32 research outputs found

    Role of critical spin fluctuations in ultrafast demagnetization of transition-metal rare-earth alloys

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    Ultrafast magnetization dynamics induced by femtosecond laser pulses have been measured in ferrimagnetic Co0.8Gd0.2, Co.74Tb.26 and Co.86Tb.14 alloys. Using element sensitivity of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Co L3, Tb M5 and Gd M5 edges we evidence that the demagnetization dynamics is element dependent. We show that a thermalization time as fast as 280 fs is observed for the rare-earth in the alloy, when the laser excited state temperature is below the compensation temperature. It is limited to 500 fs when the laser excited state temperature is below the Curie temperature (Tc). We propose critical spin fluctuations in the vicinity of TC as the mechanism which reduces the demagnetization rates of the 4f electrons in transition-metal rare-earth alloys whereas at any different temperature the limited demagnetization rates could be avoided.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Structural dynamics during laser induced ultrafast demagnetization

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    The mechanism underlying femtosecond laser pulse induced ultrafast magnetization dynamics remains elusive despite two decades of intense research on this phenomenon. Most experiments focused so far on characterizing magnetization and charge carrier dynamics, while first direct measurements of structural dynamics during ultrafast demagnetization were reported only very recently. We here present our investigation of the infrared laser pulse induced ultrafast demagnetization process in a thin Ni film, which characterizes simultaneously magnetization and structural dynamics. This is achieved by employing femtosecond time resolved X-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity (tr-XRMR) as probe technique. The experimental results reveal unambiguously that the sub-picosecond magnetization quenching is accompanied by strong changes in non-magnetic X-ray reflectivity. These changes vary with reflection angle and changes up to 30%\% have been observed. Modeling the X-ray reflectivity of the investigated thin film, we can reproduce these changes by a variation of the apparent Ni layer thickness of up to 1%\%. Extending these simulations to larger incidence angles we show that tr-XRMR can be employed to discriminate experimentally between currently discussed models describing the ultrafast demagnetization phenomenon

    Element resolved ultrafast demagnetization rates in ferrimagnetic CoDy

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    Femtosecond laser induced ultrafast magnetization dynamics have been studied in multisublattice CoxDy1-x alloys. By performing element and time-resolved X-ray spectroscopy, we distinguish the ultrafast quenching of Co3d and Dy4f magnetic order when the initial temperatures are below (T=150K) or above (T=270K) the temperature of magnetic compensation (Tcomp). In accordance with former element-resolved investigations and theoretical calculations, we observe different dynamics for Co3d and Dy4f spins. In addition we observe that, for a given laser fluence, the demagnetization amplitudes and demagnetization times are not affected by the existence of a temperature of magnetic compensation. However, our experiment reveals a twofold increase of the ultrafast demagnetization rates for the Dy sublattice at low temperature. In parallel, we measure a constant demagnetization rate of the Co3d sublattice above and below Tcomp. This intriguing difference between the Dy4f and Co3d sublattices calls for further theoretical and experimental investigations.Comment: 6 Figure, 2 Table

    The skyrmion switch: turning magnetic skyrmion bubbles on and off with an electric field

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    Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions are considered as potential information carriers for future spintronics memory and logic devices. Such applications will require the control of their local creation and annihilation, which involves so far solutions that are either energy consuming or difficult to integrate. Here we demonstrate the control of skyrmion bubbles nucleation and annihilation using electric field gating, an easily integrable and potentially energetically efficient solution. We present a detailed stability diagram of the skyrmion bubbles in a Pt/Co/oxide trilayer and show that their stability can be controlled via an applied electric field. An analytical bubble model, with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction imbedded in the domain wall energy, account for the observed electrical skyrmion switching effect. This allows us to unveil the origin of the electrical control of skyrmions stability and to show that both magnetic dipolar interaction and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction play an important role in the skyrmion bubble stabilization

    Correlation between structure, electronic properties, and magnetism in Co x Gd 1 − x thin amorphous films

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    Ultrafast angular momentum transfer in multisublattice ferrimagnets

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    Équipe 101 : Nanomagnétisme et électronique de spinInternational audienceFemtosecond laser pulses can be used to induce ultrafast changes of the magnetization in magnetic materials. However, one of the unsolved questions is that of conservation of the total angular momentum during the ultrafast demagnetization. Here we report the ultrafast transfer of angular momentum during the first hundred femtoseconds in ferrimagnetic Co0.8Gd0.2 and Co0.74Tb0.26 films. Using time-resolved X-ray magnetic circular dichroism allowed for time- resolved determination of spin and orbital momenta for each element. We report an ultrafast quenching of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and show that at early times the demagnetization in ferrimagnetic alloys is driven by the local transfer of angular momenta between the two exchange- coupled sublattices while the total angular momentum stays constant. In Co0.74Tb0.26 we have observed a transfer of the total angular momentum to an external bath, which is delayed by similar to 150 fs

    Dynamic fluctuations and two-dimensional melting at the spin reorientation transition

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    Instabilities and strong spatiotemporal fluctuations in out-of-plane demagnetized stripe domain patterns of a Pt/Co(0.5 nm)/Pt film designed by Ga<sup>+</sup> ion irradiation were visualized by polar magneto-optical Kerr effect microscopy and studied in the spin reorientation transition temperature region. A two-dimensional-stripe melting transition was evidenced before reaching the in-plane spin state. Slow dynamics were driven by short-range instabilities on magnetic defects which trigger long-range transverse wall fluctuations. The spatial and temporal behavior of stripelike “floating” patches was investigated. Dynamics cannot be simply interpreted by models previously proposed for liquid crystals

    Role of spin lattice coupling in the ultrafast demagnetization of Gd1 xTbx alloys

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    After excitation by femtosecond laser pulses, Gd and Tb exhibit ultrafast demagnetization in two steps, with the time constant of the second step linked to the coupling strength of the 4f magnetic moments to the lattice. In time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements of Gd<sub>1-x</sub>Tb<sub>x</sub> alloys, we observe a decrease in this time constant from 33 to 9 ps with Tb content x increasing from 0 to 0.7. We explain this behavior by the stronger spin-lattice coupling of Tb compared to Gd, which increases the effective spin-lattice coupling in Gd<sub>1-x</sub>Tb<sub>x</sub> with x. In contrast, the faster time constant of the first demagnetization step exhibits no dependence on x. Additional time- and element-resolved x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements show a two-step demagnetization of Gd and Tb in Gd<sub>0.6</sub>Tb<sub>0.4</sub> with an equivalent time scale of the second step but a different magnitude of demagnetization which persists for 15 ps. We explain this by an increased coupling of the Gd 4f magnetic moments to the lattice compared to pure Gd, via interatomic exchange coupling to the neighboring Tb 4f moments mediated by 5d electrons, which has limited efficiency and allows an estimation of a characteristic time scale of the interatomic exchange coupling. We assign the first demagnetization step to the dynamics of the laser-excited 5d electrons, while the second demagnetization step is dominated by the strength of spin-lattice coupling of the 4f electrons