15 research outputs found

    Cephalometric evaluation of treatment effect in dental-maxillary changes by AEB use on class II, division 1, malocclusion

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    Orientador: Vania Celia Vieira de SiqueiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O presente estudo objetivou analisar a efetividade do aparelho extrabucal (AEB), por meio de avaliação cefalométrica, em 40 telerradiografias, obtidas em norma lateral, de jovens do sexo feminino, com média de idade 9,15 anos, em fase de dentição mista, com maloclusão de Classe II, 1ª divisão dentária, subdivididas em 20 ao início do tratamento e 20 ao final. Anteriormente ao tratamento, as jovens apresentaram um padrão dolicofacial de crescimento, equilíbrio entre a altura facial superior e inferior, com índice de altura facial suavemente aumentado. A maxila mostrava-se bem posicionada em relação à porção média da base do crânio, com sua dimensão ântero-posterior próximo à normalidade, apenas com leve desarmonia entre as bases apicais. O tratamento ortodôntico envolveu a utilização do AEB, tração alta, com 350g de força, de cada lado, de 14-18 horas diárias, durante 22,35 meses. Avaliaram-se os valores de: SN.GoGn, FMA, N-ENA, ENAMe, IAF, Fg-S, S-Fpm,, Fpm-ENA, SNA, SNB, ANB, Fpm-6, 1.NA, 1-NA, 1.PP. As radiografias, em sua totalidade, foram traçadas duas vezes pelo mesmo pesquisador, e empregou-se a fórmula de Dalhberg para verificar a ocorrência ou não de erro do método. Os resultados revelaram um erro casual menor que 1,5º e 1,0mm, indicando confiabilidade dos dados obtidos. Os valores médios de cada grandeza cefalométrica submeteram-se ao teste paramétrico ¿t¿ de Student, que revelou que o padrão de crescimento não se modificou com o tratamento. O equilíbrio entre altura facial superior e inferior manteve-se. A relação das bases apicais se alterou favoravelmente, reduzindo o valor de ANB. Ocorreu restrição do deslocamento anterior da maxila, e sua dimensão ântero-posterior aumentou suavemente. O molar superior permanente distalizou efetivamente e os incisivos se retroposicionaram em suas bases apicais. O presente estudo sugeriu que o tratamento precoce da maloclusão de Classe II, 1ª divisão dentária utilizando AEB, tração alta, atingiu seus objetivos corrigindo o posicionamento dos molares e incisivos, além de melhorar a relação entre as bases apicais, favorecendo então uma segunda fase de tratamento ortodôntico quando necessárioAbstract: The present study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the extraoral force (AEB), through an cephalometric evaluation, in 40 lateral cephalograms, 20 pre and 20 post treatment, of girls, with age¿s ranged from 9.15 years, in the mixed dentition, with Classe II, division 1 malocclusion. Initially, the girls presented a dolicofacial skeletal growth pattern, equilibrium among the superior and inferior facial height, facial height index increased. The maxilla was well positioned in relation to the medium portion of the base of the cranium, the anteroposterior dimension is normal; the jaw relationship (ANB) was deficient. The headgear appliance, with traction occiptal, with 350g of force, bilaterally, for 14 hours daily rates, was used for 22.35 months. It was evaluated the values of: SN.GoGn, FMA, N-ENA, ENA-me, IAF, Fg-S, S-Fpm, Fpm-ENA, SNA, SNB, ANB, Fpm-6, 1.NA, 1-NA, 1.PP. The lateral cephalograms, in your totality, were traced twice by the same researcher, and the Dalhberg index was used to verify the occurrence or not the mistake occurrence. The results revealed a smaller casual mistake than 1.5° and 1.0mm, indicating reliability of the obtained data. The medium values of each greatness cefalometric underwent the parametric test ¿t¿ of Student. The data base revealed that the growth pattern didn't modify with the treatment. The balance between superior facial height and inferior stayed. The jaw relationship changes positively, reducing the value of ANB. It occurred a restriction of anterior displacement maxillary, and your anteroposterior dimension increased smoothly. The headgear has a distal effect on the first molar permanent superior, and a retroclination of the maxillary incisors. The present study suggested that the Classe II, division 1 malocclusion headgear treatment, with traction occiptal, it reached your objectives correcting the positioning of the molars, and incisive, improving the jaw relationship, favoring the second phase of orthodontic treatment then when necessaryMestradoOrtodontiaMestre em Radiologia Odontológic

