45 research outputs found

    Effect of bleaching agents on enamel demineralization and elastic modulus of bovine dentin organic matrix

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    Orientadores: Marcelo Giannini, Cinthia Pereira Machado TabchouryTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de géis clareadores contendo cálcio ou fosfato de cálcio amorfo (ACP) no módulo de elasticidade da dentina bovina desmineralizada e desmineralização do esmalte hígido ou com lesão inicial de cárie artificial. Capítulo 1: Este estudo avaliou o efeito de agentes clareadores no módulo de elasticidade (ME) da matriz orgânica da dentina bovina. Oitenta e cinco fatias foram obtidas de dentes bovinos e separadas em 5 grupos: grupo controle - sem tratamento (GC), peróxido de hidrogênio 4% (PH4), PH4+0,05% Ca (HP4/Ca), PH 7,5% + ACP (PH7,5) e peróxido de carbamida 10% (PC10). Os grupos PH4, PH4/Ca e PC10 foram tratados com os géis clareadores por 8 horas / dia durante 14 dias, enquanto as amostras do grupo PH7,5 foi submetida ao clareador por 30 minutos, 2 vezes ao dia, durante 14 dias. O esmalte das amostras foi removido e foram preparados 17 espécimes (0,5 x 1,7 x 7,0 mm) por grupo. Em seguida, estas foram desmineralizados em solução de ácido fosfórico 10% por 5 horas e o ME foi mensurado: 24 horas, 7 e 14 dias após o clareamento, utilizando o teste de micro-flexão de 3 pontos. Os dados foram submetidos a ANOVA e teste de Fisher (p<0,05). As amostras clareadas após 24 horas e 7 dias mostram menor ME que o GC. Os grupos clareados foram similares ao GC após 14 dias, exceto o grupo PH7,5. O uso de peróxidos pode promover diminuição do módulo de elasticidade da matriz orgânica da dentina bovina. Capítulo 2: O propósito nesta parte da tese foi avaliar o efeito de um clareador experimental e um comercial no esmalte sadio (ES) ou esmalte com lesão inicial de cárie artificial (LC), utilizando microscópio confocal laser de varredura (CLSM). Oitenta blocos (4 x 5 x 5 mm) de esmalte bovino foram usados, sendo que quarenta destes foram desmineralizados com ciclagem de pH para induzir a lesão inicial de cárie artificial. Oito grupos experimentais foram formados a partir dos produtos clareadores e a condição do esmalte dental (ES ou LC), com n=10: Grupos ES: G1 - sem tratamento (controle); G2 - peróxido de hidrogênio 4% (PH4); G3: PH4 contendo 0,05%Ca (Ca); G4 - peróxido de hidrogênio 7,5% (PH7,5) contendo fosfato de cálcio amorfo (ACP). Grupos LC: G5 - não clareado; G6 - PH4; G7 - PH4 contendo Ca; G8 - PH7,5 contendo ACP. Os grupos G2, G3, G6 e G7 foram tratados com o gel clareador por 8 horas/dia durante 14 dias, enquanto as amostras dos grupos G4 e G8 foram submetidas ao clareador por 30 minutos/duas vezes ao dia, durante 14 dias. Os blocos de esmalte foram corados com solução de rodamina e área fluorescente de desmineralização foi quantificada utilizando CLSM. Os dados foram submetidos a ANOVA e teste de Fisher (p<0,05). Para ES, os tratamentos clareadores aumentaram significativamente a área de desmineralização quanto comparado com os grupos não clareados, entretanto, para LC não foi observado diferença estatística significante entre os grupos. A adição de ACP e Ca na composição dos géis clareadores não resultou em redução da desmineralização promovida pelos tratamentos clareadoresAbstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of bleaching agents containing calcium or amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) on the elastic modulus of demineralized bovine dentin and demineralization in sound enamel or early artificial caries lesion. Chapter 1: This study evaluated the effect of tooth whitening agents on the elastic modulus (EM) of bovine dentin organic matrix. Eighty?five slices were obtained from bovine teeth and divided into five groups: unbleached control group (CG), 4% hydrogen peroxide (4HP), 4HP+0.05% Ca (4HP/Ca), 7.5% HP (7.5HP) and 10% carbamide peroxide (10CP). The 4HP, 4HP/Ca and 10CP groups were treated with the whitening agents for 8 hours/day during 14 days, while the samples of 7.5HP group were exposed to peroxides for 30 minutes twice a day during 14 days. The enamel of the samples was removed and 17 dentin specimens (0.5 x 1.7 x 7.0 mm) were prepared per group. The specimens were demineralized in 10% phosphoric acid solution for 5 hours and E was assessed using a micro-flexural three-point bend method at 24 hours, 7 and 14 days post-bleaching. The mean values of EM for each group were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Fisher's test (p<0.05). Bleached specimens tested after 24 hours and 7 days showed lower EM than CG. The bleached groups were similar to CG after 14 days, except for the 7.5HP group. The use of peroxides can promoted decrease of EM of bovine dentin organic matrix. Whitening agents can significantly affect of the dentin organic matrix and irreversible damage is observed for selected agents. Chapter 2: The purpose of this study was evaluated to effect of experimental and one commercial bleaching agents on the sound enamel (SE) and with early artificial caries lesions (CL) enamel using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Eighty blocks (4 mm thickness x 5 wide x 5 length) of bovine enamel were used and half of them were demineralized with a pH cycling to induce artificial caries lesions. Eight experimental groups were investigated following the bleaching treatments or not and SE or CL (n=10): SE groups: G1 - unbleached (control); G2 - 4% hydrogen peroxide (4HP); G3 - 4HP containing 0.05% Ca (Ca); G4 - 7.5% hydrogen peroxide (7.5HP) containing amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). CL groups: G5 - unbleached; G6 - 4HP; G7 ? 4HP containing Ca; G8 ? 7.5HP containing ACP. The G2, G3, G6, G7 groups were treated with the bleaching agents for 8 hours/day during 14 days, while the samples of G4 and G8 groups were exposed to bleaching agent for 30 minutes twice a day during 14 days. The enamel blocks were stained with rhodamine solution and the quantification of fluorescence demineralization areas of the samples were evaluated using a CLSM. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Fisher's tests (p<0.05). For the SE, the bleaching treatments significantly increased the demineralization area when compared to unbleached group, however, in CL no statistically significant difference was observed among the groups. The addition of ACP or Ca in the composition of the whitening products did not result in the decreasing of the enamel demineralization promoted by bleaching treatmentsDoutoradoMateriais DentariosDoutor em Materiais Dentário

