18 research outputs found

    Setting priorities in river management using habitat suitability models

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    Worldwide river systems are under pressure from human development. River managers need to identify the most important stressors in a stream basin, to propose effective management interventions for river restoration. In the European Union, the Water Framework Directive proposes the ecological status as the management endpoint for these interventions. Many decision support tools exist that use predictive water quality models to evaluate different river management scenarios, but only a few consider a river’s ecological status in this analysis explicitly. This paper presents a novel method, which combines abiotic monitoring data and biological monitoring data, to provide information and insight on why the ecological status does not reach the good status. We use habitat suitability models as a decision support tool, which can identify the most important stressors in river systems to define management scenarios. To this end, we disassemble the ecological status into its individual building blocks, i.e., the community composition, and we use habitat suitability models to perform an ecological gap analysis. In this paper, we present our method and its underlying ecological concepts, and we illustrate its benefits by applying the method on a regional level for Flanders using a biotic index, the Multimetric Macroinvertebrate Index Flanders (MMIF). To evaluate our method, we calculated the number of correctly classified instances (CCI = 47.7%) and the root-mean-square error (RMSE = 0.18) on the MMIF class and the MMIF value. Furthermore, there is a monotonic decreasing relationship between the results of the priority classification and the ecological status expressed by the MMIF, which is strengthened by the inclusion of ecological concepts in our method (Pearson’s R2 −0.92 vs. −0.87). In addition, the results of our method are complementary to information derived from the legal targets set for abiotic variables. Thus, our proposed method can further optimize the inclusion of monitoring data for the sake of sustainable decisions in river management

    Modelling tools to analyze and assess the ecological impact of hydropower dams

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    We critically analyzed a set of ecological models that are used to assess the impact of hydropower dams on water quality and habitat suitability for biological communities. After a literature search, we developed an integrated conceptual model that illustrates the linkages between the main input variables, model approaches, the output variables and biotic-abiotic interactions in the ecosystems related to hydropower dams. We found that variations in water flow and water depth coupled with increased nutrient availability are major variables that contribute to structural and functional ecosystem changes. We also found that ecological models are an important tool to assess the impact of hydropower dams. For instance, model simulation of different scenarios (e.g., with and without the dam, different operation methods) can analyze and predict the related ecosystem shifts. However, one of the remaining shortcomings of these models is the limited capacity to separate dam-related impacts from other anthropogenic influences (e.g., agriculture, urbanization). Moreover, collecting sufficient high-quality data to increase the statistical power remains a challenge. The severely altered conditions (e.g., generation of very deep lakes) also lead to difficulties for standardized data collection. We see future opportunities in the integration of models to improve the understanding of the different processes affected by hydropower dam development and operation, as well as the use of remote sensing methods for data collection

    Predicting fish community responses to environmental policy targets

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    The European Union adopted the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the year 2000 to tackle the rapid degradation of freshwater systems. However, biological, hydromorphological, and physico-chemical water quality targets are currently not met, and identifying successful policy implementation and management actions is of key importance. We built a joint species distribution model for riverine fish in Flanders (Belgium) to better understand the response of fish communities to current environmental policy goals. Environmental covariates included physico-chemical variables and hydromorphological quality indices, while waterway distances accounted for spatial effects. We detected strong effects of physico-chemistry on fish species' distributions. Evaluation of fish community responses to simulated policy scenarios revealed that targeting a 'good' status, following the WFD, increases average species richness with a fraction of species (0.13-0.69 change in accumulated occurrence probabilities). Targeting a 'very good' status, however, predicted an increase of 0.17-1.38 in average species richness. These simulations indicated that riverbed quality, nitrogen, and conductivity levels should be the focal point of policy. However, the weak response of species to a 'good' quality together with the complexity of nutrient-associated problems, suggest a challenging future for river restoration in Flanders.Peer reviewe

    Modeling for decision support in integrated water management using an ecosystem approach

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    Development and selection of decision trees for water management : impact of data preprocessing, algorithms and settings

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    In the present research, we found that different preprocessing options and parameterizations of classification and regression trees alter their model fit and have a direct effect on their applicability for end-users. We found that, in terms of applicability, classification trees react different to pruning than regression trees. Indeed, in case of high pruning levels, classification focus on the extreme values of the response variable, whereas regression tree are more likely to predict the intermediate values. Furthermore, when applying cross-validation with a high number of folds, modellers are likely to find one model that outperforms the other models in terms of reliability. Models were assessed based on the determination coefficient, the percentage of Correctly Classified Instances and the Cohen's Kappa statistic for each parameterization. We found positive correlations (R-2 > 0.70) between the statistical criteria and we found a non-linear negative relation between the model fit and the level of pruning. Therefore, environmental modellers should make use of an exhaustive list of model parameterizations to develop and compare environmental models in a transparent and objective manner. General methodological guidelines derived from the present research may help modellers to efficiently select statistical and ecological relevant models that are meeting the needs of users. The validity of our conclusion should be further tested for other datasets and scientific domains as our findings are based on one set of freshwater data