534 research outputs found

    In Verteidigung des „pueblo": Historische Sozialbewegung und heutige Arbeitsemigration in Südspanien

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    Soziale Bewegungen im vorindustriellen Milieu denken sich die befreite Gesellschaft meist als Wiederherstellung alter Zustände, die durch die Eingriffe der herrschenden Klasse in das soziale Leben zerstört oder depraviert worden sind. Im Gegensatz zu dieser rückwärtsgewandten Utopie hat die aufgeklärte Intelligenz der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft einen Begriff sozialen Wandels formuliert, der sich an der Idee gesellschaftlichen Wandels orientiert und die Unzulänglichkeiten der Gegenwart durch konsequente Beseitigung der alten Lebensformen des „unwissenden Volks" überwinden will. Nur wenn die Volksklassen (1) aus der überkommenen Welt des Lasters, der Ignoranz, der zeitlosen Muße, der Verkettung des Individuums in sozialen Kollektiven hinausgeführt werden, kann man auf eine entscheidende Verbesserung der Verhältnisse hoffen. Die befreite Gesellschaft gründet auf Emanzipation - sie löst die Abhängigkeit der Volksklassen an ihre naturwüchsigen Traditionen sozialen und kulturellen Lebens, ihre als „Aberglauben" stigmatisierten Muster geistiger Auseinandersetzung mit der Umwelt, um sie frei und fähig zu machen, ihre sozialen Beziehungen bewußt zu gestalten und ihr Denken über Strukturen und Bewegkräfte der Welt rational zu gliedern. Dem aufgeklärten Begriff gesell~chaftlichen Wandels ist die Verbreitung rückwärtsgewandter Utopien in Volksbewegungen ein Zeichen ihrer Unreife und ihres im Kern reaktionären Charakters

    Wolken überm Klimahimmel

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    Dieses Jahr, so sieht es das Kli­maschutzprogramm von 2000 vor, muss die Bundesregierung ihre Klimaschutz­politik überdenken. Angesichts stei­gender Emissionen und Fehlleistungen in vielen Bereichen, muss sie endlich zu drastischen Maßnahmen greifen. Eine öffentliche Diskussion darüber ist bis dato aber nicht aufgekommen

    The role of pulse shape in motor cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation using full-sine stimuli

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    A full-sine (biphasic) pulse waveform is most commonly used for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), but little is known about how variations in duration or amplitude of distinct pulse segments influence the effectiveness of a single TMS pulse to elicit a corticomotor response. Using a novel TMS device, we systematically varied the configuration of full-sine pulses to assess the impact of configuration changes on resting motor threshold (RMT) as measure of stimulation effectiveness with single-pulse TMS of the non-dominant motor hand area (M1). In young healthy volunteers, we (i) compared monophasic, half-sine, and full-sine pulses, (ii) applied two-segment pulses consisting of two identical half-sines, and (iii) manipulated amplitude, duration, and current direction of the first or second full-sine pulse half-segments. RMT was significantly higher using half-sine or monophasic pulses compared with full-sine. Pulses combining two half-sines of identical polarity and duration were also characterized by higher RMT than fullsine stimuli resulting. For full-sine stimuli, decreasing the amplitude of the halfsegment inducing posterior-anterior oriented current in M1 resulted in considerably higher RMT, whereas varying the amplitude of the half-segment inducing anterior-posterior current had a smaller effect. These findings provide direct experimental evidence that the pulse segment inducing a posterior anterior directed current in M1 contributes most to corticospinal pathway excitation. Preferential excitation of neuronal target cells in the posterior-anterior segment or targeting of different neuronal structures by the two half-segments can explain this result. Thus, our findings help understanding the mechanisms of neural stimulation by full-sine TMS

    Gender differences in the association of individual social class and neighbourhood unemployment rate with prevalent type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study from the DIAB-CORE consortium

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse gender differences in the relationship of individual social class, employment status and neighbourhood unemployment rate with present type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). DESIGN: Five cross-sectional studies. SETTING: Studies were conducted in five regions of Germany from 1997 to 2006. PARTICIPANTS: The sample consisted of 8871 individuals residing in 226 neighbourhoods from five urban regions. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalent T2DM. RESULTS: We found significant multiplicative interactions between gender and the individual variables–—social class and employment status. Social class was statistically significantly associated with T2DM in men and women, whereby this association was stronger in women (lower vs higher social class: OR 2.68 (95% CIs 1.66 to 4.34)) than men (lower vs higher social class: OR 1.78 (95% CI 1.22 to 2.58)). Significant associations of employment status and T2DM were only found in women (unemployed vs employed: OR 1.73 (95% CI 1.02 to 2.92); retired vs employed: OR 1.77 (95% CI 1.10 to 2.84); others vs employed: OR 1.64 (95% CI 1.01 to 2.67)). Neighbourhood unemployment rate was associated with T2DM in men (high vs low tertile: OR 1.52 (95% CI 1.18 to 1.96)). Between-study and between-neighbourhood variations in T2DM prevalence were more pronounced in women. The considered covariates helped to explain statistically the variation in T2DM prevalence among men, but not among women. CONCLUSIONS: Social class was inversely associated with T2DM in both men and women, whereby the association was more pronounced in women. Employment status only affected T2DM in women. Neighbourhood unemployment rate is an important predictor of T2DM in men, but not in women

