231 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of a piecewise constant conductivity on a polygonal partition via shape optimization in EIT

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    In this paper, we develop a shape optimization-based algorithm for the electrical impedance tomography (EIT) problem of determining a piecewise constant conductivity on a polygonal partition from boundary measurements. The key tool is to use a distributed shape derivative of a suitable cost functional with respect to movements of the partition. Numerical simulations showing the robustness and accuracy of the method are presented for simulated test cases in two dimensions

    Poverty Eradication: Access to Land, Access to Food

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    Poverty Eradication: Access to Land, Access to Food brings together the lectures of distinguished scholars, professionals and experts at the International Summer School held in September 2014 at ASERI, the Graduate School of Economics and International Relations of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Facing the urgent challenge of ending poverty and hunger, combining ethical orientation with realistic policy options and cooperation practices», this e-book offers to a larger audience the opportunity of learning about interdisciplinary aspects of fighting poverty and hunger, and about agency for recognizing, affirming and defending human dignity. In a world where rural hunger is a paradoxical reality, the sustainable growth of agriculture should be a priority for the international development agenda. Ending poverty and hunger requires realizing an equitable access to land, and the adoption of inclusive production models specifically targeted to small farmers and women, whose work is both source and expression of their human dignity. This same work can secure access to food both for farmers themselves, and for the communities that live in. Contributors include professionals and academics of different disciplinary background, including Anni Arial, FAO; Birgitte Feiring, Charapa Consult; Miquel Gazssiot i Matas, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona; Christophe Golay, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights; Michael Taylor, International Land Coalition (ILC), along with Pier Sandro Cocconcelli, Vittorio Rossi e Roberto Zoboli of Università Cattolic

    Los modelos de regulación de los mercados financieros: el mensaje de la Encíclica

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    The author analyzes the global financial crisis in the light of the new Encyclical. From her point of view, globalization has changed the ability of States to regulate financial activities and therefore requires new ways of re-channeling the financial system to avoid a new crisis.To this end, the author discusses the construction of institutions for the financial system, proposes alternative ways to overcome the model of anonymous and mechanical markets of recent years and suggests educational interventions.La autora analiza la crisis financiera global a la luz de la nueva Encíclica. En su opinión, la globalización ha modificado la capacidad de los Estados de regular las actividades financieras, por lo cual se requiere pensar nuevas formas de re-encauzar el sistema financiero para evitaruna nueva crisis. A tal fin, la autora analiza la construcción de instituciones para el sistema financiero, propone modos alternativos que superen el modelo de mercados anónimos y mecánicos de los últimos años y sugiere intervenciones educativas

    Beyond the Financial Crisis. Towards a Christian Perspective for Action

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    What are the lessons that a \u2018Catholic perspective\u2019 should or could help to draw from the ongoing economic and financial crisis? We are convinced that no meaningful lessons can be drawn from the crisis unless the analysis extends beyond the received wis\uacdom offered by social and economic science, to encompass the values and assumptions on which every diagnosis or remedy should stand. The unfolding financial and economic crisis keeps unveiling aspects of the working of the global economy that went unad\uacdressed and suggests that our understand\uacing of the world economy and finance is still inadequate, with critical elements either false or missing. Part I shows how the mutual relationship between States and Markets has progressively changed since the end of WWII to the advantage of Markets. Part II examines some dominant features of the world economy in light of these systemic changes and identifies a number of deepening asymmetries which may be attributed to these changes. \u2018Asymmetry\u2019 means a lack of balance, or pro\uacportion; even possibly a lack of justice. The Christian perspective considers the di\uacmension of justice and the actions that may be needed for the common good. Part III discuss\uaces the anthropological, social, and economic content of the notion of the Common Good and identifies directions for action inspired by Catholic Social Teaching which would help to mitigate or even correct some of the most flagrant asymmetries and denials of justice in finance

    Trust behind bars: Measuring change in inmates' prosocial preferences

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    The paper presents the results of a Longitudinal Lab-in-the-Field Experiment implemented between September 2015 and July 2016 performed in two State Prisons in California (USA) to measure change in prosocial preferences. A subset of eligible inmates willing to undertake GRIP (Guiding Rage Into Power) program, were randomly assigned to it. The paper tests whether the participation to this program (used as a treatment in the experiments) affects prosocial preferences of participants, with specific reference to trust. The results of a Difference-in-Differences (DID) estimation procedure show that trust significantly increased in GRIP participants compared to the control group. This result is robust to alternative estimation techniques and to the inclusion of an endogenous behavioral measure of altruism

