455 research outputs found

    Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define conservation objectives for Hatch Mere: Report for Cheshire Wildlife Trust

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    This is the final report to Natural England on the project ‘Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives for Hatch Mere’. The aim is to use existing and recently developed palaeoecological techniques to define reference conditions and assess the condition of Hatch Mere Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in the Cheshire meres, and thereby assist in the setting of conservation objectives and management goals. Two sediment cores (one open water and one marginal), approximately 1 m in length, were collected from Hatch Mere in August 2011. The cores were sampled at 1 cm intervals throughout and approximately ten samples from each site were analysed for diatoms, Cladocera, macrofossils, geochemistry (XRF) and pigments. The cores were dated using radiometric techniques in order to place the fossil remains within a known time frame. An existing diatom-total phosphorus (TP) transfer function was applied to the diatom data to reconstruct the nutrient history of the mere. The dating results suggest that the open water core (HAT3) extends back to ~1800 AD and the marginal core extends back beyond ~17o00 AD. The palaeoecological data indicate that the site has been a moderately enriched lake for the whole of the period represented by the cores with diatom-inferred TP concentrations of ~30 μg L-1 in the lower part of the record. However, there were marked changes across a range of indicators from the early 1800s indicative of enrichment, which has continued through the twentieth century. The key changes were the expansion of the eutrophic diatom species Cyclostephanos dubius and hence an increase in diatom-inferred TP to ~84 μg L-1, a steady increase in pigment concentrations from all algal groups, and shifts in the zooplankton community indicative of increased pelagic productivity. Eutrophication has resulted in marked changes in the aquatic plant community from a structurally diverse flora with abundant Charophytes, nymphaeids and taxa with a mix of seasonalities to the current state with no submerged flora and only Nuphar lutea. The most notable changes in the macrofossil record have occurred from the mid-1800s and are, therefore, coincident with the main phase of enrichment. The dominance of the upper sediments by planktonic zooplankton and abundant Daphnia ephippia towards the top of the core, lends further weight to a plankton dominated system. This study provides information on the plant and animal communities that were present in the lake prior to the major eutrophication phase and this significantly alters the generic target previously set for the lake and will be valuable for setting targets for future management of the site

    Computational Characterization and Prediction of Estrogen Receptor Coactivator Binding Site Inhibitors

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    Many carcinogens have been shown to cause tissue specific tumors in animal models. The mechanism for this specificity has not been fully elucidated and is usually attributed to differences in organ metabolism. For heterocyclic amines, potent carcinogens that are formed in well-done meat, the ability to either bind to the estrogen receptor and activate or inhibit an estrogenic response will have a major impact on carcinogenicity. Here we describe our work with the human estrogen receptor alpha (hERa) and the mutagenic/carcinogenic heterocyclic amines PhIP, MeIQx, IFP, and the hydroxylated metabolite of PhIP, N2-hydroxy-PhIP. We found that PhIP, in contrast to the other heterocyclic amines, increased cell-proliferation in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells and activated the hERa receptor. We show mechanistic data supporting this activation both computationally by homology modeling and docking, and by NMR confirmation that PhIP binds with the ligand binding domain (LBD). This binding competes with estradiol (E2) in the native E2 binding cavity of the receptor. We also find that other heterocyclic amines and N2-hydroxy-PhIP inhibit ER activation presumably by binding into another cavity on the LBD. Moreover, molecular dynamics simulations of inhibitory heterocyclic amines reveal a disruption of the surface of the receptor protein involved with protein-protein signaling. We therefore propose that the mechanism for the tissue specific carcinogenicity seen in the rat breast tumors and the presumptive human breast cancer associated with the consumption of well-done meat maybe mediated by this receptor activation

    Rapid, non-invasive, in vivo measurement of tissue mechanical properties using gravitational loading and a nonlinear virtual fields method

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    Measuring the mechanical properties of soft tissues in vivo is important in biomechanics and for diagnosis and staging of diseases, but challenging because it is difficult to control the boundary conditions. We present a novel, non-invasive method for measuring tissue properties using gravitational loading. MRI images of an organ in different positions are registered to measure tissue displacements due to gravitational forces in different positions. Considering equilibrium between stresses and gravity, we established a nonlinear virtual fields method to identify the tissue properties. The method was applied to the human brain as a proof of concept, using an Ogden model. Sensitivity analysis showed that the bulk modulus could be identified accurately whilst the shear modulus was identified with greater uncertainty; the strains were too small to identify the strain stiffening exponent. The measured properties agreed well with published in vitro data. The technique offers very promising perspectives, allowing the non-invasive measurement of otherwise inaccessible tissues and providing new information such as the bulk modulus under static loading, which has never previously been measured in vivo

    Locating and building knowledges outside of the academy : approaches to engaged teaching at the University of Sheffield

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    This article draws on three case studies, which illuminate a number of practical, ethical and intellectual issues that arise from engaged teaching activities within the curriculum. Projects from the disciplines of Architecture, English and Journalism Studies illustrate the possibilities offered by learning and teaching projects which emphasise public facing, co-produced knowledge as central components. It is argued that such approaches enable dynamic forms of learning to emerge, which work to expand the parameters of subject-specific knowledge while enabling the development of citizenship attributes and employability skills amongst students in ways that deepen, rather than dilute, intellectual rigour. The article locates these practical pedagogical reflections within theoretical frameworks offered by those working (largely in North America* on publicly engaged approaches to scholarship and seeks to draw connections with contemporary developments in learning and teaching in the UK. Keywords: civic university; engaged teaching; engaged scholarship; co-productio

    Lake Acidification in the United Kingdom II. A preliminary report to the Department of the Environment under Contract PECD 7/10/167

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    This report summarises progress made in Department of the Environment project PECD 7/10/167 - "causes and extent of lake acidification in the United Kingdom". It includes data and results available at the present time and indicates where work is still in progress. We expect that all work will be completed on schedule and that a final report will be issued shortly after completion of the contract (March 31st 1990)

    Effect of cyclosporine on hepatic cytosolic estrogen and androgen receptor levels before and after partial hepatectomy

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    Estrogen and androgen receptors within the liver have been reported to modulate the hepatic regenerative response to partial hepatectomy. Moreover, cyclosporine has several untoward effects that might occur as a consequence of alterations in sex hormone activity. To evaluate these questions the following experiments were performed. Estrogen and androgen receptors in cytosol were quantitated in livers of rats treated with cyclosporine or olive oil vehicle before and after partial hepatectomy or a sham operation. Ornithine decarboxylase activity and thymidine kinase activity were assessed as indices of hepatic regeneration. Preoperative levels of estrogen receptor activity in the hepatic cytosol were significantly greater in rats treated with cyclosporine as compared to vehicle treated controls (P<0.01). In contrast, preoperative levels of androgen receptor activity in the cyclosporine-treated and vehicle-treated animals were similar. Following partial hepatectomy, a reduction in the activity of both sex hormone receptors in the hepatic cytosol was observed and was compatible with results described previously in normal animals. Unexpectedly the preoperative levels of ornithine decarboxylase (P<0.01) and thymidine kinase activity (P<0.01) were significantly greater in the rats treated with cyclosporine as compared to the vehicle treated controls. As expected, ornithine decarboxylase activity (at 6 hr) and thymidine kinase activity (at 24 hr) rose and peaked in response to a partial hepatectomy but were significantly greater (P<0.05) in the rats treated with cyclosporine as compared to the vehicle. These results show that cyclosporine treatment causes an increase in the hepatic content of estrogen receptor activity that is associated with an enhanced potential for a regenerative response. These effects of cyclosporine treatment on the sex hormone receptor levels in liver may explain the mechanisms responsible for some of the untoward effects of treatment with this agent. © 1990 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Connectivity and zebra mussel invasion offer short‐term buffering of eutrophication impacts on floodplain lake landscape biodiversity

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    Aim To investigate if connectivity and zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) occurrence can mitigate effects of eutrophication in a lowland lake landscape. Location Upper Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, UK. Methods Data on environment, macrophytes and invertebrates were assembled for three basins of a large central lake and its satellite floodplain lakes via field surveys and palaeolimnological analyses. Space–time interaction analyses of palaeoecological data were compared pre‐1950 and post‐1950. Multivariate analyses examined how connectivity, environment and zebra mussels influenced contemporary lake communities, and explain their divergence from historical communities in the past. Results Pre‐1950, we found high community variation across sites and low within‐lake variation in macrophytes, but progressive eutrophication accentuated within‐lake community variation after 1950. Partitioning analysis showed larger effects of connectivity than nutrient enrichment on contemporary macrophyte composition, while local effects structured invertebrate communities. Three clusters of lakes were revealed according to variation in macrophyte composition, isolation from the central lake and nutrient enrichment: Group 1– the central lake and six nearby lakes were meso‐eutrophic (TP = 66.7 ± 47.6 μg/L; TN = 0.79 ± 0.41 mg/L) and had the highest zebra mussel abundances and organismal biodiversity; Group 2– Eight eutrophic (TP = 112±36.6 μg/L; TN = 1.25 ± 0.5 mg/L) and connected lakes; Group 3– Seven isolated and hypertrophic (TP = 163.2 ± 101.5 μg/L; TN = 1.55 ± 0.3 mg/L) lakes. Pre‐1950 palaeolimnological data for macrophytes and invertebrates for 5 lakes and a basin in the central lake most resembled extant lake communities of Group 1. However, palaeo‐records revealed that macrophytes and invertebrates subsequently converged towards those of Groups 2 and 3. Main conclusions Our study reveals that the central “mother” lake acts as a hub for preserving biodiversity via shared hydrological connectivity with satellite lakes and high zebra mussel abundances. These may buffer the impoverishing effects of eutrophication and sustain unexpectedly high biodiversity in the short term. Such protective buffering, however, cannot be relied upon indefinitely to conserve biodiversity