70 research outputs found

    Sustainability of innovations in healthcare: A systematic review and conceptual framework for professional pharmacy services.

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    BACKGROUND: Implementation science emerged to address the challenges associated with the incorporation of evidence-based innovations into practice. Once the challenge is overcome, the ultimate goal is to achieve the sustainability of innovations to promote their continuity and long-term integration. Assessment tools and measures have been designed to assess the sustainability of innovations in research and practice environments. However, the variability of assessment tools available becomes a challenge for policy makers, researchers and practitioners, particularly when deciding how to evaluate the sustainability of innovations. OBJECTIVES: to identify conceptual approaches and assessment tools for the sustainability of healthcare innovations and to develop a specific discipline-based framework for the sustainability of professional pharmacy services. METHODS: A systematic literature review was conducted in January of 2019 using PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. General information regarding the conceptual approaches (based on Nilsen's classification), assessment tools and the factors affecting the sustainability of the healthcare innovations was retrieved. RESULTS: From 3123 articles screened, 132 articles were selected from which 106 conceptual approaches and 26 assessment tools were identified. Several key factors moderating the sustainability of the innovations in healthcare were identified (e.g. funding, adaptation). A framework for the sustainability of professional pharmacy services is proposed based on these factors. It presents three performance domains influencing the service sustainability (i.e. environment, social and economic). CONCLUSIONS: The identified approaches in different healthcare settings have allowed the adaptation and design of a specific framework for pharmacy. The core factors included in the proposed framework are moderators of the sustainability process and should be considered in sustainability studies and evaluations. This framework will guide pharmacy practice researchers and practitioners to measure and achieve the sustainability of professional pharmacy services. Furthermore, the adaptation of this framework will allow its application to other healthcare settings. (Registration number CRD42018092160)

    Cost utility of a pharmacist‑led minor ailment service compared with usual pharmacist care

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    Background: A cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) performed from July 2018 to March 2019 demonstrated the clinical impact of a community pharmacist delivered minor ailment service (MAS) compared with usual phar‑ macist care (UC). MAS consisted of a technology-based face-to-face consultation delivered by trained community pharmacists. The consultation was guided by clinical pathways for assessment and management, and communica‑ tion systems, collaboratively agreed with general practitioners. MAS pharmacists were trained and provided monthly practice support by a practice change facilitator. The objective of this study was to assess the cost utility of MAS, compared to UC. Methods: Participants recruited were adult patients with symptoms suggestive of a minor ailment condition, from community pharmacies located in Western Sydney. Patients received MAS (intervention) or UC (control) and were followed-up by telephone 14-days following consultation with the pharmacist. A cost utility analysis was conducted alongside the cRCT. Transition probabilities and costs were directly derived from cRCT study data. Utility values were not available from the cRCT, hence we relied on utility values reported in the published literature which were used to calculate quality adjusted life years (QALYs), using the area under the curve method. A decision tree model was used to capture the decision problem, considering a societal perspective and a 14-day time horizon. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses assessed robustness and uncertainty of results, respectively. Results: Patients (n=894) were recruited from 30 pharmacies and 82% (n=732) responded to follow-up. On aver‑ age, MAS was more costly but also more efective (in terms of symptom resolution and QALY gains) compared to UC. MAS patients (n=524) gained an additional 0.003 QALYs at an incremental cost of 7.14(Australiandollars),com‑paredtoUC(n=370)whichresultedinanICERof7.14 (Australian dollars), com‑ pared to UC (n=370) which resulted in an ICER of 2277 (95% CI $681.49–3811.22) per QALY. Conclusion: Economic fndings suggest that implementation of MAS within the Australian context is cost efective. Trial registration Registered with Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) and allocated the ACTRN: ACTRN12618000286246. Registered on 23 February 2018.Consumer Healthcare Products AustraliaAustralian Governmen

    Economic impact of medication non-adherence by disease groups: A systematic review

