146 research outputs found

    Transformative experiences through game based activities: reducing anxieties about plagiarism prevention software in postgraduate research students.

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    This paper discusses an intervention designed to address reported anxieties of postgraduate research students who are now required to submit their theses for analysis by Turnitin. A training session was provided, in which practical information was disseminated and a card game based simulation allowed participants to experience key aspects of the decision making process their examiner will use to interpret the Turnitin report for their work. This allowed students to appreciate that their assessor will consider the report in considerable detail, applying their own academic judgement rather than relying on software to make a binary pass/fail decision. Transformative experiences, or micro-transformations, are small scale changes in a learner’s perception as a result of classroom interventions. (Pugh, 2004) This activity is designed to facilitate such a micro-transformation by prompting students to re-evaluate the validity of their pre-conceptions concerning Turnitin. In voting episodes at the beginning and end of the session, most participants reported that their nervousness about submitting their work to Turnitin had reduced, suggesting that such a change in perspective has occurred


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    A card game which gives learners an insight into how Turnitin is used by assessors and examiners and the decision making involved in interpreting a Similarity/Originality report. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including to reduce the anxieties of students about submitting their work to Turnitin or training staff and students to accurately interpret Turnitin reports. Released as an Open Educational Resource under CC-BY-S

    Inhibitory Activity of YKL-40 in Mammary Epithelial Cell Differentiation and Polarization Induced by Lactogenic Hormones: A Role in Mammary Tissue Involution

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    We previously reported that a secreted glycoprotein YKL-40 acts as an angiogenic factor to promote breast cancer angiogenesis. However, its functional role in normal mammary gland development is poorly understood. Here we investigated its biophysiological activity in mammary epithelial development and mammary tissue morphogenesis. YKL-40 was expressed exclusively by ductal epithelial cells of parous and non-parous mammary tissue, but was dramatically up-regulated at the beginning of involution. To mimic ductal development and explore activity of elevated YKL-40 during mammary tissue regression in vivo, we grew a mammary epithelial cell line 76N MECs in a 3-D Matrigel system in the presence of lactogenic hormones including prolactin, hydrocortisone, and insulin. Treatment of 76N MECs with recombinant YKL-40 significantly inhibited acinar formation, luminal polarization, and secretion. YKL-40 also suppressed expression of E-cadherin but increased MMP-9 and cell motility, the crucial mechanisms that mediate mammary tissue remodeling during involution. In addition, engineering of 76N MECs with YKL-40 gene to express ectopic YKL-40 recapitulated the same activities as recombinant YKL-40 in the inhibition of cell differentiation. These results suggest that YKL-40-mediated inhibition of cell differentiation and polarization in the presence of lactogenic hormones may represent its important function during mammary tissue involution. Identification of this biophysiological property will enhance our understanding of its pathologic role in the later stage of breast cancer that is developed from poorly differentiated and highly invasive cells

    The Effect of Antioxidant Supplementation on Fatigue during Exercise: Potential Role for NAD+(H)

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    This study compared serum pyridine levels (NAD+ /NADH) in trained (n = 6) and untrained (n = 7) subjects after continuous progressive exercise at 50%, 70% then 95% of physical work capacity until fatigue (TTF) after consuming a placebo or antioxidant (AO) cocktail (Lactaway©). An increase of 17% in TTF was observed in AO as compared to placebo (p = 0.032). This was accompanied by a significant increase in serum NAD+ levels (p = 0.037) in the AO supplemented group post exercise. The increases in NAD+ and improved endurance reflect lower oxidative stress-induced suppression of aerobic respiration

    SNAKE: The Plain and Its People

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    Idaho\u27s longest river curves west through desert landscapes, cutting deep through ancient formations, flowing through space and time. How have humans dealt with the desert? How have we been shaped by the land? SNAKE: The Plain and Its People explores the physical and ecological roots of Idaho civilization through science, social science, photography and art.https://scholarworks.boisestate.edu/fac_books/1371/thumbnail.jp

    Formation of quasi-free-standing graphene on SiC(0001) through intercalation of erbium

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    Activation of the carbon buffer layer on 4H- and 6H-SiC substrates using elements with high magnetic moments may lead to novel graphene/SiC-based spintronic devices. In this work, we use a variety of surface analysis techniques to explore the intercalation of Er underneath the buffer layer showing evidence for the associated formation of quasi-free-standing graphene (QFSG). A combined analysis of low energy electron diffraction (LEED), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (XPS and UPS), and metastable de-excitation spectroscopy (MDS) data reveals that annealing at temperatures up to 1073 K leads to deposited Er clustering at the surface. The data suggest that intercalation of Er occurs at 1273 K leading to the breaking of back-bonds between the carbon buffer layer and the underlying SiC substrate and the formation of QFSG. Further annealing at 1473 K does not lead to the desorption of Er atoms but does result in further graphitization of the surface

    GPU-based ultra-fast direct aperture optimization for online adaptive radiation therapy

