212 research outputs found

    Perancangan Displai Pra Biennale Klaten 2024 "Environmental Art"

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    Klaten merupakan kabupaten dengan kategori kota kecil di Jawa Tengah yang terletak diantara 2 (dua) kota budaya yaitu Surakarta dan Yogyakarta. Oleh karena itu Kabupaten Klaten berpeluang menjadi kota budaya. Salah satu indikator pemajuan seni kontemporer adalah terselenggaranya Biennale Klaten, yang untuk pertama kalinya di gelar pada tahun 2017. Perancangan Displai adalah fokus utama dalam penulisan tugas akhir dengan judul “Perancangan Displai Pra Biennale Klaten 2024 Environmental Art”. Dari pengamatan displai yang pernah dilakukan pada Biennale pertama sampai dengan ketiga dilihat dari segi penataan ruang displai, pencahayaan dan sirkulasi yang dilakukan belum terorganisir, dan seni lingkungan menjadi sudut pandang dan cara berfikir dalam perancangan Pra Biennale Klaten 2024. Dari pengamatan tersebut penulis mengangkat masalah “Bagaimana proses dan strategi perancangan displai Pra Biennale Klaten 2024 Environmental Art” yang dilakukan dengan metode pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan tujuan mengkaji proses konsep visual dan konsep penyajian; mendeskripsikan strategi dalam melaksanakan perancangan dan menyajikan konstruksi perancangan maket displai Pra Biennale Klaten 2024 “Environmental Art”. Perancangan ini dilaksanakan di Ruang Publik Lima Benua dengan tiga ruang yang mempunyai karakteristik lantai, dinding dan sub tema yang berbeda, sehingga dibutuhkan teknik pencahayaan dan penataan yang berbeda

    The Influence of Service Marketing Mix to Satisfaction of Students at Charity High School Tomohon

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    Nowadays, education has a significant meaning. Education supports and has a function of enhancing human quality. The business owners have seen this as an opportunity to build private schools. Having built these schools, they need to know the right strategy to meet its customers satisfactions. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of marketing mix such as product, price, promotion, place, people, physical evidence, and process for student satisfaction. The place of research is in Tomohon Caritas Catholic High School. The population is 284 students and the sample taken is as many as 100 samples. The analytical method used is the Multiple Regression, while validity and reliability tests are also used. This research can be categorized into quantitative descriptive research. The result shows that as for the t-test, the variables product, price, place people and physical evidence, individually as well as partially is significant influence toward students satisfactions of Charity Catholic high school students in Tomohon. On the other hand, the variables promotion and the process, individually as well as partially, is not significantly influence toward students satisfactions of Charity Catholic high school students in Tomohon. The management of Charity Catholic high school needs to improve and focus its marketing strategies on marketing mix strategy with respect to the education quality of the school, in detail such as teachers attentions and learning process. Keywords: services marketing mix, student satisfactio

    Thyroid Carcinoma Metastasis to Skull with Infringement of Brain: Treatment with Radioiodine

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    Background: Infringement by differentiated thyroid carcinoma on the brain is rare but, when suspected, the patient deserves special attention. A patient with an enlarging metastasis of thyroid carcinoma to the skull that was impinging on the brain illustrates diagnostic and therapeutic strategies applicable to the treatment of metastatic carcinoma. Methods: A case study was performed. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were done, serum thyroglobulin was measured, and tumor responses to thyroxine and 131I treatments were monitored. Tumor dosimetry, enabled by scintigraphy with 131I employing single photon emission tomography fused with CT (SPECT-CT), was performed. Results: The metastasis was from a follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. During thyrotropin stimulation the tumor enlarged. The tumor decreased in volume after each of two 131I therapies. Dosimetry indicated delivery of 1970 and 2870cGy to the tumor and 35 and 42cGy to the brain, respectively, in the two treatments. The patient has survived for more than 11 years since diagnosis. Conclusions: A metastasis from a follicular variant of papillary carcinoma increased in volume during hypothyroidism producing more infringement on the brain. Beyond the effects of thyroxine therapy, 131I treatments induced recession of tumor volume. In patients with metastases that concentrate 131I, dosimetry with SPECT-CT can predict absorbed doses of radiation to the tumor and to the adjacent organs and thus lay a basis for data-based decisions on 131I therapies. Therapy may induce prolonged survival in patients with metastases infringing on the brain.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78102/1/thy.2008.0426.pd

