20,675 research outputs found

    Generalized-ensemble Monte carlo method for systems with rough energy landscape

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    We present a novel Monte Carlo algorithm which enhances equilibrization of low-temperature simulations and allows sampling of configurations over a large range of energies. The method is based on a non-Boltzmann probability weight factor and is another version of the so-called generalized-ensemble techniques. The effectiveness of the new approach is demonstrated for the system of a small peptide, an example of the frustrated system with a rugged energy landscape.Comment: Latex; ps-files include

    Collective chemotactic dynamics in the presence of self-generated fluid flows

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    In micro-swimmer suspensions locomotion necessarily generates fluid motion, and it is known that such flows can lead to collective behavior from unbiased swimming. We examine the complementary problem of how chemotaxis is affected by self-generated flows. A kinetic theory coupling run-and-tumble chemotaxis to the flows of collective swimming shows separate branches of chemotactic and hydrodynamic instabilities for isotropic suspensions, the first driving aggregation, the second producing increased orientational order in suspensions of "pushers" and maximal disorder in suspensions of "pullers". Nonlinear simulations show that hydrodynamic interactions can limit and modify chemotactically-driven aggregation dynamics. In puller suspensions the dynamics form aggregates that are mutually-repelling due to the non-trivial flows. In pusher suspensions chemotactic aggregation can lead to destabilizing flows that fragment the regions of aggregation.Comment: 4 page

    Run-and-tumble particles with hydrodynamics: sedimentation, trapping and upstream swimming

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    We simulate by lattice Boltzmann the nonequilibrium steady states of run-and-tumble particles (inspired by a minimal model of bacteria), interacting by far-field hydrodynamics, subject to confinement. Under gravity, hydrodynamic interactions barely perturb the steady state found without them, but for particles in a harmonic trap such a state is quite changed if the run length is larger than the confinement length: a self-assembled pump is formed. Particles likewise confined in a narrow channel show a generic upstream flux in Poiseuille flow: chiral swimming is not required

    Traveling-wave deceleration of SrF molecules

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    We report on the production, deceleration and detection of a SrF molecular beam. The molecules are captured from a supersonic expansion and are decelerated in the X2Σ+(v=0,N=1)^2\Sigma^+ (v=0, N=1) state. We demonstrate the removal of up to 40% of the kinetic energy with a 2 meter long modular traveling-wave decelerator. Our results demonstrate a crucial step towards the preparation of ultracold gases of heavy diatomic molecules for precision spectroscopy

    The whole and its parts : why and how to disentangle plant communities and synusiae in vegetation classification

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    Most plant communities consist of different structural and ecological subsets, ranging from cryptogams to different tree layers. The completeness and approach with which these subsets are sampled have implications for vegetation classification. Non‐vascular plants are often omitted or sometimes treated separately, referring to their assemblages as “synusiae” (e.g. epiphytes on bark, saxicolous species on rocks). The distinction of complete plant communities (phytocoenoses or holocoenoses) from their parts (synusiae or merocoenoses) is crucial to avoid logical problems and inconsistencies of the resulting classification systems. We here describe theoretical differences between the phytocoenosis as a whole and its parts, and outline consequences of this distinction for practise and terminology in vegetation classification. To implement a clearer separation, we call for modifications of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature and the EuroVegChecklist. We believe that these steps will make vegetation classification systems better applicable and raise the recognition of the importance of non‐vascular plants in the vegetation as well as their interplay with vascular plants

    Multicanonical Recursions

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    The problem of calculating multicanonical parameters recursively is discussed. I describe in detail a computational implementation which has worked reasonably well in practice.Comment: 23 pages, latex, 4 postscript figures included (uuencoded Z-compressed .tar file created by uufiles), figure file corrected

    Orion Pad Abort 1 Crew Module Mass Properties Test Approach and Results

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    The Flight Loads Laboratory at the Dryden Flight Research Center conducted tests to measure the inertia properties of the Orion Pad Abort 1 (PA-1) Crew Module (CM). These measurements were taken to validate analytical predictions of the inertia properties of the vehicle and assist in reducing uncertainty for derived aero performance coefficients to be calculated post-launch. The first test conducted was to determine the Ixx of the Crew Module. This test approach used a modified torsion pendulum test setup that allowed the suspended Crew Module to rotate about the x axis. The second test used a different approach to measure both the Iyy and Izz properties. This test used a Knife Edge fixture that allowed small rotation of the Crew Module about the y and z axes. Discussions of the techniques and equations used to accomplish each test are presented. Comparisons with the predicted values used for the final flight calculations are made. Problem areas, with explanations and recommendations where available, are addressed. Finally, an evaluation of the value and success of these techniques to measure the moments of inertia of the Crew Module is provided

    Evidence for the double degeneracy of the ground-state in the 3D ±J\pm J spin glass

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    A bivariate version of the multicanonical Monte Carlo method and its application to the simulation of the three-dimensional ±J\pm J Ising spin glass are described. We found the autocorrelation time associated with this particular multicanonical method was approximately proportional to the system volume, which is a great improvement over previous methods applied to spin-glass simulations. The principal advantage of this version of the multicanonical method, however, was its ability to access information predictive of low-temperature behavior. At low temperatures we found results on the three-dimensional ±J\pm J Ising spin glass consistent with a double degeneracy of the ground-state: the order-parameter distribution function P(q)P(q) converged to two delta-function peaks and the Binder parameter approached unity as the system size was increased. With the same density of states used to compute these properties at low temperature, we found their behavior changing as the temperature is increased towards the spin glass transition temperature. Just below this temperature, the behavior is consistent with the standard mean-field picture that has an infinitely degenerate ground state. Using the concept of zero-energy droplets, we also discuss the structure of the ground-state degeneracy. The size distribution of the zero-energy droplets was found to produce the two delta-function peaks of P(q)P(q).Comment: 33 pages with 31 eps figures include

    Are Simple Real Pole Solutions Physical?

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    We consider exact solutions generated by the inverse scattering technique, also known as the soliton transformation. In particular, we study the class of simple real pole solutions. For quite some time, those solutions have been considered interesting as models of cosmological shock waves. A coordinate singularity on the wave fronts was removed by a transformation which induces a null fluid with negative energy density on the wave front. This null fluid is usually seen as another coordinate artifact, since there seems to be a general belief that that this kind of solution can be seen as the real pole limit of the smooth solution generated with a pair of complex conjugate poles in the transformation. We perform this limit explicitly, and find that the belief is unfounded: two coalescing complex conjugate poles cannot yield a solution with one real pole. Instead, the two complex conjugate poles go to a different limit, what we call a ``pole on a pole''. The limiting procedure is not unique; it is sensitive to how quickly some parameters approach zero. We also show that there exists no improved coordinate transformation which would remove the negative energy density. We conclude that negative energy is an intrinsic part of this class of solutions.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Hydrodynamic attraction of swimming microorganisms by surfaces

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    Cells swimming in confined environments are attracted by surfaces. We measure the steady-state distribution of smooth-swimming bacteria (Escherichia coli) between two glass plates. In agreement with earlier studies, we find a strong increase of the cell concentration at the boundaries. We demonstrate theoretically that hydrodynamic interactions of the swimming cells with solid surfaces lead to their re-orientation in the direction parallel to the surfaces, as well as their attraction by the closest wall. A model is derived for the steady-state distribution of swimming cells, which compares favorably with our measurements. We exploit our data to estimate the flagellar propulsive force in swimming E. coli