    Cephalometric Evaluation Of Effectiveness Interland Headgear On Class Ii Division 1 Malocclusion

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    Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of early treatment on the maxillary dental arches in children with mixed dentition. Methods: It was evaluated 40 lateral cephalograms (20 pre and 20 posttreatment) from girls with mean age of 9.15 years, who had class II, division 1 malocclusion and received occipital headgear treatment with 350 g of force applied bilaterally 14 hours per day, during 22.35 months. The values of: SN.GoGn, FMA, N-ANS, ANS-Me, S-Ptm, Ptm-ANS, SNA, SNB, ANB, Ptm-6, 1.NA, 1.PP were evaluated. The Dalhberg’s formula revealed a casual error smaller than 1.5° and 1.0 mm, indicating reliability of the obtained data. Results: The data revealed that the growth pattern did not change with the treatment. The ANS-Me decreased. The jaw relationship changed positively, reducing the value of ANB. Anterior maxillary displacement was limited and the anteroposterior dimension increased. The maxillary molars were moved distally and incisors were retracted. Conclusions: The early treatment with occipital headgear was effective in moving maxillary teeth distally and retracting incisors, improving the jaw relationship and favoring the second phase of the orthodontic treatment when necessary.8138-4

    Orthodontic-surgical treatment of class III malocclusion with mandibular asymmetry

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    Class III skeletal malocclusion may present several etiologies, among which maxillary deficiency is the most frequent. Bone discrepancy may have an unfavorable impact on esthetics, which is frequently aggravated by the presence of accentuated facial asymmetries. This type of malocclusion is usually treated with association of Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery for correction of occlusion and facial esthetics. This report presents the treatment of a patient aged 15 years and 1 month with Class III skeletal malocclusion, having narrow maxilla, posterior open bite on the left side, anterior crossbite and unilateral posterior crossbite, accentuated negative dentoalveolar discrepancy in the maxillary arch, and maxillary and mandibular midline shift. Clinical examination also revealed maxillary hypoplasia, increased lower one third of the face, concave bone and facial profiles and facial asymmetry with mandibular deviation to the left side. The treatment was performed in three phases: presurgical orthodontic preparation, orthognathic surgery and orthodontic finishing. In reviewing the patient's final records, the major goals set at the beginning of treatment were successfully achieved, providing the patient with adequate masticatory function and pleasant facial esthetics.A maloclusão esquelética de Classe III pode apresentar diversas etiologias, sendo a deficiência maxilar a mais frequente. Discrepâncias esqueléticas podem ter impacto estético desfavorável, muitas vezes agravadas pela presença de assimetrias faciais acentuadas. Este tipo de maloclusão é geralmente tratado com a associação de Ortodontia e cirurgia ortognática para a correção da oclusão e da estética facial. Este relato de caso apresenta o tratamento de um paciente com 15 anos e 1 mês de idade, com maloclusão esquelética de Classe III, atresia maxilar, mordida aberta posterior do lado esquerdo, mordida cruzada anterior e mordida cruzada posterior unilateral, acentuada discrepância dento-alveolar negativa acentuada no arco maxilar e desvios das linhas médias superior e inferior. Ao exame clínico o paciente também apresentava deficiência maxilar, aumento do terço inferior da face, perfil ósseo e facial côncavos e assimetria facial, com desvio da mandíbula para o lado esquerdo. O tratamento foi realizado em três fases: preparo ortodôntico pré-cirúrgico, cirurgia ortognática e finalização ortodôntica. Analisando os registros finais do paciente, os principais objetivos estabelecidos ao início do tratamento foram alcançados com sucesso, promovendo ao paciente adequada função mastigatória e estética facial agradável

