83 research outputs found

    UV laser photoactivation of hexachloroplatinate bound to individual nucleobases : In vacuo as molecular level probes of a model photopharmaceutical

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    Isolated molecular clusters of adenine, cytosine, thymine and uracil bound to hexachloroplatinate, PtCl6 2-, have been studied using laser electronic photodissociation spectroscopy to investigate photoactivation of a platinum complex in the vicinity of a nucleobase. These metal complex-nucleobase clusters represent model systems for identifying the fundamental photochemical processes occurring in photodynamic platinum drug therapies that target DNA. This is the first study to explore the specific role of a strongly photoactive platinum compound in the aggregate complex. Each of the clusters studied displays a broadly similar absorption spectra, with a strong λmax ∼ 4.6 eV absorption band and a subsequent increase in the absorption intensity towards higher spectral-energy. The absorption bands are traced to ligand-to-metal-charge-transfer excitations on the PtCl6 2- moiety within the cluster, and result in Cl-·nucleobase and PtCl5 - as primary photofragments. These results demonstrate how selective photoexcitation can drive distinctive photodecay channels for a model photo-pharmaceutical. In addition, cluster absorption due to excitation of nucleobase-centred chromophores is observed in the region around 5 eV. For the uracil cluster, photofragments consistent with ultrafast decay of the excited state and vibrational predissociation on the ground-state surface are observed. However, this decay channel becomes successively weaker on going from thymine to cytosine to adenine, due to differential coupling of the excited states to the electron detachment continuum. These effects demonstrate the distinctive photophysical characteristics of the different nucleobases, and are discussed in the context of the recently recorded photoelectron spectra of theses clusters

    One filter, one sample and the N- and O-glyco(proteo)me: towards a system to study disorders of protein glycosylation. : Toward a System to Study Disorders of Protein Glycosylation

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    A method has been developed for release/isolation of O-glycans from glycoproteins in whole cell lysates for mass spectrometric analysis. Cells are lysed in SDS, which is then exchanged for urea and ammonium bicarbonate in a centrifugal filter, before treating with NH4OH to release O-glycans. Following centrifugation, O-glycans are recovered in the filtrate. Sonication achieves O-glycan release in 1 h. Combining the established protocol for filter-aided N-glycan separation, here optimized for enhanced PNGase F efficiency, with the developed O-glycan release method allows analysis of both N- and O-glycans from one sample, in the same filter unit, from 0.5 to 1 million cells. The method is compatible with subsequent analysis of the residual protein by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) after glycan release. The medium throughput approach is amenable to analysis of biological replicates, offering a simple way to assess the often subtle changes to glycan profiles accompanying differentiation and disease progression, in a statistically robust way

    Effects of organic solvent and cationic additive on capillary electrophoresis of peptides

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    Capillary electrophoresis (CE) of nine peptides namely, bradykinin, bradykinin fragment 1-5, substance P, Arg8 -vasopressin, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), bombesin, leucine-enkephalin, methionine-enkephalin and oxytocin were carried out using 0.5 % and 1.0 % formic acid (FA) as the separation buffers, added with acetonitrile (ACN) and triethylamine (TEA) as an additive at low pH. The electrophoretic behaviour of these peptides was examined at different concentration of TEA (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mM), and ACN (30, 40, 50, 60, 70 %) at their respective measured final pH. The results showed that all nine peptides were fully resolved with addition of 10 – 20 mM TEA. Peak efficiency was improved significantly by increasing TEA concentration up to 40 mM where 800 000 m-1 was obtained. Without TEA, the closely related enkephalins were co-migrating. Interestingly, by addition of as little as 5 mM TEA has sufficient to separate them almost at baseline. Increasing ACN to 40 % has shortened the analysis time by ca. 1 min. However, further increase of ACN can cause peak broadening and current instability

