332 research outputs found

    Assessing university performance and strategic paths in the presence of multiple objectives

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    Competitiveness and excellence heavily rely on the capacity of regions to innovate and transfer knowledge from academic institutions to society. In a scenario where these values acquire a growing importance, universities are called to expand their traditional objectives (teaching and research) by introducing in their objective function the so-called third stream mission. The efficient implementation of these goals is expected to increase the economic and social welfare of territories. This means that universities have turned into crucial engines for regional development. Consequently, universities have to reshape their structures and strategies to incorporate these new demands claimed by public administrations, practitioners, academics and other stakeholders in the society. As a result, it is important to question whether universities allocate their internal resources and capabilities effectively to cope with all the functions they are assumed to develop. In this context, the study of the ways through which universities align their resources in relation to the achievement of their multiple objectives has become a critical research issue, questioning if both environmental factors and internal resources and capabilities can explain performance differences in higher education institutions. Differences in size, geographical location and institutional frameworks depict a complex but challenging framework. The analysis of the contribution of higher education institutions to regional development has gained increased attention. Even though the number of studies dealing with this field of research is extensive, from their analysis it is possible to identify a theoretical and empirical gap in the modelling of universities¿ performance that takes into account its multidimensional nature. Therefore, this thesis aims to fill this gap by examining "what" universities do, "why" they do what they do, and "how" they do it. In particular, the contribution of this dissertation is three folded. First, we propose and define an objective function for public universities. Second, we identify the factors that best contribute to the achievement of teaching, research and knowledge transfer outcomes. Third, we assess university's performance and we scrutinise the different strategic behaviours followed by Spanish public universities. To this end, we carry out an exhaustive literature review, and we present a theoretical framework to model the objective function of universities. From this theoretical development our hypotheses emerge. We therefore propose a three-step empirical analysis to test our hypotheses, focusing the analysis on the Spanish public higher education system. In the first stage analysis, we run different regression models to explain the determinants of university's missions. Second stage employs Data Envelopment Analysis to assess the efficiency of Spanish public universities. Finally, in the third stage we propose a cluster analysis to get a better grasp about the strategic approaches followed by Spanish public universities to address their objective function. Our results suggest that universities can be classified in five different categories. Empirical findings shed some light on how these institutions align their internal resources and capabilities with their strategic orientation. The identified categories follow: efficient universities that are very good at publishing (Cluster 1); universities with a clear lack of resources and institutional support (Cluster 2); universities with a knowledge-transfer orientation (Cluster 3); specialised universities (Cluster 4); and universities with a more academic orientation (Cluster 5). These findings verify our intuition that universities tend to concentrate on certain specific competences, suggesting that universities implement their strategies in different ways according to their specific features and the characteristics of the region where they are located.La competitivitat i l’excel•lència depenen en gran mesura de la capacitat de les regions per a innovar i transferir coneixement des de les institucions acadèmiques a la societat. En un escenari on aquests valors adquireixen una importància creixent, les universitats estan cridades a ampliar els seus objectius tradicionals (docència i recerca) mitjançant la introducció de la “tercera missió”. S’espera que la implementació eficient d’aquests objectius contribueixi al benestar econòmic i social dels territoris. Això significa que les universitats esdevenen importants motors pel desenvolupament regional. Conseqüentment, les universitats han de redefinir les seves estructures i estratègies per incorporar les noves demandes exigides des de l’administració pública, el sector públic, els acadèmics, i altres promotors. En aquest context, esdevé doncs clau preguntar-se per si les universitats assignen les seves capacitats i recursos interns amb eficàcia per tal de fer front a aquestes demandes, és a dir, conèixer com les universitats alineen els seus recursos en relació amb l'assoliment dels múltiples objectius que han de desenvolupar. Diferències en el tamany, ubicació geogràfica i contexts institucionals representen un marc complex però desafiant, que permet qüestionar en quina mesura els factors de l’entorn i els recursos i capacitats internes poden explicar diferències en el seu rendiment. L'estudi de les universitats com a motors pel desenvolupament regional ha adquirit un interès creixent. Això no obstant, d’entre l’extens nombre d'estudis s’identifica un buit teòric i empíric en la modelització de les seves funcions considerant el seu caràcter multidimensional. Així, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu omplir aquest buit, analitzant "què" fan les universitats, "per què" ho fan, i "com" ho fan. En particular, la contribució de la tesi és triple. En primer lloc, proposar i definir una funció objectiu