    Enamel susceptibility to red wine staining after 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching

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    Concern has been expressed regarding the staining of enamel surface by different beverages after bleaching. This study investigated the influence of 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents on enamel surface stained with wine after whitening treatments. Flat and polished bovine enamel surfaces were submitted to two commercially available 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents or kept in 100% humidity, as a control group (n = 10). Specimens of all groups were immersed in red wine for 48 h at 37°C, immediately, 24 h or 1 week after treatments. All specimens were ground into powder and prepared for the spectrophotometric analysis. Data were subjected to two-way analysis of variance and Fisher's PLSD test at 5% significance level. The amount of wine pigments uptake by enamel submitted to bleaching treatments was statistically higher than that of control group, independently of the evaluation time. Results suggested that wine staining susceptibility was increased by bleaching treatments

    Decomposition rate, pH, and enamel color alteration of at-home and in-office bleaching agents

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    This study evaluated the decomposition rate (DR), pH, enamel color alteration (DE) and whiteness index (DWI) promoted by at-home and in-office bleaching. Enamel surface was submitted to (n=10): at-home (10%, 15%, 20% carbamide peroxide - CP, 6% hydrogen peroxide -HP) and three 35% HP agents with light irradiation (LED, laser, and halogen) or no treatment (control). The DR and pH of agents were measured after 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h (at-home) or after 5, 15, 20, 30 and 40 min (in-office). Color parameters (L*, a*, b*, DE, DWI) were determined at baseline and after bleaching. DR, pH, L*, a*, b* data were analyzed by one-way (at-home) or two-way (in-office) repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey test. DE and DWI, by one-way (at-home) or two-way (in-office) ANOVA and Tukey test. DR of at-home agents was similar after 6 and 8 h (p>0.05), with pH close to neutral (6.5 to 6.9, CP) or acid 5.9 (6% HP). From 4 to 8 h, DE was higher for 15% and 20% CP compared with 10% CP (p0.05). One 35% HP showed alkaline pH, and the others, pH 0.05), com pH próximo ao neutro (6,5 a 6,9 - CP) ou ácido (5,9- HP 6%). De 4 a 8 h, a ∆E foi maior para CP 15% e 20% comparado ao CP 10% (p0.05). Um agente HP 35% exibiu pH alcalino, e os outros, pH<5.5. Os agentes clareadores caseiros poderiam ser aplicados por 2 h (15%, 20% CP e 6% HP) e 4 h (CP 10%), e os agentes clareadores de consultório, até 40 min em uma aplicação, sem lu