    Detection of opium alkaloids in a Cypriot base-ring juglet

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    A method has been developed for extracting poppy alkaloids from oily matrices, specifically lipid residues associated with archaeological ceramics. The protocol has been applied to fresh and artificially aged poppyseed oil and to residue from a Late Bronze Age Cypriot juglet in the collections of the British Museum. The juglet is of a type that has been linked with ancient trade in opium due to its poppy-head shape and wide distribution; it is a rare example of an intact vessel with contents sealed inside. Bulk analysis of the residue by GC-EI-MS and pyGC-EI-MS indicated a degraded plant oil and possible presence of papaverine. Analysis of the alkaloid extracts by HPLC-ESI-MS using both triple quadrupole and FTICR mass spectrometers detected the five primary opium alkaloids in fresh poppyseed oil and papaverine in most of the aged samples. Papaverine and thebaine were detected in the juglet residue, providing the first rigorous chemical evidence to support a link between this vessel type and opium, or at least poppies. The association of opium with oil raises new questions about the ancient purpose of the commodities within these vessels, and the low levels (ng g−1) of opiates detected in this unusually well-preserved residue shed doubt on the scope for their detection in more fragmentary ceramic remains (potsherds). Papaverine was found to exhibit challenging carryover behaviour in all the analytical methods used in this study. The phenomenon has not been reported before and should be considered in future analyses of this analyte in all application areas


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    Degradation is one of the key processes governing the impact of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. Most studies on the degradation of pharmaceuticals have focused on soil and sludge with fewer exploring persistence in aquatic sediments. Here we investigate the dissipation of six pharmaceuticals from different therapeutic classes in a range of sediment types. Dissipation of each pharmaceutical was found to follow first-order exponential decay. Half-lives in the sediments ranged from 9.5 d (atenolol) to 78.8 d (amitriptyline). Under sterile conditions, the persistence of pharmaceuticals was considerably longer. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was performed to explore the relationships between half-lives of the pharmaceuticals, sediment physicochemical properties and the sorption coefficients for the compounds. Sediment clay, silt and organic carbon content and microbial activity were the predominant factors related to the degradation rates of diltiazem, cimetidine and ranitidine. Regression analysis failed to highlight a key property which may be responsible for observed differences in the degradation of the other pharmaceuticals. The present study results suggest degradation rate of pharmaceuticals in sediments is determined by different factors and processes and does not exclusively depend on a single sediment parameter. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Polyamines are required for normal growth in sinorhizobium meliloti

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    Polyamines (PAs) are ubiquitous polycations derived from basic L-amino acids whose physiological roles are still being defined. Their biosynthesis and functions in nitrogen-fixing rhizobia such as Sinorhizobium meliloti have not been extensively investigated. Thin layer chromatographic and mass spectrometric analyses showed that S. meliloti Rm8530 produces the PAs, putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and homospermidine (HSpd), in their free forms and norspermidine (NSpd) in a form bound to macromolecules. The S. meliloti genome encodes two putative ornithine decarboxylases (ODC) for Put synthesis. Activity assays with the purified enzymes showed that ODC2 (SMc02983) decarboxylates both ornithine and lysine. ODC1 (SMa0680) decarboxylates only ornithine. An odc1 mutant was similar to the wild-type in ODC activity, PA production and growth. In comparison to the wild-type, an odc2 mutant had 45% as much ODC activity and its growth rates were reduced by 42, 14 and 44% under non-stress, salt stress or acid stress conditions, respectively. The odc2 mutant produced only trace levels of Put, Spd and HSpd. Wild-type phenotypes were restored when the mutant was grown in cultures supplemented with 1mM Put or Spd or when the odc2 gene was introduced in trans. odc2 gene expression was increased under acid stress and reduced under salt stress and with exogenous Put or Spd. An odc1 odc2 double mutant had phenotypes similar to the odc2 mutant. These results indicate that ODC2 is the major enzyme for Put synthesis in S. meliloti and that PAs are required for normal growth in vitro

    Pinus pinaster early hormonal defence responses to pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) infection

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    The pinewood nematode (PWN) is the causal agent of pine wilt disease, a pathology that affects conifer forests, mainly Pinus spp. PWN infection can induce the expression of phytohormone-related genes; however, changes at the early phytohormone level have not yet been explored. Phyto-hormones are low-abundance metabolites, and thus, difficult to quantify. Moreover, most method-ologies focus mainly on Arabidopsis or crop species. This work aimed to validate a fast (run time 6.6 min) liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (LC-QqQ-MS/MS) analytical method to quantify 14 phytohormones in Pinus pinaster stem tissues. This method was further applied to evaluate, for the first time, early phytohormone changes in susceptible and resistant phenotypes of P. pinaster 24, 48 and 72 h after inoculation (HAI) with PWN. A significant increase in salicylic acid (SA, 48 and 72 HAI) and jasmonic acid methyl ester (JA-ME, 72 HAI) was observed in susceptible phenotypes. Results indicate that the higher susceptibility of P. pinaster to PWN infection might result from an inefficient trigger of hypersensitive responses, with the involvement of JA and SA pathways. This work provides an important update in forest research, and adds to the current knowledge of Pinus spp. defence responses to PWN infection