per a les universitats públiques. En segon lloc, identificar aquells factors que contribueixen a millorar els resultats de docència, recerca i transferència de coneixement. I en tercer lloc, avaluar l’activitat acadèmica mitjançant l’estudi dels diferents comportaments estratègics que segueixen les universitats. Partint d’aquests objectius, primerament es dur a terme una revisió exhaustiva de la literatura, que permet definir el marc conceptual per a modelitzar la funció objectiu de les universitats, a partir d’on sorgeixen les hipòtesis. Posteriorment, es contrasten les hipòtesis mitjançant un anàlisi empíric en tres etapes, centrant l’anàlisi en el sistema universitari públic espanyol. En la primera etapa, s’utilitzen diferents models de regressió per explicar els determinants de les diferents missions de les universitats. En una segona etapa s’avalua l’eficiència tècnica de les universitats de la mostra utilitzant la metodologia de l’Anàlisi Envolvent de Dades. Per últim, la tercera etapa proposa un anàlisi de conglomerats amb la finalitat d’obtenir una major comprensió sobre els enfocaments estratègics que segueixen les universitats a l’hora d’afrontar la seva funció objectiu. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen que les universitats es poden classificar en cinc categories, aportant informació d’interès sobre com aquestes institucions alineen les seves capacitats i recursos interns amb l’orientació estratègica. Les categories identificades responen a: universitats eficients i propenses a la recerca (Grup 1); universitats amb una manca de recursos i suport institucional (Grup 2); universitats orientades a la transferència de coneixements (Grup 3); universitats especialitzades (Grup 4); i universitats amb orientació a la docència (Grup 5). Aquests resultats confirmen la intuïció de que les universitats tendeixen a concentrar-se en certes competències específiques, suggerint que la implementació de l’estratègia respon tant a les característiques específiques de cada universitat com a les de la regió on estan ubicades.La competitivitat i l’excel•lència depenen en gran mesura de la capacitat de les regions per a innovar i transferir coneixement des de les institucions acadèmiques a la societat. En un escenari on aquests valors adquireixen una importància creixent, les universitats estan cridades a ampliar els seus objectius tradicionals (docència i recerca) mitjançant la introducció de la “tercera missió”. S’espera que la implementació eficient d’aquests objectius contribueixi al benestar econòmic i social dels territoris. Això significa que les universitats esdevenen importants motors pel desenvolupament regional. Conseqüentment, les universitats han de redefinir les seves estructures i estratègies per incorporar les noves demandes exigides des de l’administració pública, el sector públic, els acadèmics, i altres promotors. En aquest context, esdevé doncs clau preguntar-se per si les universitats assignen les seves capacitats i recursos interns amb eficàcia per tal de fer front a aquestes demandes, és a dir, conèixer com les universitats alineen els seus recursos en relació amb l'assoliment dels múltiples objectius que han de desenvolupar. Diferències en el tamany, ubicació geogràfica i contexts institucionals representen un marc complex però desafiant, que permet qüestionar en quina mesura els factors de l’entorn i els recursos i capacitats internes poden explicar diferències en el seu rendiment. L'estudi de les universitats com a motors pel desenvolupament regional ha adquirit un interès creixent. Això no obstant, d’entre l’extens nombre d'estudis s’identifica un buit teòric i empíric en la modelització de les seves funcions considerant el seu caràcter multidimensional. Així, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu omplir aquest buit, analitzant "què" fan les universitats, "per què" ho fan, i "com" ho fan. En particular, la contribució de la tesi és triple. En primer lloc, proposar i definir una funció objectiu per a les universitats públiques. En segon lloc, identificar aquells factors que contribueixen a millorar els resultats de docència, recerca i transferència de coneixement. I en tercer lloc, avaluar l’activitat acadèmica mitjançant l’estudi dels diferents comportaments estratègics que segueixen les universitats. Partint d’aquests objectius, primerament es dur a terme una revisió exhaustiva de la literatura, que permet definir el marc conceptual per a modelitzar la funció objectiu de les universitats, a partir d’on sorgeixen les hipòtesis. Posteriorment, es contrasten les hipòtesis mitjançant un anàlisi empíric en tres etapes, centrant l’anàlisi en el sistema universitari públic espanyol. En la primera etapa, s’utilitzen diferents models de regressió per explicar els determinants de les diferents missions de les universitats. En una segona etapa s’avalua l’eficiència tècnica de les universitats de la mostra utilitzant la metodologia de l’Anàlisi Envolvent de Dades. Per últim, la tercera etapa proposa un anàlisi de conglomerats amb la finalitat d’obtenir una major comprensió sobre els enfocaments estratègics que segueixen les universitats a l’hora d’afrontar la seva funció objectiu. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen que les universitats es poden classificar en cinc categories, aportant informació d’interès sobre com aquestes institucions alineen les seves capacitats i recursos interns amb l’orientació estratègica. Les categories identificades responen a: universitats eficients i propenses a la recerca (Grup 1); universitats amb una manca de recursos i suport institucional (Grup 2); universitats orientades a la transferència de coneixements (Grup 3); universitats especialitzades (Grup 4); i universitats amb orientació a la docència (Grup 5). Aquests resultats confirmen la intuïció de que les universitats tendeixen a concentrar-se en certes competències específiques, suggerint que la implementació de l’estratègia respon tant a les característiques específiques de cada universitat com a les de la regió on estan ubicades

