87 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Gender Gap Participation among the Private and Public Sectors of Kosovo

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    This project investigates problem of gender equality in Kosovo’s labor market, in terms of analyzing the differences of women labor participation gap among public and private sector. The study will be focusing on the factors that influence women to choose working on the public over private sector. The main drive for this study comes from the long time critics towards the Law No.03/ L-212 on Labor (2011) as well as the data statistics of low capital owned by women. As a result, the project explores among others, whether this law and the lack of capital is the main driving component in this gender gap of labor participation in the public versus private sector. The research is based on qualitative research methods—primary and secondary research. Through secondary research (literature review) data were gathered from different evidence providers and decision makers such as Kosovo Agency of Statistics, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, World Bank Database, and Kosovo Law on Labor to be used for analysis and comparison. For this report, primary research was conducted, as well. Three interviews and eighty-five questionnaires were carried out with evidence providers and decision makers in the field as well as women currently part of the labor force. The research findings show that both the law on labor and the lack of ownership (capital) by women have a significant effect on the gender gap in terms of public and private sector. In addition, the main challenges to gender equality among private and public sector were found to be the high costs companies face when their workers are on maternity leave, as well as a relatively high number of women being refused of loans due to their lack of capital. To improve the current situation, certain recommendations are provided. The first one is to adapt the Law on Labor in relation to other economic development factors such as childcare assistance, and impose paternity leave, so that this leave will not be a huge burden for private companies and that parents can share their duties towards their children. The two other last ones include the increase in capacities of women owned capital, as well as increased incentives towards their access to credit markets including here favorable level of interest rates for certain sectors

    Overweight and kinesiological aerobic activity for women

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    Overweight as a result of the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the body is determined, in addition to its hereditary characteristics , mainly by dietary habits and level of physical activity. Based on the current knowledge that one of the main causes of obesity is inadequate physical activity as the main regulator of energy in the human body, and the purpose of this research is based. The purpose of the research is to determine the impact of planned kinesiological activity ( Kangoo Jumps ) on the reduction of overweight in favor of subcutaneous adipose tissue reduction in females. The population sampled for this research was defined as female populations Mean age = 1995, SD = 4.66. The sample consisted 20 women who for the first time expressed a desire to practice at the “Gettfit Center” fitness center in Pristina. The following anthropometric variables were used to measure body mass and body volume : body weight (ABOWE), circumference of the upper arm (A CIUA) , circumference of the chest (ACICH) , circumference of the upper leg (ACIUL) , circumference of the lower leg (ACILL) and s ubcutaneous fat tissue : upper arm skinfold (AUASK) , subscapular skinfold (ASUSK), abdominal skinfold (AABSK ), upper leg skinfold (AULSK) and lower leg skinfold (ALLSK). The research was conducted during May and June of 2019, meaning it lasted 8 weeks to 3 days a week with one hour of scheduled Kangoo Jumps exercises . For estimating the difference between two dependent groups in arithmetic averages, paired t-test (Paired Sample T-Test) has been applied . We can emphasize that any well-planned physical activity in terms of intensity and extension leads to certain positive changes in the body . The results show that Kangoo Jumps with 128 - 135 bpm high-intensity music 3 times a week for one hour is one of the most effective fitness programs in reducing overweight in favor of reducing subcutaneous body fat mass. Also the results obtained show that t raining aerobic with Kangoo Jumps fitness program has not had the same effect on changes in adipose tissue by r body egjioneve in population gender female hours, this training aerobic shows on a larger effect on reducing subcutaneous adipose tissue in the abdominal region

    The impact of powerful programed exercises on fitness, on body composition

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    The definition of body composition refers to the constituents of the tissues that make up the body and is usually used to indicate the relative percentage of body fat and non-fat tissue. The health interest is the recognition of the relative amount of body fat relative to non-fatty body tissue and the distribution of body fat, with additional interest in changes in these components under the influence of physical exercise. The purpose of this study is to validate the effects of a fitness program with strength exercises on female body composition. The population sampled for this research was defined as female populations Mean age = 23.28 years, SD = 2.18. The test sample consisted of 25 women who for the first time expressed a desire to practice at the “Gettfit Center” fitness center in Prishtina. The calculation of body composition parameters was done with the measuring instrument “TANITA” BC-601. Are calculated: Body Weight (BWEG), Body Fat (BOFA), Muscle Mass (MAMU), Bone Mass (BOMA), Body Mass Index (BMIN), Daily Caloric Intake (DCIN), Metabolic Age (MEAG), Body Water ( BWAT) and Visceral Fat (VIFA). Training sessions lasted 4 weeks with 1-12 workouts with 60% 1RM max loads, and 12 second 13 - 24 weeks training sessions with 80-85% 1RM loads, number of repetitions 8- 12. Quantitative analysis (Paired Sample T-Test) was applied to confirm the impact of the training treatment. The results show that exercise training for two months produced a significant positive effect at the level of

