95 research outputs found


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    ‘Venous lakes’ — a corrosion cast scanning electron microscopy study of regular and myomatous human uterine blood vessels

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the venous structure of regularand myomatous human uteri, using corrosion casting and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Special attention was paid to the endometrium and the socalled ‘venous lakes’.Materials and methods: Uteri collected at autopsy (n = 67) were injected with Mercox CL-2R resin, which penetrated the capillary bed and filled both arteriesand veins. After the polymerisation of the resin, the corrosion was performed. The obtained vascular casts, visualising all vessels including capillaries, were examinedusing scanning electron microscopy.Results: Amongst the 67 uteri prepared for the corrosion casting, only 22 (15 containing leiomyomata) yielded casts of acceptable quality for SEM assessment. Veins of the endometrium and the myometrium were present in the form of a chaotic network, which did not run parallel to the arterialsystem, but was rather independent. Microscopic venous dilations (‘venouslakes’) were observed both within the functional layer of the endometrium and the myometrium. They were digit-like in shape and could be compared to venous sinuses. They drained the subendothelial capillary plexus and were supplied by numerous capillaries and venules. Their size ranged from 270 to 420 μm. Those dilatations were absent in the outer myometrium and the perimetrium, as well as the uterine cervix. We have not observed any arteriovenous anastomoses.Conclusions: The myomatous uteri tend to have larger venous lakes than the normal uteri. The number and size of venous lakes increases with menstrual cycle progression. Further data on morphology and changes in venous lakesusing scanning electronic microscopy should be acquired

    Effect of dietary cholesterol on erythrocyte peroxidant stress in vitro and in vivo

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    The effect of dietary variation of plasma cholesterol concentrations on the susceptibility of erythrocytes to in vitro and in vivo peroxidant stress was studied in rats. Malonyldialdehyde, produced in vivo (endogenous malonyldialdehyde) or following in vitro exposure of cells to 10 mM H2O2 (H2O2 malonyldialdehyde, was used as a measure of peroxidant stress. After 5 weeks, the plasma cholesterol concentrations in rats receiving 1.2% cholesterol + 0.6% cholic acid in their diet rose to 6-times that of control rats receiving a diet without added cholesterol; at the same time, erythrocyte H2O2 malonyldialdehyde in the cholesterol-fed rats decreased significantly relative to the control rats. During subsequent exposure of both groups to in vivo peroxidant stress with phenylhydrazine in two separate dose trials, erythrocyte peroxidant stress remained significantly lower in the cholesterol-fed rats: at a dose of 100 [mu]mol/100 g body weight, H2O2 malonyldialdehyde was lower; at a dose of 25 [mu]mol/100 g body weight, both endogenous and H2O2 malonyldialdehyde were lower. Erythrocyte membrane cholesterol concentrations were 12% higher in the cholesterol-fed rats than in controls. The effects of in vivo peroxidant stress on plasma cholesterol were also studied. In vivo peroxidant stress at the higher dose of phenylhydrazine produced a decrease in plasma cholesterol concentrations of control rats. The lower dose had no effect on this group and the plasma cholesterol concentrations were unchanged in the cholesterol-fed rats during both treatments. The data suggest that elevated plasma cholesterol concentrations are protective against erythrocyte peroxidant stress. The mechanism of cholesterol's protective effect is probably mediated through elevated membrane cholesterol concentrations.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/25615/1/0000163.pd

    Yttrium-90 distribution following radiosynoviorthesis of the knee joint in rheumatoid arthritis patients : a SPECT/CT study

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    Objective To examine yttrium-90 distribution 1 and 72 h following its injection into a knee joint in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods In 14 RA patients we injected yttrium-90 into the affected knee joint using lateral approach. To assess the radioisotope distribution in the joint, the superimposed sequential SPECT and CT imaging was performed 1 and 72 h after the injection. We analyzed the percentage of radioisotope distribution in three predefined compartments of the knee joint (lower, upper medial, upper lateral). Results After 1 and 72 h, the mean percentage distributions were, respectively, 7.14 and 23.07 % in lower; 21.42 and 15.38 % in upper medial, and 71.42 and 61.53 % in upper lateral compartment. The percentage of isotope deposition did not change significantly with time in any of the compartments (all p > 0.26). The deposition of isotope, both at 1 and 72 h, was significantly greater in upper lateral compartment, where the injection was performed, than in all other compartments (all p < 0.05). Conclusions Using the SPECT/CT hybrid method, we proved that the majority of isotope is located at the compartment adjacent to the injection. Two injections targeting different compartments might improve the clinical efficacy of the procedure

    Економічні передумови покращення адаптаційних можливостей підприємств транспортного будівництва задля удосконалення їх продуктивності

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    The article considers current directions for improving the economic condition of transport construction enterprises in the crisis phenomena conditions, both in the transport industry and in the country as a whole. The purpose of article is research and economic substantiation of the possibility of improving the economic condition of transport construction enterprises due to the improvement of their adaptation capabilities, better application of all productive potential to market demands of the transport industry. Research methodology involves the use of methods: empirical research (comparison, observation), theoretical research (ascending from the abstract to the concrete), general scientific methods (abstraction and concretization, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy), etc. The relevance of solution to the scientific problem defined in the article is that in conditions of increased requirements for the quality parameters of maintenance and service of transport construction facilities, limited funds for transport construction enterprises, there are requirements for increasing productivity and efficiency of activity. The results of the study are as follows: indicators of monitoring the state of transport construction enterprises, which reflect the market potential of such enterprises, taking into account the requests of the transport industry, in the conditions of harmonization of the key directions of activity of the national economy main branches of Ukraine to the world economic formation, are determined. The originality and practical value of the research lies in the fact that the article systematizes the key performance indicators of transport construction enterprises, which affect their productivity and efficiency. The conclusions of the study are as follows: it is shown that the stabilization of fixed assets technical condition of JSC “Ukrainian Railways” through the reproduction of railway infrastructure will provide an opportunity to ensure the strategic development and effective functioning of railway transport, to ensure the necessary level of throughput and carrying capacity, safety of train traffic, which will ultimately increase competitiveness railway transport and the state’s defense capability.У статті розглянуто актуальні напрямки покращення економічного стану підприємств транспортного будівництва в умовах кризових явищ, як транспортній галузі, так і в країні в цілому. Метою статті є дослідження та економічне обґрунтування можливості покращення економічного стану підприємств транспортного будівництва за рахунок вдосконалення їх адаптаційних можливостей, кращого застосування всього продуктивного потенціалу до ринкових запитів транспортної галузі. Методологія дослідження передбачає використання методів: емпіричного дослідження (порівняння, спостереження), теоретичного дослідження (сходження від абстрактного до конкретного), загальнонаукових методів (абстрагування й конкретизація, аналіз та синтез, індукція та дедукція, аналогія) та ін. Актуальність вирішення наукової проблеми, що визначена у статті, полягає в тому, що в умовах підвищення вимог до якісних параметрів утримання та обслуговування об’єктів транспортного будівництва, обмежених коштів, до підприємств транспортного будівництва пред’являються вимоги щодо підвищення продуктивності та ефективності діяльності. Результати дослідження наступні: визначено показники моніторингу стану підприємств транспортного будівництва, що віддзеркалюють ринковий потенціал таких підприємств з урахуванням запитів транспортної галузі, в умовах гармонізації ключових напрямів діяльності основних галузей національної економіки України до світової економічної формації. Оригінальність іпрактична цінність дослідження полягає в тому, що у статті систематизовано ключові показники діяльності підприємств транспортного будівництва, які саме і впливають на їх продуктивність та ефективність. Висновки дослідження наступні: показано, що стабілізація технічного стану основних засобів АТ «Українська залізниця» через відтворення залізничної інфраструктури, дасть можливість забезпечити стратегічний розвиток та ефективне функціонування залізничного транспорту, забезпечити необхідний рівень пропускної та провізної спроможності, безпеки руху поїздів, що зрештою підвищить конкурентоспроможність залізничного транспорту та обороноздатність держави

    Оцінка ефективності реагентів для стабілізаційної обробки води циркуляційних систем

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    Оцінка ефективності реагентів для стабілізаційної обробки води циркуляційних систем = Evaluation of reagent efficiency in stabilizing water treatment of circulation systems / Т. О. Шаблій, І. М. Макаренко, А. Ю. Береза, М. М. Шуриберко // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2017. – № 3 (470). – С. 101–107.Анотація. Проведено дослідження оцінки ефективності реагентів щодо стабілізації водних середовищ за різних температурних умов. Як стабілізатори накипоутворення використовували відомі й синтезовані реагенти. Для порівняння застосовували оксиетилідендифосфонову кислоту. Серед відомих реагентів досліджували гіпан, карбоксиметилцелюлозу, лимонну й винну кислоти, нітрилтриметилфосфонову кислоту. Синтезовано антискалант метилдисульфонат натрію, перевірено його ефективність.Abstract. The problem of stabilizing treatment of water for cooling systems is very relevant for the energy industry. Increasing water quality will reduce the volume of water discharged during purging of the systems. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in the contamination of natural water bodies. This publication considers both already available and synthesized reagents. Oxyethylidenediphosphonic acid was used to compare the efficiency of antiscalants. The known reagents under study include gipan, carboxymethylcellulose, citric and tartaric acid, and nitriletrimethylphosphonic acid. The efficiency of reagents has been evaluated as for stabilization of tap water and model solutions with different mineralization for different temperature conditions. The efficiency of a number of reagents is determined as for the СaSO4 precipitation from concentrated solutions. The possibility of using available and synthesized reagents for water stabilization at higher temperatures is evaluated. Tartaric and citric acids are quite effective stabilizers in the concentrates of the reverse osmosis seawater desalination. A new inhibitor of precipitation of sodium methyldisulfonate is synthesized on the basis of sodium sulfite and formaldehyde; its efficiency is subject to evaluation.Аннотация. Проведена оценка эффективности реагентов по стабилизации водных растворов при различных температурных условиях. Как стабилизаторы накипеобразования использовали известные и синтезированные реагенты. Для сравнения применяли оксиэтилидендифосфоновую кислоту. Среди известных реагентов исследовали гипан, карбоксиметилцеллюлозу, лимонную, винную, нитрилтриметилфосфоновую кислоты. Синтезирован антискалант метилдисульфонат натрия, проверена его эффективность

    Development of SimCells as a novel chassis for functional biosensors

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    This work serves as a proof-of-concept for bacterially derived SimCells (Simple Cells), which contain the cell machinery from bacteria and designed DNA (or potentially a simplified genome) to instruct the cell to carry out novel, specific tasks. SimCells represent a reprogrammable chassis without a native chromosome, which can host designed DNA to perform defined functions. In this paper, the use of Escherichia coli MC1000 ∆minD minicells as a non-reproducing chassis for SimCells was explored, as demonstrated by their ability to act as sensitive biosensors for small molecules. Highly purified minicells derived from E. coli strains containing gene circuits for biosensing were able to transduce the input signals from several small molecules (glucarate, acrylate and arabinose) into the production of green fluorescent protein (GFP). A mathematical model was developed to fit the experimental data for induction of gene expression in SimCells. The intracellular ATP level was shown to be important for SimCell function. A purification and storage protocol was developed to prepare SimCells which could retain their functions for an extended period of time. This study demonstrates that SimCells are able to perform as 'smart bioparticles' controlled by designed gene circuits