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    © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted. Objective To determine the economic impact of medication non-adherence across multiple disease groups. Design Systematic review. Evidence review A comprehensive literature search was conducted in PubMed and Scopus in September 2017. Studies quantifying the cost of medication non-adherence in relation to economic impact were included. Relevant information was extracted and quality assessed using the Drummond checklist. Results Seventy-nine individual studies assessing the cost of medication non-adherence across 14 disease groups were included. Wide-scoping cost variations were reported, with lower levels of adherence generally associated with higher total costs. The annual adjusted disease-specific economic cost of non-adherence per person ranged from 949 to 44 190 (in 2015 US). Costs attributed to 'all causes' non-adherence ranged from 5271 to 52 341. Medication possession ratio was the metric most used to calculate patient adherence, with varying cut-off points defining non-adherence. The main indicators used to measure the cost of non-adherence were total cost or total healthcare cost (83% of studies), pharmacy costs (70%), inpatient costs (46%), outpatient costs (50%), emergency department visit costs (27%), medical costs (29%) and hospitalisation costs (18%). Drummond quality assessment yielded 10 studies of high quality with all studies performing partial economic evaluations to varying extents. Conclusion Medication non-adherence places a significant cost burden on healthcare systems. Current research assessing the economic impact of medication non-adherence is limited and of varying quality, failing to provide adaptable data to influence health policy. The correlation between increased non-adherence and higher disease prevalence should be used to inform policymakers to help circumvent avoidable costs to the healthcare system. Differences in methods make the comparison among studies challenging and an accurate estimation of true magnitude of the cost impossible. Standardisation of the metric measures used to estimate medication non-adherence and development of a streamlined approach to quantify costs is required. PROSPERO registration number CRD42015027338

    Community pharmacists' opinions of their role in administering non-prescription medicines in an emergency

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    Objective: To obtain community pharmacists’ opinions of their role in administering Pharmacy (S2) and Pharmacist Only (S3) Medicines in a medical emergency. These medicines can only be sold in a pharmacy and are not available for self-selection by patients. Whilst qualified pharmacy assistants can supply S2 medicines, pharmacists must be directly involved in the supply of S3 medicines. Setting: Community pharmacies in South East Queensland, Australia. Method: A survey of 151 Gold Coast and Toowoomba community pharmacists was conducted during October 2009. Main outcome measures: Pharmacists were asked their opinions as to whether the administration of S2 and S3 medicines should fall within their scope of practice, whether they had administered S2 and S3 medicines in a medical emergency in the past and if clarification of this role was required. Results: The study achieved a 30% (n = 45) response rate and demonstrated similar results regarding whether pharmacists should administer salbutamol (22/44), adrenaline (23/42), glyceryl trinitrate (22/43) and aspirin (18/36) in a medical emergency. The majority (36/43) believed that role clarification was required. Pharmacists were more likely to administer an S3 medicine in a medical emergency when they considered potential outcomes first, had no easy access to a doctor and the patient could not administer the medicine they carried with them themselves (40/45).Conclusion: Community pharmacists have direct access to S2 and S3 medicines that could be required in the management of a variety of medical emergencies. This study demonstrates that some pharmacists have administered S2 and S3 medicines in an emergency situation. However, there are currently no clear guidelines for pharmacists when faced with a medical emergency other than to act within their professional competence. To promote patient safety through the appropriate use of S2 and S3 medicines in the event of a medical emergency, additional training of pharmacists on the administration of these readily accessible medicines is needed. Clarification of the role of pharmacists in an emergency situation is required

    Characterization of pharmacists’ interventions in asthma management: A systematic review

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    © 2018 American Pharmacists Association® Objective: Pharmacists have adopted an active role in asthma management. This review aimed to analyze the intervention dose, understood as the “amount of program delivered,” and core components of the intervention provided by pharmacists in asthma management. Data sources: A literature search was conducted in December 2016 using PubMed. Study selection: A 2-stage approach was used. At the first stage, systematic reviews of pharmacists’ interventions in asthma management were identified. At the second stage, primary studies included in the systematic reviews were selected. Data extraction: The DEPICT-2 (Descriptive Elements of Pharmacist Intervention Characterization Tool) was used for data extraction. In addition GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma) guidelines were used as a reference to classify the interventions’ core components. Results: Thirty-one studies were included. In most of the studies, the pharmacist–patient intervention occurred at the community pharmacy setting (n = 22). The most common core components used in pharmacists’ interventions were the provision of drug information and patient counseling (n = 27). Pharmacists’ interventions frequently were targeted at assessing and improving the use of patient's inhaler technique (n = 27). Educational materials and written action plans were the materials most commonly used in the interventions (n = 20). The duration (n = 13) and the frequency (n = 16) of the intervention were the most frequent information about the intervention dose measure reported. Conclusion: Pharmacists’ interventions in asthma management are complex. Structured educational programs and patient counseling appear to be the most frequent core components of pharmacists’ interventions. Interventions were focused on providing information about the condition and on inhaler technique assessment and training. However, most studies failed to report the intervention dose sufficiently to be reproduced. The reporting of this indicator is crucial to ensure the reproducibility of the interventions assessed and their implementation in practice. (Registration number CRD42016029181.