    Practical Dosimetry of 131I in Patients with Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Radioiodine treatments of patients with well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma have generally been safe and beneficial. Safety can be ensured while efficacy is increased through practical methods of dosimetry that measure body retention of 131I. Prescriptions for therapeutic 131I can be decreased when the retention level is high and increased when the level is low. Assays of serum free T4 will alert the physician to possible increased radiation to blood and bone marrow, and appreciable concentrations of free T4 are indications to reduce the therapeutic 131I. Carcinomas ≥1 cm in diameter that are not visible on diagnostic scintigraphy are unlikely to respond to the commonly prescribed mCi of 131I. Biologic responses to commonly prescribed levels of therapeutic 131I, as seen in toxic changes of normal tissues and in indices of tumor size, will be the final dosimeters. With lower levels of prescribed diagnostic 131I, stunning should not impair dosimetry. Thus, readily obtained measurements make dosimetry a practical method for improving carcinoma therapy with 131I.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/63166/1/10849780252824118.pd

    Radioiodine therapy of thyroid disease

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    Ten "ideal" steps used at the University of Michigan to treat well-differentiated thyroid cancer are presented. Using this in 103 patients with well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma and metastases outside their neck, those that were freed of their disease after 131I therapy survived three times as long as those not cured of their disease. Patients successfully cured of their metastases showed better conformity to the "ideal" steps than the patients with residual metastases. Each of the most commonly asked questions about 131I treatment of thyroid carcinoma following surgical treatment are discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/26907/1/0000473.pd


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    FIELD: physics.SUBSTANCE: detector has block for registering x-ray and nuclear emissions in form of filaments assembly and photo-detector, in optical contact with each other. Filaments, included in registering block, are scintillation fiber crystals Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO) of same length with diameter from 0,05 mm and greater. If x-ray or nuclear emission gets onto end portion of registering block filaments, on the latter visual picture of particles tracks or space distribution of emission is displayed with resolution, appropriate for diameter of used filaments. This image is transferred along BGO filaments to photo-detector, where actual registering of visual picture takes place.EFFECT: higher efficiency, higher thermal stability.1 dwg.Использование: для визуализации траектории и пространственного распределения высокоэнергетических частиц, и может быть использован для фундаментальных исследований и экспериментов в области физики высоких энергий на высокоэнергетических ускорительных установках, в дозиметрической практике в системах радиационного мониторинга, особо в интроскопах медицинского назначения (томография, рентгенография, сцинтиграфия), а также в рентгеновских системах неразрушающего радиационного контроля изделий автомобилестроения, кораблестроения, самолетостроения и ответственных элементов атомной и космической техники. Технический результат изобретения: повышение эффективности регистрации рентгеновского гамма- и других видов ядерного излучения, а также повышение термической устойчивости. Сущность: детектор содержит блок регистрации рентгеновского и ядерных излучений в виде сборки волокон и фотоприемное устройство, находящиеся в оптическом контакте друг с другом. Волокна, входящие в блок регистрации, представляют собой сцинтилляционные волоконные кристаллы Bi4Ge3О12 (BGO) одинаковой длины с диаметром от 0,05 мм и более. При попадании рентгеновского или ядерного излучения на торцевую часть волокон блока регистрации на последних формируется визуальная картина треков частиц или пространственного распределения излучения с разрешением, соответствующим диаметру используемых волокон. Это изображение передается по волокнам BGO в фотоприемное устройство, где и осуществляется регистрация визуальной картины. 1 ил