38 research outputs found

    Study progress, recreational activities, and loneliness in young adult carers: a national student survey

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    Background: Young adults (18–25 years) with informal care responsibilities have received limited attention in the research literature, and little is known on how caring responsibilities are related to functioning across different life domains. In the present study we examine associations between care responsibilities and study progress, recreational life, and loneliness in young adults in higher education. Methods: A national survey was conducted among Norwegian students in higher education (the SHoT2018-study). The response rate was 30.8%. The current sample is a subsample of the respondents, including young adults 18 to 25 years old, comprising 40.205 participants (70.2% women, mean age 22.0 years, SD = 1.7). Participants reported whether they had regular care responsibility for someone with physical or mental illness, disabilities, or substance misuse. They also answered questions on study progress, number of hours studying, physical exercise, involvement in organized volunteer student activities, number of close friends, and feelings of loneliness. Data were analyzed by Chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses, adjusting for age, sex, and chronic illness. Results: Compared to students without care responsibility, young adult carers (n = 2228, 5.5% of study sample) were more likely to report delayed study progress (OR 1.20, p < .001), higher average number of failed exams (e.g., having failed three times or more, OR 1.31, p = .002), more feelings of loneliness (OR 1.26, p < .001), and slightly fewer friends. Those with limited care responsibility (≤ 1 h daily) were more likely to participate in organized volunteer student activities, whereas students with 2 h or more of caring per day were less likely to participate in leisure student activities. Both study progress and feelings of loneliness were related to care responsibility in a response-dose pattern, with worse outcomes for those with 2 h or more of daily caring responsibility. All comparisons were adjusted for age, sex, and chronic illness. Conclusions: Study progress, recreational activities, and loneliness among young adults are associated with informal caring responsibilities. Professionals in the educational system as well as health personnel should be sensitized to the needs of young adult carers and necessary support made available.publishedVersio

    Does It Matter Who You Provide Care for? Mental Health and Life Satisfaction in Young Adult Carers Associated with Type of Relationship and Illness Category—A National Student Survey

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    There is limited knowledge on how caring contexts impact young adults providing informal care for persons with chronic conditions. This study examines associations between outcomes in young adult carers (YACs) and type of relationship (e.g., close or distant family member, partner, or someone outside the family) and type of illness in the care-receiver (e.g., mental, physical illness/disability, or substance abuse). A total of 37,731 students (age 18–25, mean 22.3 years, 68% females) in higher education in Norway completed a national survey on care responsibilities, hours of daily caring, relationship and type of illness, mental health problems (Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25) and life satisfaction (Satisfaction With Life Scale). More mental health problems and lower life satisfaction were found among YACs compared to students without care responsibilities. The poorest outcomes were reported by YACs caring for a partner, followed by YACs caring for a close relative. Hours spent on daily caring was highest when caring for a partner. Poorer outcomes were reported by YACs caring for someone affected by substance abuse, followed by mental health problems and physical illness/disability. At-risk groups among YACs should be acknowledged and offered support. Future studies are needed to investigate the potential mechanism for the associations between care context variables and YAC outcomes.publishedVersio

    Parental early life maltreatment and related experiences in treatment of youth anxiety disorder

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    The role of parents’ early life maltreatment (ELM) (e.g. physical, sexual abuse) and related experiences, in relation to offspring anxiety is not well understood. The current study investigated the association between self-reported depression and ELM and related experiences in mothers (n = 79) and fathers (n = 50), and mother-, father-, and youth-reported symptoms of youth anxiety (n = 90). Outcomes were assessed at pre,- and posttreatment and 3-, 6-, and 12-months follow-up. Parental ELM were not associated with pre-treatment differences or differences in outcome of treatment. However ELM related experiences were associated with increased mother-, father-, and youth-rated youth anxiety at pretreatment. Fathers depressive symptoms were found to mediate the relationship between father ELM related experiences and father-rated youth anxiety symptoms. Future research is warranted on parental ELM and depression as factors affecting outcomes of treatment of youth anxiety. Trial registered at: helseforskning.etikkom.no (reg. nr. 2017/1367).publishedVersio

    Parental Mental Illness as a Risk Factor for Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders: A Registry-Based Study of Specialized Child and Adolescent Health Services

