57 research outputs found

    Influence of design parameters on the starting torque of a single-phase PM brushless DC motor

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    The starting torque of a single-phase permanent magnet brushless DC motor is investigated, for both radial and parallel magnetization. Finite element analysis is used to assess the relative merits of alternative methods of introducing the required air gap asymmetry, viz. tapered air gap, stepped air gap, asymmetric air gap, and slotted teeth. The predicted results are validated experimentall

    Workers with special needs and their professional integration

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    تعدّ عناية أيّ مجتمع من المجتمعات بذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة هي المعيار الذي نستطيع أن نحكم من خلاله على مدى تقدّم هذا المجتمع. ويعدّ العمل وسيلة مهمة لإرضاء العديد من حاجات الفرد ودوافعه، وإذا كان الأمر ينطبق بوجه عام على عامة الناس فهو ينطبق بوجه خاص على المعاقين ذلك أنّه قد يدفعهم إلى تعويض ما قد يشعرون به في المجال المهني. سنقوم من خلال هذه الدراسة بإبراز مفهوم ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة والتطرق إلى الإعاقة وخصائصها وأنواعها كما سنتعرض إلى التشغيل باعتباره حق من حقوقهم، وسنتناول الاندماج المهني بصفته جزءا من الاندماج الاجتماعي فمن خلال اندماج المعاق في مهنته فإن ذلك يمكّنه من ممارسة الحياة الطبيعية، ومن استثمار قدراته المتبقية.The attention of any community of people with special needs is the norm through which we can judge the progress of this society. Work is an important means of satisfying many of the needs and motives of the individual and, if it is generally applicable to the general public, is particularly true for the disabled, as it may prompt them to compensate for what they may feel in the professional sphere. Through this study, we will highlight the concept of people with special needs and address disability, its characteristics and types, as well as the employment as a right, and we will deal with professional integration as part of social integration through the integration of the disabled in his profession, this enables him to exercise life Natural, and from investing its residual capabilitie

    Une sylviculture pour le pin d'Alep des Aurès (Algérie).

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    En Algérie la forêt de pin d'Alep (ou pin blanc) couvre plus de 850 000 ha et a, pour l'essentiel, une structure jardinée par bouquets. Cet article fait la synthèse d'une étude menée sur la croissance et la productivité de l'espèce dans le massif des Aurès sur des placettes temporaires, ainsi qu'à l'aide d'analyses de tiges

    Réflexions sur le dépérissement du Cèdre de l'Atlas des Aurès (Algérie).

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    Les premiers signalements du dépérissement du Cèdre de l'Atlas des Aurès (Algérie) datent 1982. L'état des cédraies s'est aggravé ces cinq dernières années (2001-2006). Les stations favorables à ce dépérissement correspondent à des peuplements de Cèdre en mélange avec le Chêne vert. L'exposition des massifs aux influences sahariennes et leur localisation sur substrat marneux ont accéléré la mortalité des peuplements les plus touchés par ce dépérissement. Le facteur principal est le déficit hydrique résultant d'une sécheresse prononcée et persistante durant les 20 dernières années. D'autres facteurs secondaires interviennent par la suite, dès que les arbres présentent des signes d'affaiblissement (attaques d'insectes ou de champignons)

    The role of social aspects in the integration of the professionally disabled worker (Case study in The City of Laghouat)

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    بما أن الاندماج المهني جزء لا يتجزأ من الاندماج العام ويشمل توافق العامل مع محيط عمله، فعلى الفرد العامل أن يحقق القدر الأكبر من التوافق في بيئته المهنية، حيث تعد الجوانب الاجتماعية السائدة داخل المؤسسة من بين أهم العوامل المؤثرة على عملية الاندماج، والتي تنعكس بدورها على أداء العامل ودرجة انسجامه في عمله. لهذا سنحاول من خلال هذا المقال الإشارة إلى أهم الجوانب الاجتماعية التي من شأنها أن تؤثر بشكل كبير على العامل المعاق وذلك من خلال دراسة حالة للعمال المعاقين في بعض المؤسسات المتواجدة على مستوى مدينة الأغواط.Since professional integration is an integral part of the general integration and includes the worker's compatibility with his or her work environment, the working individual must achieve greater compatibility in his or her professional environment, where the social aspects prevailing within the institution are among the most important factors affecting the integration process, which in turn reflects the worker's performance and degree of harmony in his work. This is why we will try to point out the most important social aspects that will significantly affect the disabled worker by studying the situation of disabled workers in some institutions located at the level of the city of Laghouat

    Première étude de la croissance et de la productivité du Cèdre de l'Atlas (Cedrus atlantica Manetti) dans le massif de Bélezma (Aurés Algérie).

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    L'utilisation de la hauteur dominante à un âge de référence de 100 ans, comme indice de fertilité et critère de productivité a permis d'étager la cédraie de Bélezma en 4 classes de fertilité présentant un potentiel productif faible. Selon les sites, la production moyenne à 100 ans varie de 4,08 m3/ha/an dans les bonnes classes à 0,66 m3 ha/an dans les peuplements pauvres. La productivité du cèdre dans le massif de Bélezma est liée essentiellement à l'altitude et au substrat

    Comparative Responses of Algerian Tetraploid Wheat Cultivars to Salinity at the Seedling Stage

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    Salinity is one of the most abiotic stresses restricting wheat growth and productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. This study was carried out to examine the effect of salt stress induced by sodium chloride (NaCl) at different concentration levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM) on seed germination rate, root length, roots number, coleoptile length, root and shoot fresh weights of eleven durum wheat varieties. The results revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all the measured parameters. The increase in NaCl concentrations showed concomitant decrease in all morphological attributes, but varied depending on cultivars and levels of salinity. Seed germination rate and root length demonstrated a linear response to NaCl treatment, while significant linear and quadratic regression on salinity for roots number, coleoptile length, root and shoot fresh weights were observed. The cluster analysis based on Wards method sequestrated the studied genotypes into three clusters. Seed germination rate and root length showed the lowest difference among the groups%253B and the remaining traits%253A roots number, coleoptile length, root and shoot fresh weights were the most indicative of salt-tolerance. Waha, Megress and GTA dur were the most tolerant genotypes that could be used as donors of choice in wheat breeding programs targeting the improvement of salinity tolerance during the seedling stage


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    Using a transportable Fabry-Pérot cavity refractometer, a circular comparison of existing primary standards at several national metrology institutes is currently underway. This paper provides information about the refractometer, the preparation for the comparison, and the transportation procedur

    Demonstration of a Transportable Fabry–Pérot Refractometer by a Ring-Type Comparison of Dead-Weight Pressure Balances at Four European National Metrology Institutes

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    Fabry–Pérot-based refractometry has demonstrated the ability to assess gas pressure with high accuracy and has been prophesized to be able to realize the SI unit for pressure, the pascal, based on quantum calculations of the molar polarizabilities of gases. So far, the technology has mostly been limited to well-controlled laboratories. However, recently, an easy-to-use transportable refractometer has been constructed. Although its performance has previously been assessed under well-controlled laboratory conditions, to assess its ability to serve as an actually transportable system, a ring-type comparison addressing various well-characterized pressure balances in the 10–90 kPa range at several European national metrology institutes is presented in this work. It was found that the transportable refractometer is capable of being transported and swiftly set up to be operational with retained performance in a variety of environments. The system could also verify that the pressure balances used within the ring-type comparison agree with each other. These results constitute an important step toward broadening the application areas of FP-based refractometry technology and bringing it within reach of various types of stakeholders, not least within industry