205 research outputs found

    Achieving Thoracic Oncology data collection in Europe: a precursor study in 35 Countries

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    Background: A minority of European countries have participated in international comparisons with high level data on lung cancer. However, the nature and extent of data collection across the continent is simply unknown, and without accurate data collection it is not possible to compare practice and set benchmarks to which lung cancer services can aspire. Methods: Using an established network of lung cancer specialists in 37 European countries, a survey was distributed in December 2014. The results relate to current practice in each country at the time, early 2015. The results were compiled and then verified with co-authors over the following months. Results: Thirty-five completed surveys were received which describe a range of current practice for lung cancer data collection. Thirty countries have data collection at the national level, but this is not so in Albania, BosniaHerzegovina, Italy, Spain and Switzerland. Data collection varied from paper records with no survival analysis, to well-established electronic databases with links to census data and survival analyses. Conclusion: Using a network of committed clinicians, we have gathered validated comparative data reporting an observed difference in data collection mechanisms across Europe. We have identified the need to develop a welldesigned dataset, whilst acknowledging what is feasible within each country, and aspiring to collect high quality data for clinical research

    A statistical comparison of EUV brightenings observed by SO/EUI with simulated brightenings in nonpotential simulations

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    Open access funding provided by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. L.H. and K.B. are grateful to the SNF for the funding of the project number 200021_188390. D.H.M. would like to thank the STFC for support via consolidated grant ST/W001195/1. K.A.M. would like to thank the STFC for support via consortium grant ST/W001098/1.The High Resolution Imager (HRIEUV) telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument onboard Solar Orbiter has observed EUV brightenings, so-called campfires, as fine-scale structures at coronal temperatures. The goal of this paper is to compare the basic geometrical (size, orientation) and physical (intensity, lifetime) properties of the EUV brightenings with regions of energy dissipation in a nonpotential coronal magnetic-field simulation. In the simulation, HMI line-of-sight magnetograms are used as input to drive the evolution of solar coronal magnetic fields and energy dissipation. We applied an automatic EUV-brightening detection method to EUV images obtained on 30 May 2020 by the HRIEUV telescope. We applied the same detection method to the simulated energy dissipation maps from the nonpotential simulation to detect simulated brightenings. We detected EUV brightenings with a density of 1.41×10−3 brightenings/Mm2 in the EUI observations and simulated brightenings between 2.76×10−2 – 4.14×10−2 brightenings/Mm2 in the simulation, for the same time range. Although significantly more brightenings were produced in the simulations, the results show similar distributions of the key geometrical and physical properties of the observed and simulated brightenings. We conclude that the nonpotential simulation can successfully reproduce statistically the characteristic properties of the EUV brightenings (typically with more than 85% similarity); only the duration of the events is significantly different between observations and simulation. Further investigations based on high-cadence and high-resolution magnetograms from Solar Orbiter are under consideration to improve the agreement between observation and simulation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Multi-stage reconnection powering a solar coronal jet

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    Coronal jets are short-lived eruptive features commonly observed in polar coronal holes and are thought to play a key role in the transfer of mass and energy into the solar corona. We describe unique contemporaneous observations of a coronal blowout jet seen by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager onboard the Solar Orbiter spacecraft (SO/EUI) and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO/AIA). The coronal jet erupted from the south polar coronal hole, and was observed with high spatial and temporal resolution by both instruments. This enabled identification of the different stages of a breakout reconnection process producing the observed jet. We find bulk plasma flow kinematics of ~100-200 km/s across the lifetime of its observed propagation, with a distinct kink in the jet where it impacted and was subsequently guided by a nearby polar plume. We also identify a faint faster feature ahead of the bulk plasma motion propagating with a velocity of ~715 km/s which we attribute to untwisting of newly reconnected field lines during the eruption. A Differential Emission Measure (DEM) analysis using the SDO/AIA observations revealed a very weak jet signal, indicating that the erupting material was likely much cooler than the coronal passbands used to derive the DEM. This is consistent with the very bright appearance of the jet in the Lyman-α\alpha passband observed by SO/EUI. The DEM was used to estimate the radiative thermal energy of the source region of the coronal jet, finding a value of ∼2×1024\sim2\times10^{24} ergs, comparable to the energy of a nanoflare.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Polarisation of decayless kink oscillations of solar coronal loops

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    Decayless kink oscillations of plasma loops in the solar corona may contain an answer to the enigmatic problem of solar and stellar coronal heating. The polarisation of the oscillations gives us a unique information about their excitation mechanisms and energy supply. However, unambiguous determination of the polarisation has remained elusive. Here, we show simultaneous detection of a 4-min decayless kink oscillation from two non-parallel lines-of-sights, separated by about 104\textdegree, provided by unique combination of the High Resolution Imager on Solar Orbiter and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on Solar Dynamics Observatory. The observations reveal a horizontal or weakly oblique linear polarisation of the oscillation. This conclusion is based on the comparison of observational results with forward modelling of the observational manifestation of various kinds of polarisation of kink oscillations. The revealed polarisation favours the sustainability of these oscillations by quasi-steady flows which may hence supply the energy for coronal heating.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Nature Communication

    Optical fiber sensors embedded in flexible polymer foils

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    In traditional electrical sensing applications, multiplexing and interconnecting the different sensing elements is a major challenge. Recently, many optical alternatives have been investigated including optical fiber sensors of which the sensing elements consist of fiber Bragg gratings. Different sensing points can be integrated in one optical fiber solving the interconnection problem and avoiding any electromagnetical interference (EMI). Many new sensing applications also require flexible or stretchable sensing foils which can be attached to or wrapped around irregularly shaped objects such as robot fingers and car bumpers or which can even be applied in biomedical applications where a sensor is fixed on a human body. The use of these optical sensors however always implies the use of a light-source, detectors and electronic circuitry to be coupled and integrated with these sensors. The coupling of these fibers with these light sources and detectors is a critical packaging problem and as it is well-known the costs for packaging, especially with optoelectronic components and fiber alignment issues are huge. The end goal of this embedded sensor is to create a flexible optical sensor integrated with (opto)electronic modules and control circuitry. To obtain this flexibility, one can embed the optical sensors and the driving optoelectronics in a stretchable polymer host material. In this article different embedding techniques for optical fiber sensors are described and characterized. Initial tests based on standard manufacturing processes such as molding and laser structuring are reported as well as a more advanced embedding technique based on soft lithography processing
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