    Microbial species associated with dental caries found in saliva and in situ after use of self-ligating and conventional brackets

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    Objectives: Enamel demineralization is among the main topics of interest in the orthodontic field. Self-ligating brackets have been regarded as advantageous in this aspect. The aim of this study was to evaluate the break homeostasis in the oral environment and the levels of microorganisms associated with dental caries among the different types of brackets. Material and Methods: Twenty patients received two self-ligating brackets: InOvation®R, SmartClipTM, and one conventional GeminiTM. Saliva was collected before bonding (S0), 30 (S1) and 60 (S2) days after bonding. One sample of each bracket was removed at 30 and 60 days for the in situ analysis. Checkerboard DNA-DNA Hybridization was employed to evaluate the levels of microbial species as-sociated with dental caries. Data were evaluated by nonparametric Friedman and Wilcoxon tests at 5% significance level. Results: The salivary levels of L. casei (p=0.033), S. sobrinus (p=0.011), and S. sanguinis (p=0.004) increased in S1. The in situ analyses showed alteration in S. mutans (p=0.047), whose highest levels were observed to the In-Ovation®R. Conclusions: The orthodontic appliances break the salivary homeostasis of microorganisms involved in dental caries. The contamination pattern was different between self-ligating and conventional brackets. The InOvation®R presented worse performance considering the levels of cariogenic bacterial species

    Quantification of pro-inflammatory cytokines and osteoclastogenesis markers in successful and failed orthodontic mini-implants

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    Objectives: Miniscrew has been frequently used, considering that anchorage control is a critical point in orthodontic treatment, and its failure, the main adverse problem. Using two groups of stable (successful) and unstable (failed) mini-implants, this <i>in vivo</i> study aimed to quantify proinflammatory cytokines IL-1 α, IL-6, IL-17, and TNF-α and osteoclastogenesis marker RANK, RANKL, and OPG in gingival tissue, using the real-time polymerase chain reaction technique. Methodology: Thirteen patients of both sexes (11-49 years old) under orthodontic treatment were selected, obtaining 11 successful and 7 failed mini-implants. The mini-implants were placed and removed by the same surgeon, in both jaws. The mean time of permanence in the mouth was 29.4 months for successful and 7.6 months for failed mini-implants. At removal time, peri-mini-implant gingival tissue samples were collected and processed for quantification of the proinflammatory cytokines and osteoclastogenesis markers. Nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test considering the clusters and Kruskal-Wallis test were used for statistical analysis (α=0.05). Results: No significant difference (p>0.05) was observed between the groups for either quantification of cytokines or osteoclastogenesis markers, except for IL-6 (p<0.05). Conclusions: It may be concluded that the expression of IL-1α, IL-17, TNF-α, RANK, RANKL, and OPG in peri-implant gingival tissue were not determinant for mini-implant stability loss, but the higher IL-6 expression could be associated with mini-implant failure

    Self-ligating and Conventional brackets: Microbial detection in the saliva and in situ, periodontal index evaluation and assessment of cytokines levels in the gingival crevicular fluid

