2,832 research outputs found

    Investigation of the ionospheric Faraday rotation for use in orbit corrections

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    The possibility of mapping the Faraday factors on a worldwide basis was examined as a simple method of representing the conversion factors for any possible user. However, this does not seem feasible. The complex relationship between the true magnetic coordinates and the geographic latitude, longitude, and azimuth angles eliminates the possibility of setting up some simple tables that would yield worldwide results of sufficient accuracy. Tabular results for specific stations can easily be produced or could be represented in graphic form

    Efficient Dynamic Compressor Optimization in Natural Gas Transmission Systems

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    The growing reliance of electric power systems on gas-fired generation to balance intermittent sources of renewable energy has increased the variation and volume of flows through natural gas transmission pipelines. Adapting pipeline operations to maintain efficiency and security under these new conditions requires optimization methods that account for transients and that can quickly compute solutions in reaction to generator re-dispatch. This paper presents an efficient scheme to minimize compression costs under dynamic conditions where deliveries to customers are described by time-dependent mass flow. The optimization scheme relies on a compact representation of gas flow physics, a trapezoidal discretization in time and space, and a two-stage approach to minimize energy costs and maximize smoothness. The resulting large-scale nonlinear programs are solved using a modern interior-point method. The proposed optimization scheme is validated against an integration of dynamic equations with adaptive time-stepping, as well as a recently proposed state-of-the-art optimal control method. The comparison shows that the solutions are feasible for the continuous problem and also practical from an operational standpoint. The results also indicate that our scheme provides at least an order of magnitude reduction in computation time relative to the state-of-the-art and scales to large gas transmission networks with more than 6000 kilometers of total pipeline

    Explanation of the computer listings of Faraday factors for INTASAT users

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    Using a simplified form of the Appleton-Hartree formula for the phase refractive index, a relationship was obtained between the Faraday rotation angle along the angular path and the total electron content along the vertical path, intersecting the angular at the height of maximum electron density. Using the second mean value theorem of integration, the function B cosine theta second chi was removed from under the integral sign and replaced by a 'mean' value. The mean value factors were printed on the computer listing for 39 stations receiving signals from the INTASAT satellite during the specified time period. The data is presented by station and date. Graphs are included to demonstrate the variation of the Faraday factor with local time and season, with magnetic latitude, elevation and azimuth angles. Other topics discussed include a description of the bent ionospheric model, the earth's magnetic field model, and the sample computer listing

    Ionospheric range-rate effects in satellite-to-satellite tracking

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    Investigation of ionospheric range and range-rate corrections in satellite-to-satellite tracking were investigated. Major problems were cited and the magnitude of errors that have to be considered for communications between satellites and related experiments was defined. The results point to the need of using a sophisticated modeling approach incorporating daily solar data, and where possible actual ionospheric measurements as update information, as a simple median model cannot possibly account for the complex interaction of the many variables. The findings provide a basis from which the residual errors can be estimated after ionospheric modeling is incorporated in the reduction. Simulations were performed for satellites at various heights: Apollo, Geos, and Nimbus tracked by ATS-6; and in two different geometric configurations: coplanar and perpendicular orbits

    Efficacy of orally administered oxolinic acid and Vetoquinol, an oxolinic acid ester, for the treatment furunculosis in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar held seawater

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    This study was performed to determine the efficacy of orally administered oxolinic acid and Vetoquinol, an oxolinic acid ester, in the treatment of experimental induced furunculosis in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar held in seawater. Two strains of the causative bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, 1 sensitive (VI-88/09/03175) and 1 resistant (3475/90) to oxolinic acid, were used. In 2 trials, cohabitational challenges were performed by introducing 8 fish challenged in advance by an intraperitoneal injection of 2.2 x 10(4) colony forming units of strain 3475/90 (Trial 1) or strain VI-88/09/03175 (Trial 2) to 10 aquaria each containing 40 healthy fish. The treatment groups in both trials consisted of 4 groups receiving either oxolinic acid (2 groups) or Vetoquinol (2 groups) and 1 control group. An unchallenged, unmedicated group was used to determine the natural mortality in the population. The recommended therapeutic dose of 25 mg oxolinic acid kg(-1) fish at Days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 following initiation of treatment was used. Oral medication initiated at Day 10 (Trial 1) or Day 11 (Trial 2) following challenge significantly (p < 0.05) lowered the specific mortality in all drug-treated groups compared to the untreated control groups. Mortality in Vetoquinol-treated groups was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than in oxolinic acid-treated groups in Trial 1 whereas no significant (p < 0.05) difference in survival rate was found between the medicated groups in Trial 2

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Teaching Assistants in Active Learning Classrooms

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    Active learning classrooms (ALCs) support teaching approaches that foster greater interaction and student engagement. However, a common challenge for instructors who teach in ALCs is to provide adequate assistance to students while implementing collaborative activities. This study examined the impact of teaching assistants in a large ALC. The results showed that incorporating teaching assistants increases students’ access to expert advice during small group activities; further, students view the teaching assistants as supportive of their success in the classroom. Therefore, availability of teaching assistants for instructors teaching in large ALCs must be considered along with classroom design and pedagogical approach