1,263 research outputs found

    Project Incandescence: Design and development of a geolocated experience

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    Treball Final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2015-2016As years go by, more and more everyday objects are getting interconnected and aware of their environment. This technological fabric being woven across our lives opens up opportunities never seen before. The communication and personal nature of smartphones makes them the ideal flagship in charge of clearing the path and heading towards the Internet of Things era. Their embedded sensors together with their broad adoption makes them the perfect devices for experimenting on novel ways of creating fresh interactive experiences. In this paper, Project Incandescence is proposed; an application which aims to experiment with storytelling by the exploitation of up-to-date technologies present in smartphones. The intended target audience are students of the last years of high school or college students. In other words, people from 16 to 24 years old which are willing to try new things. Project Incandescence is a global video game project but efforts will be mainly focused on programming an app which integrates and makes use of the information provided by recent technologies. Specifically, geolocation, augmented reality and haptic feedback will capture our attention. Another key part of the project is game design. However, it will be tackled with lesser dedication. The artistic aspect of the experience will not be neglected either, but it will be the least important aspect of the three main ones. The development will target the Android platform which is the most extended one among smartphones. This software stack has also postulated as key one in the future since it does not target a specific device, and currently supports from watches to cars

    Conceptualización de la operación aditiva y estrategias de resolución

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    En el presente estudio se analizan los distintos factores que pueden incidir en la adqui­sición de la concepción binaria de la suma, prestando especial interés a los procesos de transición entre estrategias. Tres grupos de niños de 2.0 de Preescolar, 1.0 y 2.0 de EGB re­suelven 4 tareas de sumar (1 + N, círculos más guarismo, hechos numéricos y hechos nu­méricos superiores a la decena) en dos condiciones experimentales (incógnita en el resulta­do, incógnita en el sumando inicial). Los resultados muestran que los tres factores conside­rados son significativos tanto con respecto a la conceptualización de la adición, como en cuanto al tipo de estrategias utilizadas y las categorías de errores cometidos. Además, se sugieren algunas rutas evolutivas en las estrategias de resolución y una nueva tipología de errores

    Competencia conceptual y de procedimiento: comprensión de la propiedad conmutativa de la adición y estrategias de solución

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    En esta investigación se analizan los factores implicados en la adquisición de la estrategia aditiva de contar desde el sumando mayor y su relación con el conocimiento de la propiedad conmutativa de la suma. Tres grupos de niños con edades comprendidas entre los 5 y los 8 años resuelven tres tareas (resolver sumas, comparar sumas y encontrar el sumando desconocido), en dos condiciones experimentales (presencia/ausencia del resultado) y con cuatro tipos de sumandos ( 1 + N; círculos + guarismos; hechos numéricos; y hechos numéricos superiores a la decena). En general, los resultados muestran que los factores grupo, tarea, presencia/ausencia del resultado y tipo de sumandos influyen en el rendimiento de los niños. Asimismo, el análisis de las estrategias y errores nas ha permitido constatar la existencia de diferencias evolutivas entre los grupos. Por último, nuestras datos ponen de manifiesto que las estrategias aditivas de contar desde el mayor se acompañan de un cierto éxito en las tareas de conmutatividad y que el fracaso en la tarea de sumar no implica fracaso igualmente en las tareas de conmutatividad

    Fundamentos cognitivos de la adición

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    Para estudiar las bases cognitivas de la operación de sumar, se analiza la posible relación existente entre dos tareas de conservación y dos adición, hipotetizando que ambas se fundamentan en el esquema parte-todo . Cuatro grupos de niños de 2° de preescolar y de 1° de EGB pasan las pruebas. Los resultados muestran, entre otras cosas, dos hechos importantes: por una parte , que existe en general una relación significativa entre la conservación y los problemas aditivos numéricos; y, por otra, que estos últimos son no obstante más precoces que la primera. Se explican estos datos asumiendo la operatividad progresiva del esquema parte-todo en la realización de estas dos categorías de pruebas

