812 research outputs found

    Apsidal motion in massive close binary systems. I. HD 165052 an extreme case?

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    We present a new set of radial-velocity measurements of the spectroscopic binary HD 165052 obtained by disentangling of high-resolution optical spectra. The longitude of the periastron (60 +- 2 degrees) shows a variation with respect to previous studies. We have determined the apsidal motion rate of the system (12.1 +- 0.3 degree/yr), which was used to calculate the absolute masses of the binary components: M_1 = 22.5 +- 1.0 and M_2 = 20.5 +- 0.9 solar masses. Analysing the separated spectra we have re-classified the components as O7Vz and O7.5Vz stars

    The ages and colours of cool helium-core white dwarf stars

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    The purpose of this work is to explore the evolution of helium-core white dwarf stars in a self-consistent way with the predictions of detailed non-gray model atmospheres and element diffusion. To this end, we consider helium-core white dwarf models with stellar masses of 0.406, 0.360, 0.327, 0.292, 0.242, 0.196 and 0.169 solar masses and follow their evolution from the end of mass loss episodes during their pre-white dwarf evolution down to very low surface luminosities. We find that when the effective temperature decreases below 4000K, the emergent spectrum of these stars becomes bluer within time-scales of astrophysical interest. In particular, we analyse the evolution of our models in the colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams and we find that helium-core white dwarfs with masses ranging from approx. 0.18 to 0.3 solar masses can reach the turn-off in their colours and become blue again within cooling times much less than 15 Gyr and then remain brighter than M_V approx. 16.5. In view of these results, many low-mass helium white dwarfs could have had time enough to evolve to the domain of collision-induced absorption from molecular hydrogen, showing blue colours.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Strangelet spectra from type II supernovae

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    We study in this work the fate of strangelets injected as a contamination in the tail of a "strange matter-driven" supernova shock. A simple model for the fragmentation and braking of the strangelets when they pass through the expanding oxygen shell is presented and solved to understand the reprocessing of this component. We find that the escaping spectrum is a scaled-down version of the one injected at the base of the oxygen shell. The supernova source is likely to produce low-energy particles of A1001000A \sim 100-1000 quite independently of the initial conditions. However, it is difficult that ultrarrelativistic strangelets (such as the hypothetical Centauro primaries) can have an origin in those explosive events.Comment: RevTex file, 5 pp., no figure

    Chloroquine supplementation increases the cytotoxic effect of curcumin against Her2/neu overexpressing breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo in nude mice while counteracts it in immune competent mice

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    Autophagy is usually a pro-survival mechanism in cancer cells, especially in the course of chemotherapy, thus autophagy inhibition may enhance the chemotherapy-mediated anti-cancer effect. However, since autophagy is strongly involved in the immunogenicity of cell death by promoting ATP release, its inhibition may reduce the immune response against tumors, negatively influencing the overall outcome of chemotherapy. In this study, we evaluated the in vitro and in vivo anti-cancer effect of curcumin (CUR) against Her2/neu overexpressing breast cancer cells (TUBO) in the presence or in the absence of the autophagy inhibitor chloroquine (CQ). We found that TUBO cell death induced by CUR was increased in vitro by CQ and slightly in vivo in nude mice. Conversely, CQ counteracted the Cur cytotoxic effect in immune competent mice, as demonstrated by the lack of in vivo tumor regression and the reduction of overall mice survival as compared with CUR-treated mice. Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed the presence of a remarkable FoxP3 T cell infiltrate within the tumors in CUR/CQ treated mice and a reduction of T cytotoxic cells, as compared with single CUR treatment. These findings suggest that autophagy is important to elicit anti-tumor immune response and that autophagy inhibition by CQ reduces such response also by recruiting T regulatory (Treg) cells in the tumor microenvironment that may be pro-tumorigenic and might counteract CUR-mediated anti-cancer effects

    A new method for one-stage hepatectomy for dogs

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    A method is described for one-stage complete hepatectomy in dogs with preservation of the inferior vena cava. The method can be done rapidly with minimal blood loss and has a low operative mortality. The maximum survival time compares favorably with other methods of hepatectomy. © 1959

    The evolutionary status of the white dwarf companion of the binary pulsar PSR J1713+0747

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    Splaver and coworkers have measured the masses of the white dwarf and the neutron star components of the PSR J1713+0747 binary system pair by Shapiro Delay. We attempt to find the original configuration of this system performing a set of binary evolution calculations to simultaneously account for the masses of both stars and the orbital period. We considered initial masses of 1.5 and 1.4 \msun for the normal (donor) and the neutron star, respectively. We assumed two metallicity values (Z = 0.010 and 0.020), and an initial orbital period near 3 days. We assume that the neutron star is only able to retain \lesssim 0.10 of the matter transferred by the donor star. Calculations were performed employing our binary hydro code that handles the mass transfer rate in a fully implicit way together with state-of-the-art physical ingredients, diffusion and a non-grey atmospheres. We compare the structure of the resulting white dwarfs with the characteristic age of PSR J1713+0747 finding a nice agreement with observations by Lundgren et al. especially for the case of a donor star with Z= 0.010. This result indicates that the evolution of this kind of binary system is well understood. The models predict that, due to diffusion, the atmosphere of the white dwarf is an almost hydrogen-pure one. We find that such structures are unable to account for the colours measured by Lundgren et al. within their error bars. Thus, some discrepances in the white dwarf emergent radiation remain to be explained

    Diffusive Ionization of Relativistic Hydrogen-Like Atom

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    Stochastic ionization of highly excited relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the monochromatic field is investigated. A theoretical analisis of chaotic dynamics of the relativistic electron based on Chirikov criterion is given for the cases of one- and three-dimensional atoms. Critical value of the external field is evaluated analitically. The diffusion coefficient and ionization time are calculated.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figures, submitted to PR

    Validation of a Net Active Debris Removal Simulator within Parabolic Flight Experiment

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    Currently space debris is recognized as a major risk for space missions. In this frame it is involved the Patender project (Net parametric characterization and parabolic flight). The goal of this ESA funded activity (ending by March 2014) is to develop a confident mean to further investigate, develop and validate the concept of using nets for actively removing space debris of different characteristics. The net simulator will be validated in a parabolic flight experiment where microgravity conditions can be reached during some few tens of seconds. Different net shapes (pyramidal/planar) will be launched using a pneumatic-based dedicated mechanism in order to simulate the capture of a large space debris. High-speed motion cameras will record the experiment in order to allow the 3D reconstruction of the deployment and wrapping around the target phases and the validation of the software simulator