44 research outputs found

    Arabidopsis in the wild—the effect of seasons on seed performance

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    Climate changes play a central role in the adaptive life histories of organisms all over the world. In higher plants, these changes may impact seed performance, both during seed development and after dispersal. To examine the plasticity of seed performance as a response to environmental fluctuations, eight genotypes known to be affected in seed dormancy and longevity were grown in the field in all seasons of two years. Soil and air temperature, day length, precipitation, and sun hours per day were monitored. We show that seed performance depends on the season. Seeds produced by plants grown in the summer, when the days began to shorten and the temperature started to decrease, were smaller with deeper dormancy and lower seed longevity compared to the other seasons when seeds were matured at higher temperature over longer days. The performance of seeds developed in the different seasons was compared to seeds produced in controlled conditions. This revealed that plants grown in a controlled environment produced larger seeds with lower dormancy than those grown in the field. All together the results show that the effect of the environment largely overrules the genetic effects, and especially, differences in seed dormancy caused by the different seasons were larger than the differences between the genotypes.</p


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    Promotion of testa rupture during garden cress germination involves seed compartment-specific expression and activity of pectin methylesterases

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    Pectin methylesterase (PME) controls the methylesterification status of pectins and thereby determines the biophysical properties of plant cell walls, which are important for tissue growth and weakening processes. We demonstrate here that tissue-specific and spatiotemporal alterations in cell wall pectin methylesterification occur during the germination of garden cress (Lepidium sativum). These cell wall changes are associated with characteristic expression patterns of PME genes and resultant enzyme activities in the key seed compartments CAP (micropylar endosperm) and RAD (radicle plus lower hypocotyl). Transcriptome and quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis as well as PME enzyme activity measurements of separated seed compartments, including CAP and RAD, revealed distinct phases during germination. These were associated with hormonal and compartment-specific regulation of PME group 1, PME group 2, and PME inhibitor transcript expression and total PME activity. The regulatory patterns indicated a role for PME activity in testa rupture (TR). Consistent with a role for cell wall pectin methylesterification in TR, treatment of seeds with PME resulted in enhanced testa permeability and promoted TR. Mathematical modeling of transcript expression changes in germinating garden cress and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seeds suggested that group 2 PMEs make a major contribution to the overall PME activity rather than acting as PME inhibitors. It is concluded that regulated changes in the degree of pectin methylesterification through CAP- and RAD-specific PME and PME inhibitor expression play a crucial role during Brassicaceae seed germination

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    Seed Dormancy, Longevity and Their Adaptation

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    Seed dormancy and seed longevity are two important seed characteristics. Together these two traits determine the total seed life span, that is, the total time that seeds can remain viable, from seed dispersal until germination. Seed dormancy and seed longevity are induced during seed development. Seed dormancy is affected by both endogenous and exogenous factors such as plant hormones and the environment. Two well-known plant hormones that regulate seed dormancy are abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA). There is great genetic variation in seed dormancy and seed longevity; most of it is present as induced variation resulting from many mutagenesis experiments that have been performed in Arabidopsis. This chapter presents three possible hypotheses to explain the negative correlation (trade-off) between seed dormancy and seed longevity. It concludes that seed dormancy and longevity are very complex traits, which are under the regulation of a large number of genes.</p

    Seed Dormancy and Germination

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    Seed dormancy allows seeds to overcome periods that are unfavourable for seedling established and is therefore important for plant ecology and agriculture. Several processes are known to be involved in the induction of dormancy and in the switch from the dormant to the germinating state. The role of plant hormones, the different tissues and genes involved, including newly identified genes in dormancy and germination are described in this chapter, as well as the use transcriptome, proteome and metabolome analyses to study these mechanistically not well understood processes

    Seeds: A Unique System to Study Translational Regulation

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    Seeds accumulate mRNA during their development and have the ability to store these mRNAs over extended periods of time. On imbibition, seeds transform from a quiescent dry state (no translation) to a fully active metabolic state, and selectively translate subsets of these stored mRNA. Thus, seeds provide a unique developmentally regulated ‘on/off’ switch for translation. Additionally, there is extensive translational control during seed germination. Here we discuss new findings and hypotheses linked to mRNA fate and the role of translational regulation in seeds. Translation is an understated yet important mode of gene regulation. We propose seeds as a novel system to study developmentally and physiologically regulated translation.</p