33,662 research outputs found

    Quantum cryptography protocols robust against photon number splitting attacks for weak laser pulses implementations

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    We introduce a new class of quantum quantum key distribution protocols, tailored to be robust against photon number splitting (PNS) attacks. We study one of these protocols, which differs from the BB84 only in the classical sifting procedure. This protocol is provably better than BB84 against PNS attacks at zero error.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Scaling Laws for Non-Intercommuting Cosmic String Networks

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    We study the evolution of non-interacting and entangled cosmic string networks in the context of the velocity-dependent one-scale model. Such networks may be formed in several contexts, including brane inflation. We show that the frozen network solution LaL\propto a, although generic, is only a transient one, and that the asymptotic solution is still LtL\propto t as in the case of ordinary (intercommuting) strings, although in the present context the universe will usually be string-dominated. Thus the behaviour of two strings when they cross does not seem to affect their scaling laws, but only their densities relative to the background.Comment: Phys. Rev. D (in press); v2: final published version (references added, typos corrected

    On Multipartite Pure-State Entanglement

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    We show that pure states of multipartite quantum systems are multiseparable (i.e. give separable density matrices on tracing any party) if and only if they have a generalized Schmidt decomposition. Implications of this result for the quantification of multipartite pure-state entanglement are discussed. Further, as an application of the techniques used here, we show that any purification of a bipartite PPT bound entangled state is tri-inseparable, i.e. has none of its three bipartite partial traces separable.Comment: 8 Pages ReVTeX, 4 figures (eps); v2: Revised terminology, added two references and other minor changes; v3: Minor changes, added two references, added author's middle initial; v4: One footnote remove

    Quantum key distribution with 2-bit quantum codes

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    We propose a prepare-and-measure scheme for quantum key distribution with 2-bit quantum codes. The protocol is unconditionally secure under whatever type of intercept-and-resend attack. Given the symmetric and independent errors to the transmitted qubits, our scheme can tolerate a bit error rate up to 26% in 4-state protocol and 30% in 6-state protocol, respectively. These values are higher than all currently known threshold values for prepare-and-measure protocols. A specific realization with linear optics is given.Comment: Approved for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The Impact of Line Misidentification on Cosmological Constraints from Euclid and other Spectroscopic Galaxy Surveys

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    We perform forecasts for how baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale and redshift-space distortion (RSD) measurements from future spectroscopic emission line galaxy (ELG) surveys such as Euclid are degraded in the presence of spectral line misidentification. Using analytic calculations verified with mock galaxy catalogs from log-normal simulations we find that constraints are degraded in two ways, even when the interloper power spectrum is modeled correctly in the likelihood. Firstly, there is a loss of signal-to-noise ratio for the power spectrum of the target galaxies, which propagates to all cosmological constraints and increases with contamination fraction, fcf_c. Secondly, degeneracies can open up between fcf_c and cosmological parameters. In our calculations this typically increases BAO scale uncertainties at the 10-20% level when marginalizing over parameters determining the broadband power spectrum shape. External constraints on fcf_c, or parameters determining the shape of the power spectrum, for example from cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements, can remove this effect. There is a near-perfect degeneracy between fcf_c and the power spectrum amplitude for low fcf_c values, where fcf_c is not well determined from the contaminated sample alone. This has the potential to strongly degrade RSD constraints. The degeneracy can be broken with an external constraint on fcf_c, for example from cross-correlation with a separate galaxy sample containing the misidentified line, or deeper sub-surveys.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, updated to match version accepted by ApJ (extra paragraph added at the end of Section 4.3, minor text edits

    Quantum computers can search arbitrarily large databases by a single query

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    This paper shows that a quantum mechanical algorithm that can query information relating to multiple items of the database, can search a database in a single query (a query is defined as any question to the database to which the database has to return a (YES/NO) answer). A classical algorithm will be limited to the information theoretic bound of at least O(log N) queries (which it would achieve by using a binary search).Comment: Several enhancements to the original pape


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    We show that entanglement-assisted transformations of bipartite entangled states can be more efficient than catalysis [D. Jonathan and M. B. Plenio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3566 (1999)}, i.e., given two incomparable bipartite states not only can the transformation be enabled by performing collective operations with an auxiliary entangled state, but the entanglement of the auxiliary state itself can be enhanced. We refer to this phenomenon as supercatalysis. We provide results on the properties of supercatalysis and its relationship with catalysis. In particular, we obtain a useful necessary and sufficient condition for catalysis, provide several sufficient conditions for supercatalysis and study the extent to which entanglement of the auxiliary state can be enhanced via supercatalysis.Comment: Latex, 5 page

    On the origin of noisy states whose teleportation fidelity can be enhanced through dissipation

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    Recently Badziag \emph{et al.} \cite{badziag} obtained a class of noisy states whose teleportation fidelity can be enhanced by subjecting one of the qubits to dissipative interaction with the environment via amplitude damping channel (ADC). We show that such noisy states result while sharing the states (| \Phi ^{\pm}> =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(| 00> \pm | 11>)) across ADC. We also show that under similar dissipative interactions different Bell states give rise to noisy entangled states that are qualitatively very different from each other in the sense, only the noisy entangled states constructed from the Bell states (| \Phi ^{\pm}>) can \emph{}be made better sometimes by subjecting the unaffected qubit to a dissipative interaction with the environment. Importantly if the noisy state is non teleporting then it can always be made teleporting with this prescription. We derive the most general restrictions on improvement of such noisy states assuming that the damping parameters being different for both the qubits. However this curious prescription does not work for the noisy entangled states generated from (| \Psi ^{\pm}> =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(| 01> \pm | 10>)). This shows that an apriori knowledge of the noisy channel might be helpful to decide which Bell state needs to be shared between Alice and Bob. \emph{}Comment: Latex, 18 pages: Revised version with a new result. Submitted to PR

    Calculation of transonic steady and oscillatory pressures on a low aspect ratio model and comparison with experiment

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    Pressure data measured by the British Royal Aircraft Establishment for the AGARD SMP tailplane are compared with results calculated using the transonic small perturbation code XTRAN3S. A brief description of the analysis is given and a recently developed finite difference grid is described. Results are presented for five steady and nine harmonically oscillating cases near zero angle of attack and for a range of subsonic and transonic Mach numbers

    Semantic categories underlying the meaning of ‘place’

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    This paper analyses the semantics of natural language expressions that are associated with the intuitive notion of ‘place’. We note that the nature of such terms is highly contested, and suggest that this arises from two main considerations: 1) there are a number of logically distinct categories of place expression, which are not always clearly distinguished in discourse about ‘place’; 2) the many non-substantive place count nouns (such as ‘place’, ‘region’, ‘area’, etc.) employed in natural language are highly ambiguous. With respect to consideration 1), we propose that place-related expressions should be classified into the following distinct logical types: a) ‘place-like’ count nouns (further subdivided into abstract, spatial and substantive varieties), b) proper names of ‘place-like’ objects, c) locative property phrases, and d) definite descriptions of ‘place-like’ objects. We outline possible formal representations for each of these. To address consideration 2), we examine meanings, connotations and ambiguities of the English vocabulary of abstract and generic place count nouns, and identify underlying elements of meaning, which explain both similarities and differences in the sense and usage of the various terms