Effect of Pen Cleaning Frequency and Feeding Distillers Grains and Wheat Straw on Nutrient Mass Balance and Performance of Feedlot Steers


Two experiments, calves fed November to May (WINTER) and yearlings fed May to September (SUMMER), were conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding a high level of wet distillers grains plus soluble (WDGS) and wheat straw or a corn control diet (CON) on average daily gain (ADG), feed-to-gain (F:G), manure nitrogen (N), and N losses. In both experiments, the CON treatment had greater dry matter intake(DMI), ADG hot carcass weight (HCW), marbling and fat depth. There was greater N intake and N excretion for both the WINTER and SUMMER experiments on the WDGS. However, for the WINTER experiment there was no difference in the amount of N in the manure due to diet or pen cleaning frequency. In the SUMMER experiment, cleaning pens monthly almost doubled dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), and N removed in manure. There was a tendency for the WDGS treatment to have greater N loss than the control treatment in the WINTER experiment and a significant increase in N losses for the WDGS treatment in the SUMMER experiment, despite the greater amount of manure N removed

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