89 research outputs found
Feeding Strategies of Optaflexx on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Steers
Live BW and carcass traits of steer calves were evaluated after feeding Optaflexx (200mg/day) for 35 days on an intermittent basis or continuously. The negative control consisted of 63 days on the same diet without Optaflexx, whereas the positive control consisted of Optaflexx supplemented daily during the last 35 days prior to harvest. The four-day intermittent treatment consisted of feeding Optaflexx for seven days, followed by four days of no Optaflexx, while the seven-day intermittent treatment consisted of seven days on Optaflexx, followed by seven days off. In both the four-day and seven-day intermittent treatments, cattle received Optaflexx for a total of 35 days. Regardless of the delivery pattern, feeding Optaflexx increased ADG, DMI, and live BW. Feeding 200 mg per steer daily of Optaflexx for a total of 35 days in either four-day or seven-day intermittent patterns was as effective but no more so as continuous feeding for a 35-day period
Feeding Strategies of Optaflexx on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Steers
Live BW and carcass traits of steer calves were evaluated after feeding Optaflexx (200mg/day) for 35 days on an intermittent basis or continuously. The negative control consisted of 63 days on the same diet without Optaflexx, whereas the positive control consisted of Optaflexx supplemented daily during the last 35 days prior to harvest. The four-day intermittent treatment consisted of feeding Optaflexx for seven days, followed by four days of no Optaflexx, while the seven-day intermittent treatment consisted of seven days on Optaflexx, followed by seven days off. In both the four-day and seven-day intermittent treatments, cattle received Optaflexx for a total of 35 days. Regardless of the delivery pattern, feeding Optaflexx increased ADG, DMI, and live BW. Feeding 200 mg per steer daily of Optaflexx for a total of 35 days in either four-day or seven-day intermittent patterns was as effective but no more so as continuous feeding for a 35-day period
Feeding Fiber from Wet Corn Gluten Feed and Corn Silage in Feedlot Diets Containing Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles
A feedlot experiment evaluated the effect of increasing fiber in distillers grains diets on ADG, F:G, and nutrient mass balance. The treatments consisted of 1) 30% modified distillers grains plus solubles, no roughage (MDGS), and 2) 30% modified distillers grains plus solubles, 30% wet corn gluten feed, and 15% corn silage (MDGS+fiber). The remainder of each diet consisted of a 1:1 ratio of high moisture corn and dry rolled corn and 5% supplement. Feeding MDGS+fiber increased (P \u3c 80.02) ADG, DMI, and HCW; however, it did not improve F:G compared to MDGS. By increasing the fiber content of the diet, more organic matter (OM) and N remained in the manure. Percentage N loss was not different between dietary treatments; however, amount of N lost increased with MDGS + fiber due to the greater N intake and excretion
Effects of Wet Corn Gluten Feed and Roughage Inclusion Levels in Finishing Diets Containing Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles
A finishing trial evaluated wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) and roughage inclusion levels in diets containing 30% modified distillers grains plus solubles (MDGS, DM basis) using a 3 x 3 factorial treatment structure. No significant WCGF x roughage level interactions were observed. There was a quadratic response due to WCGF level for dry matter intake (DMI) and average daily gain (ADG), which were lowest for cattle fed 30% WCGF; however, feed-gain ratio (F:G) increased linearly with increasing WCGF. Gain responded quadratically and was lowest for cattle fed 0% corn silage. F:G and DMI increased linearly with increasing corn silage. Feedlot performance was improved by feeding 0% or 15% WCGF compared to 30% WCGF in finishing diets containing 30% MDGS. The optimal level was 7.5% corn silage in diets containing 30% MDGS with or without WCGF
Effect of Dietary Cation-Anion Difference on Feedlot Performance, Nitrogen Mass Balance and Manure pH in Open Feedlot Pens
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) at two levels (-16 and +20 mEq) on feedlot performance and nutrient mass balance in open feedlots. Decreasing DCAD did not negatively impact cattle performance or carcass characteristics. Feeding negative DCAD diets resulted in lower manure pH in both the winter and summer experiments. Final soil core pH was reduced only in the winter experiment. Percentage of N lost was not influenced by DCAD in either experiment. The decrease in manure pH is likely not enough to reduce the amount of N lost in open feedlot pens
Using a Modified \u3ci\u3eIn-Vitro\u3c/i\u3e Procedure to Measure Corn Bran Buoyancy
An in vitro procedure was modified to estimate rumen buoyancy of corn bran and fiber types. Inoculum was obtained from two beef heifers and mixed with McDougall’s buffer then distributed to the in vitro tubes for 30 hours incubation at 100 °F. Fibrous material formed a matte layer which was measured to describe buoyancy. Tubes contained 6g of a feedlot-type diet with 7.5% fiber type (alfalfa hay, grass hay, corn silage, or corn stalks), with no replacement or 25% replacement of the remaining corn with corn bran. Buoyancy declined over time. Alfalfa hay had the most positive effect on buoyancy of corn bran. This new method offers promise for describing rumen buoyancy
Effect of Pen Cleaning Frequency and Feeding Distillers Grains and Wheat Straw on Nutrient Mass Balance and Performance of Feedlot Steers
Two experiments, calves fed November to May (WINTER) and yearlings fed May to September (SUMMER), were conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding a high level of wet distillers grains plus soluble (WDGS) and wheat straw or a corn control diet (CON) on average daily gain (ADG), feed-to-gain (F:G), manure nitrogen (N), and N losses. In both experiments, the CON treatment had greater dry matter intake(DMI), ADG hot carcass weight (HCW), marbling and fat depth. There was greater N intake and N excretion for both the WINTER and SUMMER experiments on the WDGS. However, for the WINTER experiment there was no difference in the amount of N in the manure due to diet or pen cleaning frequency. In the SUMMER experiment, cleaning pens monthly almost doubled dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), and N removed in manure. There was a tendency for the WDGS treatment to have greater N loss than the control treatment in the WINTER experiment and a significant increase in N losses for the WDGS treatment in the SUMMER experiment, despite the greater amount of manure N removed
Energy Value of Wet Distillers Grains in High Forage Diets
One hundred sixty crossbred steers were used to determine the energy value of wet distillers grains in high forage diets. By design, steers had similar intakes and gains across treatments. Diets included either wet distillers grains (WDGS) or dry rolled corn, sorghum silage, grass hay and supplement (DRC). Diets were formulated to meet degradable intake protein and metabolizable protein requirements. The energy value of wet distillers grains was calculated using the National Research Council model (1996). In this study, wet distillers grains contained 130% of the energy of dry rolled corn when fed in forage-based diets
Wet Distillers Grains Plus Solubles or Solubles in Feedlot Diets Containing Wet Corn Gluten Feed
Effects of the addition of 0% to 40% wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS) or 0% to 20% condensed corn distillers solubles (CCDS) to feedlot diets containing high moisture corn (HMC) and 35% wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) were evaluated. As WDGS replaced HMC, average daily gain (ADG) decreased linearly and dry matter intake (DMI) tended to decrease. Replacement of HMC with WDGS in the 35% WCGF diet caused a linear decrease in ADG and a trend for a linear decrease in DMI. When CCDS replaced HMC, no difference in steer performance was observed. The sulfur content, rather than fat content, of WDGS may be the limiting factor with feeding WDGS in combination with WCGF, and solubles may effectively reduce the dietary inclusion of corn by up to 20% of diet DM in finishing diets containing 35% WCGF
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