200 research outputs found

    Effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration on stereotypy and catatonia of male adult mice

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    Introdução - O lipopolissacarídeo (LPS), um componente da parede celular de bactérias gram-negativas age como um pirógeno exógeno, induzindo os macrófagos a liberar citocinas como o Fator de Necrose Tumoral (TNF), e Interleucinas 1, 6 e 8, entre outras. Dentre as ações das citocinas que alteram diferentes funções do organismo e são mediadas pelo SNC citam-se a febre, as alterações neuroendócrinas, alterações no sono e outras alterações comportamentais (atividades exploratórias, sexuais e sociais). Ainda não há um entendimento definitivo de como os processos sistêmicos ativam o SNC. Algumas evidências indicam que o LPS produz lesão em sistemas dopaminérgicos centrais, envolvendo processos inflamatórios como a etiologia da doença de Parkinson. Desde que esta resulta de lesões em sistemas dopaminérgicos nigroestriatais, o presente trabalho investigou os efeitos da administração aguda de LPS em comportamentos ligados ao sistema dopaminérgico central, a estereotipia e a catatonia induzidas por anfetamina e haloperidol, respectivamente, agonistas e antagonistas dopaminérgicos centrais. Material e Métodos - Camundongos receberam 100 'mü'g/kg de LPS e foram observados em campo aberto. O comportamento estereotipado induzido por 2 mg/kg de anfetamina e a catatonia induzida pelo haloperidol (4 mg/kg) foram observadas em animais tratados ou não com LPS. Resultados - O LPS reduziu a atividade geral e a estereotipia dos de forma significantemente. Por outro lado, observou-se persistência na catatonia induzida pelo haloperidol, resultando em maior intensidade do mesmo. Conclusões - Estes dados permitiram sugerir que o processo inflamatório induzido pelo lipopolissacarídeo interfere com sistemas dopaminérgicos nigroestriais, porém estes resultados necessitam ser investigados em estudos mais aprofundadosIntroduction - The lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is a component of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria acting as an exogenous pirogen by release from macrophage cytokines as Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), and Interleucinas 1, 6 and 8.among others. Cytokines affect different functions of the body and that are mediated by SNC is fever, neuroendocrine changes, interference in sleep and other behavioral changes (exploratory activity, sexual and social). Some evidence indicates that the LPS produces damage in central dopaminergic systems, involving inflammatory processes such as the etiology of Parkinson's disease. Since this is the result of injuries in dopaminergic nigroestriatal system, this work investigated the effects of acute administration of LPS in behaviors related to the central dopaminergic system, the stereotypy and catatonia induced by haloperidol and amphetamine, respectively, central dopaminergic agonists and antagonists. Material and Methods - Rats received 100 'mü'g/kg LPS and were observed in an open field to determine the time-curve effect. The stereotyped behavior induced by 2 mg/kg of amphetamine and catatonia induced by haloperidol (4 mg / kg) were observed in animals treated with LPS or not. Results - LPS reduced the overall activity of the animals in the open field and the stereotypy induced by amphetamine significantly. Furthermore, there was persistent in catatonia induced by haloperidol. resulting in greater intensity of it. Conclusions - These data suggest that the inflammatory process induced by LPS interferes with nigroestrial dopaminergic system

    Influence of pH, Temperature and Common Ion on Magnesium Hydrogenurate Octahydrate Solubility

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    Physico-chemical investigation of urolithiasis today is mostly focused on applying physico-chemical description of precipitation processes to the stone formation with the aim to distinguish between stone formers and nonstone formers. This is done by calculating supersaturation for different solid phases which can be formed in urine using data obtained by urine analysis and existing solubility product, dissociation and complexation constants. In order for this approach to succeed it is of utmost importance that system is described as detailed as possible, i.e. that all species that can be formed are taken into account. Magnesium hydrogenurate octahydrate, Mg(C5H3N4O3)2·8H2O (Mg(HU)2·8H2O), is among species which can precipitate in the urine and for which solubility data doesn’t exist. In order to fill this void crystals of Mg(C5H3N4O3)2·8H2O phase I and phase II have been prepared and characterized. Solubility product constant of Mg(C5H3N4O3)2·8H2O phase I in water at 37 °C and phase II at different temperatures, pH and in different solvents have been determined by measuring total concentration of uric acid and magnesium ions in solutions at different time periods. Results show that in water at 37 °C thermodynamically less stable phase I is more soluble (Ksp=(5.64±0.20).10–9 mol3 dm–9) than phase II (Ksp=(1.66±0.13).10–9 mol3dm–9). Solubility of Mg(HU)2·8H2O phase II increases with temperature. At equilibrium the solubility of phase II is the lowest in the presence of excess of magnesium ions, while solubility in the presence of uric acid is comparable with the one obtained in water