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    Parental mental illness is a major risk factor for youth psychopathology, but few studies have used data from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) to investigate this group. We used a unique linkage between a CAMHS-registry and a large population-based survey of Norwegian adolescents aged 16–19 years. Nine hundred and seventy adolescents received CAMHS, of whom 87 (9%) were registered with a parent with mental illness. These adolescents had increased odds for a range of psychiatric disorders and comorbidity compared with CAMHS-patients. These findings underscore the need to consider parental mental illness when assessing and treating adolescents with psychiatric disorders.publishedVersio

    Stop Sexual Harassment: A study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial in secondary schools in Norway

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    Background: Sexual- and gendered harassment are normalised in many peer groups, yet their associations with mental health concerns among adolescents are well-established. School based interventions that prevent and reduce sexual and gendered harassment among younger adolescents are scarce. For schools, protecting pupils from harassment may be challenging if the behaviour is trivialised among the pupils themselves. In the current study, the school intervention “Stop Sexual Harassment” was therefore developed to help teachers and pupils detect, address and stop sexual and gendered harassment among pupils ages 13–15 in Norwegian secondary schools. Methods: In this study the effectiveness of “Stop Sexual Harassment” is evaluated via a cluster randomised controlled trial among pupils and teachers at 38 secondary schools. Schools were randomised into intervention and control groups. Primary outcomes are sexual and gendered harassment victimisation and perpetration, which will be assessed by the administration of questionnaires to pupils and teachers at baseline, and 2-, and 7-months follow-up. A process evaluation of the intervention implementation will be conducted through focus group interviews with pupils and teachers to gain insight about their experiences with the program components and implementation of the intervention. Discussion: If the intervention yields positive effects, large-scale implementation of the program may be offered for secondary schools. The program may thus reduce sexual and gendered harassment among young adolescents.Stop Sexual Harassment: A study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial in secondary schools in NorwaypublishedVersio

    Rescue the child or treat the adult? Understandings among professionals in dual treatment of substance-use disorders and parenting

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    Aims: Dual treatment of parents with substance-use disorders (SUD) is an approach which aims to meet the needs of both SUD patients and their children. Whereas the parents need to learn to live without substances, the children need a predictable and structured environment with parents who are sensitive and psychologically available. In this study we explore the possibilities and challenges of this joint approach from the perspectives of professionals employed in an in-patient facility for families with parental SUD. Methods: A qualitative design was used comprising three focus-group interviews with 15 professionals: two groups with ward staff and one with therapists, all working at a family ward for parents with SUD and their children. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Professionals faced difficulties combining the needs of parents and children and seemed to choose to prioritise either the adult with SUD or the wellbeing of the child. However, some professionals described what might be a third and alternative solution by supporting the mothers in everyday life, routines, and care, through exploring present moment situations. This approach seemed to help parents become more conscious of the child, their interaction with the child, and their own feelings. Professionals described working at the family ward as emotionally challenging. Conclusion: Combining treatment of parental SUD, interventions to improve parenting roles and practice, and at the same time focusing on the developmental needs of children, is experienced as a complex and demanding task. Different priorities and treatment aims may enhance tensions between professionals. Even though professionals experience in-patient dual treatment as challenging, they believe this approach facilitates positive development in substance dependent parents and their children.publishedVersio

    Parental internalizing symptoms as predictors of anxiety symptoms in clinic-referred children

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    Background: Mothers’ and fathers’ internalizing symptoms may influence children’s anxiety symptoms differently. Objective: To explore the relationship between parental internalizing symptoms and children’s anxiety symptoms in a clinical sample of children with anxiety disorders. Method: The sample was recruited through community mental health clinics for a randomized controlled anxiety treatment trial. At pre-intervention, children (n = 182), mothers (n = 165), and fathers (n = 72) reported children’s anxiety symptoms. Mothers and fathers also reported their own internalizing symptoms. The children were aged 8 to 15 years (Mage = 11.5 years, SD = 2.1, 52.2% girls) and all had a diagnosis of separation anxiety, social phobia, and/or generalized anxiety disorder. We examined parental internalizing symptoms as predictors of child anxiety symptoms in multiple regression models. Results: Both mother and father rated internalizing symptoms predicted children’s self-rated anxiety levels (adj. R2 = 22.0%). Mother-rated internalizing symptoms predicted mother-rated anxiety symptoms in children (adj. R2 = 7.0%). Father-rated internalizing symptoms did not predict father-rated anxiety in children. Conclusions: Clinicians should incorporate parental level of internalizing symptoms in their case conceptualizations

    Adherence, Competence, and Alliance as Predictors of Long-term Outcomes of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Youth Anxiety Disorders

