31 research outputs found

    Contribution to the knowledge of serpentine flora in western Kosovo, with comparisons of the western, central and northern serpentine massifs

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    This article presents the results of a floristic survey conducted between 2011 and 2021 on Mt. Kaznik, western Kosovo. In all, 361 plant taxa belonging to 75 families and 147 genera of vascular flora were recorded. These areas are dominated by serpentine soils, which are known for the increased occurrence of endemic plant taxa. Detailed analysis of chorological and biological data in conjunction with general vegetation data has highlighted the distinctive nature of Mt. Kaznik, making it a floristically important area. Of the taxa identified, 15 were classified as threatened plant taxa at the national level, while a total of 17 taxa are endemic plants. For each plant taxon, data on floristic element, habitat characteristics, life form, and general vegetation data are provided. A syntaxonomic analysis of the recorded taxa showed that they belong to nine vegetation classes, with the pubescent oak and mixed deciduous forest class Quercetea pubescentis being dominant. In addition, a floristic comparison was made between the serpentines of Kaznik and those in central and northern Kosovo. Considering the floristic importance and the high degree of diversity exhibited by the serpentines, the data presented are of particular importance to a better understanding of the floristic composition of Kosovo

    Conservation assessment of the endemic plants from Kosovo

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    Sixteen endemic plant taxa were selected from Kosovo, according to the IUCN standards and for each taxon the risk assessment and threat category has been assigned. The taxa were compared with their previous status from fifteen years ago. From sixteen plant taxa, which were included in this work, four are Balkan endemics, whereas, eight of them are local endemics and four of the taxa are stenoendemics. Six of the taxa are grown exclusively on serpentine soils, five of them on limestone substrate, four of them in carbonate substrate, yet only onein silicate substrate. The work has been done based on the standard working methodologies of the IUCN (Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria – Version 8.1). The most threatened plant taxa is Solenanthus krasniqii – which after its observance has only 20 mature individuals. As a result of the wild collection of the medicinal and aromatic plants, from the local population, Sideritis scardica is about to be completely go extinct. The aim of this study was to assess the state of endemics in the threats possessed to them during the previous times, present and predicting the trends for the upcoming years

    Prinos poznavanju flore planine Golesh, središnje Kosovo

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    This paper presents the results of a detailed floristic study conducted during three consecutive years (2015-2017) in the central part of Kosovo, in the mountain of Golesh. The studied mountainous area is unique by reason of its ecosystems and has a high degree of diversity of regional flora. Because of its specific harsh environment the area as a whole contains a considerable amount of endemic and rare plant taxa. Therefore, the flora of different habitats of the area has been properly investigated and must be adequately protected. All recorded taxa in this study correspond to the collected voucher specimens. Conservation statuses for endangered taxa were also proposed based on the relevant literature data. As a result of the research, 62 families, 199 genera, and 295 taxa (species and infraspecific taxa) of vascular plants were recorded, including eight endemic plant taxa and, in total, twelve endangered plant taxa. Growing on Mt Golesh are one critically endangered (Klasea radiata), three endangered (Narcissus poeticus subsp. radiiflorus, Haplophyllum boisserianum and Daphne cneorum), two vulnerable (Centaurea albertii and Galatella albanica), two near threatened (Paramoltkia doerfleri and Potentilla visianii) and four least concern plant taxa (Halacsya sendtneri, Linum flavum, Forsythia europaea and Polygala doerfleri), indicating that this area has a high conservation value and the necessity for research.Rad predstavlja rezultate detaljnog florističkog istraživanja provedenog tijekom tri uzastopne godine (2015-2017) na planini Golesh u središnjem dijelu Kosova. Proučavano planinsko područje je jedinstveno zbog svog ekosustava i i posjeduje veliki stupanj raznolikosti regionalne flore. Zbog oštrih uvjeta okoliša na tom području raste značajan broj endemskih i rijetkih vrsta. Stoga je flora različitih staništa tog područja dobro istražena i mora biti adekvatno zaštićena. Sve zabilježene svojte ovog rada imaju i dokaz u prikupljenim primjercima. Za sve ugrožene svojte na temelju relevantnih literaturnih podataka predlaže se zaštita. Kao rezultat istraživanja zabilježene su 62 porodice, 199 rodova i 295 svojti (vrste i podvrste) vaskularnih biljaka, uključujući osam endemskih i 12 ugroženih svojti. Na planini Golesh raste jedna kritično ugrožena (Klasea radiata), tri ugrožene (Narcissus poeticus subsp. radiiflorus, Haplophyllum boisserianum i Daphne cneorum), dvije osjetljive (Centaurea albertii i Galatella albanica), dvije skoro ugrožene (Paramoltkia doerfleri i Potentilla visianii) i četiri najmanje zabrinjavajuće svojte (Halacsya sendtneri, Linum flavum, Forsythia europaea i Polygala doerfleri), što pokazuje vrijednost zaštite ovog područja i potrebu njegovog istraživanja

