209 research outputs found

    One Size Doesn't Fit All: Measuring Individual Privacy in Aggregate Genomic Data

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    Even in the aggregate, genomic data can reveal sensitive information about individuals. We present a new model-based measure, PrivMAF, that provides provable privacy guarantees for aggregate data (namely minor allele frequencies) obtained from genomic studies. Unlike many previous measures that have been designed to measure the total privacy lost by all participants in a study, PrivMAF gives an individual privacy measure for each participant in the study, not just an average measure. These individual measures can then be combined to measure the worst case privacy loss in the study. Our measure also allows us to quantify the privacy gains achieved by perturbing the data, either by adding noise or binning. Our findings demonstrate that both perturbation approaches offer significant privacy gains. Moreover, we see that these privacy gains can be achieved while minimizing perturbation (and thus maximizing the utility) relative to stricter notions of privacy, such as differential privacy. We test PrivMAF using genotype data from the Welcome Trust Case Control Consortium, providing a more nuanced understanding of the privacy risks involved in an actual genome-wide association studies. Interestingly, our analysis demonstrates that the privacy implications of releasing MAFs from a study can differ greatly from individual to individual. An implementation of our method is available at http://privmaf.csail.mit.edu.Wellcome Trust (London, England) (Award 076113

    Exercise Makes You Feel Good, But Does Feeling Good Make You Exercise?: An Examination of Obese Dieters

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    Whereas exercise-induced mood enhancement has been well documented, the relationship between mood and exercise participation is less well understood. Mood states influence evaluative judgments that could plausibly influence a decision to exercise. Further, most exercise-mood research is limited to normal weight adults in response to a single exercise session. The current investigation examines the influence of (a) morning mood on exercise, (b) exercise intensity/duration on mood enhancement, and (c) daily change in mood on exercise days compared with nonexercise days in obese behavioral weight loss program (BWLP) participants. Participants (N=36) recorded morning, evening, and pre- and postexercise mood, as well as the type, duration, and intensity of exercise. Within-person analyses indicated that (a) morning mood was associated with an increased likelihood of exercising, (b) mood ratings were higher following exercise of greater intensity and duration, and (c) daily mood enhancement was associated with greater exercise initiation and greater exercise intensity. Measuring mood before and after exercise may yield important clinical information that can be used to promote physical activity in obese adults

    Multicoil2: predicting coiled coils and their oligomerization States from sequence in the twilight zone

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    The alpha-helical coiled coil can adopt a variety of topologies, among the most common of which are parallel and antiparallel dimers and trimers. We present Multicoil2, an algorithm that predicts both the location and oligomerization state (two versus three helices) of coiled coils in protein sequences. Multicoil2 combines the pairwise correlations of the previous Multicoil method with the flexibility of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) in a Markov Random Field (MRF). The resulting algorithm integrates sequence features, including pairwise interactions, through multinomial logistic regression to devise an optimized scoring function for distinguishing dimer, trimer and non-coiled-coil oligomerization states; this scoring function is used to produce Markov Random Field potentials that incorporate pairwise correlations localized in sequence. Multicoil2 significantly improves both coiled-coil detection and dimer versus trimer state prediction over the original Multicoil algorithm retrained on a newly-constructed database of coiled-coil sequences. The new database, comprised of 2,105 sequences containing 124,088 residues, includes reliable structural annotations based on experimental data in the literature. Notably, the enhanced performance of Multicoil2 is evident when tested in stringent leave-family-out cross-validation on the new database, reflecting expected performance on challenging new prediction targets that have minimal sequence similarity to known coiled-coil families. The Multicoil2 program and training database are available for download from http://multicoil2.csail.mit.edu.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01GM081871)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant MCB-0347203)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0821391

    Implications of a Behavioral Weight Loss Program for Obese, Sedentary Women: A Focus on Mood Enhancement and Exercise Enjoyment

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    The benefits of a 6-month behavioral weight loss program were investigated by examining mood changes after a graded exercise test (GXT), changes in exercise enjoyment, and the relation of mood and enjoyment to program success. Obese, sedentary, postmenopausal women completed a demographic questionnaire, and physical and psychological measures. Women who completed the program (n = 25) significantly decreased their body weight and body mass index and reported significantly less tension and confusion post-GXT when measured both at the beginning and end of the program. Although their exercise enjoyment increased, their exercise-related mood changes appeared to be independent of enjoyment. Finally, women who completed the program initially reported more positive mood changes post-GXT than did dropouts (n = 7). In conclusion, mood alteration may be a factor leading to successful completion of a behavioral weight loss program by obese women. © 2010 ISSP

