309 research outputs found

    Septal ablation in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy improves systolic myocardial function in the lateral (free wall): a follow-up study using CMR tissue tagging and 3D strain analysis

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    Aims: Alcohol septal ablation (ASA) has been successful in the treatment of symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM). The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of ethanol-induced myocardial infarcts on regional myocardial function using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) tissue tagging and 3-dimensional (3D) strain analysis. Methods and results: In nine patients (age 52±15 years) who underwent ASA, CMR was performed prior to and 6 months after the procedure. Regional myocardial mass was evaluated using cine imaging. Myocardial tagging was used to calculate systolic 3D myocardial strain values. These strain values were used to calculate the shortening index (SI), a robust parameter for myocardial contraction. Maximum end-systolic (ES) SI and systolic SI rate were quantified in three circumferential segments: septum, adjacent, and remote (lateral) myocardium. Compared with baseline, septal and non-septal mass decreased at follow-up (from 72±27 to 59±21 g; P=0.008 and from 131±34 to 109±30 g; P=0.008, respectively). In the septum, maximum ES SI and SI rate remained unchanged after ASA. In adjacent myocardium, ES SI remained unchanged, whereas SI rate improved (from -56.5±21.1 to -70.0±16.7%/s; P=0.02). Both ES SI and SI rate improved significantly in remote myocardium (from -16.9±2.8 to -18.8±3.2%; P=0.02 and from -70.3±9.2 to -86.1±15.0%/s; P=0.01, respectively). Conclusion: Reduction of left ventricular (LV) outflow tract obstruction in symptomatic HOCM is associated with a significant reduction in myocardial mass and improvement of intramural systolic function in the lateral (remote) wall, indicating reversed LV remodelling. © The European Society of Cardiology 2006. All rights reserved

    Impact of alcohol septal ablation on left anterior descending coronary artery blood flow in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of alcohol septal ablation (ASA) on coronary blood flow in symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) using cardiac MR (CMR) coronary flow measurements. Background: CMR flow mapping enables quantification of coronary blood flow in a noninvasive way. Both left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) gradient reduction and myocardial scarring after ASA are expected to influence left anterior descending (LAD) coronary blood flow. Methods: Cine, contrast-enhanced (CE) imaging and breath-hold CMR phase contrast velocity mapping were performed at baseline and 1 and 6 months after ASA in seven patients. Changes of coronary blood flow were related to left ventricular (LV) mass reduction, enzyme release, volume of ethanol administered, LVOT gradient reduction, and LV rate pressure product (LVRPP). Results: A significant mass reduction was observed bothin the target septal myocardium and in the total myocardium (both P < 0.01). Mean myoca

    Українська сангха японського Ордену Ніппондзан Мьоходзі

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню історії української сангхи японського буддистського Ордену Ніппондзан Мьоходзі. Автор, враховуючи специфіку даної школи, намагався намітити загальний шлях для подальшого дослідження, виявити основні тенденції та періоди розвитку української сангхи Ніппондзан Мьоходзі. Значна увага приділяється діяльності членів української сангхи за межами України, що обумовлено світовими масштабами діяльності Дзюнсея Терасави, безпосереднього вчителя для українських монахів даного ОрденуСтатья посвящена исследованию истории украинской сангхи японского буддийского Ордена Ниппондзан Мёходзи. Автор, учитывая специфику данной школы, старался наметить общий путь для дальнейшего исследования, выявить основные тенденции и периоды развития украинской сангхи Ниппондзан Мёходзи. Значительное внимание уделяется деятельности членов украинской сангхи за пределами Украины, что обусловлено мировыми масштабами деятельности Дзюнсея Терасавы, непосредственного учителя монахов данного Ордена.This article is devoted to the history of Ukrainian Sangha of Japanese Buddhist Order Nippondzan Mehodzi. Taking into account the specificity of the school, the author trying to direct a common way for further research, to identify the key trends and periods of development of Ukrainian Sangha Nippondzan Mehodozi. Considerable attention has been given to the activities of the Ukrainian Sangha members outside of Ukraine, wich is caused by the global scale of Dzyunsey Terasava activity

    Optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention or after acute coronary syndrome