    Children's understanding of the commutative law of addition

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    This study analyzes the bases that support the comprehension ami development of the commutative law of addition. We presented two commutative tasks (compare sums and find the unknown addend) to 72 children from 5 to 8 years of age. Within each task we varied the presence/absence of the result, and the kind-of-addend. In general, our results show that children focus mainly on the addends in judging the equivalence between two commuted pairs. Equally, the errors and strategies analysis offers evidence of the children's inclination to focus on the addends, although older children also center on the results, especially in sorne conditions. Finally, we tentatively suggest a five level model of understanding of commutativity

    Human Enhancement Technologies and the Arguments for Cosmopolitanism

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    Según el minimalismo político, un debate es político cuando intenta responder en último término a la pregunta «¿qué hacemos?». Esta posición filosófica explica por qué sería más fructífero contemplar desde una perspectiva política algunas cuestiones relacionadas con las tecnologías de mejora humana que tradicionalmente se han tratado como problemas de ética aplicada. Pero entonces surge la pregunta acerca de quién es el «nosotros» que se interroga, esto es, qué comunidades son las que afrontan los retos políticos provocados por las tecnologías de mejora humana. Defendemos que la comunidad humana global se enfrenta a algunos de esos retos, lo que dando lugar a una perspectiva cosmopolita. Algunos autores han defendido anteriormente la necesidad de una aproximación cosmopolita a asuntos como la pobreza o el cambio climático; sin embargo, al carecer de una diferenciación adecuada entre ética y política, tienden a abogar por el cosmopolitismo con argumentos morales. Defendemos que las tecnologías de mejora humana proporcionan buenas razones en apoyo del cosmopolitismo, entendido como una postura política. En apoyo de esta tesis, examinamos dos casos: el de las píldoras que permitirían comer sin engordar y el de la elección entre diferentes técnicas de mejora cognitiva.According to political minimalism, a debate is considered political when it revolves around the question “What shall we do?” This account suggests that certain issues related to human enhancement technologies (HETs), which have traditionally been addressed in the realm of applied ethics, could be better approached from a political standpoint. However, this raises the question of who constitutes the “we” – the communities that face the political challenges posed by HETs. We argue that there is a global human community that directly faces at least some of these challenges, and this fact underscores the relevance of a cosmopolitan perspective. While some authors have already advocated for a cosmopolitan approach in addressing issues such as poverty or climate change, they often do so from a moral outlook, without adequately distinguishing between ethics and politics. In contrast, we assert that HETs present compelling arguments in favour of cosmopolitanism as a political stance. In support of this claim, we consider two cases: the pills that would allow people to eat at will without gaining weight, and the choice between different types of cognitive enhancers.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade

    Justifying the Precautionary Principle as a political principle

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    Our aim is to defend the Precautionary Principle (PP) against the main theoretical and practical criticisms that it has raised by proposing a novel conception and a specific formulation of the principle. We first address the theoretical concerns against the idea of there being a principle of precaution by arguing for a distinctively political conception of the PP as opposed to a moral one. Our claim is that the rationale of the PP is grounded in the fact that contemporary societies wish to avoid morally unacceptable risks while at the same time pursuing other goals, aspirations and values. Following this political conception of the PP, we propose a specific formulation in terms of an argumentation scheme — the Argumentation Scheme for Appealing to Precaution — which is meant to solve, in turn, the main practical concerns that the PP has raised. We explain the advantages of our proposal by analysing appeals to precaution in the cases of (1) the European restrictions on the free movement of persons during the COVID-19 pandemic and (2) the discharge of nuclear wastes into the Irish Sea.Spanish Ministry of Innovation, Science and Universities for funding their research through the project PID2019-107478GB-I0

    Proposals of a procedure to asses Pollutographs. Application to Murcia's Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). Póster