    Disavanzi nei pagamenti e commercio intertemporale: alcuni spunti di analisi "reale"

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    Il problema di integrare fra loro l'economia internazionale "reale", "monetaria" e "finanziaria", nonostante tentativi interessanti, \ue8 rimasto sostanzialmente irrisolto. Nei modelli di teoria pura del commercio internazionale, il valore delle esportazioni coincide col valore delle importazioni: lo scambio, anche se realizzato utilizzando moneta come mezzo di pagamento, rimane fondamentalmente baratto. Nelle analisi macroeconomiche, viceversa, si presta direttamente attenzione alla differenza fra produzione e assorbimento interno, che per definizione corrisponde al saldo corrente, senza analizzare i processi decisionali relativi agli scambi internazionali di beni e servizi. La dimensione finanziaria degli scambi internazionali, a sua volta, tende ad essere guardata da una angolatura ancora differente. Senza la pretesa di risolvere la questione, in questo lavoro si propongono, in maniera critica-comparativa, alcune fra le pi\uf9 interessanti prospettive di integrazione fra dimensioni mico, macro e finanziaria delle relazioni internazionali. Una prima prospettiva considera i disavanzi con l\u2019estero come la conseguenza di scelte intertemporali da parte degli operatori.ragione della insoddisfazione con questo approccio \ue8 la seguente: esso prescinde dalla esistenza di una "moneta" vera e propria. Gli strumenti monetari potrebbero benissimo non esistere, in quanto le decisioni vengono adottate, in un certo senso, \u201cfuori\u201d dal tempo (sostanzialmente, "prima" che il tempo stesso si dipani). Nel tentativo di superare questa insoddisfazione, il lavoro presenta (\ua72) le conseguenze dell\u2019introduzione di una moneta vera e propria, mezzo di pagamento in quanto fondo di valore, nell\u2019ambito di modelli tradizionali di tipo \u201creale\u201d, in cui i beni vengono prodotti, scambiati e consumati in un orizzonte multiperiodale.Una ulteriore pista di lavoro (\ua73) consiste nel mettere a fuoco il ruolo della disponibilit\ue0 di mezzi di pagamento internazionali nelle scelte strutturali di indebitamento finalizzate alla accumulazione di capacit\ue0 produttiva. Un aspetto importante delle relazioni economiche internazionali che sfugge ai modelli "reale" sopra presentati ruguarda l\u2019asimmetria di funzionamento dei mercati dei beni commerciabili e non commerciabili. Considerarli separatamente consente di mettere in luce la dimensione strutturale, e non congiunturale, dell'indebitamento estero

    Multi-Center Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial on Remote Ischemic Conditioning in Acute Ischemic Stroke Within 9 Hours of Onset in Patients Ineligible to Recanalization Therapies (TRICS-9): Study Design and Protocol

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    Aim: To assess the efficacy of remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) in patients with ischemic stroke within 9 h of onset, that are not candidates for recanalization therapies.Sample Size Estimates: A sample size of 80 patients (40 in each arm) should yield 80% power to detect a 20% difference in early neurological improvement at 72 h at p = 0.05, two sided.Methods and Design: TRICS-9 is a phase II, multicenter, controlled, block randomized, open-label, interventional clinical trial. Patients recruited in Italian academic hospitals will be randomized 1:1 to either RIC plus standard medical therapy or standard medical therapy alone. After randomization, RIC will be applied manually by four alternating cycles of inflation/deflation 5 min each, using a blood pressure cuff around the non-paretic arm.Study Outcomes: The primary efficacy outcome is early neurological improvement, defined as the percent change in the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at 72 h in each arm. Secondary outcomes include early neurologic improvement at 24 and 48 h, disability at 3 months, rate of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage, feasibility (proportion of patients completing RIC), tolerability after RIC and at 72 h, blood levels of HIF-1 alpha, and HSP27 at 24 h and 72 h.Discussion/Conclusion: RIC in combination with recanalization therapies appears to add no clinical benefit to patients, but whether it is beneficial to those that are not candidates for recanalization therapies is still to be demonstrated. TRICS-9 has been developed to elucidate this issue