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    O aparelho ortodôntico promove alterações microbiológicas na cavidade bucal, em função da variedade de materiais sólidos e elásticos que possuem, os quais funcionam como áreas de retenção, levando a um acúmulo de biofilme e predispondo o hospedeiro à cárie dental e à doença periodontal. Os objetivos do presente estudo, in vivo, foram: 1) Avaliar, as alterações no índice de placa (PI), índice gengival (GI), índice de sangramento gengival (GBI) e no volume do fluido crevicular, em pacientes com 3 diferentes desenhos de bráquetes metálicos (autoligados e convencionais), a fim de verificar se o desenho dos bráquetes interfere no acúmulo de placa e na saúde gengival; 2) Estudar as alterações nos níveis de diferentes micro-organismos envolvidos direta ou indiretamente na cárie dental, na saliva e in situ, pré e pós-colagem de bráquetes convencionais e autoligados; 3) Avaliar os níveis salivares e in situ, de espécies de micro-organismos dos complexos roxo, verde, laranja e vermelho e de outras espécies, pré e pós-colagem de bráquetes convencionais e autoligados, por meio de sondas de DNA e 4) Quantificar citocinas pró-inflamatórias no fluido crevicular, antes e após a colagem dos diferentes bráquetes. A amostra foi constituída de 20 pacientes, com idade entre 11 e 15 anos (Média: 13,3 anos), que receberam bráquetes metálicos convencionais GeminiTM e dois diferentes tipos de bráquetes autoligados: In-Ovation®R e SmartClipTM em incisivos e caninos superiores. Os índices, o volume do fluido e as amostra de saliva (S0) foram obtidos antes da instalação dos aparelhos (T0) e após 30(T1) e 60(T2) dias. Um bráquete de cada tipo foi removido 30 e 60 dias após a colagem. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística utilizando-se os testes não-paramétricos de Friedman, Mann-Whitney e Wilcoxon e coeficiente de correlação não-paramétrico de Spearman. A análise da concentração de citocinas no fluido crevicular foi realizada segundo modelo de análise de variância misto, seguida pelo teste de Tukey, com nível de significância de 5%. Não houve correlação entre o grau de apinhamento, overjet e overbite com os escores do índice de placa (PI), índice gengival, índice de sangramento gengival e com o volume do fluido crevicular no tempo inicial T0 (p>0,05). Verificou-se a diferença significativa nos escores de PI e volume do fluido crevicular somente nos dentes que receberam bráquetes autoligados SmartClipTM, entre os tempos T0-T2(p0.05). There was a significantly difference in PI and crevicular fluid volume, when compared each bracket separately, only the teeth that received self-ligating bracket SmartClipTM, between times T0-T2 (p<0.05). We identified, in the saliva, the presence of 21, bacterial species, of the 22 analyzed; 4 of the 5 fungal species, before bonding the orthodontic appliance. In situ, to the SmartClipTM the highest levels were observed to the red complex 60 days after bonding. To the GeminiTM a decreased to the purple complex was observed when compared 30 and 60 days after bonding. The In-Ovation®R showed a significantly difference to C. rectus, 30 days after bonding. S. mutans, 60 days after bonding. 30 days after bonding the microbial levels is highest in the saliva than in situ, the self-ligating brackets present the highest levels than conventional brackets. 60 days after bonding the TNF-&alpha; levels was increased (p<0,05). The microbial levels was highest in the self-ligating brackets than the conventional brackets. The bracket design seems influenced the plaque index, the volume of the crevicular fluid, the microbial adhesion. The levels in situ are highest than in saliva. The TNF-&alpha; levels were increased 60 days after bonding. The bracket design change the PI, gingival crevicular volume and the red complex species, the SmartClipTM showed the worst results in this point. The In-Ovation®R presented the highest levels of the species to the orange complex and cariogenic species. The design didn\'t modulated the cytokine levels, th TNF&alpha;, increased for all brackets. The global analyses of the results allows us to conclude that the GeminiTM conventional bracket showed the best results when compared to the others self-ligating

    Cephalometric evaluation of effectiveness Interland headgear on class II, division 1, malocclusion

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    Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of early treatment on the maxillary dental arches in children with mixed dentition. Methods: It was evaluated 40 lateral cephalograms (20 pre and 20 posttreatment) from girls with mean age of 9.15 years, who had class II, division 1 malocclusion and received occipital headgear treatment with 350 g of force applied bilaterally 14 hours per day, during 22.35 months. The values of: SN.GoGn, FMA, N-ANS, ANS-Me, S-Ptm, Ptm-ANS, SNA, SNB, ANB, Ptm-6, 1.NA, 1.PP were evaluated. The Dalhberg’s formula revealed a casual error smaller than 1.5° and 1.0 mm, indicating reliability of the obtained data. Results: The data revealed that the growth pattern did not change with the treatment. The ANS-Me decreased. The jaw relationship changed positively, reducing the value of ANB. Anterior maxillary displacement was limited and the anteroposterior dimension increased. The maxillary molars were moved distally and incisors were retracted. Conclusions: The early treatment with occipital headgear was effective in moving maxillary teeth distally and retracting incisors, improving the jaw relationship and favoring the second phase of the orthodontic treatment when necessary

