requests, as well as the civil parishes that are part of the Municipality. The present study concluded which is the civil parish with the highest value of building licenses, and calculated the time elapsed since the licensing requests until the issue of the respective licenses, which is a contribution to the promotion of the KPI visualization and motoring in municipalities.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Business intelligence aplicado à análise de eficiência energética nos edifícios

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    This article deals with the application of business intelligence, data visualization tools, to analyze the improvement of energy efficiency in residential buildings in Portugal. We used an exploratory data method, which was obtained from the Energy Agency (ADENE), applying business intelligence systems for historical analysis and drawing up projections until the year 2035. The results obtained showed energy inefficiency in Portuguese housing buildings, with approximately 44% of them classified with energy certification D, E, and F. We created a scenario with the goal of raising these homes to at least energy classification C, as recommended by the study carried out by the Committee on Climate Change of the United Kingdom. This time, we identified that several benefits would be achieved, from reducing the value of the electricity bill to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio