4,694 research outputs found

    Bayesian inference for fault based software reliability models given software metrics data

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    We wish to predict the number of faults N and the time to next failure of a piece of software. Software metrics data are used to estimate the prior mean of N via a Poisson regression model. Given failure time data and a some well known fault based models for interfailure times, we show how to sample the relevant posterior distributions via Gibbs sampling using the package Winbugs. Our approach is illustrated with an example

    Contabilidad Ad Hoc para la gestión municipal de una crisis epidémica: la fiebre amarilla en Cádiz en 1800

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    Este trabajo pretende contribuir a un mayor conocimiento acerca de cómo se generaron y se utilizaron en el pasado prácticas ad hoc de registro y de rendición de cuentas en el contexto del gobierno local para hacer frente a una situación de crisis. Para ello, se considera un problema de salud pública en un contexto concreto, la epidemia de fiebre amarilla en Cádiz en 1800. La particularidad del contexto estudiado, donde existía un gran bagaje contable, contribuye a que se establezcan como objetivos específicos del trabajo los siguientes: (1) explicar la génesis de los sistemas de rendición de cuentas y la propia contabilidad utilizados en la gestión municipal de una epidemia y (2) explorar la versatilidad y plasticidad que la perspectiva contable aportó a los registros generados en este contexto. Para ello, se consideran fuentes primarias y también publicaciones de la época. Las evidencias obtenidas muestran la emergencia en el ámbito local de un sistema de rendición de cuentas y de registro contable que recibe influencias del acervo contable y médico de la ciudad. Asimismo, sugieren que este acervo contable permite un uso e interpretación interesados, tanto por parte del gobierno local como por la Iglesia, los comerciantes y la profesión médica. El valor que la sociedad local confiere a los libros contables colabora en este sentido.This paper aims to extend the knowledge about how ad hoc accounting and accountability practices arose and were used in the past to face a situation of crisis in the context of local government. With this purpose, it addresses a health public problem in a specific context, the yellow fever epidemic in Cadiz in 1800. The specific characteristics of the setting, where acquaintance with accounting was usual, allow setting the following specific objectives: (1) to explain the genesis of the accountability systems and the accounting itself used for local government management of the epidemic and (2) to explore the versatility and plasticity that accounting background provides to the records produced in this context. To accomplish them, primary sources as well as publications of the time have been considered. The evidence obtained shows that both an accountability system and a basic bookkeeping system influenced by the local accounting and medical background arose in the local context. Moreover, the findings suggest that the generalized accounting background promoted the self-serving use and interpretation of the records by local government, local Church, trade association and medical profession. The value that local society attributed to accounting books was important in this sense

    Bayesian inference for a software reliability model using metrics information.

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    In this paper, we are concerned with predicting the number of faults N and the time to next failure of a piece of software. Information in the form of software metrics data is used to estimate the prior distribution of N via a Poisson regression model. Given failure time data, and a well known model for software failures, we show how to sample the posterior distribution using Gibbs sampling, as implemented in the package "WinBugs". The approach is illustrated with a practical example

    Race and Ethnic Inequality in Health and Health Care in Colombia

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    In this paper we explore race and ethnic health inequalities in Colombia. We first characterize the situation of Afro-Colombians and indigenous populations in Colombia. Second, we document racial/ethnic disparities in health outcomes and access to health care using data from the Living Standards Survey and the evaluation of the Familias en Acción program. Third, we set up a statistical model that allows us to test whether some of the health inequalities that are observed still remain after controlling for a wide range of individual and household observed characteristics, including access to health care. The results indicate that most racial and ethnic disparities in health and access to health care disappear once we control for socioeconomic characteristics of individuals, employment status and characteristics of the job and geographic location among other things. Based on these findings we make some specific policy recommendations aimed at improving the status of racial minorities in Colombia.Salud, Seguros en salud, Raza y etnicidad.Health Outcomes, Health Care, Race and Ethnicity

    La educación y el crecimiento económico : caso empírico del Modelo de Solow

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    A partir de un análisis empírico, el estudio busca demostrar la relación entre la educación y el desarrollo económico tomando como referencia una muestra de diversos países alrededor del mundo, entre ellos, países que hacen parte de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico – OCDE y países latinoamericanos. Para cumplir con lo anterior, se analizó el modelo de Solow, replicando el modelo propuesto por los economistas Mankiw, Romer y Weil, el cual utiliza el método de Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios. Los datos arrojados sugieren que, el factor educación influye positivamente en el crecimiento económico. Así como su influencia es mayor y estadísticamente viable en países con alto grado de desarrollo, los cuales invierten un monto más alto para tener a su población mejor preparada para el futuro.Based on an empirical analysis, the study wants to demonstrate the relationship between education and economic development, taking as a reference a sample of countries around the world, including countries that are part of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD and Latin American countries. In order to comply this objective, the Solow model was analyzed, replicating the model proposed by the economists Mankiw, Romer and Weil, which uses the method of Ordinary Least Squares. Evidence suggests that the education factor positively influences economic growth. As well as its influence is greater in countries with high degree of development, which invest a higher amount to have its population better prepared for the future

    Operators with dense images everywhere

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    In this paper, the authors introduce the dense-image operators T as those with a wild behaviour near of the boundary of a domain G, via certain subsets. The relationship with other kinds of operators with wild behaviour is studied, proving that the new concept generalizes the earlier of omnipresent, but there is no good relationship with the strongly omnipresent operators. We obtain, among other results, that the following kinds of operators are dense-image: onto linear operators; operators with local dense range satisfying soft conditions; Volterra complex integral operators plus infinite order differential operators, multiplication operators. In addition, holomorphic selfmappings and entire functions generating dense-image right or left composition operators are completely characterized.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior (DGES). EspañaJunta de Andalucí

    Aspectos teatrales en las fiestas de canonización y beatificación de Francisco de Borja

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    Català: Descripció analítica dels elements teatrals presents en les festes per la beatificació i la canonització de Francesc de Borja celebrades en diverses ciutats de les corones de Castella i Aragó, basada especialment en les relacions impreses coetànies. Paraules clau: Festes barroques; Francesc de Borja; Relacions impreses; Teatralitat; Teatre jesuïta. Castellano: Descripción analítica de los elementos teatrales en las fiestas de celebración de la beatificación y la canonización de Francisco de Borja que tuvieron lugar en varias ciudades de las coronas de Castilla y Aragón, basada especialmente en las relaciones impresas coetáneas. Palabras clave: Fiestas barrocas; Francisco de Borja; Relaciones impresas; Teatralidad; Teatro jesuita

    A Seidel-Walsh theorem with linear differential operators

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    Assume that {Sn}∞1 is a sequence of automorphisms of the open unit disk D and that {Tn}∞1 is a sequence of linear differential operators with constant coefficients, both of them satisfying suitable conditions. We prove that for certain spaces X of holomorphic functions in the open unit disk, the set of functions f ∈ X such that {(Tnf) ◦ Sn : n ∈ N} is dense in H(D) is residual in X. This extends the Seidel-Walsh theorem together with some subsequent results.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior (DGES). EspañaJunta de Andalucí

    Large algebras of singular functions vanishing on prescribed sets

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    In this paper, the non-vacuousness of the family of all nowhere analytic infinitely differentiable functions on the real line vanishing on a prescribed set Z is characterized in terms of Z. In this case, large algebraic structures are found inside such family. The results obtained complete or extend a number of previous ones by several authors.Comment: 11 page

    Monsters in Hardy and Bergman spaces

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    A monster in the sense of Luh is a holomorphic function on a simply connected domain in the complex plane such that it and all its derivatives and antiderivatives exhibit an extremely wild behaviour near the boundary. In this paper the Hardy spaces Hp and the Bergman spaces Bp (1 ≤ p < ∞) on the unit disk are considered, and it is shown that there are no Luh-monsters in them. Nevertheless, it is proved that T-monsters (as introduced by the authors in an earlier work) can be found in each of these spaces for any finite order linear differential operator T.Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Junta de Andalucía