    Reproductive differences in mice selected for body weight

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    La selección direccional de un carácter de interés económico puede ocasionar deterioro en otros caracteres comprometidos con la aptitud biológica. Con el objetivo de evaluar si la selección divergente para peso corporal realizada en dos líneas, originadas a partir de una población testigo de ratones CF1, había modificado caracteres reproductivos, se estudió: edad de la apertura vaginal y primer estro, duración del ciclo estral, tamaño de camada, número de pariciones e intervalo parto-parto. La duración del ciclo estral de las líneas seleccionadas fue similar a la de la población testigo, no ocurrió lo mismo con el resto de las variables. Además, se observó que la población testigo pare más veces con intervalos interpartos menores, tiene un número mayor de crías y el tamaño de camada no decae rápidamente con el transcurso de las pariciones. La apertura vaginal es un indicador de la llegada a la madurez sexual, está asociada positivamente con el peso a la misma edad en la población testigo. Esta asociación se invierte en las líneas seleccionadas. Los resultados evidenciaron que la selección por peso modificó caracteres reproductivos, y como consecuencia, disminuyó la producción en gramos evaluada a nivel poblacional y a lo largo de la vida reproductiva.The directional selection of a character of economic interest can produce an impairment in other characters, mainly in those highly involved in the biological fitness, such as reproductive characters. With the objective of evaluate if the two way selection for body weight had altered reproductive characters in two lines, originated from a CF1 mice randombred population without selection, the following characters were studied: age at vaginal opening and at first estrus, estrous cycle duration, litter size, parturition number and calving interval. The response to weight selection was evident, mainly, because of a significant weight increase of the upward selection animals. The estrous cycle duration was similar in the studied lines, but the others variables showed different behaviours. When studying the reproductive behavior, it was observed that the control population has more parturitions and the calving intervals are shorter, their litter size is bigger and does not decrease within parturitions. Vaginal opening is an indicator of sexual maturity and correlates positively with body weight at the same age in the control line, but it does not correlate with body weight at 49 days, that was the selected character. These correlations are inverted in the selected lines. The results showed that the body weight selection alteres the reproductive characters, and as a consequence, decreases the production in grams when an evaluation at population level and throughout their reproductive life is done.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Reproductive differences in mice selected for body weight

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    La selección direccional de un carácter de interés económico puede ocasionar deterioro en otros caracteres comprometidos con la aptitud biológica. Con el objetivo de evaluar si la selección divergente para peso corporal realizada en dos líneas, originadas a partir de una población testigo de ratones CF1, había modificado caracteres reproductivos, se estudió: edad de la apertura vaginal y primer estro, duración del ciclo estral, tamaño de camada, número de pariciones e intervalo parto-parto. La duración del ciclo estral de las líneas seleccionadas fue similar a la de la población testigo, no ocurrió lo mismo con el resto de las variables. Además, se observó que la población testigo pare más veces con intervalos interpartos menores, tiene un número mayor de crías y el tamaño de camada no decae rápidamente con el transcurso de las pariciones. La apertura vaginal es un indicador de la llegada a la madurez sexual, está asociada positivamente con el peso a la misma edad en la población testigo. Esta asociación se invierte en las líneas seleccionadas. Los resultados evidenciaron que la selección por peso modificó caracteres reproductivos, y como consecuencia, disminuyó la producción en gramos evaluada a nivel poblacional y a lo largo de la vida reproductiva.The directional selection of a character of economic interest can produce an impairment in other characters, mainly in those highly involved in the biological fitness, such as reproductive characters. With the objective of evaluate if the two way selection for body weight had altered reproductive characters in two lines, originated from a CF1 mice randombred population without selection, the following characters were studied: age at vaginal opening and at first estrus, estrous cycle duration, litter size, parturition number and calving interval. The response to weight selection was evident, mainly, because of a significant weight increase of the upward selection animals. The estrous cycle duration was similar in the studied lines, but the others variables showed different behaviours. When studying the reproductive behavior, it was observed that the control population has more parturitions and the calving intervals are shorter, their litter size is bigger and does not decrease within parturitions. Vaginal opening is an indicator of sexual maturity and correlates positively with body weight at the same age in the control line, but it does not correlate with body weight at 49 days, that was the selected character. These correlations are inverted in the selected lines. The results showed that the body weight selection alteres the reproductive characters, and as a consequence, decreases the production in grams when an evaluation at population level and throughout their reproductive life is done.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Tiered Assessment in Upper-Level Undergraduate Physics

