73 research outputs found

    Consistent Measurement and Physical Character of the DSD: Disdrometer to Satellite

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    Objective: Validate GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) Drop Size Distribution Retrievals: Drop size distributions (DSD) are critical to GPM DPR (Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar)-based rainfall retrievals; NASA GPM Science Requirements stipulate that the GPM Core observatory radar estimation of D (sub m) (mean diameter) shall be within plus or minus 0.5 millimeters of GV (Ground Validation); GV translates disdrometer measurements to polarimetric radar-based DSD and precipitation type retrievals (e.g., convective vs. stratiform (C/S)) for coincident match-up to GPM core overpasses; How well do we meet the requirement across product versions, rain types (e.g., C/S partitioning), and rain rates (heavy, light) and is behavior physically and internally consistent

    Ascaris and Escherichia coli Inactivation in an Ecological Sanitation System in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate the microbial die-off in a latrine waste composting system in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Temperature data and samples were collected from compost aged 0-12+ months. Samples collected from compost bin centers and corners at two depths were assessed for moisture content, E. coli concentration, and Ascaris spp. viability. Center temperatures in compost bins were all above 58 °C, while corner temperatures were 10 - 20 °C lower. Moisture content was 67 ± 10% in all except the oldest compost. A 4-log reduction in E. coli was observed over the first sixteen weeks of composting at both locations and depths, after which E. coli was undetectable (LOD: 142 MPN g(-1) dry weight). In new compost, 10.4% and 8.3% of Ascaris eggs were viable and fully embryonated, respectively. Percent viability dropped to zero in samples older than six weeks. These findings indicate that the Haitian EcoSan composting process was effective in inactivating E. coli and Ascaris spp. in latrine waste within sixteen weeks. This study is one of the first to document efficacy of an ecological sanitation system under field conditions and provides insight into composting methods and monitoring for other international settings

    Associations between enteric pathogen carriage and height-for-age, weight-for-age and weight-for-height in children under 5 years old in urban Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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    Nutritional factors and infectious agents may contribute to paediatric growth deficits in low- and middle-income countries; however, the contribution of enteric pathogens is only beginning to be understood. We analysed the stool from children <5 years old from an open cohort, cluster-randomised controlled trial of a point-of-collection water chlorinator in urban Bangladesh. We compared the presence/absence of 15 enteric pathogens detected via multiplex, molecular methods in the stool with concurrent Z-scores/Z-score cut-offs (-2 standard deviations (s.d.)) for height-for-age (HAZ/stunting), weight-for-age (WAZ/underweight) and weight-for-height (WHZ/wasting), adjusted for sociodemographic and trial-related factors, and measured caregiver-reported diarrhoea. Enteric pathogen prevalence in the stool was high (88% had ≥1 enteric pathogen, most commonly Giardia spp. (40%), Salmonella enterica (33%), enterotoxigenic E. coli (28%) and Shigella spp. (27%)) while reported 7-day diarrhoea prevalence was 6%, suggesting high subclinical infection rates. Many children were stunted (26%) or underweight (24%). Adjusted models suggested Giardia spp. detection was associated with lower HAZ (-0.22 s.d., 95% CI -0.44 to 0.00; prevalence ratio for stunting: 1.39, 95% CI 0.94-2.06) and potentially lower WAZ. No pathogens were associated with reported diarrhoea in adjusted models. Giardia spp. carriage may be associated with growth faltering, but not diarrhoea, in this and similar low-income settings. Stool-based enteric pathogen detection provides a direct indication of previous exposure that may be useful as a broader endpoint of trials of environmental interventions

    VISAGE Visualization for Integrated Satellite, Airborne and Ground-Based Data Exploration

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    The primary goal of the VISAGE project is to facilitate more efficient Earth Science investigations via a tool that can provide visualization and analytic capabilities for diverse coincident datasets. This proof-of-concept project will be centered around the GPM Ground Validation program, which provides a valuable source of intensive, coincident observations of atmospheric phenomena. The data are from a wide variety of ground-based, airborne and satellite instruments, with a wide diversity in spatial and temporal scales, variables, and formats, which makes these data difficult to use together. VISAGE will focus on "golden cases" where most ground instruments were in operation and multiple research aircraft sampled a significant weather event, ideally while the GPM Core Observatory passed overhead. The resulting tools will support physical process studies as well as satellite and model validation

    A localized sanitation status index as a proxy for fecal contamination in urban Maputo, Mozambique.

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    Sanitary surveys are used in low- and middle-income countries to assess water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions, but have rarely been compared with direct measures of environmental fecal contamination. We conducted a cross-sectional assessment of sanitary conditions and E. coli counts in soils and on surfaces of compounds (household clusters) in low-income neighborhoods of Maputo, Mozambique. We adapted the World Bank's Urban Sanitation Status Index to implement a sanitary survey tool specifically for compounds: a Localized Sanitation Status Index (LSSI) ranging from zero (poor sanitary conditions) to one (better sanitary conditions) calculated from 20 variables that characterized local sanitary conditions. We measured the variation in the LSSI with E. coli counts in soil (nine locations/compound) and surface swabs (seven locations/compound) in 80 compounds to assess reliability. Multivariable regression indicated that a ten-percentage point increase in LSSI was associated with 0.05 (95% CI: 0.00, 0.11) log10 fewer E. coli/dry gram in courtyard soil. Overall, the LSSI may be associated with fecal contamination in compound soil; however, the differences detected may not be meaningful in terms of public health hazards

    Prevalence of potential underlying aetiology of macrocytic anaemia in Dutch general practice

