16 research outputs found

    Turbulent blood dynamics in the left heart in the presence of mitral regurgitation: a computational study based on multi-series cine-MRI

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    In this work, we performed a computational image-based study of blood dynamics in the whole left heart, both in a healthy subject and in a patient with mitral valve regurgitation. We elaborated multi-series cine-MRI with the aim of reconstructing the geometry and the corresponding motion of left ventricle, left atrium, mitral and aortic valves, and aortic root of the subjects. This allowed us to prescribe such motion to computational blood dynamics simulations where, for the frst time, the whole left heart motion of the subject is considered, allowing us to obtain reliable subject-specifc information. The fnal aim is to investigate and compare between the subjects the occurrence of turbulence and the risk of hemolysis and of thrombi formation. In particular, we modeled blood with the Navier–Stokes equations in the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian framework, with a large eddy simulation model to describe the transition to turbulence and a resistive method to manage the valve dynamics, and we used a fnite element discretization implemented in an in-house code for the numerical solution

    An Image-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Mitral Regurgitation in Presence of Prolapse

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    Purpose: In this work we performed an imaged-based computational study of the systolic fluid dynamics in presence of mitral valve regurgitation (MVR). In particular, we compared healthy and different regurgitant scenarios with the aim of quantifying different hemodynamic quantities. Methods: We performed computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations in the left ventricle, left atrium and aortic root, with a resistive immersed method, a turbulence model, and with imposed systolic wall motion reconstructed from Cine-MRI images, which allowed us to segment also the mitral valve. For the regurgitant scenarios we considered an increase of the heart rate and a dilation of the left ventricle. Results: Our results highlighted that MVR gave rise to regurgitant jets through the mitral orifice impinging against the atrial walls and scratching against the mitral valve leading to high values of wall shear stresses (WSSs) with respect to the healthy case. Conclusion: CFD with prescribed wall motion and immersed mitral valve revealed to be an effective tool to quantitatively describe hemodynamics in case of MVR and to compare different regurgitant scenarios. Our findings highlighted in particular the presence of transition to turbulence in the atrium and allowed us to quantify some important cardiac indices such as cardiac output and WSS

    Safety of extended interval dosing immune checkpoint inhibitors:a multicenter cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Real-life spectrum and survival implications of immune-related adverse events (irAEs) in patients treated with extended interval dosing (ED) immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are unknown. METHODS: Characteristics of 812 consecutive solid cancer patients who received at least 1 cycle of ED monotherapy (pembrolizumab 400 mg Q6W or nivolumab 480 mg Q4W) after switching from canonical interval dosing (CD; pembrolizumab 200 mg Q3W or nivolumab 240 mg Q2W) or treated upfront with ED were retrieved. The primary objective was to compare irAEs patterns within the same population (before and after switch to ED). irAEs spectrum in patients treated upfront with ED and association between irAEs and overall survival were also described. RESULTS: A total of 550 (68%) patients started ICIs with CD and switched to ED. During CD, 225 (41%) patients developed any grade and 17 (3%) G3 or G4 irAEs; after switching to ED, any grade and G3 or G4 irAEs were experienced by 155 (36%) and 20 (5%) patients. Switching to ED was associated with a lower probability of any grade irAEs (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 0.83, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.64 to 0.99; P = .047), whereas no difference for G3 or G4 events was noted (aOR = 1.55, 95% CI = 0.81 to 2.94; P = .18). Among patients who started upfront with ED (n = 232, 32%), 107 (41%) developed any grade and 14 (5%) G3 or G4 irAEs during ED. Patients with irAEs during ED had improved overall survival (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.34 to 0.82; P = .004 after switching; aHR = 0.57, 95% CI = 0.35 to 0.93; P = .025 upfront). CONCLUSIONS: Switching ICI treatment from CD and ED did not increase the incidence of irAEs and represents a safe option also outside clinical trials.</p

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Readout of a labr3:ce continuous crystal by an mppc array: First results

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    In this work preliminary results of single-photon measurements made with a LaBr3:Ce continuous scintillation crystal (BrilLanCe 380™, by Saint-Gobain Crystals, FR) coupled to an array of Multi-Pixel Photon Counters (MPPC™, by Hamamatsu Photonics, JP) are presented. The array of 7 MPPCs was realized as the innermost element of the hexagonal Anger-like structure suitable for growing to larger areas by adding peripheral elements. The design of MPPC electronic readout for position determination was based on Anger logic. Wide-band amplifiers (by MITEQ®, US) were used for signals conditioning. Digitized traces of background, 57Co and 133Ba collimated irradiation were captured, characterized and stored by using the data-logging capabilities of a WaveMaster Oscilloscope (by LeCroy, US). Results are presented in terms of energy response, position sensing and signals fall and rise times. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Factors affecting Hamamatsu H8500 Flat Panel PMT calibration for gamma ray imaging

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    The Hamamatsu H8500 Flat Panel PMT is the latest technological advancement in gamma ray imaging. Its compact size makes it attractive for medical imaging applications. To study and compare image performance a Flat Panel PMT, representing the present production, was coupled to CsI(TI) and NaI(TI) scintillation arrays with 3 mm and 1.8 mm pixel size respectively and connected to a multi-anode electronic readout. Furthermore, a pulsed blue LED coupled to an optical fiber was utilized to scan the tube with different light distributions. This study investigated how PMT anode gain uniformity response, scintillation light distribution and intensity influence the spatial resolution, the position linearity and the image noise. Each crystal in the scintillation array produces a different charge distribution, which depends on the match between the anode size and the scintillation array lattice. The NaI(TI) array demonstrated to fit both PMT characteristics and dynamic range of electronic read out, due to the charge distribution adequate to the anode size. For CsI(TI) crystal, the pulse height calibration resulted more critical, due to the narrow light distribution. In conclusion,, the use of Flat Panel tube with selected anode gain uniformity could represent the cheapest and easiest solution to obtain the best image quality, in particular for scintillator array with smaller pixel size

    Assessing the status of amphibian breeding sites in Italy: a national survey

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    Assessing the status of amphibian breeding sites in Italy: a national survey

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    The ecological status of 203 amphibian aquatic breeding sites, selected from the national database of the Societas Herpetologica Italica (SHI), was surveyed in the period 2008-2009 to assess their ecological status. Sites were randomly extracted, after stratification by the three biogeographical regions present in Italy, besides Sardinia and Sicily. The field surveys, conducted by professionals, amateurs and volunteers, showed that since 1979 about 11% of the sites were destroyed or no more suitable for the reproduction of amphibians that bred in the same site in the past. The percentage of destroyed or altered sites was 8%, both in the Mediterranean and Alpine biogeographical regions, and 15% in the Continental one. However, there were no statistical significant differences among the regions, suggesting that the rate of amphibian site loss was similar in different parts of Italy. This nation-wide monitoring project demonstrated that in Italy, during the last thirty years, a relevant proportion of amphibian breeding habitats has been destroyed or altered. The main cause of site alteration were land reclamation and water extraction