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    To prevent recurrent ischaemic events, dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) is the standard of care after percutaneous coronary intervention and in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome. Recent evidence supports an adjusted DAPT duration in selected patients. The current paper aims to encourage cardiologists to actively search for patients benefiting from either shorter or prolonged duration DAPT and proposes an algorithm to identify patients who are likely to benefit from such an alternative strategy. Individualised DAPT duration should be considered in high-risk anatomic and/or clinical subgroups or in patients at increased haemorrhagic risk with low ischaemic risk. Both thrombotic and haemorrhagic risk should be assessed in all patients. In patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention, the interventional cardiologist could advise on the minimal duration of DAPT. However, in contrast to the minimum duration of DAPT for stent thrombosis prevention, longer duration DAPT is aimed at prevention of spontaneous myocardial infarction, and not at stent thrombos

    Морфология и трехмерные изображения рудника-пещеры Кан-и-Гут

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    Путём сравнительного анализа и компьютерной обработки данных чертежей и схем из разных источников впервые получена пространственная (3D) модель одного из самых сложных в морфологическом отношении подземелий смешанного типа – рудника-пещеры Кан-и-Гут (Кыргызстан). Описана методика перевода графических данных в цифровой формат. Найдены основные морфометрические параметры полости, представлены трехмерные изображения основных его отделов, обсуждается их морфология. В ряде полостей рудника-пещеры выявлены существенные изменения, произошедшие за последние 50 лет вследствие масштабных обрушений.Шляхом порівняльного аналізу і комп’ютерної обробки даних креслень і схем з різних джерел вперше отримана просторова (3d) модель одного з найскладніших в морфологічному відношенні підземель змішаного типа – копальні-печери Кан-і-Гут (Киргизстан). Описана методика переведення графічних даних в цифровий формат. Знайдені основні морфометричні параметри порожнини, представлені тривимірні зображення основних його відділів, обговорюється їх морфологія. У ряді порожнин копальні-печери виявлені істотні зміни, події за останніх 50 років унаслідок масштабних обвалень.Kan-i-Gut mined cave, located in Kyrgyzstan, is one of the most morphologically complex cavities of mixed genesis. For the first time, a 3D model was developed for this cave by comparative analyses and computer processing of cave maps and mine surveyor plan and profile, obtained from different sources. The methodology of transferring graphical data into digital format is described. Primary morphometric parameters of the mined cave are gathered, and 3D images of its main parts are presented. Essential morphological changes due to vast collapses during the last 50 years were discovered

    A comparison of three treatment strategies in recent onset non-systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Initial 3-months results of the BeSt for Kids-study

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    Background: Combination therapy with prednisone or etanercept may induce earlier and/or more improvement in disease activity in Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drug (DMARD) naïve non-systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) patients. Here we present three months clinical outcome of initial treatments of the BeSt-for-Kids study. Methods: Included patients were randomized to either: 1. initial DMARD-monotherapy (sulfasalazine (SSZ) or methotrexate (MTX)), 2. Initial MTX / prednisolone-bridging, 3. Initial combination MTX/etanercept. Percentage inactive disease, adjusted (a) ACR Pedi30, 50 and 70 and JADAS after 6 and 12 weeks of treatment (intention to treat analysis) and side effects are reported. Results: 94 patients (67% girls, 32 (arm 1), 32 (arm 2) and 30 (arm 3) with median (InterQuartileRange) age of 9.1 (4.7-12.9) years were included. 38% were ANA positive, 10 had oligo-articular disease, 68 polyarticular JIA and 16 psoriatic arthritis. Baseline median (IQR) ACRpedi-scores: VAS physician 49 (40-58) mm, VAS patient 54 (37-70) mm, ESR 6.5 (2-14.8)mm/hr, active joint count 8 (5-12), limited joint count 3 (1-5), CHAQ score 0.88 (0.63-1.5). In arm 1, 17 started with MTX, 15 with SSZ. After 3 months, aACR Pedi 50 was reached by 10/32 (31%), 12/32(38%) and 16/30 (53%) (p = 0.19) and aACR Pedi 70 was reached by 8/32 (25%), 6/32(19%) and 14/30(47%) in arms 1-3 (p = 0.04). Toxicity was similar. Few serious adverse events were reported. Conclusion: After 3 months of treatment in a randomized trial, patients with recent-onset JIA achieved significantly more clinical improvement (aACRPedi70) on initial combination therapy with MTX / etanercept than on initial MTX or SSZ monotherapy. Trial registration:NTR1574. Registered 3 December 2008

    Outcome measures in Angelman syndrome

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    Background: Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by severe intellectual disability, little to no expressive speech, visual and motor problems, emotional/behavioral challenges, and a tendency towards hyperphagia and weight gain. The characteristics of AS make it difficult to measure these children’s functioning with standard clinical tests. Feasible outcome measures are needed to measure current functioning and change over time, in clinical practice and clinical trials. Aim: Our first aim is to assess the feasibility of several functional tests. We target domains of neurocognitive functioning and physical growth using the following measurement methods: eye-tracking, functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), indirect calorimetry, bio-impedance analysis (BIA), and BOD POD (air-displacement plethysmography). Our second aim is to explore the results of the above measures, in order to better understand the AS phenotype. Methods: The study sample consisted of 28 children with AS aged 2–18 years. We defined an outcome measure as feasible when (1) at least 70% of participants successfully finished the measurement and (2) at least 60% of those participants had acceptable data quality. Adaptations to the test procedure and reasons for early termination were noted. Parents rated acceptability and importance and were invited to make recommendations to increase feasibility. The results of the measures were explored. Results: Outcome measures obtained with eye-tracking and BOD POD met the definition of feasibility, while fNIRS, indirect calorimetry, and BIA did not. The most important reasons for early termination of measurements were showing signs of protest, inability to sit still and poor/no calibration (eye-tracking specific). Post-calibration was often applied to obtain valid eye-tracking results. Parents rated the BOD POD als most acceptable and fNIRS as least acceptable for their child. All outcome measures were rated to be important. Exploratory results indicated longer reaction times to high salient visual stimuli (eye-tracking) as well as high body fat percentage (BOD POD). Conclusions: Eye-tracking and BOD POD are feasible measurement methods for children with AS. Eye-tracking was successfully used to assess visual orienting functions in the current study and (with some practical adaptations) can potentially be used to assess other outcomes as well. BOD POD was successfully used to examine body composition. Trial registration: Registered d.d. 23-04-2020 under number ‘NL8550’ in the Dutch Trial Register: https://onderzoekmetmensen.nl/en/trial/23075</p

    Outcome measures in Angelman syndrome

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    Background: Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by severe intellectual disability, little to no expressive speech, visual and motor problems, emotional/behavioral challenges, and a tendency towards hyperphagia and weight gain. The characteristics of AS make it difficult to measure these children’s functioning with standard clinical tests. Feasible outcome measures are needed to measure current functioning and change over time, in clinical practice and clinical trials. Aim: Our first aim is to assess the feasibility of several functional tests. We target domains of neurocognitive functioning and physical growth using the following measurement methods: eye-tracking, functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), indirect calorimetry, bio-impedance analysis (BIA), and BOD POD (air-displacement plethysmography). Our second aim is to explore the results of the above measures, in order to better understand the AS phenotype. Methods: The study sample consisted of 28 children with AS aged 2–18 years. We defined an outcome measure as feasible when (1) at least 70% of participants successfully finished the measurement and (2) at least 60% of those participants had acceptable data quality. Adaptations to the test procedure and reasons for early termination were noted. Parents rated acceptability and importance and were invited to make recommendations to increase feasibility. The results of the measures were explored. Results: Outcome measures obtained with eye-tracking and BOD POD met the definition of feasibility, while fNIRS, indirect calorimetry, and BIA did not. The most important reasons for early termination of measurements were showing signs of protest, inability to sit still and poor/no calibration (eye-tracking specific). Post-calibration was often applied to obtain valid eye-tracking results. Parents rated the BOD POD als most acceptable and fNIRS as least acceptable for their child. All outcome measures were rated to be important. Exploratory results indicated longer reaction times to high salient visual stimuli (eye-tracking) as well as high body fat percentage (BOD POD). Conclusions: Eye-tracking and BOD POD are feasible measurement methods for children with AS. Eye-tracking was successfully used to assess visual orienting functions in the current study and (with some practical adaptations) can potentially be used to assess other outcomes as well. BOD POD was successfully used to examine body composition. Trial registration: Registered d.d. 23-04-2020 under number ‘NL8550’ in the Dutch Trial Register: https://onderzoekmetmensen.nl/en/trial/23075</p