38 research outputs found

    Spinal nerve involvement in early Guillain-Barré syndrome: The Haymaker and Kernohan's legacy

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    Pathological studies of early Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), defined as of 10 days of disease onset, are scanty making it difficult to interpret the physiopathology of clinical and electrophysiological features. In 1949, Webb Haymaker and James Kernohan reported 50 clinico-pathological studies of fatal GBS cases, 32 of them having died between days 2 and 10 after onset. They established that the brunt of initial lesions, consisting of endoneurial oedema interpreted as degenerative, relied on spinal nerves. That this oedema was inflammatory was soon thereafter recognized. Two decades later, however, the pathogenic role of endoneurial oedema was disputed. In experimental allergic neuritis, considered an animal model of GBS, the initial lesion appearing on day 4 post-inoculation is marked inflammatory oedema in the sciatic nerve and lumbosacral nerve roots. Additional detailed clinico-pathological studies corroborated that the appearance of epi-perineurium at the subarachnoid angle, where anterior and posterior roots join to form the spinal nerve, is a pathological hotspot in early GBS, there developing inflammatory oedema, incipient demyelination and endoneurial ischemic zones with axonal degeneration. Furthermore, nerve ultrasonography has demonstrated predominant spinal nerve changes in early GBS, either demyelinating or axonal. Other outstanding Haymaker and Kernohan's contributions were to clarify the complex nosology of the syndrome bringing under the same rubric Landry's paralysis, acute febrile polyneuritis and GBS, and critically analyzing GBS exclusion criteria by then prevailing. It is concluded that the authors' legacy remains as relevant as ever

    Neuroprotective Effect of Bexarotene in the SOD1(G93A) Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive weakness and muscle atrophy related to the loss of upper and lower motor neurons (MNs) without a curative treatment. There is experimental evidence suggesting that retinoids may be involved in ALS pathogenesis. Bexarotene (Bxt) is a retinoid-X receptor agonist used in the treatment of cutaneous lymphoma with a favorable safety profile whose effects have been recently investigated in other neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we analyze the potential therapeutic effect of Bxt in the SOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS. Mice were treated with Bxt or vehicle five times per week from day 60 onward. Survival, weight, and neuromuscular function studies together with histological and biochemical analyses were performed. Bxt significantly delayed motor function deterioration, ameliorated the loss of body weight, and extended mice survival up to 30% of the symptomatic period. Histological analyses of the lumbosacral spinal cord revealed that Bxt markedly delayed the early motor-neuron degeneration occurring at presymptomatic stages in ALS-transgenic mice. Bxt treatment contributed to preserve the MN homeostasis in the SOD1(G93A) mice. Particularly, it reduced the neuronal loss and the chromatolytic response, induced nucleolar hypertrophy, decreased the formation of ubiquitylated inclusions, and modulated the lysosomal response. As an agonist of the retinoic-X receptor (RXR) pathway, Bxt notably increased the nuclear expression of the RXRα throughout transcriptionally active euchromatin domains. Bxt also contributed to protect the MN environment by reducing reactive astrogliosis and preserving perisomatic synapsis. Overall, these neuroprotective effects suggest that treatment with Bxt could be useful in ALS, particularly in those cases related to SOD1 mutations

    Connective Intelligence for Childhood Mathematics Education

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    La construcción de un cerebro conectivo comienza en las edades más tempranas del desarrollo humano. Sin embargo, el conocimiento que ya se tiene sobre los cerebros individual y colectivo apenas se ha incorporado en el desarrollo del pensamiento matemático en Educación Infantil, donde comienzan a gestarse elementos clave para tomar decisiones, resolver problemas de la vida cotidiana, tratar con datos y comprender el entorno. Desde esta perspectiva la presente investigación marca como objetivo general analizar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas en Educación Infantil a partir del conexionismo, considerando como objetivos específicos, por un lado, determinar las características de una práctica matemática que promueva las conexiones y, por otro lado, identificar los distintos tipos de conexiones matemáticas para fomentar la inteligencia conectiva. La investigación se lleva a cabo a lo largo de dos años consecutivos bajo un paradigma interpretativo con un enfoque metodológico basado en el uso combinado de Investigación-Acción y Teoría Fundamentada. Los resultados han permitido concretar un prototipo de actividad o conjunto de actividades que, en forma de secuencia didáctica, promueve tres tipos de conexiones matemáticas para desarrollar la inteligencia conectiva en Educación Infantil: conceptuales, que producen nexos entre contenidos matemáticos diversos; docentes, que vinculan diversos conceptos matemáticos a través de una metodología activa y de vivenciar las experiencias matemáticas con otras materias; y prácticas, que relacionan las matemáticas con el entornoThe construction of a connective brain begins at the earliest ages of human development. However, knowledge about individual and collective brains provided so far by research has been rarely incorporated into Maths in Early Childhood classrooms. In spite of that, it is obvious that it is at these ages when the learning of mathematics acts as a nuclear element for decision – making, problem –solving, data– processing and the understanding of the world. From that perspective, this research aims to analyse the mathematics teaching-learning process at early ages based on connectionism, with the specific objectives being, on the one hand, to determine the features of mathematics practices which promote connections and, on the other hand, to identify different types of mathematics connections to enhance connective intelligence. The research was carried out over two consecutive academic years under an interpretative paradigm with a methodological approach combining Action Research and Grounded Theory. The results obtained allow the characterization of a prototype of a didactic sequence that promotes three types of mathematics connections for the development of connective intelligence in young children: conceptual, giving rise to links between mathematics concepts; teaching, linking mathematics concepts through an active methodology, and practical ones connecting maths with the environmen

