Feeding Strategies of Optaflexx on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Steers


Live BW and carcass traits of steer calves were evaluated after feeding Optaflexx (200mg/day) for 35 days on an intermittent basis or continuously. The negative control consisted of 63 days on the same diet without Optaflexx, whereas the positive control consisted of Optaflexx supplemented daily during the last 35 days prior to harvest. The four-day intermittent treatment consisted of feeding Optaflexx for seven days, followed by four days of no Optaflexx, while the seven-day intermittent treatment consisted of seven days on Optaflexx, followed by seven days off. In both the four-day and seven-day intermittent treatments, cattle received Optaflexx for a total of 35 days. Regardless of the delivery pattern, feeding Optaflexx increased ADG, DMI, and live BW. Feeding 200 mg per steer daily of Optaflexx for a total of 35 days in either four-day or seven-day intermittent patterns was as effective but no more so as continuous feeding for a 35-day period

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