    Knowledge about breastfeeding of children 0-6 months among mothers attending hospital services in Kosovo

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge and socio-demographic correlates of breastfeeding of children aged 0-6 months among mothers with young children in post-war Kosovo. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo during the period December 2017 – February 2018 including a representative sample of 201 mothers (aged 29.4±6.0 years) with young children attending hospital services. In addition to socio-demographic data, a structured 13-item questionnaire inquiring about breastfeeding of children aged 0-6 months was administered to all women. A summary score was calculated for all 13 items related to women’s knowledge on breastfeeding (0 denoting incorrect answers to all 13 items, and 13 denoting correct answers to all 13 questions). General linear model was used to assess the association between summary score of the knowledge about breastfeeding and socio-demographic characteristics of the women.   Results: Mean summary score of the 13 items related to knowledge about breastfeeding was 10.3±1.9; median score was 11 (interquartile range: 9-12). In multivariable-adjusted models, the mean summary score of knowledge about breastfeeding of children 0-6 months was slightly but non-significantly higher among “older” women, those residing in urban areas, highly educated women, those currently employed, and women with a higher income level. Conclusion: Generally, the level of knowledge about breastfeeding of children aged 0-6 months was satisfactory among mothers with young children included in this survey in Kosovo. Furthermore, there were seemingly no significant socio-demographic differences in the level of knowledge about breastfeeding of young infants among women in this study carried out in Kosovo.  &nbsp

    Morphological variability of Trifolium repens L. (Fabaceae)

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    The subject of our research was Trifolium repens L. The aim was to assess the level of morphological and anatomical variability among populations from different habitats (meadows, roadsides, subalpine slopes) and different altitudes (891- 1881 m) in Brezovica (Sharri Mountain- Kosovo). The investigation covered 26 morphological and anatomical traits in populations from 12 locations. From the results obtained during this research, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference among populations for most micro- and macro-morphological traits. There is also a tendency towards a reduction of most of the average values of the investigated parameters (total plant height, total leaf length, leaf petiole length, peduncle length, fruit weight, number of flowers in an inflorescence, stomata length on the upper leaf surface, and diameter of collateral bundle) in relation to altitude increase. However, trichome length showed consistency and was not affected by habitat and altitude changes. The results also lead to a proposal for taxonomic revision of this taxon

    Relation between boundaries of protected areas and the distribution of vulnerable natural habitats – a case study from Sharri National Park, SE Europe

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    A growing threat to areas designed to protect habitats with high biodiversity has been noticed. In order to assess the present level of threat, the correlation between the factual situation of natural habitats and the boundary of protected area was studied in the massif of Luboten, Sharri NP. 45 phytosociological relevès were made in the studied site, all habitat types were recorded and notes on presence of rare and endemic plant taxa were taken. It was noticed that within the massif of Luboten, Sharri NP, an endangered natural habitat of subalpine moist tall herbs is not covered within the strictly protected area. The Moesian hogweed tall herb communities with Cirsium appendiculatum Griseb., as the most distinctive plant species, are known to harbor several endemic and rare plant species. To further add conservation importance, in these habitats with narrow distribution and fragile environment, there is one South-European Orophilous plant species (Willemetia stipitata), as well as 12 Balkan endemic plant taxa. The corresponding recorded plant association is Doronico gigantei-Cirsietum appendiculati Horv. ex Quez. Based on the obtained data on the situation of this habitat, we highly suggest extending the strictly protected area for 0.56 km2 into the NW direction of the western slope

    Blysmo compressi-Eriophoretum latifoliae ass. nova, a new association of the Caricion fuscae alliance from the Sharri Mountains