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    The present study investigated therapist adherence, therapist competence, and patient-therapist alliance as predictors of long-term outcomes of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders in youth. Potential differential effects for group versus individual CBT, for therapists with or without formal CBT training, and based on youth symptom severity were examined. Videotapes (n = 181) from treatment sessions in a randomized controlled effectiveness trial comprising youth (N = 170, M age = 11.6 years, SD = 2.1) with anxiety disorders were assessed for therapist adherence and competence. Alliance was rated by therapists and youth. Participants completed a diagnostic interview and an anxiety symptom measure at pre-treatment, post-treatment, one-year follow-up, and long-term follow-up (M = 3.9 years post-treatment, SD = 0.8, range = 2.2–5.9 years). The change in anxiety symptoms or diagnostic status from pre-treatment to long-term follow-up was not significantly related to any predictor variables. However, several interaction effects were found. For loss of principal diagnosis, therapist competence predicted positive outcome when therapist adherence also was high. Adherence was found to predict positive outcome if CBT was provided individually. Therapist-rated alliance was related to both loss of principal diagnosis and loss of all diagnoses when CBT was provided in groups. Interaction effects suggested that therapists displaying both high adherence and high competence produced better long-term outcomes. Further, the alliance may be particularly important for outcomes in group CBT, whereas adherence may be particularly important for outcomes in individual CBT.publishedVersio

    Predictors of school-based cognitive behavior therapy outcome for youth with anxiety

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    Meta-analyses of school-based CBT have shown that prevention for anxiety symptoms typically report small but significant effects. There is limited knowledge regarding which youths may benefit most and least from such programs, and characteristics of youth who respond differentially to interventions of different intensity. The present study examined predictors of school-based CBT outcomes among 302 youths (mean age 14.0 years, SD 0.8, 84% female) who participated in a randomized waitlist-controlled trial comparing a 10-session and a 5-session group intervention. Potential predictors included youth and parental factors, and credibility and expectancy of the interventions. Pre-intervention anxiety and depression levels, and clinician rated severity were examined as moderators of intervention effects. Outcomes were youth-, and parent-reported youth anxiety and depressive symptoms at post-intervention and 1-year follow-up. Higher parent-reported impairment from youth anxiety predicted larger parent-reported anxiety and depressive symptom change, whereas higher caregiver strain was associated with less symptom change. Higher parent rated credibility and expectancy was associated with improved outcomes at post-intervention. At 1-year follow-up, no predictors of outcome were identified. No moderators were identified. Families with high levels of caregiver strain associated with youth anxiety may need extra support regardless of length of intervention program. Parents’ credibility and expectancy of interventions should be targeted to optimize school-based CBT.publishedVersio

    Study progress, recreational activities, and loneliness in young adult carers: a national student survey

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    Background: Young adults (18–25 years) with informal care responsibilities have received limited attention in the research literature, and little is known on how caring responsibilities are related to functioning across different life domains. In the present study we examine associations between care responsibilities and study progress, recreational life, and loneliness in young adults in higher education. Methods: A national survey was conducted among Norwegian students in higher education (the SHoT2018-study). The response rate was 30.8%. The current sample is a subsample of the respondents, including young adults 18 to 25 years old, comprising 40.205 participants (70.2% women, mean age 22.0 years, SD = 1.7). Participants reported whether they had regular care responsibility for someone with physical or mental illness, disabilities, or substance misuse. They also answered questions on study progress, number of hours studying, physical exercise, involvement in organized volunteer student activities, number of close friends, and feelings of loneliness. Data were analyzed by Chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses, adjusting for age, sex, and chronic illness. Results: Compared to students without care responsibility, young adult carers (n = 2228, 5.5% of study sample) were more likely to report delayed study progress (OR 1.20, p < .001), higher average number of failed exams (e.g., having failed three times or more, OR 1.31, p = .002), more feelings of loneliness (OR 1.26, p < .001), and slightly fewer friends. Those with limited care responsibility (≤ 1 h daily) were more likely to participate in organized volunteer student activities, whereas students with 2 h or more of caring per day were less likely to participate in leisure student activities. Both study progress and feelings of loneliness were related to care responsibility in a response-dose pattern, with worse outcomes for those with 2 h or more of daily caring responsibility. All comparisons were adjusted for age, sex, and chronic illness. Conclusions: Study progress, recreational activities, and loneliness among young adults are associated with informal caring responsibilities. Professionals in the educational system as well as health personnel should be sensitized to the needs of young adult carers and necessary support made available