    Why do motor neurons degenerate? Actualization in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Introducción: La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es la enfermedad degenerativa de las motoneuronas más frecuente. Aunque un peque?no porcentaje de los casos de ELA tienen un origen familiar y son secundarios a mutaciones en genes concretos, a la gran mayoría de ellos se les presupone un origen multifactorial, sin que su patogenia haya sido completamente aclarada. No obstante, en los últimos a?nos varios estudios han aumentado el conocimiento sobre la patogenia de la enfermedad, planteando la cuestión de si se trata de una proteinopatía, una ribonucleinopatía, una axonopatía o una enfermedad del microambiente neuronal. Desarrollo: En el presente artículo revisamos los trabajos publicados tanto en pacientes como en modelos animales de ELA y discutimos la implicación de los principales procesos celulares que parecen contribuir a su patogenia (procesamiento génico, metabolismo de proteínas, estrés oxidativo, transporte axonal y relación con el microambiente neuronal). Conclusiones: Aunque la patogenia de la ELA dista de estar aclarada, los estudios recientes apuntan a la idea de que hay unos desencadenantes iniciales que varían de unos sujetos a otros,y unas vías finales de degeneración de las motoneuronas que están implicadas en la mayor parte de los casos de enfermedad.Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common neurodegenerative disease affecting motor neurons. Although a small proportion of ALS cases are familial in origin and linked to mutations in specific genes, most cases are sporadic and have a multifactorial aetiology. Some recent studies have increased our knowledge of ALS pathogenesis and raised the question of whether this disorder is a proteinopathy, a ribonucleopathy, an axonopathy, or a disease related to the neuronal microenvironment. Development: This article presents a review of ALS pathogenesis. To this end, we have reviewed published articles describing either ALS patients or ALS animal models and we discuss how the main cellular pathways (gene processing, protein metabolism, oxidative stress, axonal transport, relationship with neuronal microenvironment) may be involved in motor neurons degeneration. Conclusions: ALS pathogenesis has not been fully elucidated. Recent studies suggest that although initial triggers may differ among patients, the final motor neurons degeneration mechanisms are similar in most patients once the disease is fully established

    Ataxia de Marie: en recuerdo de un epónimo clásico caído en desuso

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    Introducción. Nikolaus Friedreich introdujo el término ataxia hereditaria para designar una nueva forma de ataxia hereditaria de inicio temprano, una entidad clinicopatológica que describió en una serie de estudios publicados entre 1863 y 1877. Este término fue pronto remplazado por el epónimo ataxia de Friedreich, dejando vacante el término ataxia hereditaria. En 1893, Pierre Marie propuso reintroducir el término ataxia hereditaria, añadiendo el calificativo ?cerebelosa?. Muchos autores, especialmente en el ámbito francófono, cambiaron este término por el epónimo ataxia de Marie. Objetivos. Aclaramos la nosología de la ataxia de Marie, y abordamos la cuestión de si está justificado el uso de este término. Desarrollo. Analizamos en detalle las descripciones originales de la ataxia de Friedreich y la ataxia de Marie. Friedreich realizó una descripción magistral de una enfermedad que posteriormente, y de pleno derecho, pasaría a conocerse por su apellido. Marie propuso otra entidad, basándose no en casos clínico-patológicos propios sino en cuatro estudios previamente descritos por otros autores. Las principales diferencias de la ataxia de Marie con respecto de la ataxia de Friedreich eran la mayor edad de inicio y la conservación de los reflejos tendinosos. Hacia 1893, dos estudios post mortem habían mostrado cambios predominantemente en el cerebelo, lo que llevó a Pierre Marie a acuñar el término ataxia cerebelosa hereditaria. Durante las cuatro décadas siguientes, otros ocho estudios mostraron que las lesiones más importantes se hallaban en la médula espinal, afectando a las columnas de Clarke, los tractos espinocerebelosos anteriores y, en menor medida, los tractos espinocerebelosos posteriores y las columnas dorsales. Sin ningún tipo de base, Marie y sus discípulos postularon que la degeneración del tracto espinocerebeloso anterior era un rasgo distintivo de la ataxia cerebelosa hereditaria. El concepto de ataxia de Marie recibió numerosas críticas. Conclusión. El uso del epónimo ataxia de Marie ya no está justificado