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    The sedge-moss vegetation of the moderately to low calcium-rich slightly acidic fens of the Caricion fuscae alliance depends on a very specific combination of ecological and climatic conditions to thrive. Until recently, the classification of this vegetation group was complicated by its rarity on the southern edges of its range in Europe. As part of a larger database of phytocenological relevés carried out in Mt. Luboten, we came across an interesting group of 15 relevés on fen vegetation sites. We were curious to know if this plant community was a previously known association or if it might represent something new within this alliance. We compiled a separate dataset at JUICE that includes four plant communities from this alliance, along with our 15 original releves. The classification was based on modified TWINSPAN and beta-flexible clustering as a numerical classification method, with OPTIMCLASS determining the appropriate number of clusters. Five associations were clearly delineated, with the four associations taken from the literature sources clearly grouped individually and a new, fifth association appearing as separate, with completely unique characteristics. This new association: Blysmo compressi-Eriophoretum latifoliae occurs at elevations of ~ 1650 m a.s.l. on NE and NW slopes of the mountain. With this work we offer the description of a new high-mountain fen association. These associations may play an important syntaxonomic role as more Balkan data become available on this alliance. The sedge-moss and fen vegetation in the Balkans is particularly rare and characterised by a very diverse and specific vegetation, so it rightly deserves more attention from vegetation scientists and conservation authorities

    Knowledge about breastfeeding of children 0-6 months among mothers attending hospital services in Kosovo

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge and socio-demographic correlates of breastfeeding of children aged 0-6 months among mothers with young children in post-war Kosovo.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo during the period December 2017 – February 2018 including a representative sample of 201 mothers (aged 29.4±6.0 years) with young children attending hospital services. In addition to socio-demographic data, a structured 13-item questionnaire inquiring about breastfeeding of children aged 0-6 months was administered to all women. A summary score was calculated for all 13 items related to women’s knowledge on breastfeeding (0 denoting incorrect answers to all 13 items, and 13 denoting correct answers to all 13 questions). General linear model was used to assess the association between summary score of the knowledge about breastfeeding and socio-demographic characteristics of the women.  Results: Mean summary score of the 13 items related to knowledge about breastfeeding was 10.3±1.9; median score was 11 (interquartile range: 9-12). In multivariable-adjusted models, the mean summary score of knowledge about breastfeeding of children 0-6 months was slightly but non-significantly higher among “older” women, those residing in urban areas, highly educated women, those currently employed, and women with a higher income level.Conclusion: Generally, the level of knowledge about breastfeeding of children aged 0-6 months was satisfactory among mothers with young children included in this survey in Kosovo. Furthermore, there were seemingly no significant socio-demographic differences in the level of knowledge about breastfeeding of young infants among women in this study carried out in Kosovo.   

    Predictive factors for patient satisfaction in public and private hospitals in Kosovo

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    Aim: The objective of this study was to assess predictive factors for patient satisfaction with healthcare services as a measure of the quality of hospital care in public and private hospitals in Kosovo. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kosovo during 2015-2016 including a representative sample of 2585 patients older than 18 years [1010 (48.6%) males and 1069 (51.4%) females from public hospitals; and 240 (47.4%) males and 266 (52.6%) females from private hospitals]. Patient satisfaction dimensions such as satisfaction with medical care, nursing care, organization, and overall impression were the main variables measured. A risk-adjusted multivariate analysis was applied. Results: Multiple linear regression analysis revealed as independent significant predictors of the total satisfaction of patients from public hospitals the following factors: age, length of stay in hospital in days, education, payment for additional analyzes during hospitalization and buying medications for hospital treatment. These five independent significant predictors accounted for 7.3% of the change in the total patients’ satisfaction (stepwise method - R2 = 0.073). Conversely, there were only four predictors of the total satisfaction of patients from private hospitals: length of stay in hospital in days, number of hospitalizations in the last 12 months, paying for hospitalization, and cost of hospitalization exceeds received services. Only the variables “length of hospital stay” together with “cost of hospitalization exceeds received services” as independent predictors, explained 5.3% of the variability of total satisfaction. Conclusion: Structural and qualitative characteristics of hospitals have a significant impact on patients’ satisfaction. Age, length of stay, education, payment for additional analyzes during hospitalization and the cost of hospitalization in public hospitals and length of stay, paying for hospitalization, and cost of hospitalization in private hospitals are useful predictors for total satisfaction of patients in Kosovo