281 research outputs found

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    This paper addresses the issue of R&D internationalisation of two multinationals in the electro-technical industry (GE and ABB), by means of a patent data analysis. The overwhelming majority of both companies R&D activities are concentrated in Western Europé and North America. The locational overlap between the two firms' activities is small. These results are consistent with findings from earlier studies that (1) there is little evidence to suggest that the 'production' of technology is globalised in a general sense and (2)that tapping knowledge from an industry's global lead location plays a very limited role in foreign R&D investments.Original Publication:Anna Bergek and Christian Berggren, Technological Internationalisation in the Electro-Technical Industry: A Cross-company comparison of patenting patterns 1986-2000, 2005, Research Policy, (33), 9, 1285-1306.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2004.09.004Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.http://www.elsevier.com

    Is the Importance of Religion in Daily Life Related to Social Trust? Cross-Country and Cross-State Comparisons

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    We look at the effect of religiosity on social trust, defined as the share of a population that thinks that people in general can be trusted. This is important since social trust is related to many desired outcomes, such as growth, education, democratic stability and subjective well-being. The effect of religiosity is theoretically unclear: while all major religions call for behaving well to others, religious groups may primarily trust people in their own groups and distrust others, as well as cause division in the broader population. We make use of new data from the Gallup World Poll for 105 countries and the U.S. states, measuring religiosity by the share of the population that answers yes to the question “Is religion an important part of your daily life?”. Our empirical results, making use of regression analysis whereby we control for other possible determinants of social trust and, by using instrumental variables, for the risk of reverse causality, indicate a robust, negative effect of religiosity, both internationally and within the US.Trust; Religiosity; Religion; Social Capital

    The Growth Effects of Institutional Instability

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    Both institutional quality and institutional stability have been argued to stimulate economic growth. But to improve institutional quality, a country must endure a period of institutional change, which implies at least a little and possibly a lot of institutional instability. We investigate the growth effects of institutional quality and instability, using the political risk index from the ICRG in a cross-country study of 132 countries, measuring instability as the coefficient of variation. Using the aggregate index, we find evidence that institutional quality is positively linked to growth. While institutional instability is negatively related to growth in the baseline case, there are indications that the effect can be positive in rich countries, suggesting that institutional reform is not necessarily costly even during a transition period. Sensitivity analysis, e.g., decomposing the political risk index by using both its constituting components and the results of a principal components analysis, using other measures of institutional quality and excluding outliers, confirm the general results, with qualifications.Institutions; Instability; Growth; Transaction costs; Uncertainty

    Judicializing Politics, Politicizing Law

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    Since WWII there has been a profound shift in power away from legislatures and toward courts and other legal institutions around the world. It is no surprise that appointments to both the US Supreme Court and to other federal courts have become partisan political issues. Ferejohn argues that what is at stake, institutionally, is the allocation of legislative power--the power to establish general rules of prospective application

    Does Religiosity Promote Property Rights and the Rule of Law?

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    Drell-Yan Production at NNLL'+NNLO Matched to Parton Showers

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    We present results for Drell-Yan production from the GENEVA Monte-Carlo framework. We combine the fully-differential NNLO calculation with higher-order resummation in the 0-jettiness resolution variable. The resulting parton-level events are further combined with parton showering and hadronization provided by PYTHIA8. The 0-jettiness resummation is carried out to NNLL', which consistently incorporates all singular virtual and real NNLO corrections. It thus provides a natural perturbative connection between the NNLO calculation and the parton shower regime, including a systematic assessment of perturbative uncertainties. In this way, inclusive observables are correct to NNLO, up to small power corrections in the resolution cutoff. Furthermore, the perturbative accuracy of 0-jet-like resummation variables is significantly improved beyond the parton shower approximation. We provide comparisons with LHC measurements of Drell-Yan production at 7 TeV from ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb. As already observed in e+ee^+e^- collisions, for resummation-sensitive observables, the agreement with data is noticeably improved by using a lower value of αs(MZ)=0.1135\alpha_s(M_Z) = 0.1135.Comment: 26 pages, 20 figure

    Evolved Art with Transparent, Overlapping, and Geometric Shapes

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    In this work, an evolutionary art project is presented where images are approximated by transparent, overlapping and geometric shapes of different types, e.g., polygons, circles, lines. Genotypes representing features and order of the geometric shapes are evolved with a fitness function that has the corresponding pixels of an input image as a target goal. A genotype-to-phenotype mapping is therefore applied to render images, as the chosen genetic representation is indirect, i.e., genotypes do not include pixels but a combination of shapes with their properties. Different combinations of shapes, quantity of shapes, mutation types and populations are tested. The goal of the work herein is twofold: (1) to approximate images as precisely as possible with evolved indirect encodings, (2) to produce visually appealing results and novel artistic styles.Comment: Proceedings of the Norwegian AI Symposium 2019 (NAIS 2019), Trondheim, Norwa

    Kriget mot terrorismen: Ett modernt säkerhetsdilemma

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    Denna uppsats undersöker begreppet säkerhetsdilemmat. Detta för att vi anser den gamla begreppsdefinitionen förlegad och inte applicerbar på moderna konflikter. Med en begreppsutrerande metod definerar vi säkerhetsdilemmats underliggande logik, för att på denna logik utveckla en ny definition av begreppet. Genom att applicera begreppsdefinitoner på en modern konflikt, det amerikanska kriget mot terrorismen, kom vi fram till att den traditionella definitionen av begreppet uteslöt nya sorters aktörer och inte hade förklaringsvärde vad gäller handlingen som initierat säkerhetsdilemmat. Genom att omdefiniera aktörerna och handlingarna som ger upphov till säkerhetsdilemmat skapade vi en ny definition, anpassad för samtiden

    Collaboration in international technology transfer: the role of knowledge boundaries and boundary objects

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    Firms increasingly use choose collaborative arrangements to get access to the most recent and advanced technologies instead of trying to develop them in-home. Several emerging economies use such arrangements particularly in the defence industry as a vehicle for technology transfer to the local industry. The effectiveness of technology transfer, however, is affected by many factors. This paper analyzes international technology transfer as a challenge of inter-firm collaboration and a challenge of cross-boundary knowledge management, and highlights the role of boundary objects to mitigate problems of knowledge boundaries such transfers. Building on a comparative case study of two international technology transfer projects, the paper contributes to the understanding of how collaboration problems can affect the transfer of knowledge across knowledge boundaries and how the use of appropriate boundary objects may improve collaboration management and the knowledge transfer