    Comparison of some morphological parameters during the adolescence stage

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    The fastest changes in a child's growth and development occur during the puberty phase. The purpose of this research is based on this fact. The goal was to determine changes in the dynamics of growth and development of the morphological characteristics of children from age 12 to 15 years in the Municipality of Kamenica, Republic of Kosovo. To achieve this goal in this research are included 360 the masculine gender students of Elementary School "Dëshmorët e Kombit”, in Kamenica. The students were divided into 4 group. Each group consisted of 90 children aged 12-15 years, total 360 children. The battery of 12 anthropometric variables (measures) was selected for the present research under the pressumption that there were four hypothetical latent anthropometric dimensions: the longitudinal dimensionality of skeleton, the transversal dimensionality of skeleton, circular dimensionality of skeleton, and the dimension of subcutaneous fat tissue. Basic statistical parameters were applied for all age groups: arithmetic mean and standard deviation. Within comparative statistics, they have been appliedAnalysis of variance (ANOVA) and Post Hoc multiple Comparisons, least significant difference (LSD). The results obtained shows that: 1. A more pronounced growth of children happens between years 12-13, 2. A more pronounced increase of the body mass occursbetween years 12-13 and body volume between 13-14years. 3. A more pronounced increase in the transversal dimensions of the body skeleton occurs at the age of 13-14 years. 4. Subcutaneous fat tissue it gradually decreases in all parts of the body by age 12- 15 years. During adolescence, growth does not develop evenly, arms and legs grows faster than body and we have a gradual decrease of subcutaneous fat tissue. We can emphasize that the phase of puberty should always be followed by meeting organic energy needs

    Impact of physicial activity with programmed intensity in body composition

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    Physical activity is a very important regulator of body mass, a more natural way of consuming energy which, according to the lifestyle of today, has become very limited. Due to this fact, this research was intended to validate the influence of cyclically-programmed intensity physical activity on some body components. The sample for the purpose of this research included 25 women aged 20-30 who willingly admitted to be part of this research. These variables of body components have been applied: Body weight (WEIG), Body fat (BOFA), Muscle mass (MUMA), Body mass index (BMI) and Visceral fat level (VIFA).For the evaluation of body components, the bioelectric device Tanita BC-60 (Segmental Body Composition Monitor) was used. The women's group included in the research as an experimental group has undergone a 3-month training program with physical activity with programmed intensity of 50-70% of the heart rate. For the assessment of the difference between two dependent groups in arithmetical averages, the t-testing (Paired Sample T-Test) has been applied. Results obtained after statistical processing show that cyclic physical activity with programmed intensity (50-70%) three times a week for one hour had a positive effect on body fat tissue reduction for 17.79%,

    Effect of the cardio respirator activity in the frame of the benefit in some biochemical parameters

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    The study was intended to determine changes in lipid and blood glucose levels prior to and after the application of the cardio-respiratory program. Twenty-five 20-30 year old women have been tested and willingly admitted to be part of this research. At the beginning and after the completion of the cardiovascular program these biochemical parameters were determined in the sample of the testes: Glucose in the blood (GLBL), Lipoproteins High-density lipoprotein in the blood (HDLBL), Lipoproteins Low-density lipoprotein in the blood (LDLBL) , Triglycerides in the blood (TGBL). After determining the biochemical values at the beginning of the survey, the subjects were subjected to a quarterly cardio-respiratory program with a total of 36 sessions of 60 minutes. The cardio-respiratory program has included running at 50-70% intensity. For the calculation of the results obtained from the measurements of biochemical values, the basic statistical parameters have been calculated. For the assessment of the difference between two dependent groups in arithmetical means, the t-testing (Paired Sample T-Test) has been applied. The results obtained after statistical processing show that the 50-70% intensity quarterly cardio-respiratory program has had a significant effect on the normalization of lipid and blood glucose levels

