589 research outputs found

    Subchronic administration of phencyclidine produces hypermethylation in the parvalbumin gene promoter in rat brain

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    Aim: A deficit in parvalbumin neurons is found in schizophrenia and several animal models of the disease. In this preliminary study, we determined whether one such model, phencyclidine (PCP) administration, results in changes in DNA methylation in the rat Pvalb promoter. Materials & methods: DNA from hippocampus and prefrontal cortex from rats, which 6 weeks previously received either 2 mg/kg PCP or vehicle for 7 days, underwent bisulphite pyrosequencing to determine methylation. Results: PCP administration induced significantly greater methylation at one of two Pvalb CpG sites in both prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, while no significant difference was found in long interspersed nucleotide element-1, a global measure of DNA methylation. Conclusion: Subchronic PCP administration results in a specific hypermethylation in the Pvalb promoter which may contribute to parvalbumin deficits in this animal model of psychosis

    Advances in prevention and therapy of neonatal dairy calf diarrhoea : a systematical review with emphasis on colostrum management and fluid therapy

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    Neonatal calf diarrhoea remains the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in preweaned dairy calves worldwide. This complex disease can be triggered by both infectious and non-infectious causes. The four most important enteropathogens leading to neonatal dairy calf diarrhoea are Escherichia coli, rota-and coronavirus, and Cryptosporidium parvum. Besides treating diarrhoeic neonatal dairy calves, the veterinarian is the most obvious person to advise the dairy farmer on prevention and treatment of this disease. This review deals with prevention and treatment of neonatal dairy calf diarrhoea focusing on the importance of a good colostrum management and a correct fluid therapy

    The yeast P5 type ATPase, Spf1, regulates manganese transport into the endoplasmic reticulum

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a large, multifunctional and essential organelle. Despite intense research, the function of more than a third of ER proteins remains unknown even in the well-studied model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One such protein is Spf1, which is a highly conserved, ER localized, putative P-type ATPase. Deletion of SPF1 causes a wide variety of phenotypes including severe ER stress suggesting that this protein is essential for the normal function of the ER. The closest homologue of Spf1 is the vacuolar P-type ATPase Ypk9 that influences Mn2+ homeostasis. However in vitro reconstitution assays with Spf1 have not yielded insight into its transport specificity. Here we took an in vivo approach to detect the direct and indirect effects of deleting SPF1. We found a specific reduction in the luminal concentration of Mn2+ in ∆spf1 cells and an increase following it’s overexpression. In agreement with the observed loss of luminal Mn2+ we could observe concurrent reduction in many Mn2+-related process in the ER lumen. Conversely, cytosolic Mn2+-dependent processes were increased. Together, these data support a role for Spf1p in Mn2+ transport in the cell. We also demonstrate that the human sequence homologue, ATP13A1, is a functionally conserved orthologue. Since ATP13A1 is highly expressed in developing neuronal tissues and in the brain, this should help in the study of Mn2+-dependent neurological disorders

    Regulator of G-protein signaling 1 critically supports CD8+ TRM cell-mediated intestinal immunity.

