156 research outputs found

    Agenten und Komplizen : Strategische Partnerschaften zwischen Schule und Stadt in Neukölln

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    Zugleich gedruckt erschienen im Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin, 2012. - ISBN 978-3-7983-2476-3Viele Schulen entwickeln sich von reinen Lernorten für Schüler zu Lebensorten für die gesamte Nachbarschaft der Schule. Können in diesem Prozess bestehende Bildungspotenziale im Quartier aufgespürt und mit der Schule verknüpft werden? Die Rixdorfer Grundschule in Nord-Neukölln soll zu einem Identifikationsort mit hoher Ausstrahlungskraft in die Nachbarschaft ausgebaut werden. Mit dem Planspiel AGENTEN & KOMPLIZEN haben Schülern, Lehrern und Nachbarn der Schule in 70 Spielrunden Zukunftsszenarien für strategische Verbindungen von Bildung und Quartier erspielt. Moderiert wurden die Spielrunden von Studierenden der Architektur, die basierend auf den Ergebnissen des Spiels eine bauliche Erweiterung der Schule entworfen haben.Many schools are currently evolving from their former role as places for learning into neighbourhood centres for educational as well as social activities. During this process, it is essential to trace and link existing local educational potential to the school. The Rixdorf Primary School in the north of Neukölln is to become a core institution with strong radiance and local identity. With the simulation game AGENTS & ACCOMLICES more than 70 future scenarios of strategic links between education and neighbourhood have been played out by pupils, teachers, neighbours and by-passers. The students of Architecture, who moderated the game rounds, designed structural extensions for the school based on the analysis of the game outcome

    Location Based Service Portale auf Basis von Network Integrated Applications

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    Untersuchung von HelpDesk-Systemen der Kommunikationsbranche

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    The fast availability of technical solutions is important to businesses facing problems occurred in the IT infrastructure. The removal of these problems can be ensured by means of helpdesk systems (labor organization). The helpdesk system is supported by independently operating IT systems such as trouble ticket systems, network management systems, and network documentation systems. The subject of this study is the further development and integration of these IT support systems. The concept of the trouble ticket systems is further developed into flexibly customizable information management and information exchange systems. A generic model of a helpdesk application has been developed for this purpose. The core of the generic model is a state-space-based control system which represents a new form of controlling, regulating, and monitoring information flows in helpdesk systems. The applicability of the generic model has been proved by means of a prototype implementation. Since all trouble ticket systems analyzed in the scope of the study are based on a client-server architecture, possible advantages of using another type of architecture for setting up a helpdesk application have to be verified. As an example, an architectural concept has been designed for a helpdesk application based on mobile agents. This concept offers advantages regarding the utilization of the network resources. Its high potential for the development of adaptation and automation options by far exceeds the one of current client-server-based systems. Umbrella management systems are used for network management. They merely provide monitoring features. Due to their architecture, they cannot perform automated network management. The basic requirement for the automation of network management is the network documentation. In the scope of this study, a layer-model of the network documentation has been created. This model divides the network into the functional layers as required for a network documentation. This new type of network documentation permits the integration of up-to-date operating state data into the network model. By linking the topology information with the operating state data, new approaches for creating model-based impact and root cause analyses have been developed. For the purpose of setting up automated network management, an architectural concept for active network management has been created in the scope of this study. In contrast to existing systems, this concept does not limit the number of error cases that can be processed automatically.Für aufgetretene Probleme in der IT-Infrastruktur ist die schnelle Verfügbarkeit von technischen Lösungen für Unternehmen wichtig. Die Beseitigung der Probleme wird durch HelpDesk-Systeme (Arbeitsorganisationsform) sichergestellt. Zur IT-Unterstützung eines HelpDesk-Systems werden unabhängig voneinander arbeitende IT-Systeme wie Trouble-Ticket Systeme, Netzwerkmanagementsysteme und Netzwerkdokumentationssysteme eingesetzt. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist eine Weiterentwicklung und Integration dieser IT-Unterstützungssysteme. Das Konzept der Trouble-Ticket Systeme wird zu flexibel anpaßbaren Informationsverwaltungs- und Informationsaustauschsystemen weiterentwickelt. Hierzu wurde ein generisches Modell einer HelpDesk-Applikation entwickelt. Kern des generischen Modells ist ein zustandsraumbasiertes Steuerungssystem, welches eine neue Art der Steuerung, Regelung und überwachung von Informationsströmen in HelpDesk-Systemen darstellt. Der Nachweis der Anwendbarkeit des generischen Modells ist durch eine prototypische Implementierung erbracht worden. Da alle in der Arbeit analysierten Trouble-Ticket Systeme auf einer Client-Server Architektur basieren, gilt es festzustellen, ob eine andere Architekturform Vorteile zum Aufbau einer HelpDesk-Applikation aufweist. Exemplarisch wurde hierzu ein Architekturkonzept für eine HelpDesk-Applikation auf Basis mobiler Agenten entworfen. Dieses bietet Vorteile bei der Ausnutzung der Netzwerkressourcen und weist ein hohes Entwicklungspotential von Adaptions- und Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten auf, welches weit über dem heutiger Client-Server basierter Systeme liegt. Für das Netzwerkmanagement werden Umbrella-Management-Systeme eingesetzt, die nur eine Überwachung ermöglichen. Aufgrund ihrer Architektur können sie kein automatisches Netzwerkmanagement leisten. Grundvoraussetzung für die Automatisierung des Netzwerkmangements ist die Netzwerkdokumentation. In dieser Arbeit ist ein Schichtenmodell der Netzwerkdokumentation entstanden, welches das Netzwerks in funktionale Ebenen einteilt, wie sie für eine Netzwerkdokumentation benötigt werden. Diese neue Art der Netzwerkdokumentation ermöglicht die Abbildung aktueller Betriebszustandsdaten in das Netzwerkmodell. Durch die Verknüpfung der Topologieinformationen mit den Betriebszustandsdaten konnten neue Ansätze zum Aufbau modellbasierter Impact- und Root-Cause Analysen entwickelt werden. Für den Aufbau eines automatischen Netzwerkmanagements ist in dieser Arbeit ein Architekturkonzept für ein aktives Netzwerkmanagement geschaffen worden. Hier ist im Gegensatz zu bestehenden Systemen die Anzahl der automatisch bearbeitbaren Fehlerfälle nicht beschränkt