    A novel pathway of TEF regulation mediated by microRNA-125b contributes to the control of actin distribution and cell shape in fibroblasts

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    Background: Thyrotroph embryonic factor (TEF), a member of the PAR bZIP family of transcriptional regulators, has been involved in neurotransmitter homeostasis, amino acid metabolism, and regulation of apoptotic proteins. In spite of its relevance, nothing is known about the regulation of TEF. Principal findings: p53-dependent genotoxic agents have been shown to be much more harmful for PAR bZIP-deficient mice as compared to wild type animals. Here we demonstrate that TEF expression is controlled by p53 through upregulation of microRNA-125b, as determined by both regulating the activity of p53 and transfecting cells with microRNA-125b precursors. We also describe a novel role for TEF in controlling actin distribution and cell shape in mouse fibroblasts. Lack of TEF is accompanied by dramatic increase of cell area and decrease of elongation (bipolarity) and dispersion (multipolarity). Staining of actin cytoskeleton also showed that TEF (-/-) cells are characterized by appearance of circumferential actin bundles and disappearance of straight fibers. Interestingly, transfection of TEF (-/-) fibroblasts with TEF induced a wild type-like phenotype. Consistent with our previous findings, transfection of wild type fibroblasts with miR-125b promoted a TEF (-/-)-like phenotype, and a similar but weaker effect was observed following exogenous expression of p53. Conclusions/significance: These findings provide the first evidence of TEF regulation, through a miR-125b-mediated pathway, and describes a novel role of TEF in the maintenance of cell shape in fibroblasts

    Nucleolar disruption and cajal body disassembly are nuclear hallmarks of DNA damage-induced neurodegeneration in purkinje cells

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    The Purkinje cell (PC) degeneration (pcd) phenotype results from mutation in nna1 gene and is associated with the degeneration and death of PCs during the postnatal life. Although the pcd mutation is a model of the ataxic mouse, it shares clinical and pathological characteristics of inherited human spinocerebellar ataxias. PC degeneration in pcd mice provides a useful neuronal system to study nuclear mechanisms involved in DNA damage-dependent neurodegeneration, particularly the contribution of nucleoli and Cajal bodies (CBs). Both nuclear structures are engaged in housekeeping functions for neuronal survival, the biogenesis of ribosomes and the maturation of snRNPs and snoRNPs required for pre-mRNA and pre-rRNA processing, respectively. In this study, we use ultrastructural analysis, in situ transcription assay and molecular markers for DNA damage, nucleoli and CB components to demonstrate that PC degeneration involves the progressive accumulation of nuclear DNA damage associated with disruption of nucleoli and CBs, disassembly of polyribosomes into monoribosomes, ribophagy and shut down of nucleolar and extranucleolar transcription. Microarray analysis reveals that four genes encoding repressors of nucleolar rRNA synthesis (p53, Rb, PTEN and SNF2) are upregulated in the cerebellum of pcd mice. Collectively, these data support that nucleolar and CB alterations are hallmarks of DNA damage-induced neurodegeneration.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors wish to thank Raquel García-Ceballos and Saray Pereda for technical assistance. This work was supported by the following grants: Dirección General de Investigación (BFU2008- 00175); Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERNED, CB06/05/ 0037), Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (BFU2010-18284), Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad (Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas), Instituto de Formación e Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla (IFIMAV, FMV/UC09-02), Junta de Castilla y León, Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León and Fundación Memoria D. Samuel Solórzano-Barruso, all of them from Spain

    Very early Guillain-Barré syndrome: A clinical-electrophysiological and ultrasonographic study

