1,249 research outputs found

    Understanding Reading First: What We Know, What We Don't, and What's Next

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    Studies of Reading First released in 2008 found no overall effect on student reading comprehension, and the program was eliminated in 2009. However, the research findings were more nuanced than was widely reported, and they offer lessons for policymakers making critical choices today about how the federal government can best support the teaching of reading to young children

    Becoming Post-Android:Philip K. Dick’s Errant Ontology

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    The work of Philip K. Dick, best known as a master of ontologically and psychologically unsettling science fiction, has had a wide-ranging if sporadic influence on modern cultural theory, playing key roles in works by thinkers such as Jean Baudrillard, Erik Davis, Katherine Hayles, Fredric Jameson, Laurence Rickels and Steven Shaviro. In this one-day symposium, comprising a workshop and panel discussion, three Dick scholars address his continuing significance for the contemporary rethinking of subjectivity, the (post)human, and ontology.Becoming Post-Android: Philip K. Dick’s Errant Ontology, symposium, ICI Berlin, 24 September 2015 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e150924

    Comparison and contrast in perceptual categorization

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    People categorized pairs of perceptual stimuli that varied in both category membership and pairwise similarity. Experiments 1 and 2 showed categorization of 1 color of a pair to be reliably contrasted from that of the other. This similarity-based contrast effect occurred only when the context stimulus was relevant for the categorization of the target (Experiment 3). The effect was not simply owing to perceptual color contrast (Experiment 4), and it extended to pictures from common semantic categories (Experiment 5). Results were consistent with a sign-and-magnitude version of N. Stewart and G. D. A. Brown's (2005) similarity-dissimilarity generalized context model, in which categorization is affected by both similarity to and difference from target categories. The data are also modeled with criterion setting theory (M. Treisman & T. C. Williams, 1984), in which the decision criterion is systematically shifted toward the mean of the current stimuli

    You Know You Belong To Someone Else (So Why Don\u27t You Leave Me Alone) / music by James V. Monaco; words by Eugene West

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    Cover: a drawing of a woman in a pink / black suit; Publisher: Irving Berlin Inc. (New York)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_d/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Interdisciplinary insights into navigating the maze of landscape multifunctionality

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    Increasing demands for land to deliver multiple and sometimes conflicting services to people and nature have led to the development of an extensive body of research focussed on multifunctional landscapes. However, this has created both insight and confusion, as authors from a variety of disciplines have independently tackled the question of how to manage the trade-offs and synergies inherent in landscapes that are required to produce multiple functions and services. We employed an interdisciplinary perspective to formulate some key questions that researchers of multifunctional landscapes can use to identify blind spots. Our process resulted in a question-based analysis support scheme that supports reflection and recursive thinking about multifunctional landscapes, beginning with objective setting and visions for addressing it, grounded in baseline mapping, then assessing landscape functions and their single and multiple interactions; as well as the analysis of sensitivity to spatial and temporal dimensions. Other key points identified are the need for clarity and examination of unstated assumptions, from aims to definitions; accounting for scale; incorporating stakeholder needs throughout the process and applying suitable methods of measurement and aggregation. The focus on asking guided questions derives from the insight that there is no universal correct approach to multifunctional landscapes; the aim should instead be to find the most appropriate methods for the given circumstances and goals. Policy implications. Tackling current and future socio-ecological challenges is an interdisciplinary undertaking, necessitating collaborative efforts between research fields that each bring valuable and distinct insights. To effectively combat these challenges, multifunctional landscapes require a clear process and focused objective in their implementation. Multifunctionality should be seen as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself.Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.okade krav pa att landskap ska leverera flera och ibland motstridiga tjanster till manniskor och natur har lett till utvecklingen av en omfangsrik forskning med fokus pa multifunktionella landskap. Detta har skapat bade insikter och oklarheter, eftersom forskare fran en rad olika discipliner oberoende av varandra har tagit sig an fragan om hur man ska hantera de kompromisser och synergier som uppstar i landskap som maste producera flera olika funktioner och tjanster. Genom ett interdisciplinart perspektiv har vi formulerat nyckelfragor som forskare som studerar multifunktionella landskap kan anvanda for att identifiera sina blinda flackar. Var process resulterade i ett fragebaserat analysstod for reflektion och rekursivt tankande om multifunktionella landskap. Det borjar med malsattning och visioner for att adressera detta, som sedan forankras i kartlaggning av forutsattningar, och fortsatter med bedomning av landskapsfunktioner och hur de interagerar men enskilda eller flera andra landskapsfunktioner; samt med analys av kanslighet for rumsliga och tidsmassiga dimensioner. Andra centrala punkter som identifierats ar behovet av tydlighet och granskning av outtalade grundantaganden, fran mal till definitioner; att skalan tas i beaktande; inforlivande av intressenters behov genom hela processen och tillampning av lampliga metoder for matning och aggregering av information. Vart fokus pa att stalla vagledande fragor kommer fran insikten att det inte finns nagot universellt korrekt tillvagagangssatt for multifunktionella landskap; syftet bor istallet vara att hitta de mest lampliga metoderna for de givna omstandigheterna och malen. Betydelse for politiken. Att ta itu med nuvarande och framtida socioekologiska utmaningar ar ett interdisciplinart atagande som kraver samarbete mellan forskningsomraden som vart och ett bidrar med vardefulla och specifika insikter. For att mota dessa utmaningar pa ett effektivt satt kravs en tydlig process och ett fokuserat mal for implementeringen av multifunktionella landskap. Multifunktionalitet bor ses som ett medel for att na ett mal, snarare an ett mal i sig.Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog

    Systems Medicine Disease: Disease Classification and Scalability Beyond Networks and Boundary Conditions

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    In order to accommodate the forthcoming wealth of health and disease related information, from genome to body sensors to population and the environment, the approach to disease description and definition demands re-examination. Traditional classification methods remain trapped by history; to provide the descriptive features that are required for a comprehensive description of disease, systems science, which realizes dynamic processes, adaptive response, and asynchronous communication channels, must be applied (Wolkenhauer et al., 2013). When Disease is viewed beyond the thresholds of lines and threshold boundaries, disease definition is not only the result of reductionist, mechanistic categories which reluctantly face re-composition. Disease is process and synergy as the characteristics of Systems Biology and Systems Medicine are included. To capture the wealth of information and contribute meaningfully to medical practice and biology research, Disease classification goes beyond a single spatial biologic level or static time assignment to include the interface of Disease process and organism response (Bechtel, 2017a; Green et al., 2017)

    The Formation and Malleability of Dietary Habits: A Field Experiment with Low Income Families

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    We conduct a field experiment to evaluate the extent to which dietary habits are malleable early on in childhood and later in life. We implement two treatments one that targets what people eat, the other that targets the timing and frequency of food intake. 285 low income families with young children were recruited and assigned either to a control group or one of the two treatments, each of them lasting for 12 consecutive weeks. In one treatment, families received food groceries at home for free for 12 weeks and were asked to prepare five specific healthy meals per week. In the other treatment, families were simply asked to reduce snacking and eat at regular times. We collected a range of measures of food preferences, dietary intake, as well as BMI and biomarkers based on blood samples. We find evidence that children’s BMI distribution shifted significantly relative to the control group, i.e. they became relatively “thinner”. We also find some evidence that their preferences have been affected by both treatments. On the other hand, we find little evidence of effects on parents. We conclude that exposure to a healthy diet and regularity of food intake possibly play a role in shaping dietary habits, but influencing dietary choices later on in life remains a major challenge

    The one-loop six-dimensional hexagon integral with three massive corners

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    We compute the six-dimensional hexagon integral with three non-adjacent external masses analytically. After a simple rescaling, it is given by a function of six dual conformally invariant cross-ratios. The result can be expressed as a sum of 24 terms involving only one basic function, which is a simple linear combination of logarithms, dilogarithms, and trilogarithms of uniform degree three transcendentality. Our method uses differential equations to determine the symbol of the function, and an algorithm to reconstruct the latter from its symbol. It is known that six-dimensional hexagon integrals are closely related to scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory, and we therefore expect our result to be helpful for understanding the structure of scattering amplitudes in this theory, in particular at two loops.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Chronicles of Oklahoma

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    Notes and Documents, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 42, Number 2, Summer 1964. It includes documents about the Board of Directors of the OHS, the dedication of the Nellie Johnstone historical marker, and historical notes about the Civil War and railroad companies
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