    Cephalometric evaluation of effectiveness Interland headgear on class II, division 1, malocclusion

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    e purpose of this study was to determine the effects of early treatment on the maxillary dental arches in children with mixed dentition. Methods: It was evaluated 40 lateral cephalograms (20 pre and 20 posttreatment) from girls with mean age of 9.15 years, who had class II, division 1 malocclusion and received occipital headgear treatment with 350 g of force applied bilaterally 14 hours per day, during 22.35 months. The values of: SN.GoGn, FMA, N-ANS, ANS-Me, S-Ptm, Ptm-ANS, SNA, SNB, ANB, Ptm-6, 1.NA, 1.PP were evaluated. The Dalhbergs formula revealed a casual error smaller than 1.5° and 1.0 mm, indicating reliability of the obtained data. Results: The data revealed that the growth pattern did not change with the treatment. The ANS-Me decreased. The jaw relationship changed positively, reducing the value of ANB. Anterior maxillary displacement was limited and the anteroposterior dimension increased. The maxillary molars were moved distally and incisors were retracted. Conclusions: The early treatment with occipital headgear was effective in moving maxillary teeth distally and retracting incisors, improving the jaw relationship and favoring the second phase of the orthodontic treatment when necessary

    Study of apical root resorption after occipital headgear wear on the treatment of dental Class II, division 1 malocclusion

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    Objetivo: o presente estudo verificou o efeito do uso do aparelho extrabucal (AEB) sobre a intensidade da reabsorção radicular apical nos primeiros molares permanentes superiores submetidos à ação do aparelho. Métodos: foram avaliadas as radiografias periapicais da região dos primeiros molares permanentes superiores, bilateralmente, de 19 jovens leucodermas, do gênero feminino, com idades entre 8 e 10 anos, com má oclusão do tipo Classe II, 1ª divisão dentária, pré e pós-tratamento com AEB de tração alta. As 76 radiografias foram divididas em dois grupos, de acordo com o grau de formação radicular. O grupo A consistiu de 18 radiografias com formação radicular incompleta, com exceção da raiz palatina, ao início do tratamento e 18 ao final. O grupo B consistiu de 20 radiografias com formação radicular completa ao início do tratamento e 20 ao final. Mensurou-se os comprimentos radiculares utilizando um paquímetro digital e submeteu-se as medidas obtidas ao teste de erro do método e à análise estatística (teste t de Student) para verificar as diferenças no comprimento radicular antes e após o tratamento com o AEB. Resultados: no grupo A ocorreu um aumento significativo dos comprimentos radiculares, enquanto no grupo B as diferenças dos comprimentos radiculares não foram significativas. As medidas pós-tratamento no grupo A não diferiram das medidas pré-tratamento no grupo B, ou seja, os dentes com formação radicular incompleta ao início do tratamento apresentaram crescimento radicular normal durante o tratamento ativo. Conclusão: concluiu-se que o uso do AEB não influenciou negativamente na formação radicular e não provocou reabsorção apical nos molares submetidos à ação do aparelho, sugerindo que o AEB não apresentou riscos à estrutura e formação radicular quando corretamente indicado e aplicado.Aim: The aim of this study was to verify the effect of occipital headgear wear on the intensity of apical root resorption of the upper first permanent molars submitted to the action of the appliance. Methods: Were evaluated periapical X-rays of 19 leucoderms young female - with ages between 8 and 10 years, with dental Class II, division 1 malocclusion, before and after orthodontic treatment, using high-pull headgear. The 76 X-rays were divided into two groups according to their root formation. Group A consisted of 18 X-rays with incomplete root formation, except for the palatine root, before treatment and 18 after treatment. Group B consisted of 20 X-rays where root formation was completed before treatment and 20 after treatment. The root lengths were measured with digital caliper and the registered measures were submitted to the error of the method and statistical analysis, Student t test, to verify the differences regarding the root length before and after the treatment with occipital headgear. Results: In group A, there was a significant increase of the root lengths, while in the group B the differences were not significant. Posttreatment Group A showed no significant differences with the mean root lengths of pretreatment group B, in other words, teeth with incomplete root formation at onset of orthodontic treatment presented normal root growth during the active treatment. Conclusion: Therefore, it was concluded that high-pull headgear didn’t influence negatively in the root formation and it didn’t provoke apical resorption of the molars submitted to the action of the appliance, suggesting that occipital headgear doesn’t present risks to the root structure and formation when correctly indicated and applied

