43 research outputs found

    A platform for a dialogue to be continued. Forward thinking in agriculture and food

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    International audienceHow can agriculture produce food for 9 billion inhabitants in 2050 and achieve the Millennium Development Goals of alleviating poverty, reducing hunger and protecting the environment? In order to take up these challenges and to design tomorrow's food and agriculture systems, research organizations have to define strategies and options, and public policy makers their priorities from now on, relying on foresight studies. Various studies have been conducted to assess scenarios for the long-term future of food and agriculture in the world. Each one has its own objectives, methodologies, and results. Analyzing, comparing and discussing hypotheses, methodologies and results were the objectives of the FI4IAR/CTA seminar "Thinking Forward: assessments, projections and foresights", organized during the GCARD 2010 process. This dialogue, which sometimes led to scientific disputes, proved productive and encouraging. Is it a forum that should be continued in the future

    Dynamique sédimentaire riveraine des lacs boréaux de petite taille, Radisson, Québec

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    A new method for facilitating tree-ring measurement on charcoal form archaeological and natural contexts.

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    International audienceFor the past 20 years, the application of dendrology to charcoal fragments found in an archaeological context has encountered the problem of the fragility of the material for its routine development. Friability and fragmentation are among the reasons for the difficulty of the dendrochronological approach. In order to meet this restrictive element, we present a new method in this article and assess its feasibility. The fixing of charcoal by means of a thermo-shrinking sheath makes it possible to preserve it from the risks of destruction during the various stages from sampling to storage. This constriction using a sheath makes it possible to polish the whole of the transversal plane of a flat surface, thus facilitating measurement of the growth ring characteristics. The feasibility was tested on 95 samples of charcoal, corresponding to eight ligneous taxa sampled in different archaeological contexts. A series of tree-ring widths was measured on 80 pieces of charcoal. The synchronicity between the radii of the same piece of charcoal was excellent, only three samples possessing radii with a GleichlĂ€ufigkeit index (Glk) 50% of the body demonstrated very good concordance (Glk > 70), making it possible to validate the method on several pieces of charcoal originating from the same context. Thus, thanks to the sheath, the initial condition of the charcoal was preserved and fixed in time. The flat surface created made it possible to take reliable measurements of the rings in the charcoal and these were comparable to the methods normally used in dendrochronology on wood. The ease of manipulation opens up the possibility of applying the dendrological approach to numerous anthracological studies in archaeological and paleo-ecological contexts

    Nouvelle Ă©tude d’un four Ă  amphore dans le complexe artisanal de Loron (Tar Vabriga Torre Abrega, Croatie). Premiers rĂ©sultats de l’étude archĂ©ologique et anthracologique

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    International audienceThe great workshop of Loron (Tar-Vabriga, Croatia) corresponds to an out of standard complex of pottery production, known as the property of senators and emperors, from Domitian to Hadrian. Built on the seashore around 10 AD, on the territory of the colony of Parentium (Poreč), it was mainly dedicated to the large-scale production of Dressel 6B oil amphorae, intended for exportation. From 2012 onwards, an international scientific program focuses on the exploitation of natural resources, especially fuel to supply the high yield kilns. The methodological approach, based on archaeological and bioarcheological datas (anthracology and dendrometry), shows that the amphorae production is based on a rational management of forest, and a sustainable land investment. The recent excavation of one of the kilns, perfectly preserved, with a set of intact carbonized logs of wood discovered in the praefurnium can precise the management of the fuel and the functioning of the kilns in the last phase of activity of the complex. The results will be compared with the datas of other ceramic workshop centers, in Gaul and Baetica, on which similar interdisciplinary studies have been conducted. The case of Loron is one of the few examples of application of bio-archaeological approach on a potters’ workshop during the High Empire. The problematic of deforestation during the Antiquity is renewed thanks to this approach

    Diagnostic global d'exploitation agricole: Une proposition méthodologique

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    National audiencePour Ă©laborer un diagnostic d'exploitation, nous proposons une dĂ©marche systĂ©matique qui permet de repĂ©rer l'ensemble des atouts et des contraintes de l’exploitation. Pour Ă©quilibrer une approche globale avec une analyse plus dĂ©taillĂ©e, elle introduit un niveau intermĂ©diaire, appelĂ© fonction productive. Le diagnostic est produit par un observateur extĂ©rieur qui, en utilisant le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel dont il dispose, va apprĂ©cier les performances des diffĂ©rentes activitĂ©s de l'exploitation et les liens qu'elles ont entre elles. La mĂ©thode proposĂ©e s’appuie sur une enquĂȘte rĂ©alisable en une demi-journĂ©e sur l’exploitation. Cette mĂ©thode ne se substitue nullement Ă  celles mises au point par diverses Ă©quipes de l'Inra-Sad ou d'autres organismes. En effet, elle n’est ni un outil de gestion direct ou d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision, ni un outil pour Ă©laborer une typologie. Elle est plutĂŽt un complĂ©ment de ces divers outils avec lesquels elle peut s'articuler. Pour atteindre un caractĂšre opĂ©rationnel, cette mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e plusieurs fois, spĂ©cialement dans des exploitations laitiĂšres de Lorraine et de Haute-Savoie, par des chercheurs et des agents du dĂ©veloppement. Il s’agit plus d’une dĂ©marche que d’un outil figĂ© et fixĂ©

    DĂ©veloppement mĂ©thodologique et apports rĂ©cents de l’anthraco-chronologie Ă  l’étude des charbons de bois archĂ©ologiques

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    International audienceDepuis prĂšs de 20 ans, l’étude des spectres anthracologiques est de plus en plus souvent complĂ©tĂ©e par des analyses de morphologie des cernes (courbure, largeur moyenne, etc.). Cependant, dans ces Ă©tudes, l’aspect chronologique reste peu ou non exploitĂ© en raison de la friabilitĂ© des charbons de bois, qui affecte particuliĂšrement les restes de grande taille (diamĂštre supĂ©rieur Ă  2 cm), plus susceptibles de possĂ©der un grand nombre de cernes. Cette fragilitĂ© et la grande taille de ces charbons ne permettent pas d’appliquer les mĂ©thodes classiquement utilisĂ©es en anthracologie (cassure fraiche) ou en dendrochronologie (dĂ©coupe et ponçage) afin de crĂ©er une surface d’observation continue. Le protocole dĂ©veloppĂ© par Brossier et Poirier (2018) permet de s’affranchir de ces contraintes, en fixant le charbon dans sa position initiale Ă  l’aide d’une gaine thermorĂ©tractable. La crĂ©ation de cette surface plane rend ainsi possible la numĂ©risation Ă  haute dĂ©finition, la mesure des largeurs de cernes et l’observation anatomique sur la totalitĂ© du plan transversal. L’établissement de patrons d’accroissements ou de chronologies des charbons ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour Ă©clairer les durĂ©es d’occupation des sites, interdater des structures, documenter la gestion du combustible, etc. Cette communication porte sur les apports rĂ©cents de l’application de cette mĂ©thode, confirmant l’intĂ©rĂȘt de la gĂ©nĂ©ralisation de l’anthraco-chronologie. Sur le site d’Eyrein (19), l’étude, au moyen d’un tomographe (imagerie Ă  rayon x), de charbons issus d’une trentaine de fours Ă  pierres chauffĂ©es datĂ©s de l’ñge du Fer a permis d’interdater ces structures, suggĂ©rant le fonctionnement dans la longue durĂ©e de ce type d’alignement. Sur le site protohistorique de Combailleaux (34), les charbons de l’atelier de mĂ©tallurgie montrent une alternance de pĂ©riodes Ă  cernes larges et Ă  cernes Ă©troits, permettant d’aborder la gestion des boisements. Enfin, la prĂ©sentation de bois d’Ɠuvre issus de diffĂ©rents sites antiques (Die, 26 ; Rirha, Maroc), permet de discuter de l’application du protocole d’échantillonnage, et de dĂ©terminer les quantitĂ©s minimales requises pour obtenir une information reprĂ©sentative. RĂ©fĂ©rence:Brossier & Poirier (2018). A new method for facilitating tree-ring measurement on charcoal form archaeological and natural contexts. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 19 : 115-126.Brossier et al. (2020). Nouveau protocole de prĂ©lĂšvement et de prĂ©paration des macro‐charbons pour une gĂ©nĂ©ralisation des Ă©tudes anthraco‐chronologiques, BioarchĂ©ologie : minimums mĂ©thodologiques, rĂ©fĂ©rentiels communs et nouvelles approches : Actes du 4e sĂ©minaire scientifique et technique de l’Inrap, 28-29 nov. 2019, SĂ©lestat, Inrap, 14 p.Beausoleil et al. (2007). Un alignement de fours Ă  pierres chauffĂ©es du premier Ăąge du Fer: la ligne de feux d'Eyrein (CorrĂšze). Documents d'archĂ©ologie mĂ©ridionale : 29-30

    : Production and management of fuel for the imperial ceramic workshop of Loron (Croatia). An archaeological and anthracological approach

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    International audienceThe great workshop of Loron (Tar-Vabriga, Croatia) corresponds to an out of standard complex of pottery production, known as the property of senators and emperors, from Domitian to Hadrian. Built on the seashore around 10 AD, on the territory of the colony of Parentium (Poreč), it was mainly dedicated to the large-scale production of Dressel 6B oil amphorae, intended for exportation. From 2012 onwards, an international scientific program focuses on the exploitation of natural resources, especially fuel to supply the high yield kilns. The methodological approach, based on archaeological and bioarcheological datas (anthracology and dendrometry), shows that the amphorae production is based on a rational management of forest, and a sustainable land investment. The recent excavation of one of the kilns, perfectly preserved, with a set of intact carbonized logs of wood discovered in the praefurnium can precise the management of the fuel and the functioning of the kilns in the last phase of activity of the complex. The results will be compared with the datas of other ceramic workshop centers, in Gaul and Baetica, on which similar interdisciplinary studies have been conducted. The case of Loron is one of the few examples of application of bio-archaeological approach on a potters’ workshop during the High Empire. The problematic of deforestation during the Antiquity is renewed thanks to this approach