    Nanoparticle Release from Thermal Decomposition of Polymer Nanocomposites and the Biological Potential of the Emissions

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    Adding nanoparticles to polymers improves the properties significantly, such as UV resistance or even electrical conductivity. The growing use of these composite materials leads to a higher amount in disposals eventually. Within the circular economy there are two ways of handling: the recycling by shredding and reuse and the thermal treatment by combustion in municipal waste incinerators. In both cases there is nearly no information about the behavior of the nanoparticles and possible release scenarios. In this study a laboratory burner is used as a flexible set up to incinerate the polymer nanocomposites. The flue gas containing a complex mixture of combustion gases and particles is characterized by different particle analysers, PAH analysis, VOC analysis and TEM. The biological impact is studied by using a VITROCELL Automated ALI exposure station. Hereby, cells of the adenocarcino cell line A549 as well as a reconstituted bronchial epithelium (MucilAir, Epithelix) were exposed for 4 hours to the aerosols emitted from the combustion process. Within the exposure process, cells were exposed to the native aerosol, an aerosol under conditions to increase particle deposition via high voltage as well as a filtered aerosol, and therefore the sole gaseous phase. Furthermore, each exposure included a so-called clean air control, where cells where exposed to filtered air. The exposure was followed by a 21 h post-incubation before the cytotoxic effects were determined via LDH-release. To reveal if possible adverse effects are caused by the used nano-scaled filling material, all used nanomaterials did also undergo the same combustion process as a single material. Cytotoxicity studies showed no increased cytotoxic effects after the combustion of the sole nano-scaled filling materials. However, combustion of PE containing materials resulted in an enhanced LDH-release, and therefore cytotoxicity, in both cell culture models. Since no difference between exposures of unfiltered and filtered aerosols was apparent, it suggested that the observed cytotoxicity is due to the combustion induced gaseous phase

    Impact of Nanocomposite Combustion Aerosols on A549 Cells and a 3D Airway Model

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    The use of nanomaterials incorporated into plastic products is increasing steadily. By using nano-scaled filling materials, thermoplastics, such as polyethylene (PE), take advantage of the unique properties of nanomaterials (NM). The life cycle of these so-called nanocomposites (NC) usually ends with energetic recovery. However, the toxicity of these aerosols, which may consist of released NM as well as combustion-generated volatile compounds, is not fully understood. Within this study, model nanocomposites consisting of a PE matrix and nano-scaled filling material (TiO2_{2}, CuO, carbon nano tubes (CNT)) were produced and subsequently incinerated using a lab-scale model burner. The combustion-generated aerosols were characterized with regard to particle release as well as compound composition. Subsequently, A549 cells and a reconstituted 3D lung cell culture model (MucilAir™, Epithelix) were exposed for 4 h to the respective aerosols. This approach enabled the parallel application of a complete aerosol, an aerosol under conditions of enhanced particle deposition using high voltage, and a filtered aerosol resulting in the sole gaseous phase. After 20 h post-incubation, cytotoxicity, inflammatory response (IL-8), transcriptional toxicity profiling, and genotoxicity were determined. Only the exposure toward combustion aerosols originated from PE-based materials induced cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and transcriptional alterations in both cell models. In contrast, an inflammatory response in A549 cells was more evident after exposure toward aerosols of nano-scaled filler combustion, whereas the thermal decomposition of PE-based materials revealed an impaired IL-8 secretion. MucilAir™ tissue showed a pronounced inflammatory response after exposure to either combustion aerosols, except for nanocomposite combustion. In conclusion, this study supports the present knowledge on the release of nanomaterials after incineration of nano-enabled thermoplastics. Since in the case of PE-based combustion aerosols no major differences were evident between exposure to the complete aerosol and to the gaseous phase, adverse cellular effects could be deduced to the volatile organic compounds that are generated during incomplete combustion of NC

    Risk assessment of war wrecks – a comprehensive approach investigating four wrecks containing munitions in the German Bight/North Sea

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    Shipwrecks and dumped munition continue to be a major hazard, both in the North Sea but also on a global scale. Research within the EU Interreg project North Sea Wrecks (NSW), in cooperation with the German Aerospace Centre, Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures (DLR), is generating new insights into the status of wrecks, the potential leakage of pollutants from remaining munitions loads and the effects of contamination on exposed marine organisms in the North Sea environment. Further, historical documents are generated from archives to describe ship’s history and sinking scenario. These historical findings were compared to models and images of the visual inspections of the wrecks. Further, samples of water, sediment and organisms are being analysed for traces of explosives. Combining the results of these different fields of research allows for a better understanding of the environmental risks deriving from these wrecks. This process is shown below by focusing on the wreck of the German light cruiser SMS MAINZ, which sank in 1914. Data were compared to three additional wrecks situated also within the southern German Bight. Available data about the wrecks were preliminary assessed using a wreck risk model. Finally, wrecks were ranked according to their potential environmental risk