15 research outputs found

    Hydraulic assessment of a stream revitalization effect on a floodplain retention capacity

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    Diplomová práce “Hydraulické posouzení vlivu revitalizace vodního toku na retenční kapacitu údolní nivy“ posuzuje pomocí spřaženého 1D/2D výpočetního modelu programu BASEMENT schopnost údolní nivy transformovat povodňovou vlnu a porovnává zjištěné hodnoty na případu revitalizovaného a upraveného koryta. První část je věnována úvodu do problematiky. Ve druhé části je popsáno modelové území a jsou stanoveny hypotézy. Ve třetí části jsou popsána vstupní data, použité nástroje, výpočtový model, jeho tvorba a výpočtové varianty.Ve čtvrté části jsou jednotlivé hypotézy vyhodnoceny. Bylo zjištěno, že v případě modelového území dochází k transformaci povodně do Q20 mnohem lépe u revitalizovaného koryta a upravené koryto může povodeň urychlit, povodně Q50 a Q100 transformuje mírně lépe upravené koryto. Pro zobecnění výsledků by bylo vhodné provést výzkum na větším množství případových studií, založených na kombinaci 1D/2D a srážko-odtokového modelu.Diploma thesis “Hydraulic Assessment of a Stream Revitalization Effect on a Floodplain Retention Capacity“ assess availability of revitalized stream and its floodplain to transform floods and compare determined values with transformed floods from model of technically modified stream, both by using coupling 1D/2D BASEMENT computational model. In the first part is overall introduction to research issue. In the second part the territory of interest is described and the hypothesis are set. In the third part are described input data, used tools, computational model, its making and computational versions. In the fourth part the hypothesis are evaluated. It was determined, that for in this thesis used terrain and hydrographs are floods smaller than Q20 transformed much more by revitalized stream and that technically modified stream can speed up the flood, floods Q50 and Q100 are more transformed by technically modified stream. For generalization of the results would be appropriate to make research on bigger ammount of case studies based on combination of 1D/2D and rainfall-runoff model.

    Study of sediment transport, flood protection and outline of flood plan in chosen part of the river Thaya

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    Bakalářská práce "Studie transportu látek, protipovodňových opatření a osnovy povodňového plánu na vybraném úseku toku Dyje" je rozdělena do čtyř tematických částí. V první popisuji zvolené území řeky Dyje od Nových Mlýnů po Břeclav se zaměřením na geografické, geologické a hydrologické podmínky, hydrotechnické stavby a úpravy toků, biotu a  chráněná území, demografii a Lednicko-valtický areál. Ve druhé části určuji pomocí granulometrické analýzy vzorků splavenin původ sedimentů, které se ve velké míře usazují zejména pod jezem Břeclav a omezují tak průtočnou kapacitu koryta. Ve třetí části popisuji vybrané území z hlediska ochrany před povodněmi, popisuji historické povodně a pomocí programu HEC-RAS posuzuji kapacitu vybraných problémových profilů. V poslední části se věnuji protipovodňové ochraně Lednice a části Lednicko-valtického areálu, popisuji problémy tohoto území v kontextu protipovodňové ochrany a navrhuji osnovu Povodňového plánu obce Lednice.Bachalor's thesis „Study of Sediment Transport, Flood Protection and Outline of Flood Plan in Chosen Part of the River Thaya“ is divided into four parts. In the first one, I describe chosen part of the river Thaya from the Nové Mlýny to the Břeclav weir with focus on geographic, geological and hydrogeological conditions, hydrotechnical structures and river adjustments, biota and protected areas, demography and Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape. In the second part, I determine, by bed load samples granulometric analysis, the source of sediments, which appeard under the Břeclav weir. In the third part, I describe chosen area from the view of flood protection, I describe historical floods and I assess capacity of chosen problematic profiles using HEC-RAS program. In the last part, I focus on flood protection of the village Lednice and of the part of Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, I describe problems of this area in context of flood protection and I suggest outline of the Flood Plan of the Village Lednice.

    Analysis of a Partly Sprung Drive

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    During the operation of trams in citiesthe bogies and drives are dynamically loaded throughacceleration, deceleration, passaging curves andevidently by the roughness of the tram track. Theseadded dynamic loads can significantly increase thewearing of tram drive components. The aim of thisanalysis is the investigation of stress state and motionsof the gearbox hinge (support). For this purpose,strain gauges and optical system Qualisys are used.Special type of the strain gauges arrangement formeasuring tension and bend together is designed.Acquired data are processed in the software Matlaband in the user interface of the Qualisys software

    Aktuální hospodářská situace v Německu a její vliv na výkonnost české ekonomiky

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    Záměrem práce je analyzovat vliv hospodářské situace v Německu na ekonomickou situaci v České republice. Zaměřuje se přitom na dvě oblasti, v kterých lze tento vliv vypozorovat. První oblast představuje německý hospodářský růst a jeho vliv na exportní výkonnost České republiky. Druhým tématem pak jsou přímé zahraniční investice, které v české ekonomice umístily německé subjekty, a jejich vliv na české ekonomické prostředí

