7,540 research outputs found

    Estimation of Sorting Time for Arthropod Samples Collected with Tullgren Funnels

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    Arthropods were sorted from samples obtained with Tullgren funnels. Each sorter maintained a log of time per session and arthropods removed per session. Five individuals removed all arthropods from 12 separate samples and sorted them into previously designated class or ordinal taxa. Each sample was sorted by a single student. Students were allowed to develop their own approaches to sorting and do it as time permitted. Mean sorting rate per sample was 2.43 arthropods per minute, with a range of 1.42-5.64, while mean sorting rate for a sorting session was 3.41 specimens per minute. Specimen density was only weakly correlated with sort time. Fatigue did not appear to be a major factor in sorting rate, as indicated by the similarity of the linear and quadratic coefficients of determination for each sample

    Évolution des structures deltaïques du delta de la rivière Natashquan, Québec

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    Le delta de la rivière Natashquan (Côte-Nord du Saint-Laurent) offre un exemple typique de construction de structures deltaïques (lobes) dans un contexte de régression, sous la dépendance des processus hydrodynamiques fluvial et marin. Actuellement, depuis la migration de l'embouchure de la rivière, un des lobes du delta est partiellement en voie d'érosion et de fossilisation. La structure du substratum (bouclier cristallin précambrien et roches sédimentaires paléozoïques) détermine la morphologie et le drainage préglaciaires de la région. Les glaciations du Pleistocene ont creusé des vallées en auge. La transgression de la Mer de Goldthwait, liée au relèvement glacioisostatique, donne la morphologie actuelle de la région (paléolignes de rivage, delta). Le delta multilobé, encore partiellement submergé, est limité au large par une ligne de cuestas submergée. Une étude géophysique et sédimentologique décrit les sédiments recouvrant le substratum. Le prisme sableux deltaïque progresse sur des sédiments argilosilteux prédeltaïques de la Mer de Goldthwait. La pente du front du delta varie de 0,5° est à 10° ouest. La structure interne du lobe montre plusieurs unités complexes de couches frontales tronquées, reposant sur des couches basâtes; les couches sommitales érodées sont absentes. Les effets combinés des processus fluvial et marin entraînent une progradation rapide d'un large volume de sédiments à l'ouest avec des couches frontales très inclinées (8°) provoquant des mouvements gravitaires.Natashquan River delta (north shore of the St. Lawrence River) provides a typical example of deltaic structure (lobes) construction, in a regressive context, controlled by fluvial and marine hydrodynamics processes. At the present, since the mouth of the river has migrated, one deltaic lobe is partly eroded and being fossilized. The structure of the bedrock (Precambrian crystalline shield and Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks) controls pre-glacial morphology and drainage of the region. Pleistocene glaciations formed U-shaped valleys. Postglacial high sea levels (Goldthwait Sea) and isostatic rebound created present morphology of the region (relict shorelines, delta). Part of the delta is still submerged and forms a deltaic fan (multilobate) which extends offshore as far as a line of submerged cuestas. Geophysical profiles and sampling provide a good understanding of the sedimentary blanket overlying bedrock. The deltaic sand body progrades on predeltaic silty-clay sediments of the Goldthwait Sea. The delta front slope varies from 0.5° east to 10° west. Internal structure of the lobe shows many complex units of truncated foresets, resting on bottomsets; topsets are eroded and absent. Combined effects of fluvial and waves processes result in rapid progradation of a large volume of sediments to the west with steep foresets (8°) causing sediment flow and avalanching.El delta del no Natashquan (Costa-Norte del San-Lorenzo) es un ejemplo tipico de construcciôn de estructuras deltaicas (lôbulos) contemporâneas en un medio regresivo, controlada por procesos hidrodinâmicos fluviales y maritimos. Actualmente, luego de la migraciôn de la desembocadura del n'o, uno de los lôbulos se erosiona parcialmente y esta fosilizando. La estructura del lecho rocoso (Escudo cristalino Precambriano y rocas sedimentarias Paleozoicas), contrôla la morfologia y el drenaje preglacial de la region. Las glaciaciones del Pleistoceno han cavado valles en forma de U. La transgression del mar de Goldthwait, junto con el levantamiento glacio-isostâtico, dan la mortoligia actual de la region (paleolineas costeras, delta). El delta multilobulado, aûn parcialmente sumergido, esta limitado a Io largo por una linea de cuestas sumergidas. Un estudio geofisico y sedimentodolôgico describe los sedimentos que recubren el lecho rocoso. El prisma arenoso deltâico avanza sobre los sedimentos arcillo-limosos predeltâicos del mar de Goldthwait. La pendiente del trente del delta varia entre 0,5° Este y 10° Oeste. La estructura interna del lôbulo muestra varias unidades complejas de capas frontales seccionadas, que reposan sobre las capas de fondo, mientras que las capas superiores han sido erosionadas. Los efectos combinados de los procesos fluviales y marinos conllevan un aumento ràpido de un volumen significativo de sedimentos hacia el oeste formando capas frontales inclinadas (8°) provocando deslizamientos

    Évolution morpho-sédimentaire de la barre de déferlement : un exemple dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent, Québec