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    Background: Macrocytic anaemia (MCV \xe2\x89\xa5 100 fL) is a relatively common finding in general practice. However, literature on the prevalence of the different causes in this population is limited. The prevalence of macrocytic anaemia and its underlying aetiology were analysed in a general practice population. The potential effect of the different aetiology on survival was also evaluated. Methods: Between the 1st of February 2007 and the 1st of February 2015, patients aged 50 years or older and presenting to their general practitioner with a newly diagnosed anaemia, were included in the study. Anaemia was defined as haemoglobin level below 13.7 g/dL in men and below 12.1 g/dL in women. A broad range of laboratory tests was performed for each patient. The causes of anaemia were consequently determined by two independent observers based on the laboratory results. Results: Of the 3324 included patients, 249 (7.5 %) displayed a macrocytic anaemia and were subsequently analysed. An underlying explanation could be established in 204 patients (81.9 %) with 27 patients (13.2 %) displaying multiple causes. Classic aetiology (i.e. alcohol abuse, vitamin B12/folic acid deficiency, haemolysis and possible bone marrow disease) was found in 115 patients. Alternative causes (i.e. anaemia of chronic disease, iron deficiency, renal anaemia and other causes) were encountered in 101 patients. In addition, a notable finding was the median gamma GT of 277 U/L in patients diagnosed with alcohol abuse (N = 24, IQR 118.0-925.5) and 23 U/L in the remaining cohort (N = 138, IQR 14.0-61.0). The distribution of gamma GT values was statistically different (P < 0.001). Five year survival rates were determined for six categories of causes, ranging from 39.9 % (95 % CI 12.9-66.9) for renal anaemia to 76.2 % (95 % CI 49.4-103.0) for the category multiple causes. Conclusion: In addition to classic explanations for macrocytosis, alternative causes are frequently encountered in patients with macrocytic anaemia in general practice

    A novel ESBL colilert system for environmental surveillance of AMR bacteria at markets in LMICs

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    The spread of ESBL-producing bacteria through environmental compartments needs to be quantified to understand the drivers of resistant infections caused by ESBL bacteria, including the examination of water as a possible transmission pathway1. Effective methods to assess environmental contamination by ESBL-producing bacteria are critical to enable rapid and reliable testing in LMIC settings, and ideally, they should be simple, cost effective and utilize current infrastructure. We present findings from an adaption of an ESBL IDEXX Colilert system, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)2, for the identification and quantification of ESBL contamination in four urban Malawian markets

    Risk for Fomite-Mediated Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Child Daycares, Schools, Nursing Homes, and Offices.

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 can persist on surfaces, suggesting possible surface-mediated transmission of this pathogen. We found that fomites might be a substantial source of transmission risk, particularly in schools and child daycares. Combining surface cleaning and decontamination with mask wearing can help mitigate this risk

    Analysis of Fecal Sludges Reveals Common Enteric Pathogens in Urban Maputo, Mozambique

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    Sewage surveillance is increasingly used in public health applications; metabolites, biomarkers, and pathogens are detectable in wastewater and can provide useful information about community health. Work on this topic has been limited to wastewaters in mainly high-income settings, however. In low-income countries, where the burden of enteric infection is high, nonsewered sanitation predominates. In order to assess the utility of fecal sludge surveillance as a tool to identify the most prevalent enteric pathogens circulating among at-risk children, we collected 95 matched child stool and fecal sludge samples from household clusters sharing latrines in urban Maputo, Mozambique. We analyzed samples for 20 common enteric pathogens via multiplex real-time quantitative PCR. Among the 95 stools matched to fecal sludges, we detected the six most prevalent bacterial pathogens (Enteroaggregative E. coli, Shigella/Enteroinvasive E. coli, Enterotoxigenic E. coli, Enteropathogenic E. coli, shiga-toxin producing E. coli, Salmonella), and all three protozoan pathogens (Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Entamoeba histolytica) in the same rank order in both matrices. We did not observe the same trend for viral pathogens or soil-transmitted helminths, however. Our results suggest that sampling fecal sludges from onsite sanitation offers potential for localized pathogen surveillance in low-income settings where enteric pathogen prevalence is high

    Risk factors for childhood enteric infection in urban Maputo, Mozambique: A cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Enteric infections are common where public health infrastructure is lacking. This study assesses risk factors for a range of enteric infections among children living in low-income, unplanned communities of urban Maputo, Mozambique. METHODS & FINDINGS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey in 17 neighborhoods of Maputo to assess the prevalence of reported diarrheal illness and laboratory-confirmed enteric infections in children. We collected stool from children aged 1-48 months, independent of reported symptoms, for molecular detection of 15 common enteric pathogens by multiplex RT-PCR. We also collected survey and observational data related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) characteristics; other environmental factors; and social, economic, and demographic covariates. We analyzed stool from 759 children living in 425 household clusters (compounds) representing a range of environmental conditions. We detected ≥1 enteric pathogens in stool from most children (86%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 84-89%) though diarrheal symptoms were only reported for 16% (95% CI: 13-19%) of children with enteric infections and 13% (95% CI: 11-15%) of all children. Prevalence of any enteric infection was positively associated with age and ranged from 71% (95% CI: 64-77%) in children 1-11 months to 96% (95% CI: 93-98%) in children 24-48 months. We found poor sanitary conditions, such as presence of feces or soiled diapers around the compound, to be associated with higher risk of protozoan infections. Certain latrine features, including drop-hole covers and latrine walls, and presence of a water tap on the compound grounds were associated with a lower risk of bacterial and protozoan infections. Any breastfeeding was also associated with reduced risk of infection. CONCLUSIONS: We found a high prevalence of enteric infections, primarily among children without diarrhea, and weak associations between bacterial and protozoan infections and environmental risk factors including WASH. Findings suggest that environmental health interventions to limit infections would need to be transformative given the high prevalence of enteric pathogen shedding and poor sanitary conditions observed. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02362932
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