    The impact of different surface treatments on the shear bond strength of orthodontic metal brackets applied to different CAD/CAM composites

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    To investigate the shear bond strength (SBS) of orthodontic metal brackets applied to different CAD/CAM composites treated with different surface treatments. Specimens of two CAD/CAM composites were obtained of Lava Ultimate (LU; n=60) and Brilliant Cri

    Effect Of Sodium Hypochlorite And Peracetic Acid On The Surface Roughness Of Acrylic Resin Polymerized By Heated Water For Short And Long Cycles.

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    To evaluate the surface roughness of acrylic resin submitted to chemical disinfection via 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) or 1% peracetic acid (C2H4O3). The disc-shaped resin specimens (30 mm diameter ×4 mm height) were polymerized by heated water using two cycles (short cycle: 1 h at 74°C and 30 min at 100°C; conventional long cycle: 9 h at 74°C). The release of substances by these specimens in water solution was also quantified. Specimens were fabricated, divided into four groups (n = 10) depending on the polymerization time and disinfectant. After polishing, the specimens were stored in distilled deionized water. Specimens were immersed in 1% NaClO or 1% C2H4O3 for 30 min, and then were immersed in distilled deionized water for 20 min. The release of C2H4O3 and NaClO was measured via visual colorimetric analysis. Roughness was measured before and after disinfection. Roughness data were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. There was no interaction between polymerization time and disinfectant in influencing the average surface roughness (Ra, P = 0.957). Considering these factors independently, there were significant differences between short and conventional long cycles (P = 0.012), but no significant difference between the disinfectants hypochlorite and C2H4O3 (P = 0.366). Visual colorimetric analysis did not detect release of substances. It was concluded that there was the difference in surface roughness between short and conventional long cycles, and disinfection at acrylic resins polymerized by heated water using a short cycle modified the properties of roughness.8533-

    Effect of application time and concentration of silver diamine fluoride on the enamel remineralization

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    Silver diamine fluoride has attracted attention because of its clinical success in arresting dental caries. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different application times and concentrations of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) on decid

    Characterization Of Morphology And Composition Of Inorganic Fillers In Dental Alginates.

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    Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy microanalysis (EDX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Archimedes' Principle were used to determine the characteristics of inorganic filler particles in five dental alginates, including Cavex ColorChange (C), Hydrogum 5 (H5), Hydrogum (H), Orthoprint (O), and Jeltrate Plus (JP). The different alginate powders (0.5 mg) were fixed on plastic stubs (n = 5) and sputter coated with carbon for EDX analysis, then coated with gold, and observed using SEM. Volume fractions were determined by weighing a sample of each material in water before and after calcining at 450(°)C for 3 h. The alginate materials were mainly composed of silicon (Si) by weight (C-81.59%, H-79.89%, O-78.87%, H5-77.95%, JP-66.88%, wt). The filler fractions in volume (vt) were as follows: H5-84.85%, JP-74.76%, H-70.03%, O-68.31%, and C-56.10%. The tested materials demonstrated important differences in the inorganic elemental composition, filler fraction, and particle morphology.201417806

    Effects of various hydrogen peroxide bleaching concentrations and number of applications on enamel

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    AIM:To evaluate the effects of three hydrogen peroxide (HP) concentrations on enamel mineral content (MC), following three peroxide applications and using three methods to measure the MC.METHODS : Forty samples were obtained from bovine incisors and randomly divided into 4 groups (n=10). The control group remained untreated, while the experimental groups were tested for three HP concentrations (10%, 35% and 50%). The HP gel was applied 3 times on the enamel surface for 30 min per application and the samples were analyzed after each application. The MC of the enamel was determined before and after bleaching using Fourier transform (FT-Raman) spectroscopy and micro energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (&#181;EDXRF). The calcium (Ca) lost from the bleached enamel was quantified with an atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). The data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA, Tukey and Dunnett&#180;s tests (p&lt;0.05).RESULTS:The FT-Raman showed a decrease in MC for all bleaching treatments, without influence of the different HP concentrations or the number of applications. &#181;EDXRF did not detect any changes in MC.CONCLUSIONS:Ca loss was observed by the AAS, with no difference among the three HP concentrations. The FT-Raman and AAS analyses detected MC reduction and Ca loss after HP bleaching.222