    Effect of rate of pyrolysis on the textural properties of naturally-templated porous carbons from alginic acid

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    AbstractThe effect of pyrolysis rate on the properties of alginic acid-derived carbonaceous materials, termed Starbon®, was investigated. Thermal Gravimetry-IR was used to prepare porous carbons up to 800°C at several rates and highlighted increased CO2 production at higher pyrolysis rates. N2 porosimetry of the resultant carbons shows how pyrolysis rate affects both the mesopore structure and thus surface area and surface energy. Surface capacity of these carbons was analysed by methylene blue dye adsorption. In general, as the rate of pyrolysis increased, the mesopore content and adsorbent capacity decreased. It is considered here that the rapid production of volatiles at these higher rates causes structural collapse of the non-templated pore network. The work here demonstrates that pyrolysis rate is a key variable which needs to be controlled to maximise the textural properties of Starbon® required for adsorption applications

    Non-minimally coupled dark matter: effective pressure and structure formation

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    We propose a phenomenological model in which a non-minimal coupling between gravity and dark matter is present in order to address some of the apparent small scales issues of \lcdm model. When described in a frame in which gravity dynamics is given by the standard Einstein-Hilbert action, the non-minimal coupling translates into an effective pressure for the dark matter component. We consider some phenomenological examples and describe both background and linear perturbations. We show that the presence of an effective pressure may lead these scenarios to differ from \lcdm at the scales where the non-minimal coupling (and therefore the pressure) is active. In particular two effects are present: a pressure term for the dark matter component that is able to reduce the growth of structures at galactic scales, possibly reconciling simulations and observations; an effective interaction term between dark matter and baryons that could explain observed correlations between the two components of the cosmic fluid within Tully-Fisher analysis.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, references added. Published in JCA

    Regional and social differences concerning overweight, participation in health check-ups and vaccination. Analysis of data from a whole birth cohort of 6-year old children in a prosperous German city

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies on health inequalities still focus mostly on adults. Research about social disparities and health in children is slowly increasing, also in Germany, but these studies are mostly restricted to individual social variables derived from the parents to determine social class. This paper analyses the data of the medical check-up prior to school enrolment to determine differences concerning overweight, participation in health check-ups and immunization; it includes individual social variables but also regional variables describing the social environment of the children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The dataset includes 9,353 children who started school in 2004 in Munich, Germany. Three dependent variables are included (i.e. overweight, health check-ups, vaccinations). The individual level social variables are: children's sex, mother tongue of the parents, Kindergarten visit. On the small scale school district level, two regional social variables could be included as well, i.e. percentage of single-parent households, percentage of households with low educational level. Associations are assessed by cross tables and regression analyses. The regional level variables are included by multilevel analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The analyses indicate that there is a large variation between the school districts concerning the three dependent variables, and that there is no district with very 'problematic values' for all three of them (i.e. high percentage of overweight, low levels of health check-ups and vaccinations). Throughout the bivariate and multivariate analyses, the mother tongue of the children's parents shows the most pronounced association with these dependent variables; i.e. children growing up in non-German-speaking families tend to be more overweight and don't visit preventive check-ups as often as children of German-speaking parents. An opposite association can be seen concerning vaccinations. Regional level influences are present as well, but they are rather small when the individual level social variables are controlled for.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The dataset of the medical check-up prior to school enrolment offers a great opportunity for public health research, as it comprises a whole age cohort. The number and scope of variables is quite limited, though. On one hand, it includes only few variables on health or health related risks. On the other, it would be important to have more information from the region where the children live, e.g. the availability of community and health care services for parents and children, social networks of families with children, areas where children can play outside, traffic noise and air pollution. Despite these shortcomings, the need for specific interventions can already be derived from the data analyzed here, e.g. programs to reduce overweight in children should focus on parents with a mother tongue other than German.</p
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