    Pharmacists' interventions on clinical asthma outcomes: A systematic review

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    Copyright © ERS 2016. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the impact of pharmacists' interventions on clinical asthma outcomes on adult patients and to identify the outcome indicators used. PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Scielo were searched. Studies addressing pharmacists' interventions on adult asthma patients reporting clinical asthma outcomes were incorporated. 11 clinical outcomes were identified in 21 studies. 10 studies measured the impact of the intervention on asthma control. Randomised controlled trials (RCT) and non-RCTs found positive results in percentages of controlled patients and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) scores. Discordant results were found for Asthma Control Test results. Asthma severity was assessed in four studies. One RCT found a significant decrease in the percentage of severe patients; two non-RCTs found significant improvements in severity scores. 11 studies reported pulmonary function indicators, showing inconsistent results. Eight studies measured asthma symptoms; three RCTs and four non-RCTs showed significant improvements. RCTs and non-RCTs generated similar results for most outcomes. Based on the evidence generated by RCTs, pharmacists' have a positive impact on the percentage of controlled patients, ACQ scores, severity and symptoms. Future research should report using the core outcome set of indicators established for asthma (PROSPERO CRD42014007019)

    Progress in patient couselling practices in Finnish community pharmacies

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    Access restricted by publisherObjective The aim of this study was to assess progress in patient counselling practices in Finnish community pharmacies during a national four-year program (TIPPA) from 2000–2003 promoting enhanced pharmacist–customer communication about medicines. Method A pseudo customer method was applied. Four visits with four different scenarios were conducted in a convenience sample of 60 Finnish community pharmacies of different size and geographic location. In total there were 240 visits during each time point measured (baseline in 2000 and three annual follow-ups, n = 960). The pseudo customers presented three scenarios related to self-medication and one related to a prescription medicine with a new prescription (baseline and the second follow-up) or a repeat prescription of the same medication (the first and the third follow-up). A structured data form customised to each scenario was used to record the interaction. Key findings Baseline scores were generally low. In two of the four scenarios (one self-medication and one prescription) a statistically significant improvement (P < 0.05) was found in total scores between the baseline and the third follow-up. Aggregation of the scores of the three self-medication scenarios did not show any change in counselling practices between the baseline and the third follow-up, measured as mean total scores (P = 0.439). Conclusions Some improvements were found in pharmacists' counselling performance in relation to customers' requests for advice about nasal products and also when prescription scenarios were presented. However, pharmacists' counselling rates were low in relation to a repeat prescription or when a request was made to buy a specific medicine. Further attention needs to be paid to the latter two types of consultation

    Can a pharmacy intervention improve the metabolic risks of mental health patients? Evaluation of a novel collaborative service

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    Background: The pressure on healthcare services worldwide has driven the incorporation of disease state management services within community pharmacies in developed countries. Pharmacists are recognised as the most accessible healthcare professionals, and the incorporation of these services facilitates patient care. In Australia, the opportunity to manage pharmacy patients with mental illness has been underutilised, despite the existence of service models for other chronic conditions. This paper is an independent evaluation of a novel service developed by a community pharmacy in Perth, Western Australia. The service represents collaboration between a nurse practitioner and community pharmacy staff in the management of mental health patients with metabolic risks. Methods: We applied practice service standards for Australian community pharmacies to develop an evaluation framework for this novel service. This was followed by semi -structured interviews with staff members at the study pharmacy to explore service processes and procedures. Descriptive analysis of interviews was supplemented with analysis of patients’ biometric data. All data were evaluated against the developed framework. Results: The evaluation framework comprised 13 process, 5 out comes, and 11 quality indicators. Interview data from eight staff members and biometric data from 20 community-dwelling mental health patients taking antipsychotics were evaluated against the framework. Predominantly, patients were managed by the pharmacy’s nurse practitioner, with medication management provided by pharmacists. Patients’ biometric measurements comprised weight, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, lipid profiles and management of obesity, smoking, hypertension and diabetes. Positive outcomes observed in the patient data included weight loss, smoking cessation, and improved blood pressure, blood glucose and lipid levels. Conclusions: The developed framework allowed effective evaluation of the service, and may be applicable to other pharmacy services. The metabolic clinic met key process, quality and outcomes indicators. The positive patient outcomes may assist in securing further funding

    A stakeholder co-design approach for developing a community pharmacy service to enhance screening and management of atrial fibrillation

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    The authors would like to thank all participants in this research for their valuable input into the co-design process.Background: Community pharmacies provide a suitable setting to promote self-screening programs aimed at enhancing the early detection of atrial fibrillation (AF). Developing and implementing novel community pharmacy services (CPSs) is a complex and acknowledged challenge, which requires comprehensive planning and the participation of relevant stakeholders. Co-design processes are participatory research approaches that can enhance the development, evaluation and implementation of health services. The aim of this study was to co-design a pharmacist-led CPS aimed at enhancing self-monitoring/screening of AF. Methods: A 3-step co-design process was conducted using qualitative methods: (1) interviews and focus group with potential service users (n = 8) to identify key needs and concerns; (2) focus group with a mixed group of stakeholders (n = 8) to generate a preliminary model of the service; and (3) focus group with community pharmacy owners and managers (n = 4) to explore the feasibility and appropriateness of the model. Data were analysed qualitatively to identify themes and intersections between themes. The JeMa2 model to conceptualize pharmacybased health programs was used to build a theoretical model of the service. Results: Stakeholders delineated: a clear target population (i.e., individuals ≥65 years old, with hypertension, with or without previous AF or stroke); the components of the service (i.e., patient education; self-monitoring at home; results evaluation, referral and follow-up); and a set of circumstances that may influence the implementation of the service (e.g., quality of the service, competency of the pharmacist, inter-professional relationships, etc.). A number of strategies were recommended to enable implementation (e.g.,. endorsement by leading cardiovascular organizations, appropriate communication methods and channels between the pharmacy and the general medical practice settings, etc.). Conclusion: A novel and preliminary model of a CPS aimed at enhancing the management of AF was generated from this participatory process. This model can be used to inform decision making processes aimed at adopting and piloting of the service. It is expected the co-designed service has been adapted to suit existing needs of patients and current care practices, which, in turn, may increase the feasibility and acceptance of the service when it is implemented into a real setting.This work was funded by Covidien Pty Ltd. (Medtronic Australasia Pty Ltd) [UTS Project code: PRO16–0688], which is the company that has the rights to distribute the device Microlife BP A200 AFIB in Australia. Also, funding for this research has been provided by a UTS Chancellor’s postdoctoral fellowship awarded to the first author of this article (ID number: 2013001605)

    Qualitative study on the implementation of professional pharmacy services in Australian community pharmacies using framework analysis

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    Abbreviations: BCT, Behavioural change techniques taxonomy; BCW, Behavioural change wheel; CFIR, Consolidated framework for implementation research; EPOC, Cochrane effective practice and organisation of care; FISpH, Framework for the implementation of services in pharmacy; GIF, Generic implementation framework; KPI, Key performance indicator; TDF, Theoretical domains frameworkBackground: Multiple studies have explored the implementation process and influences, however it appears there is no study investigating these influences across the stages of implementation. Community pharmacy is attempting to implement professional services (pharmaceutical care and other health services). The use of implementation theory may assist the achievement of widespread provision, support and integration. The objective was to investigate professional service implementation in community pharmacy to contextualise and advance the concepts of a generic implementation framework previously published. Methods: Purposeful sampling was used to investigate implementation across a range of levels of implementation in community pharmacies in Australia. Twenty-five semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed using a framework methodology. Data was charted using implementation stages as overarching themes and each stage was thematically analysed, to investigate the implementation process, the influences and their relationships. Secondary analyses were performed of the factors (barriers and facilitators) using an adapted version of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), and implementation strategies and interventions, using the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) discrete implementation strategy compilation. Results: Six stages emerged, labelled as development or discovery, exploration, preparation, testing, operation and sustainability. Within the stages, a range of implementation activities/steps and five overarching influences (pharmacys' direction and impetus, internal communication, staffing, community fit and support) were identified. The stages and activities were not applied strictly in a linear fashion. There was a trend towards the greater the number of activities considered, the greater the apparent integration into the pharmacy organization. Implementation factors varied over the implementation stages, and additional factors were added to the CFIR list and definitions modified/contextualised for pharmacy. Implementation strategies employed by pharmacies varied widely. Evaluations were lacking. Conclusions: The process of implementation and five overarching influences of professional services implementation in community pharmacy have been outlined. Framework analysis revealed, outside of the five overarching influences, factors influencing implementation varied across the implementation stages. It is proposed at each stage, for each domain, the factors, strategies and evaluations should be considered. The Framework for the Implementation of Services in Pharmacy incorporates the contextualisation of implementation science for pharmacy.The study was funded as part of a University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Research Excellence Scholarship (RES), comprising of an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) Scholarship funded by the Australian Government, plus a Top-up funded by the University of Technology Sydney, received from the primary author (JCM)
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