    Study of apical root resorption after occipital headgear wear on the treatment of dental Class II, division 1 malocclusion

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    Objetivo: o presente estudo verificou o efeito do uso do aparelho extrabucal (AEB) sobre a intensidade da reabsorção radicular apical nos primeiros molares permanentes superiores submetidos à ação do aparelho. Métodos: foram avaliadas as radiografias periapicais da região dos primeiros molares permanentes superiores, bilateralmente, de 19 jovens leucodermas, do gênero feminino, com idades entre 8 e 10 anos, com má oclusão do tipo Classe II, 1ª divisão dentária, pré e pós-tratamento com AEB de tração alta. As 76 radiografias foram divididas em dois grupos, de acordo com o grau de formação radicular. O grupo A consistiu de 18 radiografias com formação radicular incompleta, com exceção da raiz palatina, ao início do tratamento e 18 ao final. O grupo B consistiu de 20 radiografias com formação radicular completa ao início do tratamento e 20 ao final. Mensurou-se os comprimentos radiculares utilizando um paquímetro digital e submeteu-se as medidas obtidas ao teste de erro do método e à análise estatística (teste t de Student) para verificar as diferenças no comprimento radicular antes e após o tratamento com o AEB. Resultados: no grupo A ocorreu um aumento significativo dos comprimentos radiculares, enquanto no grupo B as diferenças dos comprimentos radiculares não foram significativas. As medidas pós-tratamento no grupo A não diferiram das medidas pré-tratamento no grupo B, ou seja, os dentes com formação radicular incompleta ao início do tratamento apresentaram crescimento radicular normal durante o tratamento ativo. Conclusão: concluiu-se que o uso do AEB não influenciou negativamente na formação radicular e não provocou reabsorção apical nos molares submetidos à ação do aparelho, sugerindo que o AEB não apresentou riscos à estrutura e formação radicular quando corretamente indicado e aplicado.Aim: The aim of this study was to verify the effect of occipital headgear wear on the intensity of apical root resorption of the upper first permanent molars submitted to the action of the appliance. Methods: Were evaluated periapical X-rays of 19 leucoderms young female - with ages between 8 and 10 years, with dental Class II, division 1 malocclusion, before and after orthodontic treatment, using high-pull headgear. The 76 X-rays were divided into two groups according to their root formation. Group A consisted of 18 X-rays with incomplete root formation, except for the palatine root, before treatment and 18 after treatment. Group B consisted of 20 X-rays where root formation was completed before treatment and 20 after treatment. The root lengths were measured with digital caliper and the registered measures were submitted to the error of the method and statistical analysis, Student t test, to verify the differences regarding the root length before and after the treatment with occipital headgear. Results: In group A, there was a significant increase of the root lengths, while in the group B the differences were not significant. Posttreatment Group A showed no significant differences with the mean root lengths of pretreatment group B, in other words, teeth with incomplete root formation at onset of orthodontic treatment presented normal root growth during the active treatment. Conclusion: Therefore, it was concluded that high-pull headgear didn’t influence negatively in the root formation and it didn’t provoke apical resorption of the molars submitted to the action of the appliance, suggesting that occipital headgear doesn’t present risks to the root structure and formation when correctly indicated and applied