    Wild Experimenting in Machine Translation

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    A tutorial on conducting a very broad range of experiments (for MT in particular)

    Quiz-Based Evaluation of Machine Translation

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    This paper proposes a new method of manual evaluation for statistical machine translation, the so-called quiz-based evaluation, estimating whether people are able to extract information from machine-translated texts reliably. We apply the method to two commercial and two experimental MT systems that participated in WMT 2010 in English-to-Czech translation. We report inter-annotator agreement for the evaluation as well as the outcomes of the individual systems. The quiz-based evaluation suggests rather different ranking of the systems compared to the WMT 2010 manual and automatic metrics. We also see that overall, MT quality is becoming acceptable for obtaining information from the text: about 80 % of questions can be answered correctly given only machine-translated text. 1

    Automatic MT Error Analysis: Hjerson Helping Addicter

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    We present a complex, open source tool for detailed machine translation error analysis providing the user with automatic error detection and classification, several monolingual alignment algorithms as well as with training and test corpus browsing. The tool is the result of a merge of automatic error detection and classification of Hjerson (Popović, 2011) and Addicter (Zeman et al., 2011) into the pipeline and web visualization of Addicter. It classifies errors into categories similar to those of Vilar et al. (2006), such as: morphological, reordering, missing words, extra words and lexical errors. The graphical user interface shows alignments in both training corpus and test data; the different classes of errors are colored. Also, the summary of errors can be displayed to provide an overall view of the MT system’s weaknesses. The tool was developed in Linux, but it was tested on Windows too

    Tools for Machine Translation Quality Inspection

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    This report describes Addicter, tool for automatic error detection and evaluation, providing its user also with graphical interface useful for browsing through the dataset

    The Influence of High-Temperature Helium and the Amount of Revert Material on the Material Properties of Inconel 738

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    Nickel-based alloys are considered promising materials for primary circuits of high-temperature gas reactors (HTGRs), specifically for gas turbines. The primary helium (He) coolant in the gas-turbine-based HTGRs is expected to reach temperatures of up to 900 °C; therefore, the selected materials should adequately perform over a long service life at such an environment. A promising manufacturing method in the production of reactor components is precision casting, where the content of revert (recyclate) material in the alloy differs and can influence the material behavior. In our study, Inconel alloy 738 was manufactured by casting 50% and 100% of revert material and tested in HTGR conditions to examine the influence of helium coolant on the material’s properties. Tensile specimens were exposed at 900 °C for 1000 h in helium containing a specified amount of gaseous impurities. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), in combination with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and nano-, microhardness methods, were used for material characterization after performing the tensile tests at room temperature. The presence of three types of layers was observed: a thin layer formed by aluminum and chromium oxides on the surface; non-uniform surface oxides Ti3O5 with inner (Al,Cr)2O3; and the inner fine-grained Inconel Cr-enriched phase (approx. 10–20 µm below the surface), which can act as a protective surface layer. Mechanical properties of both revert materials decreased after exposure to HTGR conditions but did not show a significant difference as a result of the content of the revert material. The increase of nano-hardness in line profiles throughout the specimen’s cross-section was observed locally at the surface oxides and in the precipitates and grain boundaries. After exposure, Rp0.2 values decreased by 20% and 17.7%, and Rm values by 12.3% and 20.8% in samples with 50 and 100% revert content, respectively. Furthermore, a decrease in microhardness values (HV0.1) was detected by 4.98% in longitude and 5.80% in cross-section for samples with 50% revert material and by 3.85% in longitude and 7.86% in cross-section for samples with 100% revert material. It can be concluded that both revert materials have similar corrosion resistance in HTGR conditions. The presented results complement the knowledge about the degradation of alloys in the coolant environment of advanced gas-cooled reactors

    Cytokinin fluoroprobe reveals multiple sites of cytokinin perception at plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum

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    Plant hormone cytokinins are perceived by a subfamily of sensor histidine kinases (HKs), which via a two-component phosphorelay cascade activate transcriptional responses in the nucleus. Subcellular localization of the receptors proposed the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane as a principal cytokinin perception site, while study of cytokinin transport pointed to the plasma membrane (PM)-mediated cytokinin signalling. Here, by detailed monitoring of subcellular localizations of the fluorescently labelled natural cytokinin probe and the receptor ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE KINASE 4 (CRE1/AHK4) fused to GFP reporter, we show that pools of the ER-located cytokinin receptors can enter the secretory pathway and reach the PM in cells of the root apical meristem, and the cell plate of dividing meristematic cells. Brefeldin A (BFA) experiments revealed vesicular recycling of the receptor and its accumulation in BFA compartments. We provide a revised view on cytokinin signalling and the possibility of multiple sites of perception at PM and ER. Cytokinin receptors predominantly localize to the endoplasmic reticulum. Here, Kubiasova et al. use a cytokinin fluoroprobe to show that ER-localized cytokinin receptors can enter the secretory pathway, reach the plasma membrane and undergo vesicular recycling, suggesting multiple sites of cytokinin perception