    Teaching agile methodologies in a project management course

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    [EN] The increasingly dynamic, competitive and volatile business environment that characterizes today’s marketplace demands for rapid delivery of high-quality outcomes, aligning development with customer needs and company goals. Agile methodologies have gained widespread popularity due to their easy implementation and adaptability to different industrial contexts. Although these methodologies originally emerged in the software and computer science field, they have been rapidly imported to other disciplines such as management and business. This paper describes an activity developed in a Project Management course during the academic year 2016/17. The activity is designed with the objective of not only teaching students agile methodologies (and scrum in particular), but also to allow them understand the basis of such methodologies by implementing a class project. The activity details as well as students’ perceptions are analyzed and discussed. The feedback collected indicates that students positively valued the activity and that they believe that through this activity they have been able to learn the fundamentals of agile methodologies.Berbegal-Mirabent, J.; Gil-Doménech, D.; Berbegal-Mirabent, N. (2017). Teaching agile methodologies in a project management course. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 312-320. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5181OCS31232

    What do we know about co-working spaces? Trends and challenges ahead

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    Co-working spaces (CWSs) have emerged as a distinctive phenomenon in the sharing economy. They are collaborative environments that feed innovation and creativity under the slogan “working alone together”. While policy makers and scholars were optimistic about their role in promoting entrepreneurial endeavours and fostering growth, the spread of the COVID-19 across the world has drastically changed the way we work, communicate, and navigate daily life. This study offers a comprehensive review of the existing literature on CWSs. To do so, a bibliometric analysis is proposed, combining the use of traditional bibliometric tools with science mapping techniques. A total of 118 documents are reviewed and the results are presented at two different levels: (1) descriptive analysis of the status of the research on a CWS and (2) its conceptual structure (topics and trends). The study concludes with some directions for future research. Specifically, based on the recurrent topics discussed up to date in the literature, it is possible to identify four key areas—i.e., geographical location, physical space, business models and inclusive communities—that are promising for research and that may bring useful insights for defining co-working’s place in a post-pandemic society.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Financial management

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    The influence of regulatory frameworks on research and knowledge transfer outputs: An efficiency analysis of Spanish public universities

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    In 2007, Spain reformed its regulatory framework to give priority to research and knowledge transfer activities at universities. It is in this context that we examine the efficiency of Spanish public universities and their evolution during the period 2006–2010. Results report that on average, universities have improved their efficiency. Economies of scope and scale are also discussed, observing that large universities with a concentrated academic offering are more likely to display higher efficiency scores. Surprisingly, neither the existence of specific infrastructures aimed at boosting knowledge transfer outputs (i.e., business incubators) nor regional wealth seems to influence universities’ efficiency.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Assessing the performance of technology transfer offices: An analysis of the relevance of TTO’s outcome configuration and aspiration performance