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    Online adaptive radiation therapy (ART) has great promise to significantly reduce normal tissue toxicity and/or improve tumor control through real-time treatment adaptations based on the current patient anatomy. However, the major technical obstacle for clinical realization of online ART, namely the inability to achieve real-time efficiency in treatment re-planning, has yet to be solved. To overcome this challenge, this paper presents our work on the implementation of an intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) direct aperture optimization (DAO) algorithm on graphics processing unit (GPU) based on our previous work on CPU. We formulate the DAO problem as a large-scale convex programming problem, and use an exact method called column generation approach to deal with its extremely large dimensionality on GPU. Five 9-field prostate and five 5-field head-and-neck IMRT clinical cases with 5\times5 mm2 beamlet size and 2.5\times2.5\times2.5 mm3 voxel size were used to evaluate our algorithm on GPU. It takes only 0.7~2.5 seconds for our implementation to generate optimal treatment plans using 50 MLC apertures on an NVIDIA Tesla C1060 GPU card. Our work has therefore solved a major problem in developing ultra-fast (re-)planning technologies for online ART

    Sprinting After Having Sprinted: Prior High-Intensity Stochastic Cycling Impairs the Winning Strike for Gold

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    Bunch riding in closed circuit cycling courses and some track cycling events are often typified by highly variable power output and a maximal sprint to the finish. How criterium style race demands affect final sprint performance however, is unclear. We studied the effects of 1 h variable power cycling on a subsequent maximal 30 s sprint in the laboratory. Nine well-trained male cyclists/triathletes (O2peak 4.9 ± 0.4 L⋅min-1; mean ± SD) performed two 1 h cycling trials in a randomized order with either a constant (CON) or variable (VAR) power output matched for mean power output. The VAR protocol comprised intervals of varying intensities (40–135% of maximal aerobic power) and durations (10 to 90 s). A 30 s maximal sprint was performed before and immediately after each 1 h cycling trial. When compared with CON, there was a greater reduction in peak (-5.1 ± 6.1%; mean ± 90% confidence limits) and mean (-5.9 ± 5.2%) power output during the 30 s sprint after the 1 h VAR cycle. Variable power cycling, commonly encountered during criterium and triathlon races can impair an optimal final sprint, potentially compromising race performance. Athletes, coaches, and staff should evaluate training (to improve repeat sprint-ability) and race-day strategies (minimize power variability) to optimize the final sprint

    The KIC 8462852 light curve from 2015.75 to 2018.18 shows a variable secular decline

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    The star KIC 8462852 (Boyajian's Star) displays both fast dips of up to 20% on time scales of days, plus long-term secular fading by up to 19% on time scales from a year to a century. We report on CCD photometry of KIC 8462852 from 2015.75 to 2018.18, with 19,176 images making for 1,866 nightly magnitudes in BVRI. Our light curves show a continuing secular decline (by 0.023±0.003 mags in the B-band) with three superposed dips with duration 120-180 days. This demonstrates that there is a continuum of dip durations from a day to a century, so that the secular fading is seen to be by the same physical mechanism as the short-duration Kepler dips. The BVRI light curves all have the same shape, with the slopes and amplitudes for VRI being systematically smaller than in the B-band by factors of 0.77±0.05, 0.50±0.05, and 0.31±0.05. We rule out any hypothesis involving occultation of the primary star by any star, planet, solid body, or optically thick cloud. But these ratios are the same as that expected for ordinary extinction by dust clouds. This chromatic extinction implies dust particle sizes going down to ˜0.1 micron, suggesting that this dust will be rapidly blown away by stellar radiation pressure, so the dust clouds must have formed within months. The modern infrared observations were taken at a time when there was at least 12.4%±1.3% dust coverage (as part of the secular dimming), and this is consistent with dimming originating in circumstellar dust

    Political strategies of external support for democratization

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    Political strategies of external support to democratization are contrasted and critically examined in respect of the United States and European Union. The analysis begins by defining its terms of reference and addresses the question of what it means to have a strategy. The account briefly notes the goals lying behind democratization support and their relationship with the wider foreign policy process, before considering what a successful strategy would look like and how that relates to the selection of candidates. The literature's attempts to identify strategy and its recommendations for better strategies are compared and assessed. Overall, the article argues that the question of political strategies of external support for democratization raises several distinct but related issues including the who?, what?, why?, and how? On one level, strategic choices can be expected to echo the comparative advantage of the "supporter." On a different level, the strategies cannot be divorced from the larger foreign policy framework. While it is correct to say that any sound strategy for support should be grounded in a theoretical understanding of democratization, the literature on strategies reveals something even more fundamental: divergent views about the nature of politics itself. The recommendations there certainly pinpoint weaknesses in the actual strategies of the United States and Europe but they have their own limitations too. In particular, in a world of increasing multi-level governance strategies for supporting democratization should go beyond preoccupation with just an "outside-in" approach