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    Objectives: Using recent optimized electrodiagnostic criteria sets, we primarily aimed at verifying the accuracy of the initial electrophysiological test in very early Guillain-Barré syndrome (VEGBS), ?4 days of onset, compared with the results of serial electrophysiology. Our secondary objective was to correlate early electrophysiological results with sonographic nerve changes. Methods: This is a retrospective study based on consecutive VEGBS patients admitted to the hospital. Each patient had serial nerve conduction studies (NCS) in at least 4 nerves. Initial NCS were done within 4 days after onset, and serial ones from the second week onwards. Electrophysiological recordings of each case were re-evaluated, GBS subtype being established accordingly. Nerve ultrasonography was almost always performed within 2 weeks after onset. Results: Fifteen adult VEGBS patients were identified with a mean age of 57.8 years. At first NCS, VEGBS sub-typing was only possible in 3 (20%) cases that showed an axonal pattern, the remaining patterns being mixed (combining axonal and demyelinating features) in 6 (40%), equivocal in 5 (33.3%), and normal in 1 (6.7%). Upon serial NCS, 7 (46.7%) cases were categorized as acute demyelinating polyneuropathy, 7 (46.7%) as axonal GBS, and 1 (6.6%) as unclassified syndrome. Antiganglioside reactivity was detected in 5 out of the 7 axonal cases. Nerve US showed that lesions mainly involved the ventral rami of scanned cervical nerves. Conclusions: Serial electrophysiological evaluation is necessary for accurate VEGBS subtype classification. Ultrasonography helps delineate the topography of nerve changes. Significance: We provide new VEGBS pathophysiological insights into nerve conduction alterations within the first 4 days of the clinical course.Acknowledgement: This paper was supported by IDIVAL (ID APG/11) and CIBERNED. The authors are most grateful to Mrs Marta de la Fuente for secretarial assistance

    Nusinersen ameliorates motor function and prevents motoneuron Cajal body disassembly and abnormal poly(A) RNA distribution in a SMA mouse model

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a devastating autosomal recessive neuromuscular disease characterized by degeneration of spinal cord alpha motor neurons (αMNs). SMA is caused by the homozygous deletion or mutation of the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene, resulting in reduced expression of SMN protein, which leads to αMN degeneration and muscle atrophy. The majority of transcripts of a second gene (SMN2) generate an alternative spliced isoform that lacks exon 7 and produces a truncated nonfunctional form of SMN. A major function of SMN is the biogenesis of spliceosomal snRNPs, which are essential components of the pre-mRNA splicing machinery, the spliceosome. In recent years, new potential therapies have been developed to increase SMN levels, including treatment with antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs). The ASO-nusinersen (Spinraza) promotes the inclusion of exon 7 in SMN2 transcripts and notably enhances the production of full-length SMN in mouse models of SMA. In this work, we used the intracerebroventricular injection of nusinersen in the SMN∆7 mouse model of SMA to evaluate the effects of this ASO on the behavior of Cajal bodies (CBs), nuclear structures involved in spliceosomal snRNP biogenesis, and the cellular distribution of polyadenylated mRNAs in αMNs. The administration of nusinersen at postnatal day (P) 1 normalized SMN expression in the spinal cord but not in skeletal muscle, rescued the growth curve and improved motor behavior at P12 (late symptomatic stage). Importantly, this ASO recovered the number of canonical CBs in MNs, significantly reduced the abnormal accumulation of polyadenylated RNAs in nuclear granules, and normalized the expression of the pre-mRNAs encoding chondrolectin and choline acetyltransferase, two key factors for αMN homeostasis. We propose that the splicing modulatory function of nusinersen in SMA αMN is mediated by the rescue of CB biogenesis, resulting in enhanced polyadenylated pre-mRNA transcription and splicing and nuclear export of mature mRNAs for translation. Our results support that the selective restoration of SMN expression in the spinal cord has a beneficial impact not only on αMNs but also on skeletal myofibers. However, the rescue of SMN expression in muscle appears to be necessary for the complete recovery of motor function.The authors wish to thank Raquel García-Ceballos for technical assistance and Alfonso Nieva for video editing. We are also grateful to Prof. A. I. Lamond (University of Dundee, UK) for anti-coilin antibody (204.10) and Prof. Larry Gerace (The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA) for anti-LaminA/C antibody. The authors are also indebted to Prof. Josep E. Esquerda for critical reading of the manuscript and helpful suggestions. This work was supported by the following grants: Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED, CB06/05/0037) Spain; Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (IDIVAL, Next-Val 17/22), Santander, Spain; and Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades cofinanced by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (RTI2018-099278-B-I00)