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    The paper investigates the technology-transfer productivity of Spanish public universities. The proposed approach allows the development of a framework that matches universities’ technology transfer concerns with the need to accurately analyze the role of the outcome configuration of technology transfer offices (TTOs). We analyze technology transfer productivity of Spanish universities during 2006-2011 by computing total factor productivity models rooted in non-parametric techniques, namely the Malmquist index. The results confirm that technology transfer productivity is affected by changes in the configuration of the TTO’s outcome portfolio that result from benchmarking own and market peers’ performance levels. While benchmarking own performance levels facilitates the exploitation of internal resources and yields superior productivity results, changes in TTO’s portfolio based on comparisons with market peers might generate greater operational costs that negatively impact productivity.Postprint (published version

    Evaluation Systems in Online Environments

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    [EN] One of the biggest challenges of online teaching is student evaluation. With the students not being physically present, assessing their level of knowledge on a subject presents different challenges than those tradionally encountered in face-to-face teaching. In this paper we present an overview of different evaluation systems and reflect about its advantages and disadvantages when applying them in online environments.The most common evaluation systems: multiple-choice quizzes, open question exams, essays, projects and oral exams, are ranked depending on several criteria. Criteria include items that any professor should take into consideration such as easiness of design and preparation or difficulty of student cheating. The advantages and downsides of each evaluation system are presented and several mechanisms to mitigate the disatvanges of each method are proposed.This paper is helpful to professors and teachers, specially in the current situation where the Covid-19 pandemic has moved most high-education teaching online.Alegre, I.; Berbegal-Mirabent, J. (2021). Evaluation Systems in Online Environments. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 137-144. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13026OCS13714

    The effect of open innovation strategies on business models. A multiple case study in the automotive sector

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    Open innovation allows information to be obtained by a company from outside in, and vice versa, in order to achieve improved relationships and better innovation performance in all parties involved in the business environment. This study explores how the adoption of an open innovation strategy changes the business model, specifically, in the case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Previous studies have mainly addressed this topic theoretically, and the original contribution of the approach in the present study stems from providing evidence from real cases. A multiple case study examines four cases in the automotive sector. A number of open innovation strategies are analysed, paying special attention to how they have shaped the company's business model and, ultimately, their impact on company performance. The overreaching conclusion is that the implementation of open innovation strategies helps companies to focus on its strengths and boosts them. This leads to a redefinition of the business model, so that they are better adapted not only to the essence of the companies but also to the demands of the market.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Social innovation success factors: hospitality and tourism social enterprises

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    Purpose – This paper aims at contributing to the existing literature on social enterprises and business model innovation. Particularly, it sheds some light on those factors that turn a social innovation initiative into a success, both in terms of meeting social needs and achieving economic sustainability. Design/methodology/approach – By using a grounded theory approach, an inductive comparative case study is conducted. Two work integration social enterprises in the hospitality and tourism sector are selected. Both companies are located in Barcelona (Spain) under the same legal regulation and economic situation and initially run a manufacturing business. Due to the economic crisis they were forced to reinvent themselves in order to survive. Data was collected from different sources and coded using content analysis procedures. Findings – Results indicate that three factors, named value proposition, appropriate market research, and stakeholder involvement heavily contributed to firm’s success, corroborating previous studies. Furthermore, our study reveals that social need pressures and managerial trust on employees are additional factors that drive social business model innovation. Practical implications – Changes in the demand, the rules governing the market, or economic downturns are external drivers for demand-pull innovations. In such context firms need to reformulate their business models if they wish to survive. Acknowledging the 2 factors that help firms overcome these obstacles is of great interest for both academics and entrepreneurs. Originality/value – Social innovation in business models is a topic still poorly defined in the literature, yet, its boundaries to other fields are still fuzzy. This paper aims to fulfill this gap by 1) presenting the theoretical domain in which this topic fits in, and 2) evidencing those successful factors that should be considered when designing and implementing a business model innovation which may help other firms facing a similar process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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