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    Members of the Regulator of G-protein signaling (Rgs) family regulate the extent and timing of G protein signaling by increasing the GTPase activity of Gα protein subunits. The Rgs family member Rgs1 is one of the most up-regulated genes in tissue-resident memory (TRM) T cells when compared to their circulating T cell counterparts. Functionally, Rgs1 preferentially deactivates Gαq, and Gαi protein subunits and can therefore also attenuate chemokine receptor-mediated immune cell trafficking. The impact of Rgs1 expression on tissue-resident T cell generation, their maintenance, and the immunosurveillance of barrier tissues, however, is only incompletely understood. Here we report that Rgs1 expression is readily induced in naïve OT-I T cells in vivo following intestinal infection with Listeria monocytogenes-OVA. In bone marrow chimeras, Rgs1 -/- and Rgs1 +/+ T cells were generally present in comparable frequencies in distinct T cell subsets of the intestinal mucosa, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen. After intestinal infection with Listeria monocytogenes-OVA, however, OT-I Rgs1 +/+ T cells outnumbered the co-transferred OT-I Rgs1- /- T cells in the small intestinal mucosa already early after infection. The underrepresentation of the OT-I Rgs1 -/- T cells persisted to become even more pronounced during the memory phase (d30 post-infection). Remarkably, upon intestinal reinfection, mice with intestinal OT-I Rgs1 +/+ TRM cells were able to prevent the systemic dissemination of the pathogen more efficiently than those with OT-I Rgs1 -/- TRM cells. While the underlying mechanisms are not fully elucidated yet, these data thus identify Rgs1 as a critical regulator for the generation and maintenance of tissue-resident CD8+ T cells as a prerequisite for efficient local immunosurveillance in barrier tissues in case of reinfections with potential pathogens

    Genome wide analysis of gene expression changes in skin from patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Non-healing chronic ulcers are a serious complication of diabetes and are a major healthcare problem. While a host of treatments have been explored to heal or prevent these ulcers from forming, these treatments have not been found to be consistently effective in clinical trials. An understanding of the changes in gene expression in the skin of diabetic patients may provide insight into the processes and mechanisms that precede the formation of non-healing ulcers. In this study, we investigated genome wide changes in gene expression in skin between patients with type 2 diabetes and non-diabetic patients using next generation sequencing. We compared the gene expression in skin samples taken from 27 patients (13 with type 2 diabetes and 14 non-diabetic). This information may be useful in identifying the causal factors and potential therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of diabetic related diseases

    CD83 Modulates B Cell Function In Vitro: Increased IL-10 and Reduced Ig Secretion by CD83Tg B Cells

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    The murine transmembrane glycoprotein CD83 is an important regulator for both thymic T cell maturation and peripheral T cell responses. Recently, we reported that CD83 also has a function on B cells: Ubiquitous transgenic (Tg) expression of CD83 interfered with the immunoglobulin (Ig) response to infectious agents and to T cell dependent as well as T cell independent model antigen immunization. Here we compare the function of CD83Tg B cells that overexpress CD83 and CD83 mutant (CD83mu) B cells that display a drastically reduced CD83 expression. Correlating with CD83 expression, the basic as well as the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced expression of the activation markers CD86 and MHC-II are significantly increased in CD83Tg B cells and reciprocally decreased in CD83mu B cells. Wild-type B cells rapidly upregulate CD83 within three hours post BCR or TLR engagement by de novo protein synthesis. The forced premature overexpression of CD83 on the CD83Tg B cells results in reduced calcium signaling, reduced Ig secretion and a reciprocally increased IL-10 production upon in vitro activation. This altered phenotype is mediated by CD83 expressed on the B cells themselves, since it is observed in the absence of accessory cells. In line with this finding, purified CD83mu B cells displayed a reduced IL-10 production and slightly increased Ig secretion upon LPS stimulation in vitro. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that CD83 is expressed by B cells upon activation and contributes to the regulation of B cell function

    Distribution of Cortical Endoplasmic Reticulum Determines Positioning of Endocytic Events in Yeast Plasma Membrane

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    In many eukaryotes, a significant part of the plasma membrane is closely associated with the dynamic meshwork of cortical endoplasmic reticulum (cortical ER). We mapped temporal variations in the local coverage of the yeast plasma membrane with cortical ER pattern and identified micron-sized plasma membrane domains clearly different in cortical ER persistence. We show that clathrin-mediated endocytosis is initiated outside the cortical ER-covered plasma membrane zones. These cortical ER-covered zones are highly dynamic but do not overlap with the immobile and also endocytosis-inactive membrane compartment of Can1 (MCC) and the subjacent eisosomes. The eisosomal component Pil1 is shown to regulate the distribution of cortical ER and thus the accessibility of the plasma membrane for endocytosis