5,503 research outputs found

    ModHMM: A Modular Supra-Bayesian Genome Segmentation Method

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    Genome segmentation methods are powerful tools to obtain cell type or tissue-specific genome-wide annotations and are frequently used to discover regulatory elements. However, traditional segmentation methods show low predictive accuracy and their data-driven annotations have some undesirable properties. As an alternative, we developed ModHMM, a highly modular genome segmentation method. Inspired by the supra-Bayesian approach, it incorporates predictions from a set of classifiers. This allows to compute genome segmentations by utilizing state-of-the-art methodology. We demonstrate the method on ENCODE data and show that it outperforms traditional segmentation methods not only in terms of predictive performance, but also in qualitative aspects. Therefore, ModHMM is a valuable alternative to study the epigenetic and regulatory landscape across and within cell types or tissues

    An Iterative Model Reduction Scheme for Quadratic-Bilinear Descriptor Systems with an Application to Navier-Stokes Equations

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    We discuss model reduction for a particular class of quadratic-bilinear (QB) descriptor systems. The main goal of this article is to extend the recently studied interpolation-based optimal model reduction framework for QBODEs [Benner et al. '16] to a class of descriptor systems in an efficient and reliable way. Recently, it has been shown in the case of linear or bilinear systems that a direct extension of interpolation-based model reduction techniques to descriptor systems, without any modifications, may lead to poor reduced-order systems. Therefore, for the analysis, we aim at transforming the considered QB descriptor system into an equivalent QBODE system by means of projectors for which standard model reduction techniques for QBODEs can be employed, including aforementioned interpolation scheme. Subsequently, we discuss related computational issues, thus resulting in a modified algorithm that allows us to construct \emph{near}--optimal reduced-order systems without explicitly computing the projectors used in the analysis. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is illustrated by means of a numerical example, obtained via semi-discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations

    The knowledge-based software assistant

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    Where the Knowledge Based Software Assistant (KBSA) is now, four years after the initial report, is discussed. Also described is what the Rome Air Development Center expects at the end of the first contract iteration. What the second and third contract iterations will look like are characterized

    A fixed-base simulation study of two STOL aircraft flying curved, descending instrument approach paths

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    A real-time, fixed-base simulation study has been conducted to determine the curved, descending approach paths (within passenger-comfort limits) that would be acceptable to pilots, the flight-director-system logic requirements for curved-flight-path guidance, and the paths which can be flown within proposed microwave landing system (MLS) coverage angles. Two STOL aircraft configurations were used in the study. Generally, no differences in the results between the two STOL configurations were found. The investigation showed that paths with a 1828.8 meter turn radius and a 1828.8 meter final-approach distance were acceptable without winds and with winds up to at least 15 knots for airspeeds from 75 to 100 knots. The altitude at roll-out from the final turn determined which final-approach distances were acceptable. Pilots preferred to have an initial straight leg of about 1 n. mi. after MLS guidance acquisition before turn intercept. The size of the azimuth coverage angle necessary to meet passenger and pilot criteria depends on the size of the turn angle: plus or minus 60 deg was adequate to cover all paths execpt ones with a 180 deg turn

    Order reduction approaches for the algebraic Riccati equation and the LQR problem

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    We explore order reduction techniques for solving the algebraic Riccati equation (ARE), and investigating the numerical solution of the linear-quadratic regulator problem (LQR). A classical approach is to build a surrogate low dimensional model of the dynamical system, for instance by means of balanced truncation, and then solve the corresponding ARE. Alternatively, iterative methods can be used to directly solve the ARE and use its approximate solution to estimate quantities associated with the LQR. We propose a class of Petrov-Galerkin strategies that simultaneously reduce the dynamical system while approximately solving the ARE by projection. This methodology significantly generalizes a recently developed Galerkin method by using a pair of projection spaces, as it is often done in model order reduction of dynamical systems. Numerical experiments illustrate the advantages of the new class of methods over classical approaches when dealing with large matrices

    Overview of SERI's high efficiency solar cell research

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    The bulk of the research efforts supported by the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) High Efficiency Concepts area has been directed towards establishing the feasibility of achieving very high efficiencies, 30% for concentrator and more than 20% for thin film flat plate, in solar cell designs which could possibly be produced competitively. The research has accomplished a great deal during the past two years. Even though the desired performance levels have not yet been demonstrated, based on the recent progress, a greater portion of the terrestrial photovoltaics community believes that these efficiencies are attainable. The program will now allocate a larger portion of resources to low cost, large area deposition technology. The program is currently shifting greater emphasis on to the study of crystal growth in order to provide the understanding and tools needed to design a large area process

    Quantifying the tissue-specific regulatory information within enhancer DNA sequences

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    Recent efforts to measure epigenetic marks across a wide variety of different cell types and tissues provide insights into the cell type-specific regulatory landscape. We use these data to study whether there exists a correlate of epigenetic signals in the DNA sequence of enhancers and explore with computational methods to what degree such sequence patterns can be used to predict cell type-specific regulatory activity. By constructing classifiers that predict in which tissues enhancers are active, we are able to identify sequence features that might be recognized by the cell in order to regulate gene expression. While classification performances vary greatly between tissues, we show examples where our classifiers correctly predict tissue-specific regulation from sequence alone. We also show that many of the informative patterns indeed harbor transcription factor footprints