    Structured States of Disordered Proteins from Genomic Sequences

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    Protein flexibility ranges from simple hinge movements to functional disorder. Around half of all human proteins contain apparently disordered regions with little 3D or functional information, and many of these proteins are associated with disease. Building on the evolutionary couplings approach previously successful in predicting 3D states of ordered proteins and RNA, we developed a method to predict the potential for ordered states for all apparently disordered proteins with sufficiently rich evolutionary information. The approach is highly accurate (79%) for residue interactions as tested in more than 60 known disordered regions captured in a bound or specific condition. Assessing the potential for structure of more than 1,000 apparently disordered regions of human proteins reveals a continuum of structural order with at least 50% with clear propensity for three-or two-dimensional states. Co-evolutionary constraints reveal hitherto unseen structures of functional importance in apparently disordered proteins. Keywords: Evolutionary couplings disorder; conformational flexibility; statistical physics; maximum entropy; EVfold; bioinformatics; computational biology; structure predictionNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01GM081871

    HapTree: A Novel Bayesian Framework for Single Individual Polyplotyping Using NGS Data

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    As the more recent next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies provide longer read sequences, the use of sequencing datasets for complete haplotype phasing is fast becoming a reality, allowing haplotype reconstruction of a single sequenced genome. Nearly all previous haplotype reconstruction studies have focused on diploid genomes and are rarely scalable to genomes with higher ploidy. Yet computational investigations into polyploid genomes carry great importance, impacting plant, yeast and fish genomics, as well as the studies of the evolution of modern-day eukaryotes and (epi)genetic interactions between copies of genes. In this paper, we describe a novel maximum-likelihood estimation framework, HapTree, for polyploid haplotype assembly of an individual genome using NGS read datasets. We evaluate the performance of HapTree on simulated polyploid sequencing read data modeled after Illumina sequencing technologies. For triploid and higher ploidy genomes, we demonstrate that HapTree substantially improves haplotype assembly accuracy and efficiency over the state-of-the-art; moreover, HapTree is the first scalable polyplotyping method for higher ploidy. As a proof of concept, we also test our method on real sequencing data from NA12878 (1000 Genomes Project) and evaluate the quality of assembled haplotypes with respect to trio-based diplotype annotation as the ground truth. The results indicate that HapTree significantly improves the switch accuracy within phased haplotype blocks as compared to existing haplotype assembly methods, while producing comparable minimum error correction (MEC) values. A summary of this paper appears in the proceedings of the RECOMB 2014 conference, April 2–5.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF/NIH BIGDATA Grant R01GM108348-01)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Graduate Research Fellowship)Simons Foundatio

    Large-scale identification of genetic design strategies using local search

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    In the past decade, computational methods have been shown to be well suited to unraveling the complex web of metabolic reactions in biological systems. Methods based on flux–balance analysis (FBA) and bi-level optimization have been used to great effect in aiding metabolic engineering. These methods predict the result of genetic manipulations and allow for the best set of manipulations to be found computationally. Bi-level FBA is, however, limited in applicability because the required computational time and resources scale poorly as the size of the metabolic system and the number of genetic manipulations increase. To overcome these limitations, we have developed Genetic Design through Local Search (GDLS), a scalable, heuristic, algorithmic method that employs an approach based on local search with multiple search paths, which results in effective, low-complexity search of the space of genetic manipulations. Thus, GDLS is able to find genetic designs with greater in silico production of desired metabolites than can feasibly be found using a globally optimal search and performs favorably in comparison with heuristic searches based on evolutionary algorithms and simulated annealing.Hertz Foundatio

    Transfer of knowledge from model organisms to evolutionarily distant non-model organisms: The coral Pocillopora damicornis membrane signaling receptome

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    With the ease of gene sequencing and the technology available to study and manipulate non-model organisms, the extension of the methodological toolbox required to translate our understanding of model organisms to non-model organisms has become an urgent problem. For example, mining of large coral and their symbiont sequence data is a challenge, but also provides an opportunity for understanding functionality and evolution of these and other non-model organisms. Much more information than for any other eukaryotic species is available for humans, especially related to signal transduction and diseases. However, the coral cnidarian host and human have diverged over 700 million years ago and homologies between proteins in the two species are therefore often in the gray zone, or at least often undetectable with traditional BLAST searches. We introduce a two-stage approach to identifying putative coral homologues of human proteins. First, through remote homology detection using Hidden Markov Models, we identify candidate human homologues in the cnidarian genome. However, for many proteins, the human genome alone contains multiple family members with similar or even more divergence in sequence. In the second stage, therefore, we filter the remote homology results based on the functional and structural plausibility of each coral candidate, shortlisting the coral proteins likely to have conserved some of the functions of the human proteins. We demonstrate our approach with a pipeline for mapping membrane receptors in humans to membrane receptors in corals, with specific focus on the stony coral, P. damicornis. More than 1000 human membrane receptors mapped to 335 coral receptors, including 151 G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). To validate specific sub-families, we chose opsin proteins, representative GPCRs that confer light sensitivity, and Toll-like receptors, representative non-GPCRs, which function in the immune response, and their ability to communicate with microorganisms. Through detailed structure-function analysis of their ligand-binding pockets and downstream signaling cascades, we selected those candidate remote homologues likely to carry out related functions in the corals. This pipeline may prove generally useful for other non-model organisms, such as to support the growing field of synthetic biology
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