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    Le littoral de la région de Mingan (moyenne Côte-Nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent), se caractérise par un ensemble de cinq barres d'avant-côte parallèles se succédant depuis le littoral jusqu'à une profondeur de 12 m. Ces barres s'apparentent, selon la classification de Greenwood et Davidson-Arnott (1979), aux barres décrites par Evans (1940) et Hom-ma et Sonu (1962). Ce type de barres diffère des crêtes et sillons prélittoraux tels que définis par King et Williams (1949). La première barre du système de Mingan, qui fait l'objet de ce travail, représente un type particulier; elle est partiellement exondée à marée basse et soumis au déferlement des vagues à marée haute. L'étude comprend un échantillonnage des sédiments de surface, des prélèvements de carottes et des relevés topographiques. Le haut de plage est composé de sable fin à moyen bien trié et le bas de plage, de sable grossier et mal classé. Le creux est constitué de matériel très grossier et de sable fin provenant du transfert sédimentaire de la barre vers le creux. Les sédiments de la crête et des pentes marine et terrestre de la barre sont constitués de sable moyen, modérément à bien classé. Le sommet de la barre s'érode sur une épaisseur de 20 à 25 cm sous l'action des houles de tempête et une fraction de sédiments fins se dépose dans le creux. Par temps calme, la barre tend à reprendre son profil initial (avant tempête) sous l'action des courants de marée et de dérive littorale qui siègent dans le creux et qui transportent le sédiment parallèlement à la côte. Les épaisseurs de remaniement sont alors réduites (5 cm sur la crête et 15 cm au bas de la pente terrestre et sur la pente marine).The Mingan area shoreline (North Shore of the Gulf of St-Lawrence) is characterized by five parallel nearshore bars from the beach to a depth of 12 m. These bars are related, in the classification of Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott (1979), to the bars described by Evans (1940) and Homma and Sonu (1962). This bar type is different from the ridge and runnel defined by King and Williams (1949). The first bar of the Mingan area, wich is studied in this paper is particular in that it is partially exposed at low tide level and submitted to breaking waves at high tide level. The study includes surface sediment sampling, coring and topographic survey. Upper beach sediments consist of well sorted fine to medium sand whereas lower beach sands are coarse grained and poorly sorted. The trough is made up of coarse material and fine sand transfered from the top of the bar. Sediments from landward slope, crest and seaward slope are medium grained and moderately to well sorted. The crest of the bar is eroded to a depth of 20 cm to 25 cm under storm wave action. During post-storm regime, the bar shifts from storm profile to post-storm profile in response to longshore currents with transport sediments. Then, the depth of reworking is reduced to 5 cm on the crest of the bar and 15 cm on both landward and seaward slopes.El litoral de la region de Mingan (sector medio de la costa norte del San Lorenzo), se caracteriza por un conjunto de cinco barras litorales paralelas, las cuales van desde el litoral hasta una profundidad de 12 m. Dichas barras pueden caracterizarse segun la clasificacion de Greenwood y Davidson-Arnott (1979) como las barras descritas por Evans (1940) y Hom-ma y Sonu (1962). Este tipo de barras difiere de crestas y corredores prelitorales tal como Io definiera King y Williams (1949). La primera barra, objeto de este estudio, représenta un tipo en particular; ella esta emergida a marea baja y expuesta a la rompiente de las olas a marea alta. El estudio comprende un muestreo de sedimentos de superficie, toma de testigos y mediciones topogrâficas. El sector alto de la playa esta compuesto por arena de talla fina a intermedia bien clasificada y el sector bajo por arena gruesa mal clasificada. La depresiôn entre la playa y la barra esta constituida por material grueso ademâs de arena fina proveniente del transporte sedimentario de la barra. Los sedimentos de la pendiente terrestre, de la cresta y de la pendiente marina estan constituidos por arena fina a intermedia, la cual se présenta de moderada a bien clasificada. La cresta de la barra se erosiona hasta un espesor de 20 a 25 cm bajo la acciôn de olas de tempestad, cuando esto ocurre, una fracciôn de sedimentos finos se adicionara a la grava de la depresiôn. Durante los periodos de calma, la barra tiende a recuperar su pert il inicial (antes de la tempestad) bajo la acciôn de corrientes de marea y de dériva litoral présentes en la depresiôn, las cuales transportan los sedimentos en forma paralela a la costa. Por otro lado, los espesores son retrabajados y reducido (5 cm sobre la cresta y 15 cm bajo la pendiente terrestre y sobre la pendiente marina)

    The Schrodinger Wave Functional and Vacuum States in Curved Spacetime

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    The Schrodinger picture description of vacuum states in curved spacetime is further developed. General solutions for the vacuum wave functional are given for both static and dynamic (Bianchi type I) spacetimes and for conformally static spacetimes of Robertson-Walker type. The formalism is illustrated for simple cosmological models with time-dependent metrics and the phenomenon of particle creation is related to a special form of the kernel in the vacuum wave functional.Comment: 41 pages,3 figures, LATE

    Partition problems in high dimensional boxes

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    Alon, Bohman, Holzman and Kleitman proved that any partition of a dd-dimensional discrete box into proper sub-boxes must consist of at least 2d2^d sub-boxes. Recently, Leader, Mili\'{c}evi\'{c} and Tan considered the question of how many odd-sized proper boxes are needed to partition a dd-dimensional box of odd size, and they asked whether the trivial construction consisting of 3d3^d boxes is best possible. We show that approximately 2.93d2.93^d boxes are enough, and consider some natural generalisations.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    When Operating on Dead People Saves Lives: Benefits of Surgical Organ Donor Intensivists

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    Solid organ transplantation has emerged as a life-saving treatment for many patients suffering from end-stage organ failure. Organs have been successfully recovered after a variety of aggressive interventions. We propose that decompressive laparotomy, when clinically indicated, should be considered in the aggressive resuscitation of potential organ donors. A thorough literature review examining aggressive interventions on potential organ donors was conducted after experience with a unique case at this institution. Articles were reviewed for the types of interventions performed as well as the time frame in relation to organ donation. In our case, several ethical issues were raised when considering decompressive laparotomy in a patient pronounced dead by neurologic criteria. We propose that having a surgical intensivist involved in the management of potential donors will further increase the salvage rate, as more invasive resuscitation options are possible