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    Directives 91/271/EEC and 93/481/EEC set norms regarding the management of Combined Sewer Overflows. European Commission monitors the implementation status and implementation programmes. In fact, during the year 2019 all the utilities should be able to quantify the pollution spilled during storm events. And afterwards, plans have to be developed in order to reduce the impact of such events. In this paper, we proposed a method to estimate the transported pollution during events as well as to serve as a tool for developing plans to lessen the corresponding pollution. The procedure is divided into three steps: A. Periodical measurements of all relevant pollutants, e.g. total suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand, in wet and dry weather. Such pollutant “concentrations” are correlated with the turbidity, updating the relation among them [1]. B. Continuous measures of the turbidity. Turbidity is continously register in the sewer areas near overflow spillways. Turbidimeters are a very convenient equipment for this purpose [2]. Actually, it is reliable, its measures are very correlated with the total suspended solid concentration and its maintenance is easy. In this way, combining A. and B. turbidity measures provide us a real-time estimation of the pollutant concentration. on real time. C. Assesment of each catchment hydrograph. Depending on the available data, this step could be based on a design, a measured or a simulated hydrograph. In order to apply this methodology to Murcia’s Combined Sewer System, we have used simulated hydrographs based on real measured rainfall. Murcia’s utility has developed a calibrated SWMM model, and therefore, using the rainfall data, it is possible to estimate hydrographs for all the relevant points of the system. D. Estimation of each catchment pollutograph. Combining the pollutant concentration, estimated in the previous steps, with the hydrographs, we can asses how the mass of pollutants are transported. This information allows us to comply with EU Directives, but it will also be useful to design Murcia’s strategy to minimize environmental impacts

    Importancia de los cuidados durante la gestación en la preeclampsia

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaLa preeclampsia es un trastorno hipertensivo del embarazo y una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad materna y fetal. Se diagnostica a partir de la semana 20 de gestación y cursa con hipertensión arterial acompañada de proteinuria o de ciertas condiciones adversas como dolor de cabeza, disnea etc. Los profesionales de enfermería tienen un papel importante en la comunicación de los signos y síntomas de alarma, para la identificación y atención temprana de posibles complicaciones severas. Objetivos: Identificar las necesidades percibidas por las gestantes con preeclampsia y revisar el papel del personal de enfermería en los cuidados de la mujer con preeclampsia durante la gestación y sus beneficios. Metodología: Revisión narrativa mediante búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos. Resultados: Las mujeres con preeclampsia durante la gestación manifiestan sentimientos como ansiedad, impotencia y temor; debido a la falta de control de la patología y a la sensación de alto riesgo de mortalidad materno y fetal. En ocasiones refieren falta de información sobre la patología y de preparación para afrontarla. La atención precoz, periódica y holística se asocia con menor riesgo de morbimortalidad materna y fetal. Conclusiones: La atención de enfermería debe centrase en aspectos bio-psicosociales y en las necesidades individuales. Los cuidados de enfermería se deben orientar al control periódico, a la detección precoz de posibles complicaciones, a la atención emocional, a la realización de intervenciones educativas, a fomentar el autocuidado y a fortalecer las redes de apoyo familiares y sociales.Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and one of the main causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. It is diagnosed during the 20th week of gestation and courses with arterial hypertension accompanied by proteinuria or certain adverse conditions such as headaches, dyspnea, etc. Nursing professionals have an important role in communicating the signs and symptoms of alarm, for the identification and early attention of possible severe complications. Objectives: To identify the needs perceived by pregnant women with preeclampsia and to review the role of nursing staff in the care of women with preeclampsia during pregnancy and its benefits. Methodology: Narrative review through bibliographical searches on databases. Results: Women with PE during gestation manifest feelings such as anxiety, impotence and fear; due to the lack of control of the pathology and to the sensation of high risk of maternal and fetal mortality. In some cases the women refer to a lack of information about the pathology and the preparation necessary to confront it. Early, periodic and holistic care is associated with a lower risk of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Conclusions: Nursing care should focus on bio-psychosocial aspects and individual needs. Nursing care should be oriented to periodic monitoring, early detection of possible complications, emotional care, educational interventions, self-care and strengthening family and social support networks