    On death and dying – an exploratory and evaluative study of a reflective, interdisciplinary course element in undergraduate anatomy teaching

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    BACKGROUND: Teaching in palliative care aims not only at providing students with specialized knowledge in symptom therapy in advanced disease, but also at developing a professional attitude consistent with the principles and philosophy of palliative care. Reflecting about one’s own or the patient’s death and dying is considered essential for empathic patient care. In medical education the dissection course is often the first encounter with the issue of death and dying and represents a significant emotional challenge to many medical students. Against this background we implemented a new course element in preparation for the dissection course, offering opportunity to reflect own experiences with death and dying and providing support in finding a balance between authentic empathy and pragmatic action towards deceased persons. We discuss issues such as dignity and professional distance and reason whether guided support for medical students regarding these issues might influence their future attitude as doctors caring for their patients. METHODS: In tandem, we performed a formal evaluation of the seminar and explored the students’ experiences with death and dying, their expectations and fears in the run-up to the dissection course and their attitude towards dissection. RESULTS: This article describes the structure and the concept of this new interdisciplinary course element and presents the results of the formal course evaluation as well as the explorative part of the accompanying research. Medical students had broad experiences with death and dying even before the dissection course. 89.1% of students had worried about some kind of emotional stress during the dissection course before, but 61.7% stated to have actually perceived emotional stress afterwards. The willingness to donate one's own body for anatomy purposes decreased significantly during the course. The given room for reflection and discussion was appreciated by the students, who felt that the effects of this seminar might be of use even beyond the dissection course. CONCLUSION: This new course element successfully assisted medical students during the dissection room experience and gave opportunity to reflection and discussion on death and dying. The accompanying research confirmed the demand for support and gave insight into experiences, emotions and attitudes of medical students

    The relationship between polar mesospheric clouds and their background atmosphere as observed by Odin-SMR and Odin-OSIRIS

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    In this study the properties of polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs) and the background atmosphere in which they exist are studied using measurements from two instruments, OSIRIS and SMR, on board the Odin satellite. The data comes from a set of tomographic measurements conducted by the satellite during 2010 and 2011. The expected ice mass density and cloud frequency for conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium, calculated using the temperature and water vapour as measured by SMR, are compared to the ice mass density and cloud frequency as measured by OSIRIS. We find that assuming thermodynamic equilibrium reproduces the seasonal, latitudinal and vertical variations in ice mass density and cloud frequency, but with a high bias of a factor of 2 in ice mass density. To investigate this bias, we use a simple ice particle growth model to estimate the time it would take for the observed clouds to sublimate completely and the time it takes for these clouds to reform. We find a difference in the median sublimation time (1.8 h) and the reformation time (3.2 h) at peak cloud altitudes (82-84 km). This difference implies that temperature variations on these timescales have a tendency to reduce the ice content of the clouds, possibly explaining the high bias of the equilibrium model. Finally, we detect and are, for the first time, able to positively identify cloud features with horizontal scales of 100 to 300 km extending far below the region of supersaturation (>2 km). Using the growth model, we conclude these features cannot be explained by sedimentation alone and suggest that these events may be an indication of strong vertical transport

    A indústria fonográfica e os novos modelos de negócios analisados através da Nova Economia Institucional

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    Este artigo analisa da perspectiva da Nova Economia Institucional a recente queda de desempenho da indústria fonográfica, a qual alguns pesquisadores afirmam ter sido causada por inovações como os arquivos MP3 e o surgimento de novos modelos de negócios

    A indústria fonográfica e os novos modelos de negócios analisados através da Nova Economia Institucional

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    Este artigo analisa da perspectiva da Nova Economia Institucional a recente queda de desempenho da indústria fonográfica, a qual alguns pesquisadores afirmam ter sido causada por inovações como os arquivos MP3 e o surgimento de novos modelos de negócios