    საქართველოს ისტორიის ზოგიერთი უცნობი წყარო

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    წინამდებარე წერილში წარმოდგენილია საქართველოს ისტორიის ახალი წყაროების ნაწილი, რომელიც ხანგრძლივი და შრომატევადი წყაროთმცოდნეობითი ძიებების შედეგადაა მოპოვებული. სამწუხაროდ, უკანასკნელ პერიოდში საქართველოს ისტორიისწყაროთმცოდნეობითი ბაზის გაფართოებისაკენ ძალისხმევა ნაკლებადაა მიმართული, ჩვენი მიზანია, რამდენადაც ამ მცირემოცულობის ტექსტშია შესაძლებელი, განსახილველი წყაროების შუქზე გადმოვცეთ ქართული ისტორიოგრაფიის რიგი ფუნდამენტური პრობლემები. საქართველოს ისტორიის ქვემოთ განხილულ ევროპულ წყაროთა წარმომავლობისა და სამეცნიერო ღირებულების არაერთგვაროვნების მიუხედავად, მათი ჩვენებებიდან კარგად ჩანს, რომ შუა საუკუნეების პრიმიტიული გეოგრაფიული წარმოდგენებისა და ფსევდოისტორიოგრაფიული შეხედულებების პირობებშიც კი, დასავლეთში არსებობდნენ ქართულ სამყაროსთან დაკავშირებული მრავალმხრივი საისტორიო ტრადიციები. სტატიაში ერთი წყაროს ჩვენებათა საფუძველზე განვიხილავთ ქართული სამყაროს კულტურულ-ისტორიულ ნიშას, რომელიც მასდასავლეთ ევროპულ პერსპექტივაში ეჭირა ისტორიის უზარმაზარი მონაკვეთის განმავლობა

    Hur man lyckas med ett miljöledningssystem En studie om implementering av miljöledningssystem ISO 14001 i små- och medelstora företag

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    Miljöledningssystem ger struktur åt miljöarbetet samt hjälper företag att använda resurser på ett sådant sätt som hjälper de att uppnå förbättringar för miljön. Den inverkan som företaget har på miljön bedöms utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. Dessa aspekter, i samband med relevant miljölagstiftning, styr miljöarbetet så att positiva effekter uppnås. Miljömål och miljöpolicy säkerställer så att ledningen är engagerade samt engagerar ett arbete för att reducera miljöpåverkan och uppnå konstanta förbättringar gällande miljöfrågorna. Ett miljöledningssystem ger företag möjlighet att kommunicera att deras miljöarbete utövas på ett reellt sätt. Syftet med implementeringen av miljöledningssystemet ISO 14001 är att företag ska ha det lättare att arbeta med miljöfrågor samt förbättra kommunikationen mellan intressenter och företag. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur små- och medelstora företag upplever implementeringen av miljöledningssystem enligt ISO 14001 samt hur ledningen i dessa företag motiverar och utbildar de anställda kring ISO 14001. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod och tre företag har haft rollen som informanter vars svar redovisats i den insamlade empirin. Utifrån informanternas svar har paralleller dragits till tidigare forskning samt teorier. Resultaten har visat att företagen har svårigheter med ISO 14001 och att både ledningen och anställda inte är tillräckligt utbildade kring ISO 14001 och miljöledningssystem. Vid implementering av miljöledningssystem är det viktigt att både ledningen och anställda är välutbildade, motiverade samt engagerade för att dynamiken i företaget ska fungeraEnvironmental management system provides a structure for environmental work and helps companies use resources in a way that helps them achieve environmental improvements. The impact the company has on the environment is assessed from a holistic perspective. These aspects, in conjunction with relevant environmental legislation, govern the environmental work so that positive effects are achieved. Environmental goals and environmental policy ensure that management is committed and engaged in work to reduce environmental impacts and achieve constant improvements regarding the environmental issues. An environmental management system enables companies to communicate that their environmental work is practiced in a trustworthy way. The aim of the implementation of the environmental management system ISO 14001 to make it easier for companies to work with environmental issues and improve communication between stakeholders and companies. The aim of this paper is to investigate how SMEs experience the implementation of environmental management systems according to ISO 14001 as well as how management in these companies motivates and educates employees regarding ISO 14001. The study is based on a qualitative approach and three companies have played the role of informants whose answers are reported in the collected empirical data. Based on the informants' answers, parallels have been drawn to previous research and theories. The results have shown that companies have difficulties with ISO 14001 and that both management and employees are not sufficiently educated around ISO 14001 and environmental management system. When implementing environmental management systems, it is important that both management and employees are well-educated, motivated and committed to the dynamics of the compan