245 research outputs found
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi ukuran briket terhadap laju pembakaran dan nilai kalor. Jumlah campuran yang digunakan adalah Arang Tongkol Jagung (ATJ) 80 % dan Arang Bambu (AB) 20, Berat adonan basah briket 42 gram, berat ATJ 16 gram, berat AB 4 gram, berat perekat 2 gram dan berat air mendidih 20 gram. Pada penelitian ini variasi briket yang digunakan adalah Ø 30 mm, Ø 40 mm dan Ø 50 mm.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian variasi ukuran briket yang berbeda ternyata memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap laju pembakaran, pada briket. Briket Ø 50 mm mempunyai puncak laju pembakaran lebih cepat yaitu 0,0270 gram/menit pada meni ke-3, briket Ø 40 mm mempunyai puncak laju pembakaran 0,0210 gram/menit pada menit ke-5 dan briket Ø 30 mm mempunyai puncak laju pembakaran 0,0180 gram/menit pada menit ke-9 setelah penyalaan dimulai.Nilai kalor briket 6186,601-6303,086 kal/gram. Apabila dibandingkan dengan standar briket Indonesia (min 5000 kal/gram), maka briket campuran AB 20%:ATJ 80% semua variasi memenuhi Standardisasi Briket Arang (SNI 01-6235-2000)
Competencias en los decimales periódicos
El objetivo de este estudio es determinar las dificultades que estudiantes de cuarto de ESO, de bachillerato y del Máster de Profesor de Educación Secundaria de la especialidad de Matemáticas tienen con la operatoria y el orden, cuando realizan cálculos con números decimales periódicos. El trabajo se sustenta en un estudio de Rittaud y Vivier, del cual se hace una réplica de una parte de su cuestionario que utilizamos para la toma de datos. El análisis de las respuestas de los estudiantes permite identificar errores y carencias en la enseñanza, conducentes a un esquema de clasificación e interpretación de las actuaciones de los estudiantes
Ineffective controls on capital inflows under sophisticated financial markets: Brazil in the nineties
We analyze the Brazilian experience in the 1990s to access the effectiveness of controls on capital inflows in restricting financial inflows and changing their composition towards long term flows. Econometric exercises (VARs) lead us to conclude that controls on capital inflows were effective in deterring financial inflows for only a brief period, from two to six months. The hypothesis to explain the ineffectiveness of the controls is that financial institutions performed several operations aimed at avoiding capital controls. We then conducted interviews with market players in order to provide several examples of the financial strategies that were used in this period to invest in the Brazilian fixed income market while bypassing capital controls. The main conclusion is that controls on capital inflows, while they may be desirable, are of very limited effectiveness under sophisticated financial markets. Therefore, policy-makers should avoid spending the scarce resources of bank supervision trying to implement them and focus more in improving economic policy.
Alienasi dalam Fenomena pembelajaran daring di SMAK St. Albertus Malang (Tinjauan Filsafat Relasionalitas)
Di masa pandemi ini, pembatasan sosial menjadi salah satu langkah untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran covid 19. Alhasil, semua kegiatan pembelajaran harus menggunakan media online. Proses pembelajaran online telah mengakibatkan keterasingan antar siswa khususnya di SMAK Dempo Malang. Hampir setiap hari para siswa saling bertemu secara virtual tetapi merasa asing satu sama lain. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis mencoba menganalisis hubungan-hubungan yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran online di SMAK St. Albertus Dempo Malang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fenomena bentuk keterasingan dan pola hubungan dalam pembelajaran online. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa bentuk-bentuk keterasingan di SMAK Dempo adalah Kebermaknaan, isolasi sosial, dan keterasingan diri. Pola hubungan yang terjadi adalah ketidakmampuan siswa bersosialisasi dengan baik, perasaan kesepian, penolakan, dan keterpisahan dari nilai-nilai kelompok. Keadaan ini menyebabkan siswa menarik diri dari kehidupan sosial. Pembelajaran online menyebabkan siswa terjebak dalam keterasingan dan memutus pola hubungan di antara mereka. Fenomena keterasingan ini menyebabkan siswa tidak lagi memahami, mengenali, memahami teman dan masyarakatnya. Situasi pandemi ini telah mengubah cara hidup dan pola hubungan di antara merek
This study aims to find out: (1) an analysis of success and failure free
throw. (2) analysis of successes and failures of two-point shoot. (3) analysis
of the successes and failures three point shoot. (4) the presentation of the
most good and bad at the scoring of the three skills of the shooting. (5) The
effectiveness of the system in terms of match offense.
The research was conducted from 18 April to 17 June 2016. Data
collection was conducted in GOR Kertajaya, Surabaya, East Java on 22 to 30
April 2016. The population in this study are all basketball players club Na
Sioe hauw (NSH) Jakarta on game Indonesian Basketball League Series
Surabaya in 2016, as many as 12 people, the study's total sampling
technique was used to obtain a sample.
Results of analysis of data from five matches, is obtained; total activity
free throw shoot 74 time trial with a percentage of 64% to success and 36%
failure, the total activity of two-point shoot 184 times experiment with a
percentage of 40% to success and 60% failure, total activity three point shoot
obtain 92 time trial with the percentage 27% to 73% success and failure.
Total success of this type of shooting is as much as 42% and as much as
58% failure
Diabetic nephropathy is a complication that often occurs in diabetics. In this disease, there is damage to the kidney filter, known as the glomerulus. Due to glomerular damage, diabetic nephropathy is closely related to the mechanism of inflammation. The Monocyte-Lymphocyte Ratio is a relatively new marker of inflammation. This study aims to explore the significance of the prediction of the Monocyte-Lymphocyte Ratio as a predictor of the severity of diabetic nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DMT2) patients at H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan. The research was conducted using the cross-section method. This study took blood samples from 44 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy, 22 patients with macroalbuminuria, and 22 patients with microalbuminuria. Then blood was drawn from the vein, and the Monocyte-Lymphocyte Ratio was assessed in all patients. In this study, the average MLR for all patients was 0.41±0.037. There was a significant difference between MLR values in diabetic nephropathy patients with macroalbuminuria compared to diabetic nephropathy patients with microalbuminuria (p<0.001). The optimal cut-off value of MLR in predicting diabetic nephropathy with macroalbuminuria and microalbuminuria was 0.37 with a specificity of 81.8% and a sensitivity of 81.8%. The MLR value in type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy can be used as a prognostic factor for the incidence of microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria
Pemodelan Elemen Balok Beton Bertulang Berbasis Eksperimental Dan Analisis Elemen Hingga Menggunakan Abaqus CAE
Effective testing of concrete structures in the field requires a lot of accuracy and understanding of the response and behavior of concrete loads. Flexibility in beams tends to be smaller, so reinforcing steel is used to increase the displacement of the beams. The arrangement of the reinforcement is not in accordance with the requirements for the load received, so it is necessary to create a model according to the load to be applied without conducting multiple trials (trial errors). The abaqus CAE software is a modeling application that belongs to the Finite Element. Modeling reinforced concrete beams in the abaqus application for this study is expected to obtain results close to experimental tests in the field. That is a comparison between the experimental test results of reinforced concrete beams and the results of analysis in the abaqus CAE software .The results of flexure testing of reinforced concrete beams in the field obtained a maximum load value of 106.22 KN with a deflection of 1.126 mm. While the modeling of reinforced concrete beams in the abaqus application obtained a maximum load value of 146.203 KN with a deflection of 4.83 mm
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