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    Tiered assessment is a differentiated assessment strategy where students can choose to attempt advanced assessment tasks. We discuss the use of tiered assessment in second and third year electromagnetics courses.Comment: 3 page

    Update in diagnosis and management of primary aldosteronism

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    Primary aldosteronism (PA) is a group of disorders in which aldosterone is excessively produced. These disorders can lead to hypertension, hypokalemia, hypervolemia and metabolic alkalosis. The prevalence of PA ranges from 5% to 12% around the globe, and the most common causes are adrenal adenoma and adrenal hyperplasia. The importance of PA recognition arises from the fact that it can have a remarkably adverse cardiovascular and renal impact, which can even result in death. The aldosterone-to-renin ratio (ARR) is the election test for screening PA, and one of the confirmatory tests, such as oral sodium loading (OSL) or saline infusion test (SIT), is in general necessary to confirm the diagnosis. The distinction between adrenal hyperplasia (AH) or aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) is essential to select the appropriate treatment. Therefore, in order to identify the subtype of PA, imaging exams such as computed tomography or magnetic ressonance imaging, and/or invasive investigation such as adrenal catheterization must be performed. According to the subtype of PA, optimal treatment – surgical for APA or pharmacological for AH, with drugs like spironolactone and amiloride – must be offered

    Characteristics of the students of the faculties of Veterinary of Campo Grande (Brazil) and Casilda (Argentina)

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    El Mercosur hará necesario que se establezcan mecanismos de acreditación de las Facultades y de certificación de los profesionales, ello implica realizar evaluaciones de las Instituciones. En relación a la evaluación interna, se remarca la importancia de reconocer las características cuanti y cualitativas de los alumnos. Realizamos el estudio comparativo de características educacionales, socio-económicas y culturales así como expectativas e intereses de los alumnos de las Facultades de Veterinaria de Campo Grande y de Casilda. El 46% de los alumnos de Campo Grande y el 68% de Casilda piensan por primera vez en estudiar veterinaria antes de los 15 años. En ambos paises el 90% piensa en veterinaria antes de los 17 años y el 70% consideró la posibilidad de estudiar otras carreras antes de definirse. Las razones para la elección 500: afición por los animales afición por el campo e interés por la biología; los alumnos son influenciados a estudiar veterinaria por veterinarios. La determinación de ingresar es una decisión personal en prácticamente todos los estudiantes; los alumnos piensan especializarse y el 60% tiene definida una especialidad. Las similitudes encontradas resultan interesantes y facilitadoras para la homologación de programas académicos y la calidad de los veterinarios que se formen en ambas instituciones con vista al libre ejercicio dentro del MERCOSUR.The MERCOSUR will lead to the necessity of stablishing accreditation mechanisms for the Veterinary Faculties and certifications for professionals which will imply the evaluation of Institutions. With regard to internal evaluation, knowledge of both the quantity and quality of the students comes relevant A comparative study of dedicational, socioeconomic and cultural, as well as expectation and interest of students of Veterinary Science at me Faculties of Campo Grande and Casilda was carried out. The found similarities are interesting and make homologation of course curricula easier and the quality of Veterinarians graduated from both institutions helps to the binational professional practice within MERCOSUR.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria