3,770 research outputs found

    On the secondary instability of Taylor-Goertler vortices to Tollmien-Schlichting waves in fully-developed flows

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    There are many flows of practical importance where both Tollmien-Schlichting waves and Taylor-Goertler vortices are possible causes of transition to turbulence. The effect of fully nonlinear Taylor-Goertler vortices on the growth of small amplitude Tollmien-Schlichting waves is investigated. The basic state considered is the fully developed flow between concentric cylinders driven by an azimuthal pressure gradient. It is hoped that an investigation of this problem will shed light on the more complicated external boundary layer problem where again both modes of instability exist in the presence of concave curvature. The type of Tollmein-Schlichting waves considered have the asymptotic structure of lower branch modes of plane Poisseulle flow. Whilst instabilities at lower Reynolds number are possible, the latter modes are simpler to analyze and more relevant to the boundary layer problem. The effect of fully nonlinear Taylor-Goertler vortices on both two-dimensional and three-dimensional waves is determined. It is shown that, whilst the maximum growth as a function of frequency is not greatly affected, there is a large destabilizing effect over a large range of frequencies

    Law, sex and the city: Regulating sexual entertainment venues in England and Wales

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    Purpose – This paper aims to explore how municipal law, in its various guises, serves to police the boundaries of acceptable sexual conduct by considering how Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in British cities are controlled through diverse techniques of licensing and planning control. Design/methodology/approach – The paper describes the emergence of permissive new licensing controls that provide local authorities considerable control over SEVs. Licensing decisions, judicial review cases and planning inspectorate adjudications since the inception of the new powers are examined to explore the logic of judgements preventing SEVs operating in specific localities. Findings – Through analysis of case studies, it is shown that local authorities have almost total discretion to prevent SEVs operating in specific localities, particularly those undergoing, or anticipated to be undergoing, redevelopment and regeneration. Originality/value – This paper offers unique insights on the “scope” of municipal law by highlighting how land uses associated with “sexual minority” interests are regulated in the interests of urban regeneration, redevelopment and restructuring

    2015 Zips SAE Baja Brakes and Throttle System

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    The SAE Baja student design team at The University of Akron is one of the longest-standing design teams at the university. The purpose of this team is to design, manufacture, test, and race an off-road vehicle within the guidelines of competition established by the Society of Automotive Engineers. The vehicle is made up of a small number of subsystems including frame, drivetrain, suspension, steering, and braking. The following will discuss all aspects of the design process of the braking and throttle system of the 2015 Zips Baja car. This process includes several steps and considerations such as design goals, system performance calculations, stress analysis, and manufacturability. Once the final design is established, the manufacturing process will be outlined. The performance of the finished system will be analyzed and the necessary changes will be made to optimize design, and therefore, performance

    Care ethics, needs recognition, and educational encounters

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    Care ethics takes as central the discerning of needs in those being cared for and attempts to meet those needs. Perceptive caring agents are more likely to be able to identify needs in those for whom they are caring. The identification of needs is no small matter, not least in teaching encounters. This paper modestly proposes that at least some of the needs a caring agent should attempt to meet are a function of the identity of the patient of caring action. Taking Nel Noddings’ account of care ethics as representative, I shall present it in outline. This leads to the needs-identification problematic. Following this I turn to Soran Reader’s account of needs. I interpret this to offer what I designate as identity as ‘what-ness’. Such an understanding of identity-based needs is a starting point for the caring agent but a more nuanced account, of identity as ‘who-ness’, will be argued to be preferable. Identity as ‘who-ness’, drawing on Paul Ricoeur’s work, moves the discussion along a great deal, culminating as it does in his concept of the ‘capable human being’. Having brought this aspect of Ricoeur’s thought into conversation with care ethics, I offer an account of identity-based needs conducive to the broader aims of the care ethical project. Finally, I consider what this bolstered account of care ethics might say about a brief and illustrative teaching encounter

    Careers and contingencies: Constructing careers in the music and building industries

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    The idea of understanding working life in terms of a "career" may seem commonsense for societies characterised by a complex division of labour and individual progressions through a hierarchy of positions. This is not always the case. The activities, understandings and contingencies associated with many careers are not widely understood, and it is these career-oriented activities and understandings that are apt to be of particular significance in establishing an identity for the worker. In this paper we explore how careers are made and understood in two workplace cultures: the orchestra and the building industry. Our argument is that while these workplaces are structured in very different ways, there are distinct similarities in the constraints and possibilities faced by their respective workforces. Through a comparative account of these two workplace cultures we seek to show that we can better understand each by teasing out ethnographic insights that illuminate features of the other